Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 11 The ravings of a madman (asking for double monthly tickets)

Anthony Reed looked at Lumian and said calmly: What do you want?

Anthony with fat cheeks. Rhett showed a clear expression and pointed to the chair placed in the center of the room: I want to find two people.

Name, appearance, characteristics. Anthony. Reid glanced at Lumian's left waist.

One is named Guillaume Benet, who was once the parish priest of the Eternal Sun Church, and the other is named Pualis de Roquefort. More than a month ago, she, her husband Beost, and housekeeper Louis .Lund and the maid Cassie came to Trier together.

I don't have any photos of them. I can only tell you, Guillaume. Benet has short black hair and blue eyes. He is serious and has strong desires. His biggest feature is his hooked nose. Pualis has long, brown hair. , has a pair of bright brown eyes, relatively dull and sparse eyebrows, and a clean but attractive temperament...

After listening quietly, Anthony Reed stood up, walked to the wooden table by the window, opened the drawer, and took out a stack of white paper and a sharpened pencil.

He started sketching and soon completed two portraits.

See if it looks like it. Anthony Reed handed the two sketches to Lumian.

Lumian took it and took a look and found that both the curate and Mrs. Poialis were lifelike and lifelike. Except for the lack of color, they were not much different from the photos.

It's very similar.

Based on my simple description, you have restored it to this level? He thought it was Anthony. Rhett would make multiple drafts for himself to choose from, and then further revise and refine.

Anthony. Rhett gave a rare smile: I restored the photos on the official wanted poster.

The authorities are also looking for them.

No wonder...Lumian suddenly realized.

The curate Guillaume. Both Bene and Mrs. Pualis are believers of the evil god who have received gifts. After Laien and others report it, they will definitely attract corresponding attention!

Thinking of this, his uneasiness instantly worsened.

I must also be wanted...Anthony. Has Red seen my portrait? Has he recognized me? Lumian's heart skipped a beat as he pretended to be calm and asked the intelligence dealer in front of him. : I'm not surprised by this. I want to know how much their reward is?

Guillaume. Bene has 20,000 felgins and 500 felgins for each clue he provides. The same goes for Poialis.

Anthony. Rhett's tone was very steady.

Lumian smiled and said: If you can find useful information, you can get double the bounty.

What he means is that you can get one from the official place, and you can get another one from here.

Anthony nodded: I accept your commission, 500 ferkin, 100 in advance.

This is my rule. You don't have to accept it and find another intelligence dealer or bounty hunter.

no problem.

Just as he was about to take out the money, there was a sudden gunshot outside the window.

Anthony. Red suddenly trembled all over, as if he had encountered a natural enemy. He shrank up and swooped under the wooden table.

Lumian was a little stunned. Is this reaction too exaggerated? Isn't this the daily state of chaos on the streets?

There are gunshots, fights and large-scale conflicts here from time to time. People who live here should be used to it. The only thing they need to do is to stay away from the windows to avoid being hit by random gunfire.

Soon, the noisy voices initially subsided.

Anthony. Red calmed down for a few seconds and crawled out from under the wooden table.

Sorry, during the war a few years ago, I suffered from battlefield post-traumatic syndrome and had to retire and return to Trier.

Then why do you want to live in a chaotic street where gunshots are often fired? Lumian did not pursue the question, he asked Anthony. Red's psychological problems are of no interest.

He took out a 50 Firkin note and gently ran his fingers over Levanx's bust and the silhouette of the commercial street and the merchants coming and going.

Feeling the remaining texture, Lumian handed the gray and blue banknotes to Anthony, along with two gold Louis coins and two 5-fil gold coins engraved with sunbirds. Rhett.

His wallet suddenly became lighter by a third, and he couldn't help but feel like spending money was like running water.

Take a look at the honest market picture behind the money, Anthony. Rhett bent his fingers, flicked the surface, and checked the authenticity against the sunlight.

After confirming that it was correct, he put away the money and asked Lumian, Are you going to come to me at a fixed time to see if there is any information, or are you going to give me the address and if I find something, I will drop the corresponding information into your room?

I live in 207. Lumian knew that he couldn't hide the fact that he lived in the Golden Rooster Hotel from Anthony. Rhett, so I reported my room number directly.

After leaving room 305, his expression gradually became serious, and he said to himself: In the next few days, we must pay more attention to prevent Anthony and Rhett from betraying me...

Do I have to find an opportunity to show my strength in front of him and make him believe that I will avenge myself?

Lumian walked towards the stairs while thinking.

Suddenly, he heard someone shouting, laughing and crying: I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

Lumian looked around and saw a man squatting at the door of Room 310.

The man was wearing a dirty linen shirt and yellow trousers. His black hair had reached his shoulders and was disheveled.

At this time, he was pressing his head with both hands, looking at the ground, and kept muttering to himself: I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

The voice was sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes fearful and sometimes crazy.

The occasionally sober lunatic that Charlie was talking about?

Lumian looked at it for a few seconds, then moved closer and asked curiously: Why do you think you are going to die and have a terminal illness? The man did not raise his head and continued to shout: I'm going to die, I'm going to die!

Lumian smiled, stepped over him, and walked into Room 310 with the wooden door open.

The layout of this room was the same as that of 207 where he lived, and it was fairly clean, except for the occasional appearance of bedbugs that couldn't be driven away.

I know. Lumian replied with a smile, But aren't you about to die? I see that you don't have any children or relatives, so your inheritance might as well be used to help our poor neighbors.

He noticed that the lunatic was only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, and his black beard had not been shaved for an unknown period of time. It was densely covered with hair everywhere, making his blue eyes seem to be hidden deep in the jungle.

The madman was stunned for a few seconds, grabbed his hair, and shouted in extreme pain: They are all dead, they are all dead!

I saw the Montsouri ghosts, they were all dead and I was dying too!

The ghost of Monsouri? Lumian finally heard different words from the madman.

He just deliberately provoked and stimulated the other party just to see if he could get a different reaction.

The good feedback made him suddenly feel like the potion was showing signs of digestion.

One of the rules of the provocateur is: Provocation is only a means, not an end?

Lumian looked at the madman thoughtfully and said, Why did the Montsuri ghost let them die and make you die soon?

The lunatic lowered his head and murmured to himself, Anyone who sees Montsuri's ghost will die, and his family will die, too, within a year!

Is it the hallucination of a madman, or does such a thing really happen? If so, is it a curse?

Lumian asked tentatively, Where did you meet the ghost of Montsuri?

Underground, underground! Just underground in the market area! The madman squatted down again, leaning against the wall, wrapping his arms around his body, trembling.

The underground world corresponding to the market area? Why don't you report it to the two churches and ask them to send people to clean up the dirty things? Lumian muttered something silently.

Seeing that the lunatic was back to the state of I'm going to die, I'm going to die, he gave up questioning, walked out of Room 310, and went down the stairs.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Lumian decided to go around the Mason Cafe in the Botanical Garden at noon to get a general idea of ​​the area. In the afternoon, he went to the underground cemetery to see if Aosta had received a message from the party convener. reply.

There are many obstacles made of stones, wood, branches and various garbage piles in the alleys around the chaotic street. Even on the main road, you can encounter one from time to time, but a road has been opened in the middle for two carriages to pass. .

They are called barricades, and they can be seen in many districts. Many of them have traces of smoke and fire, and some still have blackened blood. They are a unique scenery of Trier, and they are on both sides of the scale with the arcade pedestrian street. end.

Lumian stepped through the low edge of a barricade, walked out of the dark alley, and came to the street.

He immediately walked towards the stop sign for the public carriage, hoping to take this means of transportation to the Botanical Garden.

On the way, Lumian saw many homeless people lying in the corner, basking in the sun and catching lice. Every one of them was dirty, thin, and listless.

This reminded him of his former wandering life.

Unlike the Kingdom of Loen, which does not allow homeless people to sleep on the streets and in parks, the Republic of Intis does not impose any regulations on homeless people, except that they are not allowed to enter paid places and private places. They often use this to ridicule Loen for not being humane. care.

While his thoughts were wandering, Lumian's eyes suddenly narrowed while he was walking.

He felt like someone was following him.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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