Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 71: Lazy (the first monthly ticket is added and the minimum monthly ticket is guaranteed)

Gabriel took a sip of absinthe and said, Maip. Maier.

He is a very ambitious theater manager. He wants to make the Old Pigeon Cage the most famous moon theater in Trier, and he wants to win the Legion of Honor for his achievements.

The Legion of Honor of Intis first came from the time when Emperor Russell the Great was still a consul. It was established to replace the old royal family's title system. When Russell called himself Caesar, it was abolished and the duke was re-established. , count, baron, knight.

Later, the Republic of Intis was established, and the Legion of Honor was re-established and awarded to soldiers and civilians who have made outstanding contributions to the Republic. It is not limited to the military field, but also includes various industries. It is the highest honor of the Republic of Sri Lanka, and every recipient is equivalent to a knight in the old times.

Some painters, writers, actors, journalists and sculptors have received the Legion of Intis, setting a good example for those who come after them.

When Lumian was making up a story in his dream, he lied to the villagers of Kordu, saying that Aurore was going to Trier to receive the Legion of Honor. Ersi, Wall, has become the top best-selling author in the entire northern continent, and has been recognized by the Intis Academy of Literature for his artistic achievements. Then he really has hope to win the Legion of Honor.

If a person has no dreams, what is the difference between him and salted fish? Lumian laughed, thinking that the theater manager named Maipu Meier sounded quite normal.

This made him think that it was not most people who had problems at the Old Pigeon Cage Theatre, but only one or a few people who were closely related to Mr. Ev, the landlord of the Golden Rooster Hotel who had abnormalities.

After chatting with Gabriel for a while, Lumian led Louis and Sakota to the second floor, leaving them outside door 207.

He closed the door with his backhand, hung the gun bag under his left arm, hid the bullet bag, and then put on a dark jacket.

Immediately afterwards, Lumian took Mr. K's finger out from under the pillow and stuffed it into his right pocket.

As for the corrupted mercury, the dagger from Hudsey, the irritating gas that can help people wake up, and the liquid with unknown uses, he always carries it with him. As for the three-edged thorn, he can't use it for the time being, so he just puts it away. inside the drawer of the wooden table.

After doing all this, Lumian bent down and pulled out the brown suitcase from under the bed, and put all of Aurore's witchcraft notes in it.

After his identity change and further offending the Stinger Gang, he felt the need to hide these witchcraft notes in a safer and more secluded place, that is, in the safe house he rented on White Coat Street.

To him, these things were, firstly, clues and knowledge left behind by Aurore, and secondly, they had irreplaceable commemorative value and needed to be well protected.

As for daily study, he would pre-transcribe part of it and put it in the Golden Rooster Hotel or Breeze Dance Hall. After he had mastered it and confirmed that there were no problems, he would go to the safe house and copy out a few pages.

After rejecting Louis's offer to help carry the luggage, Lumian returned all the way to the Breeze Ballroom and entered the room near the office.

He took out the witchcraft notebook he had been reading recently, spread it out on the desk, picked up the dark red absorbent pen, and started copying on a stack of thick white paper.

After copying and copying, Lumian felt that it was too boring and boring, so he couldn't help but think about it, looking for ways to help him be lazy.

Soon, he had an idea: put before. The person who wrote the report letter summoned the free spirit world 173 creature and asked it to copy notes for him!

Although that guy has no brains and is stupid, he is good enough to be obedient, copy extremely fast, and can also copy the handwriting exactly... That way, I only need to provide spirituality, and I can read newspapers and magazines while waiting. Use it to help me finish my homework, no, copy my notes... Lumian considered briefly, put down the pen, and prepared to start the summoning ceremony.

Why not be lazy about something you can be lazy about?

When he was in Kordu Village, when he completed the homework and papers assigned by his sister every day, he would seriously think about how to be lazy.

He taught Raymond and Ava how to recognize words, and he also had this idea to a certain extent, hoping that they could help him with his homework when they grow up.

Unfortunately, the gap in knowledge accumulation between the two sides is so large that it cannot be made up in just a few years.

Soon, Lumian arranged the altar, sanctified the ceremonial silver dagger, and built a spiritual wall.

Smelling the diffuse fragrance of citrus and daylily, he looked at the yellowish candlelight and said in ancient Hermes: Me! The next second, Lumian switched to Hermes: I use my Summons in the name of: The spirit wandering in the void, the friendly creature that can communicate, the weak person who can write gracefully...

The candlelight quickly took on a dark green color and expanded to the size of a human head.

As Lumian finished reciting the remaining incantation, a transparent figure emerged from the candlelight.

It is nearly 1.9 meters tall, has the head of a cow and the body of a human, and is covered in brown fur clothing.

It's not that rabbit... Also, there should be many, many spiritual creatures that match the description of my summoning spell. Who responds to the summons each time is completely random...

Lumian pointed to the witchcraft notebook with a bit of disappointment and a certain amount of expectation: You can copy it for me.

The tauren in the Transparent Lake nodded gently: Okay.

It immediately sat down, picked up the dark red absorbent pen, and started copying Aurore's witchcraft notes.

Not bad, much smarter than that silly rabbit... Lumian thought happily.

He was about to sit down in the easy chair and read newspapers and magazines when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Is the Minotaur's speed too slow? It's been a few seconds, and not a single word has been copied yet!

No, it only has two letters!

Can you hurry up? Lumian asked tentatively.

This is already my fastest speed. The tauren answered truthfully.

Lumian was speechless. This is not as good as that stupid pig!

After all, that guy is an occult typewriter and can copy a page in less than a minute!

Lumian subconsciously wanted to end the ceremony, send away the Tauren, and then summon new spiritual creatures, but considering the high probability that the follow-up would be weird, he gave up tiredly.

When the summoning ceremony stopped naturally, the tauren copied half a page.

Lumian rubbed his temples and decided to go into battle himself.

After transcribing three pages in one breath, he heard someone knocking on the door.

What's going on? Lumian closed his notes, put down his pen, stood up and walked to the door.

That's Louis outside.

He looked like a tough guy and said in a low voice: Boss, Simon the Giant is here.

What is he here for? Lumian remembered that Giant Simon was the leader of the Savoy Party who was in charge of several dance halls and bars on Nightingale Street. He was suspected to be an Extraordinary of the Warrior path, and he had a high probability of being sequenced.

Louis shook his head: I don't know. Lumian asked instead: What did he discuss with Brignel last time? It seemed that it was not very pleasant?

Louis elaborated: Simon the Giant has always disliked the Baron because the Baron was in charge of the Breeze Ballroom.

He subconsciously used the title Baron.

Seeing that Lumian didn’t mind, Louis continued, “The revenue of Breeze Dance Hall is more than all his dance halls and bars, and he even opened a casino in the bar!

The last time he came to the Baron, he hoped that the Baron would not let some of the more beautiful dancers come here and transfer them to Nightingale Street. The Baron said that the dancers are all distributed by Red Boots. You can discuss it with Red Boots. I don't have any opinion.

The price for a trip to Nightingale Street is very low, and even the pretty dancers don't like to go there.

Lumian remembered that Charlie said that it only cost half a filkin on Nightingale Street, but at the Breeze Ballroom, if the dancers met a generous customer, they could negotiate a price of 10 filkin. Normally, it would cost 3 to 5 ferkin.

This is despite the fact that the overall income in the market area is not high. If it were the City Wall Street in the Red Princess District, a good-looking girl would cost more than ten fils.

Are you jealous that I took over the Breeze Dance Hall? Lumian asked with slight confusion: I don't understand the pear ginseng thing. Why are the profits of female prostitutes at Breeze Ballroom so high? Yisi smiled and said: Most of our wine comes from 'Rat' Christo, and it is very cheap without tax.

Plus we don't have to pay rent. Christopher Lumian, the rat in charge of the smuggling business, immediately understood the reason.

He walked out of the room, walked down the corridor, and entered the café. The giant Simon is still wearing a tight black formal suit, with his light yellow hair sticking to his head.

At this time, he placed the wide-brimmed round hat on his head on the table and stood by the window, smoking a cigarette.

Several gangsters who followed him were scattered around, confronting Sakota and other Breeze Dance Hall members.

Seeing Lumian coming, the giant Simon put out the cigarette in his hand and said with a pretentious smile: Char, you have been recognized by the boss and handed over the Breeze Dance Hall to you, why don't you invite us brothers to drink?

Simon said as he faced Lumian.

His height of over 1.9 meters made Lumian, who was already 1.8 meters, quite short.

Lumian looked up at Giant Simon Tian’s oversized nose and pitted face, and said with a smile: “I have social phobia, so I’m embarrassed to come to you.

Oh, you're really tall. You're worthy of being a giant. He's taller than Hammer Aite. The hidden meaning of these two sentences is that everyone lives his own life. If you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. Otherwise, I can kill the Iron Hammer Aite from the Warrior Path Sequence 8, too. Can kill you.

Giant Simon didn't understand the first sentence, but he could still read the provocative meaning of the second sentence.

This made his face darken and at the same time he gave up his contempt for Lion Ciel.

This is not a pure thug, a smile and attentiveness won't do much!

Giant Simon pointed to the table where Baron Brignel often sat: I have something to ask you.

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