Boss? Lumian was shocked when he heard this., but this seems to explain some of the problems:

Why did the smuggling caravan evaporate out of thin air on a hidden route that had been used many times?

Why was Mouse Christo so anxious to seek help from himself and others? If he simply lost a batch of goods, he would definitely confirm it repeatedly and wait for a while before he would be willing to expose his weakness and mistakes to colleagues who may be staring at his position.

In an instant, Lumian thought of more:

Franka and I also entered that special mirror world, one was a hunter and the other was a witch, on the same and adjacent paths. and gain his trust.

Franka is a member of the secret organization Curly Baboon Research Society, and her rank is not low,

The boss of the Savoy Party really has a lot of secrets, or he may be involved in something big.

The thing that the boss asked Christo to bring into Trier is related to the hunter or witch path?

Why risk going underground and being discovered by the tax collectors? Why doesn't the boss go to get it outside the city himself and just ask Christo to send a smuggler to lead the way? That's safer and more hidden... He knows that thing may cause accidents and doesn't want to take the risk?

Lumian's eyes moved from the mouse Christo to Franka's face.

The witch didn't seem to expect to get such an answer. She was also a little stunned and surprised, and then a little excitement and joy emerged.

She stared at Mouse Christo and sneered: You fucking want to lie to me? How come I didn't know that Gardner asked you to get something into Trier?

Where's that thing? is increasingly certain that Franka will join the Sava Party,

Christo forced a smile and said: It is packed in an iron box, and I have sent it to Quanshui Street.

The boss probably hasn't had time to tell you yet.

As a senior member of the Savoyard Party, he knew that Red Boots Franka was very powerful, and it would be easy to kill him if he was not prepared and had no helpers. Moreover, she was also proficient in divination and could tell lies.

You better not lie to me!

Franka retracted her body, took out the makeup mirror, and started doing fortune-telling in front of the mouse Christo.

Lumian stood up very cooperatively, walked to Christo, reached out and held his shoulder.

After Franka confirmed that what Christo said was true, Lumian smiled and patted the mouse: If something like this happens again, remember to remind me that there is a problem with the goods and I need to be prepared for possible accidents. , otherwise, I will cut you into pieces of meat and feed it to your dear little ones.

He heard Louis mention that the mouse Christo kept many animals, and his favorite was dogs.

After a long silence, Franka looked at Lumian beside her, and sighed as if she was smiling but not smiling, You are very good at deceiving others.

Lumian put on a calm attitude: In Kordu Village, you should know Kordu Village, right? I have a nickname: the King of Pranksters.

Franka, who had seen the wanted poster, was naturally no stranger to Kordu Village. She looked at Lumian with a smile and said: Did any of the things you said before deceive me? Haha, Jenna's evaluation of you is not entirely wrong. Yes, cunning, treacherous.

You are my sister's companion, and everything I tell you is the truth. Lumian looked frank.

He just didn't tell the whole truth. Even if Franka used divination to confirm, there was no sign that he was lying.

Franka observed his expression and nodded with satisfaction: I am also willing to believe in the Muggle brother.

Well... just pretend you don't know about the existence of Gardner's thing. There are some things that would be harmful if you find out the truth, so I won't ask him.

Okay. Lumian behaved as well as he did in front of Aurore.

The two separated in the middle of Market Avenue, one went to the Breeze Dance Hall and the other turned into White Coat Street.

It was already after eight o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark. The gas wall lamps on the walls of the ballroom were lit up, bathing the entire first floor in a yellowish light. The closer you got to the dance floor, the darker the environment became. .

Amid greetings from the boss, Lumian sat at the bar and ordered a glass of fennel-absinthe Parrot with mint.

This stuff was quite exciting. Just one sip made him feel as if he had been slapped in the face.

Lumian sat for a while, enjoying Jenna's dirty songs, and then saw Charlie walking towards the bar carrying a tray.

Char, boss! Charlie changed his title decisively after noticing the bartender looking at him.

Lumian took a sip of the psychedelic green liquid and asked with a smile: Do you prefer a dance hall or a hotel underground bar?

Charlie suppressed a look at the bartender and the other waiters, and said in a lowered voice, I still prefer the hotel bar. There, I am the focus of everyone!

I can feel it...

Lumian laughed and pointed with his chin at the young female singer who took Jenna's turn: Is she the daughter of your friend?

Charlie once said that he had a friend who owed usury and was forced by Baron Brignel to commit suicide by jumping off a building. His daughter was forced to sing at the Breeze Ballroom.


Charlie replied with a somewhat sad expression.

The female singer was also dressed very colorfully, wearing a rather revealing short top and skirt. She should be about the same age as Jenna, but her appearance is not as good as hers.

According to Lumian's observation, the biggest difference between the two is that Jenna's eyes are always bright, while this one's fake smile is a fake smile, and there is no bright color in her eyes.

Charlie opened his mouth, hesitating to ask for something, but finally closed it again.

Lumian drank Parrot and listened to the singing, wondering what he was thinking.

When it was almost 10:30, he stood up, went back upstairs, changed into linen clothes, an old jacket, brown trousers, and put on a dark blue peaked cap.

It makes him look like a homeless man.

Immediately afterwards, Lumian opened the window and jumped into the alley behind the dance hall.

He was now planning to go to the old Pigeon Cage Theater for a tour.

Lumian never thought that he could solve the matter involving the evil god from the Mother Tree of Desire by himself, nor did he plan to confront those people head-on. He hoped that through observation, he would discover more problems and collect useful information.

For him, the most important thing is to use Mr. Ev and others,, to get something that she has carried for a long time, so as to lay the foundation for exorcism when she is attacked by the evil spirit later.

Although there may not be enough time to complete the ritual magic by then, it is better to be prepared than not at all.

After half a circle, Lumian arrived outside the old Pigeon Cage Theater.

Because it was not yet 11 o'clock, he did not rush in, but huddled in the corner outside, looking at the beige six-story apartment where Mr. Ev lived like a real homeless man.

Not long after, Lumian saw the landlord.

Mr. Ev was wearing a dark formal suit washed to whitening, maroon trousers, an old half-top hat, and holding a black cane. He came back from the Honest Market and entered the apartment.

A few minutes later, the window corresponding to the room he lived in lit up, quite dimly.

Lumian waited patiently.

Waiting and waiting, he gradually frowned.

It's already past 11 o'clock, why hasn't Mr. Ev come to the old pigeon cage yet?

The window still gave off a yellowish light, and figures passed by from time to time.

Another quarter of an hour passed, but Mr. Eve still did not leave the apartment, crossed the Market Avenue, and entered the old pigeonhole theater.

Lumian couldn't help but mutter to himself silently: Could it be that my prophecy technique went wrong?

Christo, who was threatened, felt angry in her heart: Franca is the boss's mistress, and she is stronger than me. I can accept her treating me like this. Why are you a newbie?

Thinking of the evil wolves Maggot and Hammer Aite who were no weaker than him, Christo hesitated again, put on a smile and said: This time, the boss asked me to keep it a secret.

You bitch, at least give us a hint! Franka put away the makeup box and cursed fiercely.

Christo smiled tremblingly: Okay, okay.

He was not angry at all for being insulted. In his opinion, dogs are family members and close relatives. How could it be considered a curse?

He often warned his perverts: Whoever touches my wife is like touching my dog!

Seeing that Franka and Charles had softened their attitudes, Christo asked curiously: Is that strange world really the same as what Elken described?

Before Franka could answer, Lumian smiled and touched Christo's shoulder: Haven't you figured it out yet? Was your brain eaten by a dog? We were defrauding you just now!

We have not entered any strange world at all. We just feel that it is impossible for all the previous smuggling operations to be fine. This time we are suddenly involved in extraordinary events. There must be something wrong with your batch of goods, so we decided to deceive you!

Yes, if Franka and Charles really entered that strange world, they wouldn't have come out so quickly!

Erken and the others have been missing for several hours!

Why am I so stupid?

Why were you so fooled?

Christo calmed down his emotions, looked at Franka, and said with a flattering smile: Don't tell the boss that I told you about the existence of that thing, he will be very dissatisfied with me.

Franka glanced at Lumian with a slightly strange expression, Okay, from now on, you owe me a favor.

Okay! Christo agreed quickly.

Saying goodbye to the smuggling leader, Lumian and Franka left the warehouse and turned into the narrow street leading to Market Avenue.

I just discovered today that that guy Christo is stupid and is so easy to deceive.

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