Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 145 The weight of history

Franca holds

The Judgment card recited in a low voice in Hermes: Ask for judgment! The seemingly ordinary tarot card did not change at all, but just a few seconds later, the Golden Rooster Hotel began to shake significantly.

The brown-green branches and green vines covering the surface of the building shrank back a lot, as if they were afraid of something.

This allowed Franka to see more scenes outside the window. When she saw the sky connected to the virtual tree canopy, the clouds were blown in the same direction as if they had encountered a hurricane.

As the wind direction changed, countless white clouds formed a huge vortex, hanging down to the ground, and elongated into a giant sword of air flowing through the sky and the earth.

The giant sword fell, and a figure stood firmly in the middle of the chaotic street. It was a woman with yellow hair hanging down to her shoulders, wearing a more traditional gray and white knight training uniform.

She is more than 1.5 meters tall, with delicate facial features and soft eyebrows, but she has a majesty that makes people surrender and obey.

The chaotic street she was standing on was no longer what it used to be. The surrounding buildings, the roads that were not too wide, and the vendors and pedestrians collectively caught up in various desires were separated by sections, scattered throughout the strange wilderness, and mixed with other streets. together.

Between them are a large number of knotted tree roots drilled out from the ground. With the giant brown and green tree as the center of the circle, they are distributed layer by layer. The closer they are to the middle, the denser they become.

It is precisely because of the existence of that strange wilderness that the few streets occupied by giant trees have not been noticed by outsiders!

Franka visibly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the short but majestic yellow-haired lady arriving.

she holds

judgment and

The two cards “Two of Cups” blurt out sincerely: “Praise the Fool!

Praise to Lady 'Judgment'! is called

As soon as the person who judged the lady landed, he looked to the side of the giant brown and green tree. I don't know when a cradle-style dark red open-top carriage parked there. The people in charge of pulling the carriage were two men with goat's horns and full bodies. A tall creature that is dark, burning with dark flames, and suspicious of the devil.

Sitting in the carriage was a woman wearing a light-colored veil and a loose white robe. Her belly was slightly protruding, and her whole body was filled with a substantial maternal glow.

Ms. Moon! The weird wilderness is hers

The other side of the world!

Ms. Moon...you crawled out of the mouse hole...named

The eyes of the Judgment yellow-haired lady instantly blurred, as if they were dyed golden. Through this, she saw the various extraordinary powers intertwined with the woman on the carriage, which existed in different colors and states.

Deprived! A solemn voice came from

Judgment came out of the lady's mouth. That's an ancient Hermetic word. With a simple movement of her right hand,

Moon Lady was temporarily deprived of her ability to reproduce and give birth to creatures of different genders and types. Immediately afterwards,

Ms. Judgment leaned forward, pushed out her palm, and once again declared in ancient Hermetic language: Exile! The sound of Wu, the invisible and majestic power, rolled into a terrifying hurricane, whistling and blowing.

In front of Ms. Moon. They ignored the distance and seemed to appear right where the carriage was.

The rosy lips looming under the veil of Ms. Moon suddenly opened and she took a deep breath. finally found a vent in the container, and rushed in

Ms. Moon poured it into her body. In just one second, the hurricane dissipated without a trace, and everyone was

Ms. Moon swallowed it. With a strong maternal glow, she stretched out her right hand and touched her bulging belly soothingly.

The blue sky and white clouds are like an oil painting, and the ground is covered with tree roots. Lumian saw Susanna in the canopy of the tree.

Matisse, after looking at her, immediately condensed the semi-illusory red fire crow around him again.

Those fire crows circled and flew high into the sky, but they could not reach the virtual canopy. They could only get close but could not touch them.

They fell on the brown-green trunk, burning out patches of scorched black marks. Upon seeing this, Lumian quickly changed the target of his attack.

He had discovered before that the flames had this name.

The weird things in the Shadow Tree can cause some damage! One red fireball after another condensed and exploded towards the branches of the giant tree, but it only burned them and failed to achieve a more obvious effect.

Lumian temporarily stopped moving, taking advantage of Susanna. Matisse was busy with something unknown, and Charlotte.

Calvino has not yet recovered from the burns he suffered. Suspected of hiding in some illusory scene, the red flames in his palms condensed layer by layer, and finally turned into a blazing white sphere the size of a fist.

Boom! The explosion caused by the blazing white fireball was several times stronger than before. However,

Not even a piece of skin fell off from the Tree of Shadows. Only a larger area of ​​charred blackness and the slight involution of a giant pale flower proved that the blazing white flames were not an illusion.

Lumian's expression was solemn, and he spent some time before a spear wrapped in white flames appeared in his palm.

He threw the spear at the giant brown-green tree and saw it poke holes the size of needlepoints in the charred bark, then disintegrated into streams of flame and dispersed to different locations in the tree.

Seeing this scene, Lumian felt nervous, remembering a sentence that his sister Aurore liked to use to describe others who overestimated their own strength and made unrealistic actions: Like an ant trying to shake Big tree. The eagerness, anxiety and fear in his heart made Lumian wave his fists.

His fists were covered in red flames. With every blow he struck against the giant brown-green tree, a ray of fire penetrated into it.

Inject fire! Lumian wanted to avoid

The hard outer skin of the Tree of Shadows directly hurts its heart. Bang bang bang! Lumian's flame fists landed densely on the trunk of the giant brown-green tree, as if he wanted to pour all the fire accumulated in his body into it.

Bang bang bang, after a round of crazy attacks, he retracted his fists and took a step back. Boom! There was a dull explosion inside the trunk, and the originally charred bark finally fell off with a glow of fire.

It suddenly faded and became hazy, as if a sweet dream from the past had been illuminated by a match. Lumian suddenly felt as if he had turned into the man in his dream, fighting fiercely with a beautiful lady whose gorgeous dress was intact but with the hem raised.

The strange feeling was so clear, as if it were real, that Lumian felt as if he had experienced it himself.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his ankle, and he suddenly woke up. He saw a large number of branches and vines stretching out from around him. Some of them had already wrapped around his feet. After successive efforts, the spikes finally penetrated the blood-red robe. It sinks into the skin and draws blood.

Lumian snorted, and bursts of red emerged from his body, forming a flamboyant cloak of flames around his flesh and blood robe.

With the crackling sound, all the branches and vines were lit up, burning up, and quickly turned into dead branches and ashes.

Lumian took the opportunity to escape, jumped to the side, and turned his attention to the wound he had just created.

What caught his eyes was still the brown-green bark, but it was sunken inward compared to the surroundings.

Underneath the bark is still bark! Lumian's hole enlarged sharply, and he had a rough guess about the current situation: the Tree of Shadows was nourished by countless abnormal desires in Trier for one or two thousand years, and every piece of its bark They may all correspond to certain human activities in a certain period of time. They are layered on top of each other, showing both the depth of history and the subtlety of humanity.

To put it simply, Lumian wants to destroy this plant

The Tree of Shadows needs to face countless desires accumulated over the past two thousand years, and he just used all his strength to kill one of them, one of hundreds of millions, billions or even tens of billions.

How can we fight this! It was only then that Lumian realized that his behavior was abnormal: he had been attacking

Tree of Shadows instead of looking for ways to help you leave. After looking at each other with Suzanne Mathis, he was filled with fear, anxiety, eagerness and other emotions!

No wonder Suzanne Matisse let me go, no wonder Charlotte. Calvino didn't come out to block despite his injury... Although Lumian was always on guard

Fallen Dryad and

Actors arouse their own desires and emotions, but they are still affected unknowingly. He looked up again and saw Susanna wrapped in long green hair.

Matisse kept changing positions in the virtual canopy, reciting strange mantras, Charlotte.

Calvino resumed his previous actions, walking from one illusory scene to another in a strolling manner. The clothes on his body, the hairstyle on his head, and the makeup on his face were all constantly modified according to different eras and backgrounds. Change, it seems, is more than just a show call.

Lumian's thoughts were spinning, and he suddenly felt dizzy, feeling that his strength was rapidly passing away. He had never experienced this before, but he had let several people experience it.


That kind of drug from the Blissful Society! Lumian, who was good at observing the environment, quickly took out the occult smelling salts and fixed his sight on the large number of pale flowers on the giant brown and green trees.

He suspected that they released the gas that made people unconscious! Ah sneeze! With the sound of sneezing, Lumian turned around and was about to meet

Tree of Shadow distanced itself. At this time, Mr. K still did not appear. The next second, tree roots crazily emerged from the ground, forming a wooden fence more than ten meters high around the giant brown and green tree, blocking the way.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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