Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 32: Brain is very important (please vote for me at the beginning of the month)

Feeling the wind carrying the smell of blood and burning blowing behind him, Lumian turned around deftly and turned into the alley leading to Nightingale Street.

The werewolf with bloodshot eyes highlighted by the black eyes was controlled by the anger and desire to kill caused by the severe injury. Most of his thoughts were controlled. He forcibly twisted his body and ran wildly into the alley.

He saw Lumian jump over the barricade in front with a slight leap, and he jumped up as well.

The next second, what caught his sight was an uncovered sewer entrance, with iron-black stairs leading vertically to the depths.

Lumian accurately stepped on the edge of the sewer entrance and jumped over this natural trap neatly.

Bang! The Werewolf hit the sewer and half-sinked in. The wound further burst and his head became dizzy.

Lumian took the opportunity to turn around and condensed another red fire crow, letting them circle and fly towards the enemy stuck at the entrance of the sewer.

With a muffled rumbling sound, the red flame crow covered the area, igniting the gray hair, scorching the skin one after another, and tearing out more flesh and blood.

The Werewolf pushed hard with both hands and finally jumped out of the sewer. Lumian succeeded in the attack and ran away again.

The werewolf became even more angry and wanted to tear this bastard apart quickly and throw his entrails to the passing wild dogs.

With a chirp, Lumian rushed to the exit of the alley and turned at high speed, running to the left.

The Werewolf caught up with him in a few steps, turning towards the target in a tail-flicking manner.

But a barricade nearly one meter high appeared in the darkness in front of him. Lumian, who was well prepared, stretched out his hand to press it and jumped over it.

The Werewolf discovered it too late and had no time to adopt other strategies. He could only choose between jumping in a hurry or running straight into it.

He pushed his legs hard and tried to jump directly to the top of the barricade, but his forward momentum was too fierce. Before his body was fully raised, his feet hooked on the barrier.


The werewolf fell off the barricade until stars appeared in his eyes.

Lumian stopped running again, put one hand in his pocket, and looked at the enemy.

Around him, a new wave of fire crows gathered and flew towards the bottom of the barricade.

The Werewolf rolled over with all his strength, but was still hit by at least ten flame crows, and the abdominal wound that had lost its grip with his palms reopened, and bloody intestines flowed out.

Only then did the werewolf realize that he had stepped into the opponent's trap, regained some of his sanity, and felt his body's weakness and instability.

He suppressed the flames on his body, struggled to his feet, and tried to escape.

At this moment, Lumian's sarcastic voice sounded in his ears: Didn't your mother tell you not to fight in a hunter's familiar environment?

How dare you chase me down the streets and surrounding areas? It can only be said that brains are important, but you don't have any.

The Werewolf's mind suddenly buzzed, and his whole person became extremely angry.

He actively sacrificed his reason, unleashed his desires, and strengthened his body in all aspects.

He became a madman!

He chased Lumian again.

Sometimes Lumian stopped suddenly and launched a counterattack. Sometimes he slipped under the arm of the stone statue extending from the corner. When the werewolf hit an obstacle, he turned around and fired a volley of red fire crows. Sometimes he made an important decision. Entering the posture of Trier underground, but lying in ambush there, waiting for an attack.

While chasing and escaping like this, the werewolf finally reached his limit and his body was on the verge of collapse.

He returned from his crazy state and had a strong premonition of danger. He just wanted to get out of this area and escape from the Honest Market area.

At this time, Lumian stopped as if he had noticed it, turned around, and smiled.

He watched the werewolf start running away much slower than before, and a blazing white spear condensed in his hand.

Lumian then swung his body and threw the flame spear.

A streak of blazing white light streaked through the air, penetrating the battered body of the werewolf and nailing it to the ground. Completely lit.

In the sudden bright flames, Lumian put one hand in his pocket and walked towards the enemy.

Behind him, red fire crows condensed one after another, whistling and circling, flying in front of the werewolf, burrowing into various wounds on his body, destroying his heart and lungs and other organs.

When Lumian walked to the target, the alien was no longer breathing and had lost its life.

His eyes were wide open with obvious regret and fear.

You just need to go find the boss of our Savoyard Party. Why do you have to attack me? You want to make me a puppet, www.youxs.org Lumian looked down at the werewolf and shook his head, What do you have? How much do you look down on gangsters, are you so confident that you are so arrogant?

Just now, he had actually prepared that the opponent would be difficult to deal with, and even prepared for Sequence 6. His escape route had always been close to White Coat Street.

Once there, she can attract Franka's attention and let her secretly use the blood shed by her enemies to cast a fatal curse.

If Lumian had judged in advance that neither of them might be able to capture the target together, he would have turned onto Market Avenue as soon as possible and used the explosion sound caused by the fireball to create a noise that could attract the attention of the official Beyonders to scare away the enemy.

However, with the crazy energy and excessive desire to kill shown by the other party, Lumian felt that he might not be able to weigh the pros and cons in a short period of time, end the battle quickly, and escape the pursuit of the official Beyonders. He would have to persist for a while before he could see the light of day.

Lumian squatted down and fumbled for the werewolf's clothes.

He only found coins worth 3 Firkin, burned banknotes, and wallets, but no other useful items.

Have you never considered buying me off? You just want to rely on strength to oppress me? Lumian cursed with a little heartache.

He was not too disappointed, because he knew that the possibility of this werewolf being the recipient was extremely small, and he would be able to extract the Sequence 7 extraordinary characteristics including Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 later.

That’s worth thirty or forty thousand ferkin, or even more!

Lumian can also use it to match the Shadow Branch to create magical items, or exchange it for other, more suitable extraordinary characteristics.

Considering that there had been a lot of weak explosions just now, Lumian did not stop on the street, but simply disposed of the wolfman's body, then lifted him up and took him to the back door of the Breeze Ballroom.

Sakota and other members of the Savoyard Party were no strangers to killing people and mutilating corpses. They quickly found body bags, put the bodies in them, and sent people to clean up the blood along the way.

Lumian threw the body bag into the carriage belonging to the Breeze Ballroom, www.youxs.org.

On the way, he opened the body bag several times, and finally saw a little bit of black-green light coming out of the body, combined with a sharp canine tooth.

After dozens of seconds, Lumian harvested a strange black-green fang.

He thought for a moment and decided to keep the fangs in the body bag, www.youxs.org.

Based on the behavior shown by this chief, he will definitely reward when the reward is due. He will either directly give the werewolf extraordinary characteristic to Lumian, or exchange it for another one, or buy it with enough money.

In this case, Lumian was happy to be candid.

At around one o'clock in the morning, the Breeze Dance Hall's carriage stopped at No. 11 Quanshui Street in the Memorial Hall District. Lumian unceremoniously pulled the rope next to the iron gate, letting the sound of the bell echo in the gray-white three-story villa.

Not long after, the manservant, who was obviously of Southern Continent descent, came over and opened the door.

He looked dissatisfied with being woken up, but when he saw Lumian's charred and damaged clothes and the body bag trailing behind, he suddenly shivered and regained the courtesy that a servant should have.

Lumian dragged the body bag into the villa and saw the butler Faustino, who was also a member of the Iron Cross.

Faustino, who tied his tie, stared at Lumian and the body bag for a few seconds, then asked in slight surprise: This is it?

A strange guy. Lumian replied with a smile.

Faustino didn't ask any more and took Lumian to the living room on the first floor.

www.youxs.org, lying on the easy chair, smiled and asked: “Who is in the body bag?

It seems that things are not simple for you to come here overnight.

Lumian untied the body bag and dumped the werewolf corpse inside with the strange black and green fangs on the carpet of the living room.

www.youxs.org, his expression gradually became serious: “A werewolf’…”

Lumian laughed: He came to me to ask who the boss of our Savoyard Party was, and he also wanted to control me and turn me into a puppet.

www.youxs.org:“What then?”

Then? Lumian raised his eyebrows and replied with a smile, Then I killed him.

After hearing these words, the butler Faustino, who was standing next to Sir, looked at the werewolf corpse on the ground, and then at Lumian, whose only clothes had obvious signs of burnt black tears, and his expression was no longer so calm and peaceful. calm.

www.youxs.org, was silent for a few seconds before sighing: It's a pity that you don't know how to be a psychic, and you missed a lot of information.

Lumian wanted to say something along the lines of Maybe I need a magical item that can channel psychic energy, but he was worried that this would take away the share of rewards and make Shadow Branch lose its mate.

www.youxs.org: I will arrange follow-up investigation and response. You don't need to worry about this matter for the time being. I will tell you when I need to perform the task.

What exactly does he want to do? It feels like it has a lot of origins. Lumian glanced at the werewolf corpse and deliberately showed his doubts.

www.youxs.org: “Not sure yet.”

He then looked at Lumian and asked with a smile: Do you want this werewolf tooth, or something else?

Is there any choice? Lumian was completely rude.

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