Upon hearing Mr. Poet's question, Lumian was stunned for a moment, feeling a chill rising from his tailbone and instantly piercing his brain.

Whether it was Aurore who knocked him out in the dream and took him to the place of sacrifice, www.youxs.org, they were all people who had had a lizard-like elf come out of their mouth, or who had been secretly contaminated by it!

And if Lumian did not become a container, was not pushed into the altar, and stood in front of Aurore, Thermipolos's descending ceremony would probably have succeeded, because in that case, Aurore would not have pushed the container out of the altar. , the thing that ruined the ritual, Lumian’s mark of Mr. “Fool” couldn’t be stimulated!

This realization made Lumian's thoughts extremely confusing.

He never thought that the lizard-like elf would be the destroyer of the ritual. The other party had clearly and covertly polluted Aurore and the priest of the replica hall, causing them to change unconsciously, neglecting some important things, and missed some important things. The last chance to save yourself!

What, what does it want to do, what is its real purpose? Lumian asked with some pain.

The poet's voice seemed to be shrouded in fog and he replied calmly:

I am only interpreting the symbolic meaning of these elements in your dream, and it is impossible to completely restore the truth of the matter.

Of course, I can try to make some guesses:

“The forces represented by the lizard-like elves want to use the large-scale sacrifices of angels summoned by the believers in fate to achieve some secret purposes, but they do not want to see Thermipolos actually coming to the earth.

They should have conflicts with the being in the name of fate in terms of stage goals or even ultimate goals. First website

Lumian nodded while listening, feeling that this was the most reasonable explanation at the moment.

He frowned unconsciously and said, What secret purpose do they want to achieve?

This is one of the directions for your follow-up investigation. The poet said with a smile, Decryption is not divination, nor is it a prophecy. You must have enough information to deduce it, and you cannot guess out of thin air.

Lumian nodded slightly, www.youxs.org.

The poet leaned forward slightly, placed his elbows on the wooden table, and kept his hands clasped:

“I have just interpreted all the more important symbolic elements, except for the last one.

Your dream itself also has a strong symbolic meaning.

The dream itself? Lumian thought carefully for a few seconds, but could not find out the specific symbolism.

The poet's voice became a little deeper, no longer unusually ethereal, but became more magnetic: It symbolizes protection.

You were on the verge of a mental breakdown due to extreme mood swings and fell into a deep sleep. Without the comfort and hope brought by that real dream, you might have completely collapsed and been driven by self-destructive tendencies to do irrational things. behavior until death.

In addition, we can confirm that you do not have the ability to have a real dream, nor can you force the investigator into that dream. The same cannot be said for the sealed Thermipolos. In other words, that real dream Dreams come from outside interference.

We have not yet mastered the specific ability of the high-sequence of the destiny path. We cannot judge whether it was done by the destiny-loved person symbolized by the owl, or whether it came from the influence exerted by other forces. Judging from the interpretation just now and the actual situation, they all have enough motivation.

In short, except for the being named by fate, no one wants to see Thermipolos truly come to the earth.

Lumian instantly recalled the sleepy area around the bloody peaks in the ruins of Kordu Village.

Before he could raise the situation, the poet added to himself:

Combined with the fact that the area where others are forced to sleep is around the sacrificial place, not the house where you sleep, I tend to think that it is the influence exerted by other forces. They mainly want to destroy the ceremony, and appeasing you is a incidental act.

“If it was done by the destined one symbolized by the owl, the location of the abnormal area would be completely opposite.

Was it done by the force represented by the lizard-like elf, or was it another force? The more Lumian understood the situation at that time, the more he felt that the truth of the disaster in Kordu Village was more complicated than he expected.

He was silent for a while and said: What does the empty cradle in the administrator's castle symbolize?

This is a relatively unimportant symbolic element. The poet thought for a few seconds before saying, It represents the child of the great mother. According to the information you provided, it is likely to be used in the final sacrificial ceremony with the help of Pualis. Another blood child hidden by the madam entered our world secretly and quietly left Kordu Village, leaving only an empty cradle.

The heir of the great mother... Lumian hissed secretly, feeling that the seriousness of this matter was not much worse than the arrival of Thermipolos.

The forces of fate took great risks and worked hard for nearly a year, only to get the sealed angel, and finally took advantage of the great mother.

As his thoughts flashed, Lumian put aside his worries:

The saints and angels of the Tarot Society and the Fool Church will definitely handle this matter, and it is not his turn to worry about a small Sequence 7.

Moreover, this mainly uses sacrificial rituals and has little to do with the truth of the disaster in Kordu Village, www.youxs.org.

Why was the entire Kordu village destroyed, and only Aurore and I's home was still intact?

The poet thought for a moment and said: I think it symbolizes Aurore's nostalgia, reluctance and regret.

At the end of the ceremony, she should have regained some consciousness. In the process of fusing the flesh and blood of the villagers, she subconsciously protected the building that represented her beautiful past life.

Of course, she may have used other powers to interfere with the ritual.

Nostalgia... reluctance to let go... the good life in the past... Lumian fell silent for a long time and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing this, the poet loosened his hands and said to him: I have finished interpreting all the symbolic elements of your dream.

Thank you, Mr. Poet. Lumian stood up and, in accordance with the etiquette of the Church of the Fool, pressed his hands on his chest and bowed slightly.

His spirit immediately fell into a brief trance, and he saw the poet in front of him, the wooden table, the surrounding bookshelves, the walls, the virgin forest outside, and all kinds of insects, shattered like a dream, and returned to the deep darkness.

The darkness passed quickly, and Lumian found himself standing on the edge of a market.

In the distance, there are buildings with white as the main tone, mixed with dark black or earthy yellow bell towers and spires. Nearby, there are cloud-like tents and groups of cattle, sheep and horses.

Most of the people walking through the market have dark skin, as if they are exposed to the sun every day. Among them, the men wear felt hats and dark red or sky blue robes, and the women wear colorful trousers. Multi-layered gown.

The cold and chilling wind howled, and Lumian looked at the snow-covered peaks in the distance, feeling a little confused for a moment.

His conversation with the poet and the things he just experienced were like an extremely real dream.

No, it’s just a dream!

That's why he couldn't see clearly what Mr. Poet looked like.

I didn't realize that I was dreaming just now. When did I start dreaming... This is very similar to the dream I had in the ruins of Kordu Village... The Path of God represented by Mr. Poet Is there the ability to force others to sleep and have real dreams? Is the abnormal area around the Bloody Mountain Peak caused by similar abilities? Lumian was first shocked, and then had many ideas.

At this moment, Ms. Magician wearing an off-white shirt, a tan skirt and dark brown leather boots appeared in front of him.

Do you want to return to the Breeze Ballroom now? asked the Major Arcana holder.

Where is this? Lumian asked casually.

Ms. Magician looked up at the blue sky and pure white clouds and said:

Laps on the Star Plateau was once one of the most important cities in the Highland Kingdom, also known as the White City.

Star Plateau... Lumian therefore remembered the events of the Rose School, told Ms. Magician about the Werewolf attack and Gardner Martin's arrangement, and finally asked:

Did the Rose School enter the market area because of the Shadow Tree? Didn't they get my detailed information from the Blessed Society?

Ms. Magician laughed:

You should have asked these questions just now. The gentleman who helped you interpret the symbols of the dream is an expert in Rose School processing. Well, let me ask you now.

After saying that, she disappeared out of thin air in front of Lumian, and reappeared in the same posture a few minutes later, without any of the people walking around the market noticing.

Ms. Magician looked at Lumian and said with a smile: According to that gentleman's experience, the Mother Tree of Desire and the organization that worships it do show a clear purpose and sufficient He has strong mobility, accurate foresight of the future, and good planning abilities, but as long as he narrows it down to specific events, he often exhibits the characteristics of chaos, disorder, and madness, which is consistent with the state of the evil god himself.

To put it simply, it is a common situation that organizations that worship the Mother Tree of Desire do not communicate, contact, or cooperate with each other. They are often crazy and occasionally shrewd.

However, in the past one or two years, that gentleman has observed that there has been a certain degree of preliminary cooperation between multiple organizations that worship the Mother Tree of Desire, and even people from the devil family have participated.

Devil family? Lumian had never heard of this term.

Ms. Magician explained casually:

There are several families that control the devil's path, that is, the criminal's path. Some of them show signs of worshiping the Mother Tree of Desire.

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