Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 81 Boxing Gloves (asking for monthly votes in the last half day)

It’s not Loen’s army…” www.youxs.org murmured to himself.

He had dreamed about it many times on the night of the attack. Under repeated self-psychological suggestions, the ferocity and ferocity of the Loen soldiers became clearer and more impressive each time, and gradually evolved into a nightmare that he could not get rid of. Nightmare, who knew, today, someone told him that it was not a Loen soldier!

And he judged from the subtle expressions, body language and emotional state that Franka did not lie or deceive him!

It made him feel like a joke, having been in pain for so many years but even being confused about who the murderer was.

As a psychiatrist, www.youxs.org, my emotions became unstable and I suffered a strong impact.


He instinctively used appeasement on himself.

When www.youxs.org self-rescue, Franka further explained:

Either the confidentiality level of that battle is very high, and my Loen friend has not been able to contact it for the time being, or there is someone else who attacked you.

Franka was more inclined to the latter possibility. After all, for the Loen Kingdom, it was just a small battle that wiped out a company. Anthony's comrades did not have important figures with enough weight, so there was no need to set a confidentiality level.

Who could it be? Janna had already asked this question after seeing the contents of the telegram, but neither Franka nor she could think of a reasonable answer for the moment.

She even speculated whether some instigator deliberately provoked internal strife in the Intis army in order to digest the potion, and asked one of them to pretend to be Loen people, www.youxs.org.

But the difficulty is too high. No matter how powerful the instigator is, there is no hope of success, www.youxs.org, or he may have formed a deep hatred with other armies due to disputes on the battlefield.

Yeah, who could it be... After soothing myself, www.youxs.org.

He could completely understand that the Loen army attacked him and his comrades. Although there was hatred, it was not excessive. After all, it was very normal for the two countries to be at war. But why were they attacking other people from another force? Franka thought about it and said

Has your company ever abandoned friendly forces on the battlefield, or taken loot that it shouldn't have?

www.youxs.org, shook his head firmly: No.

Definitely not. Lumian added in a very firm tone, www.youxs.org, it is obviously not an external conflict from friendly forces.

www.youxs.org, or what did he lose? Jian Na thought for a moment and asked.

www.youxs.org: “If it had, I wouldn’t have been confused for so many years.”

Apartment 601 suddenly became quiet. Lumian remembered something that Ms. Magician mentioned in her last reply and said thoughtfully:



Could that be a sacrificial ceremony? A blood sacrifice to a certain evil god.

Ms. Magician mentioned that Sinners, a secret organization that believes in evil gods, probably appeared in the later stages of that war. The reason is that the war gave evil gods more opportunities to penetrate into the world, www.youxs. org

Blood Sacrifice... www.youxs.org.

He began to collude with the followers of the evil god during the war a few years ago and sacrificed a company to which he belonged?


The followers of the evil god disguise themselves as the Loen army, www.youxs.org

This is the most reasonable explanation at present. Franka said quickly, But who is the beneficiary? www.youxs.org, he has not accepted the gift until his death.

For a moment, no one could answer Franka's question.

After a few seconds, Lumian said: This is one of the directions that need to be investigated in the future, www.youxs.org, related to becoming a member of Congress.

After hearing this, Jian Na told the information she had obtained from the Purifier exactly, and finally said:

The problem now is that General Philip, the most suspected suspect, is dead, and all the clues leading to him have been disconnected.

What a timely death. Franka said with a haha smile, Was it cleared in advance?

Lumian touched his chin and said slowly: In the world of occultism, certain deaths do not mean true death.

Ms. Justice mentioned that there is a sequence of dead in the evil god's gift, and they can use death to escape from their original destiny.

Similarly, if General Philip used the substitution technique, the person who died might not be the real him.


www.youxs.org: “The art of substitution’?”

This possibility cannot be ruled out. Lumian laughed, Next, our goal is to investigate General Philip and confirm his death. Even if he is really dead, there may be certain clues left behind, which are just purified.

The researchers were unable to discover it due to restrictions.

Meeting with partners, we discussed the direction of action in just a few words, www.youxs.org, which added a bit of confidence.

He nodded slightly and said:

Don't be too anxious. This matter must be very complicated. I will first conduct preliminary intelligence collection on General Philip and his family and friends.

www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, then walked out of Apartment 601 with her.

While going down the stairs, he briefly mentioned the content of his communication with Hela.

The more Franka listened, the more excited she became: Okay, okay, you will soon become a Muggle, and let's go to see April Fool's Day together!

You're here, what do you expect? Lumian glanced at this guy.

Franca clicked her tongue and said with a smile:

There is a saying in my hometown that if you get caught in the rain, you have to tear off other people's umbrellas. Haha, I'm joking, but don't you think this is a very interesting thing? Although your appearance is a bit tough , but it can become very beautiful with just simple adjustments. When the arsonist finishes digesting the magic potion, do you really not think about getting a bottle of joy? Hey, forget it, there is still a way to reach Sequence 4. There is a certain risk of loss of control.”

After laughing and joking for a while, Franka, who came to the street, suppressed her smile and said seriously:

Besides, you are one of the few people I can trust now. If I could get your direct cooperation in investigating the April Fool's Day issue, I would feel more at ease. It's a pity...

What a pity... Lumian was also very sorry.


He turned to ask about Emperor Russell and expressed his confusion about the attitude of the members of the Curly Baboon Research Society.

Franka's expression suddenly became strange, as if she was trying her best not to laugh.

After a while, she breathed out and said:

This matter is quite complicated. I can't explain it in a few words. I will explain it in detail tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when I have free time. In short, be mentally prepared.

How complicated can it be? Lumian muttered, said goodbye to Franka, and walked towards the chaotic street.

After returning to Room 207 of the Golden Rooster Hotel, although he had already discovered the problem with Aurore's witchcraft notes and no longer needed to study them, he still habitually pulled out the copy paper and looked at it with divergent thinking.

When it was almost early in the morning, Lumian felt relieved and looked up above the carbide lamp.

The light there was tinged with a bit of blue.

The doll messenger wearing a light golden skirt suddenly appeared, looking at Lumian coldly, as if trying to endure some emotion.

With two snaps, she threw a pair of iron-black gloves with multiple short spikes onto the table. The sound of the collision was closer to wood against wood than wood against metal.

At the same time, a piece of paper folded into a square floated towards Lumian.

Thank you. Although the doll messenger quickly disappeared without any intention of communicating, Lumian still politely thanked him.

He did not touch the pair of gloves for the time being, unfolded the paper, and read the letter from Ms. Magician:

The extraordinary properties of ‘Shadow Branch’ and Lucky One have been made into magical items.

How about it, has it completely changed its appearance so that it can be carried easily? This is a masterpiece.


It hasn't been named yet. It can be called Lucky Shadow Gloves in a more popular way, or Torture in a more stylish way. You can also choose it yourself.

Any target hit by it, regardless of whether it is injured or not, or blocked with a weapon, will be stimulated with a desire or emotion. As for which kind, it originally depends on your luck, but after you have the lucky one, you You can simulate or imagine the corresponding desires and emotions in advance to make the target react the way you want to see. The success rate is very high, about 70 to 80 percent.

After the target is stimulated with a desire or emotion, when you hit him for the second time, there will be no new desire or emotion, but there will be a chance for the previous desire or emotion to explode, which is very important for most targets. Generally speaking, the huge waves that are unbearable will put a great burden on their bodies, causing them serious injuries, and even causing them to temporarily lose their ability to resist.

The probability of triggering desire or emotion in each hit is not high, but if you hit the target a few more times, it will always be triggered, unless you are added with bad luck, which offsets the lucky person's characteristics.

The most powerful thing about this pair of gloves is not its attack ability, but its defense. It is very strong and can withstand a blow from the Reaper without being damaged (Note: The Reaper is Sequence 5 of the Hunter path). Of course , provided that the blow happens to hit the glove. In this case, it may even use its own shattering or fracture to help you block a divine blow, probably at the fourth level of sequence.

Its negative effect is that when you wear it, your self-control will decrease, and various desires and emotional fluctuations will become stronger. It requires excellent endurance to fight against it. When you wear it, because it comes from the tree of shadow' , you will be watched by the other party from some hidden existences. Although they cannot really hurt you due to various reasons, they can drive some dangerous creatures to come next to you, exert influence on you or launch attacks. .

Therefore, each time you use this pair of gloves, you should not use them for too long. If you use them up, move to another location immediately. If you fail to do these two things, you will be targeted by hidden dangers. Remember to maintain a good condition. As long as you If you can block one or two blows, those dangerous creatures that can't really come will be rejected by the world and exiled back.

Ah, by the way, your two psychiatrists asked you to have a final follow-up visit at the same time and place tomorrow afternoon.

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