Pettigrew is a man who is only about 1.6 meters tall. He wears a performance leather cover with messy yellow hair on his head. His right palm is wrapped in a silver, exaggerated glove. He wears an open brown jacket with inside With a dark shirt.

Seeing Lumian coming, the little star came up to him and said with surprise and joy: Muggle, you finally appeared again.

Lumian replied with a smile in Aurore's voice:

Something happened before and I took a while to recuperate.

Are you okay now? Pettigrew asked with concern.

It's okay. Lumian wasn't sure how close the other party was to Aurore, so he didn't answer in a joking manner.

He turned his attention to a woman sitting on the stone steps.

The lady is wearing a butterfly-shaped black mask,


Associate Professor' didn't come? Lumian asked with a smile.

The associate professor is a male. A few years ago, because of the similar code names, he and the professor made an appointment to meet in real life and became a couple. First URL

They are all wizards and like to study various spells. The weeding technique in Aurore's witchcraft notes comes from the associate professor.

Professor has light lips, a thin face, and beautiful brown eyes. She simply answered:

He has something to do in reality. He needs to entertain guests and can't spare time. Anyway, if I participate, it means he participates. It's the same.

Muggle, what do you want?

Lumian smiled slightly and said:

I want to thank him for his weeding skills'.

What is there to be grateful for? Has your home been invaded by a large number of weeds? Pettigrew asked curiously from the side.

Lumian imitated the details of Aurore's expression when recalling the past, his light blue eyes turned slightly and said: Pettigrew~

Good to be next to

I encountered a plant that is said to come from the abyss some time ago. Not only does it grow very fast and has great vitality, it also releases anesthetic gas and eats people like a piranha. Every time it appears, hundreds or even thousands of people appear, and' Weeding can make them all wither. Although they won't die directly, they will lose their vitality within a certain period of time.

Can Weeding Technique also deal with extraordinary plants? The Professor was a little surprised.

Lumian nodded slightly:

“But it must be herbs and vines.”

This is the usage experience added by Aurore in the witchcraft notebook.

It can be seen that she once experimented with the priest's Demon Flower of the Abyss and recorded it in an academic spirit when the condition was obviously not right.

This is an interesting discovery. Professor took Lumian and discussed various details of Weeding Technique.

Fortunately, Lumian has studied this spell in depth, and has also asked Franka and Ms. Hela for advice. Although he can't really use it, he will not show any timidity at all if he just talks about related issues.

After discussing magic issues and occult knowledge with the members of the Academy group for a while, Lumian suddenly felt that he and the surrounding area were shrouded in a shadow.

He looked up suddenly and saw a huge figure.

The figure was over two meters four, wearing a simple linen robe, with his head covered by an attached hood, and holding a thick magic wand in his hand that could crack the heads of all normal humans.

This is Gandalf, the president of the Curly Baboon Research Society. Franka said that he should have been reincarnated in Fernando.

A middle-aged man with giant blood, he loves drinking strong drinks and studying occult knowledge. The specific path is unknown. Sometimes he seems to be the knowledge, that is, the reader path, and sometimes he shows the generalist and general knowledge path. The characteristics of a secret peeper sometimes make people feel that given his physical condition, it would be a pity not to take the path of a warrior.

High-end mystical knowledge such as the Law of Immortality of Extraordinary Characteristics was first spread from Gandalf.

For some reason, Franka always had a strange expression when she mentioned Gandalf, as if she felt that this codename did not match the other person's height and weight.

Gandalf, whose face was blocked by a strange shadow, looked at Lumian and laughed in a rough voice:

You've missed several parties. I was worried that you might have had an accident.

Something happened, but it has been resolved. Lumian pursed his lips, not hiding the sudden sadness and helplessness in his heart.

It'll be fine if it's solved.

Gandalf nodded happily.

He and Lumian exchanged some pleasantries and walked to other groups.

Lumian participated in the discussion of the Curly Baboon Research Society for the first time. Following Ms. Hela's advice, he always spoke less and listened more, and remained silent most of the time.

During this process, he had already sat on the stone steps and looked at everyone who spoke with a slight smile, as if listening, making himself very attentive.

Aurore often does this too. When chatting with Mrs. Pualis and the old ladies in Kordu Village, if the topic enters an area that she is not interested in, she will look at the speaker with a smile to make the other person feel that she is interested. The content was interesting enough, but in fact, Aurore's thoughts were already wandering wildly, thinking about her own affairs, and returning for a while from time to time to catch the key points, so as not to be unable to catch up later. words, making the situation awkward.

Of course, Lumian would not really let himself go when discussing occult knowledge and occasionally making deals. He was mainly imitating Aurore's state.

After a while, Lumian seized the gap, stood up, and prepared to leave the gathering place of the Academy group.

The woman with the periodic table of elements painted on her face with washable oil paint said in slight surprise:

You didn't buy anything today?

Sister, do you have to spend a fortune every time you attend a party to be happy? Lumian mumbled silently and said with a smile:

There are two reasons. One is that we have recently reached a bottleneck period, and we are more focused on collecting the formulas and materials for Professor Scroll's potion...

He talked eloquently and talked a lot, mainly analyzing why there was no corresponding demand, and finally said:

Secondly, I have no money and owe a lot to others.

The other members of the Academy suddenly burst into good-natured laughter.

They all saw that during the period when the Muggle did not come to the party, something big happened, which made her originally rich become a poor person, and she was still a poor person with a lot of debts. .

Of course, they are not too worried about Muggles, because in the past few years, they have seen their companion's ability to make money.

Lumian walked lightly towards the third pillar on the right side of the huge stone chair, where members of the Purgatory group gathered, and Hela often participated in their discussions.

This lady has arrived. The difference from before is that the cold feeling on her body has weakened a lot. Under the hat with a veil, her skin is pale but not pale, and her face is blurred.

Lumi quietly watched the members of the Purgatory group discuss and trade, and then asked thoughtfully after a while:

“Have any of you ever heard of an imaginary river involving the realm of death?

Hela glanced at Lumian and did not answer.

Another member of the Purgatory team, a man codenamed Three-Headed Evil Dog thought thoughtfully and said:

Muggle', why are you asking?

I just heard that in hell, that is, in the depths of the underworld, there is such an illusory river, and one of the high sequences of the corpse collector's path is related to it.

He actually answered directly without any information fee. Although it was just a rumor and not confirmed at all... Lumian smiled and said:

I've often been thinking recently, why there is such a river in the myths and legends of our hometown, and there is also one here.

He nodded indirectly without mentioning it further.

Three-Headed Evil Dog thought for a while and said:

This may have to be discussed in terms of the similarities between mythological roots and human thinking.

Lumian said hmm in Aurore's voice without asking any more questions.

He listened for a while longer before turning to a breach in the ancient palace.

With the previous preparation, he could naturally contact the members of April Fool's Day and listen to their exchanges.

On the way to the target location, Lumian quickly ran through what he had seen and heard before in his mind.

He found that his sister Aurore was quite popular. Both the members of the Academy and Purgatory expressed their love for her.

Showed enough kindness.

After walking diagonally through the ancient palace, Lumian saw a man with stockings on his head jumping onto a half-broken column, and said to the members of the Curly Baboon Research Society who were dressed in different styles around him:

I'm going to recite a poem!

“O sea, you are all water;

“O horse, you have four legs;

Witch, you taste so good!

This is not poetry at all... Lumian has already bought Secret Records of Emperor Russell and knows that it is teasing the emperor's super-friendship with a certain witch, and laments the witch in his diary. It tastes really good.

One step, two steps, Lumian arrived near the April Fool's Day group, and saw the man with his back to him wearing a black fortune teller-style robe, with an ancient Fusac word written in gold paint behind him:


According to Franka, Loki is the god of lies, tricks and fire in some legends of their world, and this member codenamed Loki is the founder of the April Fool's Day group. They were no slower than Hela and the others on the path to God, but they did not serve as vice president... A series of information flashed through Lumian's mind.

He then entered the area where the April Fool's Day group was, and all the laughter and joy suddenly stopped.

Loki and others turned around at the same time and turned their attention to Lumian, who was wearing a half-face mask and a wizard's black robe.

Lumian, who was a Muggle, raised the corners of his mouth and showed a slightly bright smile: Everyone, long time no see.

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