Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 175 Ghost Ship (Thanks to Snow Flower Mandarin for rewarding the Silver Alliance)

Mr. The Hanged Man is ready... Lumian took out his gold pocket watch, opened it and took a look.

For him, he can summon the Armored Shadow at any time. The only thing he needs to worry about is that that person looks very dangerous. If he summons it for no reason, he is likely to be attacked and be cursed. But since the great Tarot Club The card The Hanged Man is here, so there is no need to worry about this problem.

The uncertain factor now is whether Franka is free, after all, she has to translate.

Lumian burned the letter, left the Golden Rooster Hotel, and went straight to Apartment 601, No. 3, White Coat Street.

What are you doing here so late? Franka is obviously not someone who goes to bed early.

Lumian looked at Jenna who had just taken off her exaggerated makeup, smiled and said to Franka:

Do you have time tonight? You can summon the 'Armored Shadow' again and ask it questions.

Summoning the Armored Shadow again... Franka's eyes lit up and she blurted out: I'm free!

The Armored Shadow most likely came from her hometown, involving the secret of their time travel and the way to go back. Not to mention it was just early in the morning, even at six in the morning, she would say that she had time to be a translator!

Seeing that Jenna was a little confused and curious, Franka couldn't hide her excitement and explained:

Didn't Charles ask us to sort out the information on spiritual world creatures that meet the summoning conditions before? One of the summoning targets he chose had a directional ambiguity when designing the summoning spell, which attracted a very strange spiritual world creature. The ability to snort and spit that you saw before came from the contract signed with this spiritual creature.

Out of jealousy and envy, Franka expressed the humming technique as snorting and spitting.

Jian Na was very impressed by the Hum Ha Technique and felt that its effect was both powerful and magical. At this time, her first reaction was to ask, Is it possible for us to sign a contract with similar spiritual creatures?

Hey, I also want to have a similar contracted creature, but I can't get that special contract. Franka expressed her regret and resentment sincerely, In short, that spiritual creature is very unique, and it is related to There are many secrets that a certain big boss of the organization behind us, uh, a demigod, is very interested in, and now only Char can accurately summon the target creature through the contract connection.

Speaking of this, Franka asked Lumian: Who is here?

Yes. Lumian nodded slightly.

Jenna looked at them and asked thoughtfully: Is it 'Justice', 'Magician', or 'Star' or 'Moon'?

Franka's expression suddenly froze on her face, her mouth opened slightly, and her eyes were full of disbelief. Lumian was also stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Jenna could name several Major Arcana cards. , and believe that the two companions are related to this.

In the indescribable silence, Jian Na's eyebrows relaxed and she smiled:

I guessed it right! You really belong to that secret organization codenamed after Tarot cards!

You, how did you know? Franka asked in shock.

Jian Na pursed her lips and sneered:

You have put nearly ten decks of Tarot cards in this room, and you don't usually use them for divination. Then Charles told me that the 'Fool' you believe in is approximately equal to the 'Fool' in the Tarot cards, and during this time I I also heard about the legend of the Major Arcana cards such as 'Justice' and the existence of the Minor Arcana cards when I attended an occult gathering.

There is so much information in front of me. If I don't make connections and try it out, wouldn't it make me look stupid?

The more she talked, the more proud she became.

Franka was stunned for a few seconds and then said: Your 'Instigator' potion was not in vain...

Very good. Lumian reluctantly praised, Be prepared to drink the 'witch's' potion.

He didn't talk any more, and left Apartment 601 with Franka, planning to go to the Golden Rooster Hotel to write a letter to Ms. Magician, telling her that she could summon the Armored Shadow now.

Jian Na looked at the backs of the two of them and muttered silently to herself: Witch...

What will happen if a man drinks the 'witch's' potion...

Golden Rooster Hotel, Room 207.

After Lumian sent the letter, he did not extinguish the candle and waited for a reply under the double light.

Franka paced back and forth in the cramped room, feeling excited and a little nervous.

She not only wanted to get clues from the Armored Shadow to return to her hometown, but she was also afraid that even her last hope would be lost.

Time passed minute by minute, and just when the Happiness Witch felt that a year had passed, the candlelight in the room suddenly surged.

In the dim firelight the size of a human head, pieces of bright stars flew out, surrounding Lumian and Franka.

They seemed to have arrived in the boundless starry sky, and their whole bodies became extremely small.

After a brief dizziness, Lumian and Franka found themselves leaving Room 207 of the Golden Rooster Hotel and arriving on a deck in the dark night.

The first thing that caught their eyes was the ancient triple mast, with its giant gray-white sails rolled up like an open door.

The crimson moonlight from high in the sky fell, but it failed to completely illuminate the area where Lumian and Franka were. It was dark and dark, with mottled wooden boards, like a haunted ancient building.

Franka looked around quickly and sighed in a relaxed state:

“Wow, an ancient sailing ship.

“Great for making ghost movies!”

What is a ghost movie? Lumian asked casually.

Franka smiled awkwardly: It's just a play that tells ghost stories.

As she spoke, she touched the dark linen rope draped over the side of the ship, as if trying to determine the specific year.

Suddenly, the rope came to life, wrapped around Franka's right hand dexterously and quickly, and moved upwards, trying to tie up the Pleasure Witch.

A layer of black flames erupted, burning the dark linen rope that seemed to have a life of its own.

The rope suddenly rebounded, as if in pain.

At the same time, a ball of ropes that had been lying quietly on the deck swung towards Lumian.

Lumian raised his slightly burning right palm and grabbed the front part of the rope.

The rope suddenly became quiet, as if all its life force had been sucked out in an instant.

All the ropes that came to life in this area became normal again, fell to the ground with a snap, and stopped squirming.

Lumian looked down at his right palm and muttered silently:

The remaining aura of the 'Blood Emperor' in my body resonates weakly with this ship...

These weird ropes immediately became obedient after feeling the burning heat of my right palm...

This is the old sailing ship I saw at Lavigne Pier this morning?

Lavigne Pier...Church of Fools...is this Mr. Hanged Man's ship?

Lumian's thoughts raced and he quickly made a guess.

Franka turned half a circle and said excitedly: This is a ghost ship, a ghost ship!

It is alive in itself!

When the voice of the Pleasure Witch echoed on the deck, Lumian heard the words of the Magician lady:

Mr. Hanged Man's ghost ship is a legacy of the Tudor Empire. There are many secrets that have yet to be solved. When he gives you a reward, you can choose the opportunity to explore the ship. It is up to you when to start the exploration. up to you.

Sure enough, it was related to the Tudor Empire... Lumian became determined and walked forward to the cabin.

While Franka followed, she looked around curiously, touching here, tapping there, and whispering a few words from time to time, as if she wanted to communicate with Mr. The Hanged Man's ghost ship.

With a creaking sound, a door in the cabin opened on its own.

There is a thick dark brown carpet here, with bookshelves and wine cabinets on both sides. There are books with yellowish covers and bottles of dark red wine.

There is a large wooden table in front of the bookshelf, with inkwells, quills, brass sextants, black metal telescopes and white candles on it.

Close to the desk, stood a middle-aged man of medium build. His dark blue hair was messy, his skin was tanned and rough, and he was wearing a linen shirt, a brown jacket and dark wide-leg pants. He had a more majestic temperament and seemed to It was the prayer Lumian saw at the Church of the Fool in the morning.

Are you Mr. Hanged Man? Lumian asked.

The strong man nodded gently: I am the Hanged Man.

Franka looked at the man and thought that she was currently on a ghost ship, and suddenly remembered something.

You, you are Argel, the Stormbringer? Is this the Blue Avenger? Franka blurted out in surprise and joy.

The Hanged Man glanced at her and replied without any change in expression: Have you heard of me?

Of course! Franka praised extremely sincerely, You are the king of the sea without the name of pirate king. If you hadn't fought with the 'King of the Five Seas' in the Misty Sea, the ships in the surrounding seas would have felt this. Horrible storm, no one knows you are a demigod.

Moreover, you are different from those pirates. You are a true, pure, and ambitious treasure hunter. You have never robbed serious ships. You have been exploring the western border of the Misty Sea, looking for the 'Lost Newins' and 'Solomons'. The legacy of empire'.

She finally resisted the words You are my idol, feeling that it was too ahead of the times - Franka had a dream of being a pure treasure hunter and sailing the five seas.

Stormbringer Alger... After Lumian discovered that the main forces of the Church of Fools were at sea, he consciously exchanged information about the pirate kings and pirate generals with Franka. He knew that Alger, nicknamed Stormbringer, was a A demigod captain, but not a pirate king, so his nickname does not include the word king. Vice Admiral Disease who has become a pirate king is now called Queen of Disease.

As for Lost Newins and Legacy of the Solomon Empire, they are treasure legends that have been popular across the Five Seas for many years.

Sometimes, Lumian admires The Great Adventurer www.youxs.org. She actually dares to write a rosy story about the pirate king.

Aren't you afraid of being found and executed?

Or is she protected by the Church of Fools?

Facing Franka's passionate praise, Alger, the Hanged Man, was silent for two seconds and said: Maintaining a certain purity is both a good thing and a bad thing.

Can the summoning ceremony begin?

Franka murmured softly: A man will still have a boyish side until he dies...

Lumian responded to Mr. The Hanged Man's question: Any time.

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