When did that come about? I can't remember, but I'll never forget what happened in that time.

It was supposed to be a weekend, and I brought birthday gifts for my parents, because I went to boarding school, so I couldn't go home casually, so I had to take advantage of the weekend to send belated blessings to my family.

This would have been something to be happy about,...... Until I got the news of my parents' deaths.

The gift box fell to the floor, the contents were scattered all over the floor, and my brain was buzzing, and I couldn't accept the fact that I couldn't accept that at all.

The funny thing is that this incident was actually four days ago.

And I, I don't know anything.

I never imagined that one day my home would be taken over by others, let alone that the death of my parents would attract so many robbers.

I took it by chance and prayed that none of this was true,...... Until I saw my parents' urns.

They wouldn't even buy a cemetery for my parents, and threw the urn at the funeral home like garbage.

I watched their ugly faces, like hyenas, fighting for what my parents had left behind, and I was forcibly thrown into an orphanage.

They dragged me out of school, threatened me with my parents' urns, acted in front of the police, and falsified evidence of my adoption just to be on the safe side.

They almost drove me to the brink of extinction.

I don't understand why they are so cruel to our family, and why do we have to bear so much malice when we do wrong!

The situation at the orphanage was worse than I thought, but I could bear it, at least the people here are kind.

I am not willing to let myself and these abandoned children do what those scum wish, so I will grit my teeth and live until I regain everything that belongs to my parents.

I'm not an adult yet, so many places are reluctant to recruit workers, so I can only pick some remote places to work, and the situation in these places can be imagined.

Sometimes I would even be beaten all over my body, and I would have to pull out a smile to make amends.

Scalded or scratched by a boiler or something, continue working with pain.

Endure the nausea and the blood in the slaughterhouse, gritting your teeth to keep yourself from throwing up.

Doing manual labor that is too heavy for a teenager and receiving a meager wage.

But I survived, three months, not too long, not too short, this period of time for me can be regarded as a year, but at least it has made me less vulnerable.

Although the work is still very heavy, I don't have to go out of my way to find places where I am willing to hire minors, and there are many more places where I can work, and I am finally on the right track.

Later, half a year later, an unexpected thing happened.

If anything that has happened in my life before has only hit me at most.

What happened this time was like someone put the muzzle of a gun to my heart and pulled the trigger.

One shot shattered all my sanity.

...... Do you know about human trafficking?

I always thought it was far away from me, just pictures and words on the news channels.

But now, I've seen with my own eyes that hell is chilling.

To be honest, I wish it was just trafficking, but in fact, what I saw was far more terrifying than that.

They sell not even "whole" people.

I lost a child in the orphanage where I was staying, and he disappeared on the way back from school, and that day was the day when the old superintendent picked up the children.

Originally, everything was normal, but when it was only one street away from the orphanage, the old dean suddenly found that a little girl who was still there just now was missing...

The old dean called the police, and the police quickly began an investigation, but because this area belongs to the old street, it has not been renovated and there is no surveillance, so the investigation is very difficult.

But even with great difficulty, the police noticed a suspicious slaughterhouse, and I remember this place, because I used to work here, and at that time this place didn't even have a business license, but no one cared about it, which was a problem.

But now, when the police went to investigate, there was nothing wrong with the investigation at all, and the police found nothing wrong after a careful search, so naturally they no longer stared at the slaughterhouse.

But I don't think it's a problem, because, as we left, no one noticed that the owner of the slaughterhouse had a treacherous smile and a look of sarcasm in his eyes, except for me, who had deliberately hidden in the crowd to suppress my presence

I don't know where I got the guts, so I got everything I could that should come in handy, and waited until the middle of the night to sneak into the slaughterhouse.

I've worked here, and it's been a while, but luckily my memory isn't too bad, and the layout of the slaughterhouse hasn't changed much, so I almost got spotted, but luckily, I managed to slip in.

I don't know if it's because I don't leave a handle, or if I'm overconfident, this place didn't even have a monitor, otherwise I would have been caught with the level of my three-legged cat at that time.

I hid in a bunch of inconspicuous debris, secretly listening to the conversation of these people, normally this time should be resting, but there are still quite a few people patrolling here This is not normal at all.

"Hey, you say, why are you in such a hurry, those strips have only been here during the day, we are in such a hurry, won't we be caught?"

said a raunchy middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth and a man with a scar on his chin next to him.

"You don't understand this, listen to the head, what is this called, what is black, oops, anyway, according to the meaning of the head, those policemen are not paying attention to this at all now, the head has ordered to make a few fake baits in other places before, to deceive those strips, let's hurry up to complete the above needs, and then hurry up to withdraw, and then those strips will not even be able to catch up with our exhaust.

"It's a head, it's smart. The man sighed for a moment, and then asked: "Alas, you say, why are we in such a hurry this batch of 'goods

'?" "I don't know, anyway, the top is urging tightly, otherwise we won't just grab a little girl and leave during the day, we have been staring at the orphanage for a while, although no one wants that group of little mongrels, but the limbs are quite sound, and the result is such a rush, so I can only hastily wrap it up, alas, the things on the child's body are worth a lot of money recently, and how much money do you have to make."

"What can we do, we have to listen to the head to do this kind of peanut eating thing, without a hood, where can we have the ability to hide from those slivers?

"Forget it, it's enough for us to be busy with ourselves, let the boss worry about this kind of thing."

"That's right, haha. "

After listening to the conversation, my heart couldn't help but feel heavy, I didn't dare to think about how dirty it was, but I also knew that I couldn't waste any more time, and I had to save the child before the animals could do anything.

I wanted to secretly use my phone to send a message to the police station, but I found that my phone had no signal at all, so I had no choice but to sneak into the depths of the slaughterhouse as stealthily as possible.

Then I found a passage to the underground, and walked down cautiously, slowing down as much as I could to avoid attracting attention, but luckily there was no one underneath, and unfortunately,... I saw something.

...... Who would have believed all of this if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

Jars of various organs filled with some kind of liquid were sold on the wall, and there were several black boxes next to them, so you didn't have to think about it to know what was inside.

Holding back my nausea, I continued to walk inside, listening carefully to the movements around me as I went, while silently taking out a tiger-shaped electric shock device and placing it on my right hand.

I don't know what the setting is like, and while a blind search may be of little avail, I don't have much to do to find out where they're holding the kids.

The lighting here is not very good, there are places to hide everywhere, and I guess they didn't expect anyone to dare to sneak in, and the reason why I was able to succeed may only be due to luck.

"Alright, alright, the 'garbage' is gone, hurry up, go and drag the next one over." I

was frightened by the sudden sound, but quickly realized that it was not speaking to me, and I peeked my head out of the corner and looked through the shadows at the door frame that was revealing the light source on the right side of the front, and the shadow was shaking on the ground of the doorway.

Their voices continued.

"I'm going to die of exhaustion if I want to go to you, I've been there three times in half a day, it's your turn.

"Alas, okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go, if you don't finish it quickly, if you blame it, it's fatal, bring the key." "

Take it. "

The footsteps sounded, I retracted my head, listening to the footsteps getting closer, I hid behind the wall, nervous, ready to use the electric shocker in my hand at any moment.

But the footsteps weren't coming towards me, and I was supposed to be walking towards the left passage, which was an intersection.

Roughly guessing what he was going to do, I quietly followed, hanging behind him, adjusting the frequency of my steps, lowering my voice, and getting closer.

I felt like my heart was about to jump out, the sound of my heartbeat was clear and audible, maybe it was because I was too vigilant, and the guy in front of me in a bloodstained surgical gown was humming a little song, not realizing that there was a person behind me.

Not long after, he walked to an iron door, took out the key and began to open the door, with a crisp sound of unlocking, he pushed open the iron door, the iron door creaked, and I also touched behind him...

With a muffled snort, he convulsed and fell, I quickly grabbed his body and slowly put the guy down, then looked up and saw two little girls hugging each other, huddled together.

One of the little girls in a little pink dress saw me, her eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth to shout.

I quickly raised a hand to silence me, the children in the orphanage were very obedient, and in this case it turned out to be a good thing.

I walked up to the children and crouched down, and whispered, "I can take you out, but you promise not to make a sound, or the bad guys will hear." The

girl from her orphanage nodded, clearly understanding what I meant, while the other girl choked up and began to cry as soon as she heard that someone had come to save her.

I quickly covered her mouth and comforted her for a long time, so that the girl did not cry too loudly.

I took the hands of the two little girls and hurried back the way I came, leaving this place before anyone found out.

To avoid the guards, I took a long detour, to a hidden corner of the slaughterhouse, where I cleared the weeds and revealed a dog hole.

The hole is too small for me right now, but at least it will get the kids out.

I handed the phone to the little girl I knew, and said to her: "Xiaowen, after crawling over with this child, hurry up to the orphanage, don't look back, go to the director, and ask him to call the police." "

What about you, Brother Night?" the

little girl looked at me with worried eyes.

I touched her head and said, "I'll go another way, don't worry about me, let's go, it's too late if you don't go."

Xiaowen climbed out with the little girl, struggled for a while, and still pulled the little girl away quickly.

I breathed a sigh of relief at the tall iron fence, and then turned back to find another way out.

The slaughterhouse began to stir up, and it was clear that what I had done had been discovered, and that was a bit of a problem for me, and now that a large number of people with flashlights had begun to search, my situation was beginning to become precarious, and the low wall I had climbed into had become a focus of attention, and it was difficult to find a place to borrow from anywhere else, let alone someone looking for me everywhere.

Forced to helpless, I could only hide in the factory again, and I once again shrank in the inconspicuous pile of debris in the corner, thinking about countermeasures.

"Tm, who is so bold to let people go!" "

Hurry up and find it, no matter what, the requirements of the top must be completed today, otherwise we won't be able to eat and walk around!!

" "Hurry up and find them!!They're definitely still here!!Two little kids can't run out!!"

I shrank there quietly, listening to the impotent rage of the scumbags, and silently mocked their brains.

Anyway, it's really unrealistic for me to get out now, I hope the police will arrive soon, otherwise I guess I'm going to become their "goods".

"A bunch of rubbish, even two little kids can't stand it. "

Hearing this voice, my attention was drawn to the past, it was the voice of the slaughterhouse owner, and it was not far from me.

"Damn, what now?"

the slaughterhouse owner pointed his foot on the ground in annoyance.

"Alas. "

M, it seems that I can only pay out of my own pocket, I originally wanted to hide the organs of Ye Chongyan secretly, it seems that I can only hand over the organs of the couple, but it's a pity. "


What is he talking about?"

the couple's organs are quite valuable, and it was annoying that they were looking for a chance to please them.

"It's hard to find people who kill people and sell their relatives' organs, let alone such special 'goods'." "

I felt the anger burning through my chest.

These few simple words let me know a lot, the death of my parents was not an accident, and their organs were sold.

No wonder they threw me so far from home and didn't tell me where my parents' urns were.


I resisted the urge to kill, and when the boss walked out for a while, I immediately ran to the underground passage, my reason was not completely burned out by anger, these people dared to do such a thing, they must have left a way out, I hope I guessed correctly.

I entered the underground passage again, and this time, there was no one here, I ran smoothly into the depths, and then I saw a rusty electric switch, and when I pulled the electric gate open, the lights came on, and the originally dark environment could finally be seen.

Not far away was a rusty iron door with a deadbolt hanging on it, so I quickly stepped forward to open it and walked in. And then....

I was stunned.

In front of me was a hill of corpses, both adults and children, but their chests were wide open and their organs were all cleaned.

The sickening and intense rancid smell came to my nose, the dried blood on the ground stretched haphazardly, countless flies circled, and the sound of flapping wings was clearly audible.

Maggots ran up and down the mountain of corpses, crawling in through the rotting eye sockets, and then through the lower jaws of corpses....

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but vomit anymore, I vomited violently until I retched, I felt like I was about to vomit out my internal organs, but I couldn't stop the feeling of wanting to vomit.

It was the first time I experienced what a breakdown was and I felt like I was going almost crazy.

This is hell, a hell forged by the hands of the wicked, a hell forged with the flesh and blood of countless innocent people...

I was in a trance, stumbling and almost falling, but luckily I was able to hold on to the wall so that I wouldn't fall.

At this moment, I felt myself stepping on something, and when I looked down, I saw that it was a blackened, deformed bracelet with a tiny blue gem on it.

Even though it was broken like this, I still recognized it, it was my mother's bracelet...

At that moment, I don't know why, my heart actually became very calm, so calm that I couldn't believe it, and there was only one thought in my mind:


I straightened up, pulled out my folding knife as a weapon of self-defense, and turned out of the room.

I set a fire with the lighter I was carrying, and I walked out step by step, and I killed everyone I met on the way, I don't know how I did it, but I did, the strange strange power and reaction speed in my body made me do all this, I don't know why I have this power, but I don't care.

Now, I just want to bring all the people here....

All sent to hell.

"Miss, Miss, wake up!" an

illusory blue phantom called out to the side of the nightmare star, very anxious.

"What to do... , I can only give it a try. "

Ding! Consume 1000 points to activate the "Soul Shield" function.

"Ding! Detects an abnormal situation in the system owner, and prepares to activate the "Spiritual Purification".

"Ding! detects that the soul strength of the system owner is extremely high, and opens the "awakening".

"Phew, Miss almost went astray, but fortunately, I learned the system knowledge (=_=) before


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