
With the order of the leading cavalry captain, hundreds of steel-toothed cavalry armed with spears launched a charge together, and the power of the cavalry charge frightened the goblins who were huddled not far away into scattering and fleeing, but unfortunately, escaping did not change their ending.

Although these steel-toothed cavalry can only be regarded as assault cavalry, although they have armor on their bodies, they are only half-body armor, and the spears in their hands are relatively long wooden pole spears, but even so, these cavalry can be regarded as dimensionality reduction blows for this group of goblins who can't even form a formed force and have extremely low combat quality.

Countless goblins were pierced by the spears of the cavalry, trampled to death by the iron hooves of the war horses, and in just a few minutes, more than 500 goblins were killed and wounded.

Anlott swung her heavy sword and slashed several of the goblins that rushed up at her waist, then grabbed the neck of a goblin who tried to sneak up and lifted it up.

The panicked goblin stabbed Anlot's arm armor with the stone dagger in his hand, and the horror in his eyes was hard to hide.

Anlote looked at the goblin coldly, and the power in his hand gradually increased:

"The brass tribe really doesn't have a long memory, and the chief shouldn't have left you a group of scourges in the first place. With a

click, Anlott snapped the goblin's neck, tossed the corpse, and then looked at the brass tribe that was on fire, and raised his heavy sword and walked there.

There was no suspense in this battle, the Brass Tribe, which had already suffered heavy losses in the siege of the Steel Fang Fortress, and now there were not many goblins left to fight, and it was only a matter of time before Anlote and the others were destroyed.

On the other side, as Sreel pinned a goblin shaman to the ground with a single shot, another goblin tribe smaller than the Brass tribe was also destroyed.

Anlott and Sluer each led half of their troops to attack the two goblin tribes, and some of the Fallen Star Zerg under the Night Star came to their aid to take down the two goblin tribes together.

And some of the remaining small tribes, the Steel Fang Tribe simply spared their lives, although there must be guys among them who volunteered to help the demon mage, but it is not good to clean up one by one, and the allies of the Steel Fang tribe have also killed many small tribes before, and I think the remaining surviving tribes will also have a long memory.

After destroying the two goblin tribes, the forces of Anlot and Sluel converged and marched together towards the mountain area inhabited by the Blackclaw wildlings.

For the Steel Tooth Tribe, in fact, the Blackclaw Savages really need to deal with, this group of guys was restless before, and this time they are helping the demon mage to do evil, and if this group of guys is left until now, there will be something like a moth sooner or later.

When the two of them arrived near the Blackclaw Clan, the other party had already been in a tight position, and when they found out that the army of the Steel Tooth Tribes had come to their tribe, a Blackclaw Savage blew the horn, followed by countless Blackclaw Savages, and even some low-level demons appeared.

The Blackclaw Wildlings tribe is behind a narrow mountain pass, which is the only exit of the Blackclaw Wildling tribe, the ground on both sides of the exit is raised, forming a condescending natural parapet, coupled with some wooden defenses built by the Blackclaw Wildlings, it will take some means to capture this mountain pass.

Anlotte looked at the other party's stubborn look, sneered, and then said to the herald beside him,

"Pull the ballista up." "

The Steel Fang Tribe has had conflicts with the Blackclaw Savage Clan before, but the other tribe's location is a little troublesome to deal with, and for the sake of their lack of radical behavior, the Steel Fang Tribe didn't really move.

But this time was different.

The siege engines inside the fortress were actually used for city defense, and this ballista was temporarily modified from a crossbow mounted on the city wall, specifically to deal with the tribal defense of the Blackclaw Wildlings.

If it is attacked, it can also be taken, but it will pay a lot of unnecessary casualties, so Snarmei asked his subordinates to dismantle a crossbow machine and use it temporarily.

In fact, when Nightstar learned that the entrance to the Blackclaw Wildling's tribe was easy to defend and difficult to attack, he proposed to send a few Hammer Worms to help them tear down the Blackclaw Wildling's defenses, but Snarcharm refused.

He said it was a feud between the Steelfang Tribe and the Blackclaw Wildlings, and that Nightstar had helped them enough, and that this matter could not be bothered to her anymore.

In fact, Yechen Star doesn't matter, but for the sake of Sinar Mei's sincerity, he didn't force it anymore.

The ballista was wound under the control of several gnolls, loaded with stone bullets, and then aimed at the wooden gate.


With Anlot's order, the stone projectile flew out and smashed heavily on the rough wooden gate, the sawdust flew and the gate sunken inward, obviously, although this shoddy wooden door looked relatively thick, but it was of limited use as a defensive facility.

"String the crossbow, do it again!" Seeing

that the attack was effective, Anlotte instructed the ballista's operators to do it again.

At this moment, the somewhat dented wooden gate suddenly opened, and the Blackclaw Savage and the low-level demon roared out.

Obviously, they knew that instead of waiting to die in a coffin that was not very strong, they would give it a go.

Seeing that the opponent couldn't help but come out to meet the enemy, the corners of Anlot's mouth rose slightly.

"Spread out! Cavalry charge!" Under

Anlot's order, the originally dense infantry phalanx quickly dispersed to both sides as if it had been rehearsed a long time ago, revealing the steel-toothed cavalry behind them who were turning over their horses.

The leader of the cavalry flicked the reins, raised his spear and shouted:

"Charge !!"

The cavalry's charge cut through the enemy's scattered formation like a hot knife cutting through butter, and the troops of the Blackclaw Savage Clan who had fallen into confusion were divided and surrounded by the steel-toothed soldiers who followed closely behind, and were completely annihilated in a matter of moments.

With the last of the Blackclaw Savages having their throats slit by the steel-toothed infantry's swords, all the enemies that rushed out were reduced to corpses on the ground, after which the Blackclaw Wildlings were unable to organize an effective resistance.

As a few torches and jars filled with flammable fuel grease were tossed onto the rudimentary shacks and tents of the Blackclaw Savage tribe, the flames grew stronger and stronger under the nourishment of the grease, and the Blackclaw Savage Clan was erased from the area of the North Vanahn Woodlands.

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