Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 470: . The castle that finally broke

The noble coalitions that had assembled the siege equipment began the prelude to the siege.

The polished round stone **** were thrown directly by the long arm of the catapult, traversing the beautiful curve, and hit the city wall heavily. The splashed stones flew indiscriminately and hit the soldiers defending the city. On his body, it was like being attacked by a slinging rope, all over painfully covering the smashed part and groaning.

If you hit the key, or both hands and legs that were not defended by the leather armor, it was a fatal blow. When you fell on the wall on the spot, you lost the possibility of continuing the battle, which is equivalent to leaving the battlefield.

The Wayne family has been sticking to Grothenburg for decades and has accumulated a lot of supplies for the city.

Including these trebuchets and ballistas and the associated stone bombs and spears.

These are reserves.

In order to use the Grotenburg as the center of resistance after the defeat of the South County leader, with the help of the vast North County leader plain and his own cavalry, the troops of the Silver Plate Kingdom, mainly infantry, will be consumed on this battlefield.

It is like bleeding, so that the invading troops can only withdraw from the darkness, and even give up the land they have occupied.

This is the strategic plan of the Principality of the Lions.


And declare bankruptcy in the future.

Because Kant's subordinates, Fatiz and Rolf, were intimidating the knights and began to attack Marsburg. As long as they broke through here, the portal of the southern county leader was opened in front of them.

By then, it’s up to them to knead or pinch, it’s up to them!

The Nanjun leader is still pushing away.

The war has begun.

But it was not the originally defensive battle against the Silver Plate Kingdom.

It was Kant, who was not in his heart at all, was equivalent to being exiled, but returned with a killing!

The second son of Grand Duke Cameron, the son of Princess Sofia of the Silver Plate Kingdom, has the second overall succession right, and has occupied the entire northern county. Even the news that even the eastern county has occupied a small part of the young people!

The fighting in Marsburg continued, with trebuchets and ballistas throwing stone **** between the whistling.

The horrible shock resounded through the sky.

But there is no way.

The people in Marsborough are still holding on hard.

The castle that took decades to build, although not a top castle, still has a good defense effect.

The most important thing is that after these trebuchets and ballistas fought violently, although the city wall collapsed a little, the main body still stood, and the casualties of those soldiers were also controlled within 200, which is not a wound.

If it is calculated according to conventional tactics, if you want to capture this castle, at least thousands of casualties have to be paid.

But Fatiz and Rolf were not prepared to do so.

Too many casualties will affect the morale of the troops.

The aristocratic coalition forces now threatened and lured by them could not stand the setback.

On the contrary, they also need an extremely happy victory, and the victory of Marsburg is the most critical goal.

Therefore, they gave an absolute order, asking the Wayne family to dismantle all the siege weapons here, and day and night, let the infantry throw stone **** at the wall and bombard the main body of the wall.

This is also very effective.

With each impact, the city wall creaked and cracks appeared on the surface.

The city wall has been unable to support for too long. After all, the construction of the wall in Marsburg is entirely a layer of stones on the outside, crushed stones and mud filled inside, and then a layer of stones on the outside, which seems to be strong.

If a wall of the city is blasted away, the positive wall will completely collapse.

And now.

That part of the wall that was deliberately concentrated on fire was really about to reach its extreme point.

After a morning of bombardment, around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there were large and small pits on the wall. The entire wall was recessed toward the inside with a naked eye, and even cracks appeared on the wall.

On this wall, there are no soldiers left behind, and they dare not continue to stay here.

Even the entire wall defense has been abandoned.

The main body of the castle in the rear has arranged more soldiers to defend.

The castle is the most important defense system. The wall is just an external obstacle to delay the enemy’s attack. When the wall is lost, the enemy’s siege equipment and morale will also be consumed to a certain extent, and it will be simpler to defend the castle.

At least defending in the castle is much safer than the walls!


Finally, under the continuous bombardment of the trebuchet, the wall finally collapsed.

The smoke suddenly overflowed, and a large amount of gravel and mud fell down, and the soldiers on the surrounding city walls and towers, as if they had received any order, quickly assembled and appeared behind and on both sides of the collapsed city wall.

Next, it is around this collapsed city wall, the beginning of the wall wall battle!

This is also a good time to fight the siege.

When siege.

It is not that the collapse of the city wall represents the collapse of the castle.

The collapse of the city wall is only a bar, and the width is not even 5 meters, but it is exactly the width of 5 meters. The rear is always a garrison. If you want to attack, you can only use this place as a flesh!

This is the battlefield where life is consumed~www.novelmtl.com~ is also the main position where defenders can consume the morale of the attacker.

Offensive parties often carry a decisive mentality.

This mentality is reflected when climbing the city wall or directly attacking the city gate.

Once consumed, the overall morale will drop. Unlike the defenders, as long as the morale is restored, the longer the time, the greater the advantage of the defenders, especially when they can all withdraw to the main body of the castle. When they are waiting for assistance, they have an absolute advantage.

In the feudal era, it was unthinkable to attack a castle that was completely blocked, and had food and drinking water reserves. There were even records of defenses that failed to break into for several months.

In the case of this kind of Western feudal lord, a battle that lasted for several months was enough for a long time!


Rolf waved his sword forward.

Behind him, hordes of noble coalition infantry began to charge.

With a spear, they stepped closer and soon approached the collapsed wall, but the oncoming arrow rain also quickly poured over, and the noble coalition infantry fell to the ground, but more people were straight toward Inside.

Just now, the army of 10,000 people has launched a total attack!

No casualties at all!

Even inside the walls, the eyes of the Viscount Kevin on the main body of the castle were almost staring out.

His original arrangement was to prevent the enemy's tentative attack.

But now.

Directly the total attack.

The tens of thousands of people rushed together like a tide.

Regardless of the crossbowmen shooting at the top of the city wall, the ballistas on the tower bombarded, and the dead and wounded everywhere, but it seemed that splashes of water were splashing in the sea, and more infantry rushed into it frantically.

And in the place where the city wall collapsed, a complete battle!

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