Chapter Eighty-Seven All Members!!

“Bhikkhu beast…”

Looking at the little guy who is obviously extremely weak and scared in his heart, but he is blocking in front of him without hesitation at this moment, Suna’s heart is also extremely complicated.

It would be impossible not to be moved, but in addition to being moved, she was more worried.

Because, such powerful enemies as the evil dragon beast and the ancient beast, even if there is the command of Taiyi, the bhikkhu beast will be ~ injured.

After all, after all, they are only growth stage Digimon, and there is an evolution stage between them and Evil Dragon Beasts and these mature Digimon!

And sometimes, even if it’s just one difference, it’s a world of difference!

At this moment, she can somewhat understand her mother’s feelings when she prevents her from competing.

However, she was not worried or doubtful about whether these selected children and partner Digimon would be able to defeat the Evil Dragon Beast and the Guga Beast under the leadership of Taiyi!

Because she believes in her lover’s ability, and she also believes that as long as she follows him, then sooner or later everything can be solved!

Souna couldn’t be more convinced!

After all, her Taiyi has never let her down! ——Whether it was a dispute in the Dingqiu Club, or a conflict between friends, or even his own family affairs, Taiyi, a childhood sweetheart, has never been stumped!

This time, naturally, it will be no exception.

She also thinks the same way as Mitsukoro, as a childhood sweetheart who has accompanied Taichi since childhood, they are well aware of their childhood sweetheart’s skills, so they are not very worried that he will fail.

Jodo and Mimi on the side were a little worried, but in the end, they chose to believe their friend (senior)

After all, from the realization now, they have not seen Taiyi fail.

As for Mochizuki Nha Shin, from the beginning, she didn’t worry about this problem.

Because, she firmly believed that it was absolutely impossible for Taiyi to lose at the hands of a few mature Digimon.

Because, she had already had a similar digital world adventure in her dreams.

And in that digital adventure, among the children who were chosen, the most powerful was a boy named Yagami Taichi.

To be honest, at the beginning, Mochizuki Nha Xin regarded this adventure in his dream as an ordinary dream, after all, Digimon, the digital world or something, it is unrealistic to hear it.

Until she met Mimi Tachikawa by chance, and learned about the existence of Taichi and others from her mouth.

Then the more she learned, the more convinced she became of that dream.

After all, before this, she didn’t know Taiyi and the others at all, and she hadn’t seen them.

So, the question is, why did she dream of their existence in her dreams, and still be so concise about their affairs!

There is only one answer, that is, the dream she had was not an ordinary dream, but a precognitive dream, and the digital world adventure in the dream was her future!

It is precisely because of this that she will persuade her parents to agree to transfer her to Odaiba Elementary School, and intentionally or unintentionally bring up the topic of summer camp in Meimei’s ear, so that Mimi, who was not interested in summer camp, has an interest in participating.

Recalling the scene he had seen in his dream, Mochizuki looked at Taiyi in front of him, ruffled the hair in his hand from time to time, gently lowered his head, and two blushing halos appeared on his face.

“If it’s Taiyi, it’s Taiyi… Then it will definitely be possible! ”

As he spoke, Mochizuki’s emotions suddenly became excited.

In her mind, the Taiyi who saved the world in her dream is the most powerful person in this world, and there is no enemy that he cannot defeat.

All the stories of Taiyi back then, Mochizuki Bud Heart was in his eyes.

Because, in the dream, she was also a member of the selected children in the future, but she was not outstanding, and she was not able to participate in this summer camp.

Like another group of selected children, they can silently look up at the figure of the eight selected children in Taiyi and their eight selected children in a corner of the world, pray for them, and send blessings to them.

And in the battle between the selected children and their partner Digimon against the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, after carefully observing the eight selected children, Mochizuki was surprised to discover a shocking fact.

Of the eight ‘children who were called’ in the first rank, there were actually only three or four who could really make a difference.

One of them is Yagami Ka’er, the owner of the Light Badge.

She shines in despair, breaks through the haze, and brings the light of tomorrow to everyone, another person, the owner of the knowledge badge, Mitsuko Izumi.

In future battles, Mochizuki has seen Mitsukoro’s fingers flying and his thoughts surging many times, providing detailed intelligence and information to a boy named Yagami Taichi, filling up the final puzzle for his battle, so that he can be invincible and invincible!

In a way, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the man who stands behind Taiyi.

As for the last person.

There is no doubt that there is only Yagami Taichi, and at the same time he is also the most important person

Because he is not only the best friend of Izumi Mitsukoro, the holder of the Knowledge Badge, but also the older brother of Yagami Ka’er, the holder of the Bright Badge!

Moreover, it was also him, with the power of one person, who defeated the three Dark Four Heavenly Kings of the Extreme Body.

And in the battle against the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, the rest of the children who were selected did not even play any role, only Johto Sho occasionally assisted

As for Yamato Ishida, especially the other party’s highlight moment, the polar body evolution, Mochizuki Bud Shin is completely incomprehensible.

When did the other party have a friendship that allowed the orc Garuru to evolve? Isn’t he going to know nothing but backstabbing teammates?

A friendship badge that engages in infighting every day is outrageous!

It’s just like playing, if Yamato Ishida takes the love badge, she will also recognize it, after all, love for her brother is also love.

But, he takes the friendship badge? Hehe!

In that dream, if it weren’t for the fact that Taichi didn’t want to deal with Yamato in the end, I’m afraid that no one in the team would like each other in the end.

Mochizuki had serious doubts that constancy was given the wrong badge, or that he had to give it to him when he didn’t have to pick it in the end, and only friendship remained.

After all, Daiwa Ishida, this guy, I’m afraid that in the end, he didn’t understand what true friendship is, and his friendship is probably not the biggest joke!

Or is his friendship the power that others give him, rather than his own?

After all, every time a unicorn evolves, it seems that someone else is paying? The reason he took the friendship badge should be that Taiyi gave him friendship! In a word.

In the depths of Mochizuki’s heart, if there is anyone she can trust the most, there is no doubt that there is only Yagami Taichi!

Because Taichi is not only the undoubted leader among the children who are chosen, but also the only idol she absolutely trusts!

ps: The burning braincase hurts, and the fever is really unbearable!

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