
The reason why they are full of energy is because after the other gangs were driven away last night, someone gave them more than one hundred protein cakes, which is called a midnight snack.

Many brothers who had reported suspicion were relieved.

Today, the scale is bigger, and more and more people are going to catch locusts. By the evening, there are people who take the initiative to find Jack. They are willing to provide a large number of locusts, only to give priority to the exchange of protein cakes.

Obviously, someone is already eyeing the business opportunity of protein cakes.

Look at the attire on his body, it should be a ‘great character’ coming out of the city.

After all, there is a shortage of food everywhere nowadays, and no one wants to let go of anything that can become food. As for grabbing.

The great character in the city has been informed that this group of people are not local. Once they are pressed too quickly, they can turn around and leave, unless they are confident that they can stop Aslan.

The nobles would never do the killing of chickens and eggs, and they wanted to deepen the relationship, and finally bought the formula of protein cake.

Jack was not polite, and directly increased the price. The three locusts exchanged a protein cake for 10,000 protein cakes a day.

The one who approached the nobleman, without saying anything, left a thousand locusts as a gift.

Jack sent the opponent away and immediately ran to the small courtyard.

“Young Master! It seems that the nobles in the city have noticed us.”

Aslan smiled nodded.

“It is normal to be noticed. After all, we are so dynamic, don’t care too much, we can continue to develop. Now the main city of Pune is also short of food.”

In the early morning of the next morning, Jack was well prepared. Someone pulled several carts of locusts into the workshop compound that had just been built the past few days.

The four helpers quickly unloaded the locusts from the car. These people are also very generous to leave the car here and come back tomorrow.

Counting 10,000 protein cakes, the nobleman in charge of the contact couldn’t help but smile.

“Happy cooperation, Mr. Jack Li!”

“It’s all in business. Our boss likes to do this kind of good deeds. Otherwise, after starving too many people, after the locust plague, no one can cultivate the land.” Jack said full of smiles.

The other party is also nodded.

Since then, the daily locust transaction volume between the two sides has increased, and the people’s locust transaction volume has also increased, so that the flow of people in the southern suburbs, everyday all, is setting a new record.

The workshop is getting bigger and bigger, and it has begun to build big sheds to increase business.

There are already four giant iron pots for cooking protein cakes. There are more than 20 slaves in the workshop, eight of them are cooking protein cakes, and the remaining twelve are responsible. Dispose of the carcass of the locust.

It was originally the hind limbs, but now the six limbs are not let go. These legs and feet are peeled and thrown into a huge mixer. Four donkeys are responsible for pulling the stone mill above the mixer to make the sharp blade of the stone mill rotate. The locust meat was slowly mashed, and then the locust fruit powder was added in proportion. A dozen more women began to knead the locust meat that had been minced into meat into meatballs or make ham into boiling water and boil it.

These women are the wives of the slaves inside. They are not allowed to enter the greenhouse, but they can earn wages here. There are Singh’s security forces outside.

Today’s Singh security forces have resolutely become the No. 1 tyrant in the southern suburbs.

The security team’s manpower has reached more than two hundred people, all wearing the agreed blue and white uniforms, which are actually the uniforms of a certain nobleman of the Shifang Alliance, with simple armor and holding a standard long sword.

Such formal military equipment also ushered in the dissatisfaction of a great character in the main city of Pune, but after Jack gave three thousand marks, plus 20 catties of ham and meatballs made of locust meat Later, the great character stopped pursuing this matter, and at the same time requested that the size of the security team in Jack could not be expanded.

The name of Dong Yapu Company slowly spread throughout the southern suburbs and the main city of Pune.

Now they only do food business, that is protein cake and meat product processing. Although it is a business, the real profit is only meat product processing. In the eyes of the outside, protein cakes only lose money. But by the strength of oneself, it has supported hundreds of thousands of people in the southern suburbs.

Nowadays, as long as you talk about Dong Yapu Company in Southern Suburbs, no one will not open your mouth to praise.

This makes the development of other business of East Asia Pu company very easy. For example, it starts to build large factories and enclosures. As long as you pay a small amount of DM and some protein cakes, the southern suburbs are almost random in Aslan’s circle.

Aslan started to build large-scale factories, and hired a large number of people in the southern suburbs.

This night, when Aslan just fell asleep, Medoria hurried back.

“Young Master! We have found the trail of Cú Chulainn Captain, but his actions are very concealed, he will not be found in the next half of the time, and the subordinates have also left contact signals.”

Aslan nodded, listening to the conflict between Kuchurin and Maratabao.

Obviously, the fiancee Elsa of Cú Chulainn is the daughter-in-law of the current owner of Marata Fort, Matthews Marata. Chris is very dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, but he can’t hold back the hope of his only son. All put him under house arrest. I hope that Elsa can understand that day. Unfortunately, almost two years have passed. Elsa still refuses to marry her son. Even Chrisius has been prepared to use the force several times, but it is a pity that Elsa Forced to block back with death.

After receiving the news, Cú Chulainn immediately led people into Maratha Fort, trying to rescue Elsa, but Chrisus found out and beat him out.

The strength of Cú Chulainn is indeed comparable to the powerhouse of the mentor level, but two fists are hard to beat by four hands. Maratha Fort has three mentor-level powerhouses. With the hostages in hand, Cú Chulainn is frightened. Fearful, he was almost in an ambush.

“From the intelligence analysis, Cú Chulainn Captain may have been injured, so he lurked and waited for reinforcements.” Medoria told the story again, letting Aslan know what happened.

“en! Keep paying attention to what’s going on over there, if there is any trouble, let me know immediately.”


While Aslan was considering the safety of Cuchulin, the current heir of the Tata family, Inside the City Lord Mansion, Durab Tata, in the main city of Pune, looked nervously at the old man in front of him, and he was the only one he could live now. A key figure in the City Lord of Pune.

“Teacher! The scale of Dong Yapu Company is now increasing. I heard that it has hired more than 200 armed personnel, and there are dozens of workers under its name.” Durab said solemnly.

The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at Durab.

“I know what you are worried about, but this is our only chance, isn’t it?” Mukel’s answer made Durab plunge into thought for a moment.

The people sent to do business with Jack in the past few days are Dulab’s followers.

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