Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 72

鍦ㄤ笅闄嶆椂锛岄 忚 忚 black black 镫傞 跺皵灏 湅鍒 湅鍒 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 竴浜沚 锛屾垨鏄垚姝 锛屾垨鏄垚姝 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜〔€ 偅镞犲 偅镞犲 镄勫▉铡嬩篃 镄勫▉铡嬩篃 夊 夊 夊 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 殑锛屽鏋沧 殑锛屽鏋沧 殑锛屽鏋沧 殑锛屽鏋沧 殑锛屽鏋沧 殑锛屽鏋沧 镊 镊 镊銆 銆 ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue

鍦ㄥ潬钀 椂浠栬涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰 鏄粰嫾涓 鎶婏紒鍙幇鍦ㄤ粬鍗 鎶婏紒鍙幇鍦ㄤ粬鍗 鎶婏紒鍙幇鍦ㄤ粬鍗 槑锏 槑锏 槑锏 鍑哄幓鏄綍绛夌殑闅 € €

鈥滀笉绠’简锛屽彧鑳借蛋涓€姝ョ湅涓€姝ャ€傗€滵ongbo Xueying 涔熸槸蹇冨 鍧 鍧 畾锛屸 幇鍦ㄦ垜寰楁兂锷炴硶 幇鍦ㄦ垜寰楁兂锷炴硶 幇鍦ㄦ垜寰楁兂锷炴硶鍦ㄩ檷钀芥椂淇濅綇涓€鏉”懡銆傗€

鍙屾 鎶撶潃闾 澶 澶 澶 澶 碁鐢茬窘缈 碁鐢茬窘缈 碁鐢茬窘缈 碁鐢茬窘缈 殑 殑 銆 銆 銆

镫傞椋庡悜鍙桦涓嶅畾锛娈涓嶅畾锛娈ongbo Xueying 绔姏璁╅碁鐢茬窘缈 殑阒诲姏杈 殑阒诲姏杈 殑阒诲姏杈 殑阒诲姏杈 澶э纴璁╄嚜宸 澶э纴璁╄嚜宸 澶э纴璁╄嚜宸 澶э纴璁╄嚜宸 澶э纴璁╄嚜宸 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑

鈥滃彲杩樻槸澶揩锛屽お蹇简銆傗€滵ongbo Xueying 鍧犺惤speed 渚濇棫鍦ㄥ锷犱腑锛屸€滆Umbrella 镙speed 殑speed 锛屾垜寰埚彲鑳鎽旀锛佲细鎽旀锛佲


Dongbo Xueying 闄$劧complexion changed 銆

锲犱 浠栨竻鏅 浠栨竻鏅 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒 湅鍒

鈥滃揩鍒 锛佲 Xue 滵 滵ong Xue Xueying Wind 潵锛屼笉绠¤ Black Black Wind Abyss椂灏 憯姝 憯姝 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 墡 墡 墡 墡 墡 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰


Valley 劧鍦ㄧ mountain valley 鍦 澶 澶 NUM NUM 100 meters 镄勬椂 chain 欙纴铡熸湰镄勭妫椋庨櫋鐒 秷澶 € €

浼 箮 変竴灞傝寮傜殑闅 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 繎 NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM 〔€>嵈鏄妫椋庢惫娑岋纴阆ぉ钄芥棩锛

Dongbo Xueying 鎾曡浜嗙┖姘旓纴宁》潃阔崇垎锛岀洿鎺ュ潬浜嗕笅鏉ャ垎锛岀洿鎺ュ潬浜嗕笅鏉ャ备竴杩涘叆杩橷NUMX meters range 鈥[€《病链変换浣旷妫椋庣殑鎯呭喌涓嬶纴鍙屾落鎶撶潃镄勫法澶х殑槌炵敳wing 镄勯樆锷涢櫋鐒舵毚娑紒Dongbo Xueying 閮借寰楄嚜宸卞弻镊傞兘鐚涚劧涓€囷纴骞囷纴骞囷纴骞囷纴骞ソ浠栬浣揿浣揿浣揿妯纴涓旀绛夊叧阌椂鍒荤妯纴涓旀绛夊叧阌椂鍒荤妯纴涓旀绛夊叧阌椂鍒荤鎸佺潃锷涢噺鐖嗗彂锛屽畲鍏ㄨ兘鎸佺潃锷涢噺鐖嗗彂锛屽畲鍏ㄨ兘垮垮銆

100 meters 璺濈锛娈ongbo Xueying speed 鍦ㄦ€ュ墽涓嬮檷銆

鍙粓绌跺彧鏄痱NUMX meters 璺濈锛屼粬鍧犺惤speed 澶揩浜嗭纴涓€鐪ㄧ溂渚胯 鐪ㄧ溂渚胯 镄勪竴澹 镄勪竴澹 镄勪竴澹 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫 镄勫Filled even though 鍑忔 浜嗘 曟槸 曟槸 曟槸 変竴鍗婏纴鍗 変竴鍗婏纴鍗 緷镞 緷镞 緷镞 秴杩 秴杩 秴杩 秴杩 秴杩 帴灏嗗 帴灏嗗 帴灏嗗 帴灏嗗 涓 涓 涓 涓涓法澶х殑澶у沩銆

鈥滆 鈥斺 斺 斺 斺 濆弻鑴 濆弻鑴 濆弻鑴 厛钀 厛钀 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁 湴锛岀揣璺熺潃鏁

灞 煶濡 煶濡 悓姘 悓姘 悓姘 悓姘

绠 鍗曡锛屼 鍗曡锛屼 D bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue儚ordinary person 璺 璺 繘姘撮噷锛屼笉杩団 斺 斺 斿綋 斿綋 斿綋 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂 澶э纴楂浜 椿娲 椿娲 椿娲 椿娲 憯姝

鈥淗u.鈥 鎽斾笅鏉ユ椂钂欎 涓嬶纴宸ㄥぇ镄刬 涓嬶纴宸ㄥぇ镄刬 mpact 璁╀粬鍏ㄨ 閮 閮 閮 彂鍑 彂鍑 ㄩ鏂镄勫 ㄩ鏂镄勫 ㄩ鏂镄勫 ㄩ鏂镄勫 ㄩ鏂镄勫 鍝嶏纴椴滆 鍝嶏纴椴滆閮戒粠鍙d腑钖愬嚭銆

鈥滃 浼や 浼や 锛屽 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ 镊傞ⅷ滵ongbo Xueying 瀵 嚜韬 嚜韬 浣撴帉鎺 浣撴帉鎺 綍绛夌 綍绛夌 綍绛夌 浜忔渶钖庣殑 浜忔渶钖庣殑 NUM NUM NUM 100 meters 璺濈鑳 镊 镊 镊 €燂纴speed 鍑忔 浜嗘湁涓 鍗婏紒杩檌 鍗婏紒杩檌mpact 鍙 ammonia 鍑忓 浜哫 NUMX-70% 浜嗭纴钖〉垯镊繁夐碁鐢茬窘缈夐碁鐢茬窘缈夐碁鐢茬窘缈椿娲绘憯姝汇汇

鈥 幇鍦ㄤ 幇鍦ㄤ 幇鍦ㄤ 幇鍦ㄤ Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue滃繀椤诲缑灏 滃繀椤诲缑灏 揩 湴鏂 湴鏂 湴鏂 湴鏂 湴鏂 湴鏂 厛 厛 浼ゅ娍锛屼 浼ゅ娍锛屼 浼ゅ娍锛屼 浼ゅ娍锛屼 浼ゅ娍锛屼 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑 韬殑╮ecovery 銆傗€

镄倝recovery chain 蹇纴 蹇纴 ㄩ娆 箣锛岃剰 箣锛岃剰 憆 憆 ecovery chain 鎱€

涓岖镐庢牱Dongbo Xueying 杩樻槸 chain変簺Joyous 锛岃呖灏 纴闄嶈惤镞 纴闄嶈惤镞 纴闄嶈惤镞


璺熺潃Dongbo Xueying 杩呴€熺殑鐚涚劧寰€涓娄竴绐滐纴绐滃埌鍦涓娄竴绐滐纴绐滃埌鍦〃锛屽弻〃锛屽弻嬩竴鎾戠煯镌韬瓙 chain translation锛屼粬鍏堢湅鍒 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 鍓嶆 镄勯偅锲涜箘 镄勯偅锲涜箘 black armor 灏镐綋镄勯儴鍒嗘 楠 楠 楠 楠 楠 楠 楠镰 inch 锛屽彧 chain 湅镄勮銆 湅镄勮銆 悓镞 悓镞 澶勫 澶勫 澶勫 鐒跺嚭鐜 钖峛 钖峛 钖峛 ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack 濂旈潬杩 纴 蹇 speed 蹇 Phantom 銆

“Not good, was discovered.” Dongbo Xueying did not dare to hesitantly, immediately flashed.

Sou sou sou.

Quickly flashing back, but soon Dongbo Xueying stopped some doubts, and hid behind a big stone two miles away, sneaked into the distance, when the black armor soldier had arrived before the Dongbo Xueying fell At the pit.

“en?” Dongbo Xueying’s eyesight was amazing. At first glance, the black armor soldier’s armor, the body actually turned out to be a black fog, and even a pair of eyes on his face mask was also a faint red. Light.

“Not human, not Demon Beast, it seems… not Life?” Dongbo Xueying some doubts speculated, “I thought it found me to chase me. It is reasonable to say that the normal Legend Rank, at that distance, can I saw me at first glance! But it just looked at the big pit following the loud noise that fell on the ground and didn’t find me.”

“It seems that its eyesight is generally the same, or is it not by the eye?” Dongbo Xueying had various speculations.

Even so, it was judged from the speed of the former black armor soldier’s Phantom.

Sole view speed, black armor soldiers completely surpassed Xiang Pangyún!

“First find a place to heal.” Dongbo Xueying observed the surrounding area and soon found a small cave on the side of the mountain wall. After the black armor soldier investigate and turned away, Dongbo Xueying quietly jumped fifty. Domi entered the small cave.

The small cave he had previously sensed with the power of heaven and earth, and there was no other thing.

Standing on the edge of a small cave, carefully look in the direction of the black armor soldiers.

Standing tall, watching far.

“That is–“

Dongbo Xueying was a little surprised.

In the distant XXXXX 5 day 6 li, there is a Immortal’s Cave palace with amazing azure light, and there are a large number of patrolling black armor soldiers outside the Immortal’s Cave palace. These black armor soldiers do not know the fatigue and have been patrolling. walk. In addition to the black armor soldiers, there are a few other black creatures that are oppressed.

“No matter whether it is the suspected black dragon-kind creature on the top of the mountain wall, or the other black creatures, including the weakest black armor soldiers.” Dongbo Xueying nodded slightly, “It seems to protect that seat.” Palace Immortal’s Cave.

“If I am close, I am afraid it will be easily killed.” Dongbo Xueying secretly stunned.

“No matter what, first heal.”

Dongbo Xueying retracted into the cave and sat down with his knees. When he turned his hand, he took out a huge big bone, and the flame appeared and began to barbecue!

This bone meat is in the storage treasure of Xiang Pangyún. In fact, both Xiang Pangyún and Divine Envoy have a lot of food and water in the storage treasure. This makes Dongbo Xueying secretly embarrassed, perhaps most of the Legend Rank with food water? As for the smell of the barbecue, Dongbo Xueying is not worried. He can manipulate the power of the heavens and the earth, and the strength of the heavens and the earth completely isolates all the smells in the cave.

“Well, it’s really fragrant, this Xiang Pangyún seems to be a foodie.” Dongbo Xueying screamed, and the bones with the body fracture under the control were naturally corrected to begin to connect and grow, and the organ damage was gradually recovering.


This night is long.

Zōng Líng Tong San can control his emotions, but Qingshi is almost completely collapsed.

“My brother will definitely come back, I will definitely, I will not go, I will not go, I will wait for him under Black Wind, I am waiting here.” Qingshi refused to leave at the beginning, or Zōng Líng’s words persuaded him: ” Qingshi, the Black Wind Abyss is so big, Xueying may come out of other places in Black Wind Cliff. When he comes out, he will definitely go straight to Snow Rock Castle. You are waiting at the foot of the mountain… I am afraid I will miss it.”

Qingshi was convinced that Black-Moon Centipede flew back to Snow Rock Castle.

“Hū! ”

A cavalry rushed to Snow Rock Castle late at night, headed by Lord Si An of Dragon Mountain Manor.

The news of Xiang Pangyún and Dongbo Xueying, how amazing is this news? Dragon Mountain Manor arranged the spies here to be the fastest speed. The news to spread to the Water Ceremony City Dragon Mountain Manor, Lord Si An was also shocked, refused to sleep, and immediately arrived at the fastest speed.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

The suspension bridge is lowered and the city gate is opened.

“Lord Si An.” Zōng Líng came out to meet.

“How is it, Dongbo Xueying? And Xiang Pangyún?” Lord Si An asked.


This Monday is more important, I hope everyone will not bother to vote for the recommendation ~~~ support the tomato ~~~

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