Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1190: Trial operation caught off guard

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Saturday, August 18.

As usual, Yan Qi came to the office building where Chaolu Game Platform was located during normal working hours in the morning and continued to find bugs.

To be precise, finding bugs is only the second purpose, and the first purpose is to verify the authenticity and universality of the speculation on the laws of metaphysics last week.

Does this treasure of Feng Shui not take effect on weekends? Does Bug not work on weekends?

This question must be verified.

Last weekend, Yan Qi asked his testing team to work two days of overtime. As a result, the bugs found during the two days of overtime were not as many as those found on Monday morning. This efficiency is really worrying. If I knew that overtime was so inefficient, it would be better to let everyone rest at home!

Therefore, Yan Qi told everyone that we will add a half-day shift this weekend. If the efficiency of finding bugs is still low on Saturday morning, then just take a rest this weekend and continue to find bugs after the feng shui treasure land returns to normal on weekdays. That's it.

At this time, everyone on the "Blade of Empire" test team was basically there, and test teams from other companies have also moved over one after another.

All the workstations on this floor of the office building have been rented out, and even the two floors upstairs and downstairs have been rented seven or eighty-eight.

However, although everyone discussed in the group was full of enthusiasm, and even attracted many companies from other cities, there were still many companies in the group that did not participate.

It may be that the heads of these companies have relatively strong scientific literacy and firm will, so when it comes to this kind of metaphysical issues, no matter what other people say, they are not moved.

For these companies, Yan Qi certainly feels indifferent.

For him, a reminder is the end of his benevolence, love is not coming, anyway, how efficient it is to find bugs in this place, who will know!

The person in charge of the testing team of other companies basically knew Yan Qi and greeted him one after another.

It was just that when passing by the workstations of other companies, it was obvious that these testers also had some doubts on their faces.

"Hey, it's weird, why have fewer bugs found today? There are not many bugs anymore."

"It's all done? Can't."

Obviously, the huge changes in the efficiency of finding bugs on Friday and Saturday have made them aware of it.

Yan Qi suddenly remembered that he hadn't talked about this with other companies.

Hastily sent a message in the group.

"By the way, there is one thing I forgot to remind everyone. Last weekend I discovered that this feng shui treasure site seems to be inoperative on weekends, so don't worry if you can't find the bug. It will return to normal on Monday."

"I only arranged a half-day test for the test today, just to verify this. It seems to meet this rule at the moment. So if you don’t have other jobs, you can go back to rest and rest, recharge your energy, and wait until Monday to continue. Change the bug."

Soon, the people in charge in the group responded.

"Huh? Bug doesn't work on weekends? This is too unscientific!"

"This is unscientific, but it is very metaphysical! A geomantic gemstone with a spherical shape in space is already very unscientific. Then the existence of this space has a certain time rule, it seems not surprising..."

"I do not believe!"

"Look for bugs again. If the efficiency is indeed low, then it means that what Mr. Yan said is true. There is no need to find bugs when the efficiency is low. It is better to do something else."

This time, the people in the group seemed to quickly accept this setting.

Although this matter still sounds very outrageous, after all, most of the companies that have moved have gone through the baptism of metaphysics and have objectively recognized the existence of this special space, so the rule of adding a little time does not seem to be a cause for fuss. Thing...

Yan Qi sat down at his desk, took out his mobile phone and ran his own game several times.

Well, sure enough.

Bugs do not go to work on weekends!

In fact, Yan Qi was still a bit entangled before running. Does he want bugs or no bugs?

If there is a bug, it means that you have to work overtime on weekends, but the progress of the game can be moved forward. If there are no bugs, the progress cannot be caught up, but you can rest on weekends.

Now that the dust has settled, it's practically practical, giving employees a reason to rest on weekends.

Not bad.

In fact, as a boss, Yan Qi is more entangled in overtime.

He is not like many unscrupulous bosses, forcing employees to work overtime for free is purely to reduce costs and further squeeze the labor force of employees, but even as a conscientious boss, it is inevitable to ask employees to work overtime.

After all, as a small company or a start-up company, it does not have so many resources, and does not have a sufficient number of high-quality employees. Sometimes, if you want to catch up, working overtime is a last resort.

The game industry is an industry that pays great attention to timeliness. If two games of the same type are online one or two months later than the other, the difference in revenue may be several million or tens of millions.

For small companies, this difference in speed is enough to determine the life and death of the company.

Therefore, Yan Qi, in order to keep the company alive and prevent employees from looking for jobs again, and in order to get more bonuses in the future, sometimes they have to work overtime in order to keep up with the development progress.

This makes him often feel entangled.

Although the employees understand and cooperate very well with this behavior, Yan Qi still feels a little sorry.

It's good now, don't worry about it. Since Feng Shui Baodi does not advocate working overtime on weekends, and working overtime on weekends is inefficient at all, it is better to give employees a holiday, adjust their status, and continue to fight bugs next Monday.

Thinking of this, Yan Qi said: "Okay, it's verified. It's really inefficient to fix bugs on weekends. Today noon, everyone ordered fish takeaways. I invite you. After dinner, you can go home from get off work!"

"Of course, if there is an appointment at noon, you can also leave early."

As soon as this statement came out, the employees cheered.

"President Yan is awesome!"

"Thank Mr. Yan for the treat!"

As a result, a small number of employees who had met friends for dinner at noon or were going home for dinner greeted Yan Qi and left, while another part of the employees stayed and left after lunch.

Yan Qi stopped looking for bugs, but instead opened the official website of Chaolu Game Platform to check the current status of the platform.

I don't know it, but I was shocked.

"Huh? The game platform started trial operation yesterday afternoon?"

"It seems to have been mentioned before, but isn't everyone still fixing the bug?"

Yan Qi vaguely remembered that the staff of Chaolu game platform had talked about the trial operation in the group before, but everyone was busy fixing bugs and was so busy, so subconsciously thinking that the trial operation must be postponed.

There are not many games, how can this platform be tested?

As a result, I found out that I really tried hard!

Opening the game platform, everything seemed normal at first glance.

The homepage of the platform also has a variety of recommended positions, which are also divided into different sections according to the game type and device. Although the content is not too much, it is incomparable with those hundreds or thousands of game platforms, but it seems to be still Neat.

Yan Qi habitually opened this section of action games to view.

After all, he is doing action games himself, and he wants to see if there are any competing games on the platform that directly compete with his own games.

However, when I clicked in, I found out that there was my own game "Empire Blade"!

"Ah? No, isn't our game still being revised?"

"Why is it already on the gaming platform?"

Yan Qi hurriedly clicked on the game details page to check.

The details page has the game's introduction, information and promotional pictures, which have been given to the Chaolu game platform before, so it is not surprising to appear on the platform.

The original download game start button is not available, there is a special prompt bar, which shows the current number of bugs in the game "Empire Blade"!

This amount seems to be the data grabbed directly from the game's test backend.

Yan Qi asked the test leader: "Hey, did Chaolu Game Platform ask us to test the backend data interface?"

The test team leader nodded: "Yes, we have already given it after signing the contract. After all, they also need to keep track of our bug fixes in real time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Yan Qi clicked on other games again, and found that most of the games in it were also modifying the bug status. The only difference was the number of bugs.

Even occasionally you can see the change in the number of bugs, indicating that the company is working overtime, fixing a bug and submitting it, the test team confirms that there is no problem and the modification is completed, the bug is eliminated, so the number of bugs in the background is also Changes will occur and will be synchronized to the game platform in real time.

The vast majority of games on the Chaolu game platform are in this state: you can see how many bugs are left, but you can't play them.

Yan Qi turned for a long time before finally found a game that could be played. It was an old game that had been launched on other platforms half a year ago. In terms of lifespan, it should have entered the middle and late stages of life.

This kind of game has very few bugs, because the version of the game is very stable, but it also means that there is no new content, and the attraction to new players is basically zero.

Although the unreleased games of "Blade of Empire" are all mobile games developed by small companies, at least they are new games, which are still competitive in the mobile game circle.

As a result, the competitive games are all changing bugs, and the uncompetitive games are not attracting many players.

Moreover, although Chaolu Game Platform has made some distinctions between games that can be downloaded and played and games that are changing bugs, such as special logos on the game’s icons and the ability to screen out playable games through filtering, it does nothing. It's not that obvious.

So that the players who entered the platform couldn't find the game to play in the first time, clicked one and found that the bug was changed, and clicked the other one was still changing the bug...

This feeling can be quite painful.

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