Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 334: low key woking

   Chapter 334 Low-key Woking

   Although the tall pyramid was covered with vines, there were now a large number of trolls and undead figures on those steps.

  Though the orcs were beating the war drums, they didn't rush up. The reason was that there were a lot of poisonous snakes around the pyramid!

   The orcs may not be afraid of the ferocious crocodiles, but they are a little afraid when facing the poisonous snakes, but the trolls in the team do not seem to be afraid of these poisonous snakes, but instead rushed to the front of the orcs.

   "Vol'jin, how dare you lead outsiders into our holy place!" There was a troll's voice on the pyramid.

   The other party's voice was loud and angry. Under the analysis of his brain, Su Chen could already understand the language of many trolls.

However, when he heard the name Vol'jin, Su Chen was still taken aback. Unexpectedly, in this tribe's treasure hunt team, there were not only perverts like Grom who could slaughter demigods, but even Vol'jin came. .

   Among the monsters, Vol'jin may not be very eye-catching, but his strength is absolutely powerful, otherwise he would not have become the chief of the entire tribe after the defeat of Garrosh Hellscream.

What surprised Su Chen the most was that he had followed this army of orcs and trolls for so long before, but he had never discovered the existence of Vol'jin, and even the brain did not warn him. It seems that this Vol'jin should have some An ability to restrain power.

   "Wojin is really strong enough to be so low-key that everyone ignores its existence..." Su Chen sighed in his heart.

   "Witcher Jindu...is that you? Why are you here?" Vol'jin's voice also sounded at this moment, but it sounded very surprised.

   Apparently this treasure hunt team of orcs and trolls had no idea that there would be other trolls in this Zul'Gurub.

"This is our holy place, of course we should be here, and your Darkspear tribe has long been expelled from Stranglethorn Vale, and now you dare to invade our holy place with outsiders, but that's fine, the great Hakkar is in need A lot of souls, you... are the offerings that came to you on your own initiative!" Jin Du's voice was full of madness and excitement.

"Hakkar? Heretic God Hakkar... Wasn't it destroyed thousands of years ago, do you actually want to revive Heresy Hakkar?!" Vol'jin's surprised voice sounded, obviously his exact counterpart was resurrecting Soul Eater haka.

   "Hakkar is the most powerful deity in our Gurubashi Empire. How dare you be so disrespectful to Hakkar, **** it!"

  As Jindu's angry roar sounded, countless spears had attacked from the tall pyramid, and at the same time, a large number of poisonous snakes and tigers rushed out of the darkness.

  Su Chen didn't expect that Vol'jin would know Na Jindu, but the contradiction between the two sides seems to be not small, and it is estimated that there will be a war.

   "That's fine, we don't have to do it ourselves." Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. This time, his trip to Zul'Gurub was so smooth that he couldn't believe it.

   The war drums of the orcs are deafening, and those shamans have inserted various totems everywhere, and the battlefield is abnormally chaotic.

   But the most eye-catching are those small animals running around, all of them are warriors affected by the polymorphism of both sides.

  Su Chen couldn't help being a little speechless about this. Vol'jin and the sorcerer Jin Du seemed to be very good at the troll's transfiguration magic. Every time they cast a spell, a group of people were transformed.

  Onyxia doesn't really like such a battle. In the eyes of this black dragon princess, once she becomes a black dragon, these are all problems that she can solve with a 'deep breath'.

   The chaotic battle did not last long, and the orcs quickly rushed to the huge altar shaped like a pyramid, and Grom Hellscream, wielding Gorehowl, was at the forefront.

   With the strength of Grom and Vol'jin, it should indeed surpass Jindo.

   "Vol'jin, you colluded with outsiders to invade the Holy Land, Hakkar won't let you go." Jindu's angry roar began to fade away, he should have fled.

"Come on, don't let them summon Hakkar, or we'll all die here!" Vol'jin seemed to know Hakkar quite well, and led those trolls to chase after him without hesitation, Grom Hell After hesitating for a moment, Roar also led the orcs behind him to chase and kill him, and he didn't even care to clear the battlefield just now.

  Su Chen and Onyxia also quickly followed quietly.

  The two sides started a chase inside Zul'Gurub. Along the way, various beasts rushed out of the forest to attack the orcs, but due to the gap in combat power, they were quickly killed by the orcs.

   However, because the interior of Zul'Gurub is too vast, the chase between the two sides continued until the sun rose.

   "No, that Jin Du seems to be deliberately leading us around in circles!" Su Chen looked at the roadmap recorded by Zhinao, but he was surprised.

  Although each time we pass a different road, from the direction it is always going around in circles.

"These orcs are so stupid. Haven't they found the problem after chasing them for so long?" Su Chen felt a little anxious, and Jin Du deliberately walked around in circles, obviously covering up other things, among which the most likely There are other troll priests who are secretly hiding somewhere and summoning the arrival of Hakkar!

"You don't have to go around following these guys. Let's go to the center of Zul'Gurub alone to check it out." Su Chen recalled the information about Zul'Gurub in Warcraft, and the altar of Haka seems to be in Zul'Gurub. The central position of the cloth, I don't know if it is the same in this real world.

   "Okay, these orcs are really stupid. It's probably difficult to find the buried treasure with them. It seems that we have to do it ourselves." Onyxia couldn't help sniffing.

"What are you doing?"

   "Of course I'm smelling gold coins and gems."

   "Can you smell this too? Do gold coins and gems smell too?" Su Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

   "Of course I can smell it, I have already smelled the smell of gems, right there!" Onyxia said excitedly and pointed out a direction, but it seemed to be similar to Su Chen's destination.

   The two immediately rushed in this direction, and Su Chen soon realized that what Onyxia said was true, and there seemed to be a special smell coming from this direction.

   Soon, a river appeared in front of the two of them. On the opposite side of the river, a huge altar stood.

  Different from the surrounding pyramid-shaped altars, although the altar in front of you is in the middle of the jungle, there is not even a single vine on the building, not even a piece of moss.

   And most importantly, on the altar, a group of troll priests seemed to be carrying out some kind of ritual.

   (end of this chapter)

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