Lost Narrative Poetry

Chapter 86 Human beings cannot understand each other!

I mean, those zombies all rely on sound to move, and they are usually blind... Speaking of which, didn't any of you find this obvious problem? Xia Ran asked strangely.

Who, who, who... Who would have the conditions to test at this time? They are rushing over like this. Just how to deal with them is already exhausting your energy, okay? As long as I am serious, this kind of thing will not happen at all. That’s it!”

The pink-haired twin-tailed man subconsciously wanted to blow up his hair again, but then he reacted and forcibly lowered his voice.

Therefore, he completely lost the aura that he should have had when he was angry. Instead, he looked like he was seriously guilty and lacked confidence. He was like a cat showing its teeth and claws, and no one would find it intimidating.

However, from the time of the disaster until now, they really have not confirmed this matter.

After all, as a group of students, being able to survive a disaster that broke out without warning is already trying their best. Even if the brain is still in the mood to think, most of it is occupied by family members who cannot be contacted. idea.

What's left is fear, panic, fear, not knowing what happened, subconscious thoughts... In addition, when they faced dead zombies before, they always felt that those monsters seemed to move freely, and once they found the target, they were extremely precise. pounced on...

So they didn't notice at all that the monsters had no eyesight and relied purely on hearing to capture external movements.

In fact, the problem is not big. Many times, the danger is entirely caused by oneself... As long as they are not directly surrounded, there is actually a chance to escape. Many people simply do not understand the situation, or are frightened at the critical moment. …”

Xia Ran sighed. In fact, this was indeed the case. After all, these dead zombies were not the ones in World War Z. They transformed very quickly and were as agile as werewolves.

As long as you are not surrounded in a small place or blocked in a narrow indoor space, then there is not really a big problem. You can rely on walking with flexible hands and feet. If you are not strong enough, walk slowly. Don't be so desperate as to rub next to zombies. Go ahead and keep your distance…

——Then there is no problem.

Many people died unjustly, not knowing that sound is the key. The more frightened they were, the more they yelled in panic. As a result, they attracted more dead zombies and completely ruined their hope of survival.

The second is to lose control at critical moments. Some people burst out with adrenaline at the moment of crisis, and some people are extremely frightened. At that moment, their bodies are out of control, their brains will go blank for a moment, and their legs will become weak. of.

Even if you see a vicious dog barking and rushing towards you, you will stand there with your body stiff and unable to move, let alone those classic cannibals who are covered in blood and flesh, with their bloody mouths open, and usually only appear on the movie screen. A monster.

There is nothing we can do about this. In today's era, if most people do not live in war-torn countries and regions, they will most likely not have the experience and consciousness of a warrior in their lifetime.

So when the crisis suddenly broke out, a few people survived, but most people died.

Q-isn't it a big problem?

Of course it's not a big problem. They're not bats. Although they can hear sounds, they are rubbish in other aspects. They can't think consciously at all... but they can't see, so they instinctively walk in a straight line.

Xia Ran nodded naturally and didn't mind revealing some more key information to this group of people. This was information he had confirmed through observation before.

Unless it's on the stairs, there will always be only a few zombies who can come down from the upper level or come up from the lower level. Most of them may not even be able to get out of the classroom...

And the most important thing is that they can no longer think. They have no brain mechanism to filter sounds and can quickly and intelligently distinguish and confirm what the real prey is, so they are easily misled.

Even the low roars and the sounds of walking by other zombies will attract them... To be honest, this feature is very reasonable, and it can be regarded as the luck of human beings in this world.

In the original plot, this group of people kept tossing around in the teaching building like this, but they were not surrounded by a large number of zombies. This was probably the reason why the Yinhen Group was destroyed in the end.

The floors and classrooms and office rooms divide the number of dead zombies very well. The number of dead zombies they need to deal with on each floor is very limited. As long as they control the distance and have a few close combatants in the lineup, they can still fight. It's very stable with remote control.

Won't they consciously find a way down? Then, that's fine...

Hirano Toda breathed a long sigh of relief, and the pale boy he was supporting subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, using the fractured hand.

So in an instant, the cold sweat on his forehead became more visible to the naked eye... That is to say, the fat man next to him had quick eyesight and quickly covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

Although they understand that there is no difference at this time, knowing that those things move by sound is completely different from not knowing about it. Now they really wish that even the sound of breathing and heartbeat could be stopped.

Not necessarily, there may be some small accidents. For example, the zombie on the stairs came down along the way, and the movement it made pulled the zombies nearby out, and followed them to the stairs and found the way. , and then the sound pulled zombies farther away...

Xia Ran shook his head and raised another possibility. This is how zombies often appear. Not all zombies have discovered something. Most of them are probably just attracted by the same kind of sounds, so Heading in the same direction.

Like a snowball, the result is that more and more zombies accumulate, and a huge and surging zombie group takes shape.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's get out of here quickly? The boy in cold sweat urged in a low voice with a pale face and frightened eyes.

Wise move. Xia Ran said with a smile, and then as if remembering something, she raised the phone in her hand, By the way, can you stand together and let me take a picture?



Of course, no one was in the mood to take photos at this time, which made Xia Ran feel very regretful.

Do you think you are too unprofessional? But there is no way around it. Smartphones in this era are really hard to describe. At worst, I will just find a professional camera in the future.

He thought so sadly.

Xia Ran, are you really not going to come with us? Busushima Yako stared at him deeply, as if trying to make one last effort.

No, there's no need to worry about me... But if you have the chance to leave now, leave as soon as possible. Human beings are very fragile. Xia Ran smiled and shook his head. He said this pointedly, revealing some subtleties to this group of people in advance. Information.

Hmph, what are you talking about? It's as if you are not human... I don't know why you want to stay, but since you have observed so many things-

Takagi Saya said with an unhappy face. It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with this guy who couldn't communicate.

Then you should also know that those guys are no longer human beings, but monsters... You'd better not have any unrealistic expectations, and live well... with others' share. It's right, don't do anything stupid...

After speaking, she didn't know what she was thinking of, but her voice suddenly became deeper and she turned away with a gloomy expression and stopped looking at Xia Ran.



For a moment, Xia Ran was keenly aware that the eyes of everyone around him changed in an instant.

I see!

A sudden realization!


It was probably like this. They all seemed to understand something and looked at the frustrated and crazy guy in front of them with sympathy and sadness... No wonder this guy seemed incompatible with this terrible doomsday scene. It turned out that he was already crazy.

Then all the previous heartless behavior seems to be completely explainable - even though this person seems to be very calm on the surface, behind that smile must be suppressing unimaginable huge pain and waves.

There was obviously no anger, despair, sorrow, or pain like ordinary people, and they acted very peacefully, but after thinking about it, they felt even more indescribable sadness and sympathy... Maybe they had lost someone very, very important. Bar.

Probably this is the only reason that can explain why this person is unwilling to leave with them, why he is not nervous at all, and why he is in the mood to joke with others - because behind all the abnormal behavior, it is actually just him being numb. I, there is actually some kind of madness hidden behind that calm smile...

After all, Xia Ran didn't know how to read minds, and he couldn't distinguish so many complex emotions in an instant, so he just tilted his head and slowly asked a question, what did this group of people understand?

Forget it, it shouldn't be any of my business anyway.

Although he is not a plot character, the boy just now has proven that saving one person will earn 100 points... Under the current situation where no points are earned from killing dead zombies, it seems that he has only found this way to earn points for the time being.

The plot character he originally wanted to save was no longer in the team and seemed to have already taken advantage of him, so he planned to change his plan first.

They are monsters? Maybe...but don't believe too much in appearances. How can you be sure that I am not a monster?

Xia Ran said this in a relaxed tone——

Well, if you want to leave, hurry up. After dark, it is very detrimental to you humans...

Hey! I'm talking about you... Gao Cheng Saya opened her eyes angrily and anxiously, about to say something.

But at this time, Busujima Yaozi took a step forward and said very seriously: In that case, I wish you good luck in martial arts... Classmate Xia Ran, if you have made up your mind, then go ahead and do it!

Eh? Oh, thank you... Xia Ran was stunned for a moment. Do you know what I want to do?

He was a little confused, but at this time, everyone looked at him with sad and sympathetic eyes, and then walked out of the classroom one after another. Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei seemed to have remembered something bad, and looked lost.

The pink-haired man with twin tails seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Busujima Taiko.

Classmate Gao Cheng, that's it... preserving a man's dignity is a woman's reserve...

What dignity! This is simply going to die!

Classmate Gao Cheng, you don't understand... He was smiling, but he was actually crying harder than anyone else... He has made a decision, and we must respect him.

The sound gradually faded away, leaving Xia Ran standing alone in the empty classroom.


He tilted his head, a look of obvious distress on his face. What he just said must be Japanese, right? Why do I always feel like there is something wrong with the communication between us?

(PS: Another year has passed...Happy New Year's Day)

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