Lost Narrative Poetry

Chapter 9 Interlude before departure

Time soon came to the next day.

Everything last night really seemed like a ridiculous dream, but it was undeniable that it had a huge psychological impact on Xia Ran and shook his world view so much that he spent the entire morning digesting and sorting it out. …

In other words, accept this non-hallucinatory surreality?

When he came to his senses, it was already time for recess, and his mind was still a little confused. He couldn't even remember when he came to school and sat down in the classroom.

After he came back to his senses, he realized that he didn't know what he was doing. He was lying on the table weakly, and he had been squinting in a daze all morning.

But if you can't remember it, then you can't remember it. At this moment, that's not what's important.

Like other students around him, Xia Ran stood up from his seat and staggered out, planning to spend the afternoon in the club activity room in the special building.

For example, he could take a nap or something to replenish his energy. He couldn't hold it any longer. Because his mental state was not very good to begin with, he would always avoid staying up late. However, last night he inevitably embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

Still struggling with the information obtained last night in his mind, Xia Ran wandered towards the outside of the classroom.

At this moment, someone suddenly called him from behind——

Um...classmate Xia Ran, please wait a moment!

Huh? Xia Ran turned around and saw a male classmate standing behind him, scratching the back of his head as if he was a little embarrassed.

He looks like a high school boy you can see everywhere, with a short hairstyle and a pair of big round glasses...

He blinked and quickly collected his divergent thoughts. At the same time, he searched for this classmate's name in his mind. Then the light on his glasses flashed slightly: It's Sakamoto-san! Is there something wrong?



...Well, Xia Ranjun, my name is An Yilun. The boy said with some disbelief as a big drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.


Not Sakamoto-san? Could it be that my memory is wrong? Xia Ran's expression was slightly startled. He was obviously confident that he had quickly recognized the other party's identity just now...

As a result, the atmosphere became very awkward for a while. Even the classmates who were subconsciously paying attention here had obviously surprised and weird looks on their faces, and whispers began to sound.

It is foreseeable that after today there will probably be a lot more rumors about Xia Ran, this strange classmate, and they are probably not going to be good.

Xia Ran exhaled softly, her eyes moved to the lunch box in the boy's hand opposite, and then looked at the other person's slightly embarrassed expression.

This boy probably wants to discuss something with me, but he hasn't made up his mind yet. It wasn't until he saw himself about to leave the classroom that he stopped himself in desperation. That was probably what happened.

This Sakamoto... Aki-san probably wants to ask him for something from a personal perspective, and what he wants to do may be more troublesome, and he is the type who does not easily make requests to strangers.

The simple reason is that if it is not his own trouble, but a message to help the teacher or others, then he should not be so hesitant, hesitant, hesitant, and hesitant to make up his mind.

After all, if you just help with a few words, then you definitely don’t need to spend too much time on psychological construction.

Although Xia Ran's self-established personality is neither close to the people nor friendly, it does not mean that his classmates will be completely afraid to approach him. He is still confident in this aspect.

With these thoughts running through his mind quickly, Xia Ran coughed, and then decisively prepared to activate the A.T. force field again to keep people away from thousands of miles away:

Okay, An Yi-san, what's the matter? I'm going to solve the lunch problem now, and I have to go to the club's activity room later... If there's no problem, I'll leave first?



Eh? No, I... I'm... Okay, I'm sorry to bother you. The boy opposite was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to say something, but then he reacted and said dejectedly.

Well, then...see you later.

Xia Ran remained completely calm on the surface, just nodded slightly, then turned around and walked out of the classroom.

Just as he expected, the other party was obviously not shameless.

When walking out of the classroom door, Xia Ran subconsciously turned his head and glanced behind him, and found that the boy returned to his seat with a sigh and sat down. He seemed to be worried about something, and his frustration was palpable.

He apologized secretly, and then left the corridor without looking back.

Normally, Xia Ran wouldn't mind seeing what the other person's problems were and whether he could help, but now... he really wasn't in the mood, and he hadn't even sorted out his own problems yet. .

But speaking of it, the boy was sitting not far from me, only two seats away, but I didn't remember the other person's name at all.

Special building, activity room of the service department.

Although it is an activity room like a warehouse, with tables and chairs piled randomly in a corner, making it appear empty and quiet, the environment is not bad.

The sanitation is also well cleaned, there is no dust or garbage on the floor, and the air is not dull. This is even more so after Xia Ran arrives and opens the windows for ventilation... The curtains are swayed by the wind, and the air begins to circulate.

He moved a table and chairs and sat down, then took out the bread in his hands in a few bites and kneaded the packaging bag into a ball.

Then, just like yesterday, he took a book he had placed in the activity room, opened it, and started reading... It looked like this on the surface, but his eyes looked a little strange.

In fact, Xia Ran was not reading a book, but looking at an interface invisible to others. It was some data terminal implanted deep in his soul by White Space, which could also be said to be a system.

As if to specifically refute all his reasons and shatter his three views, no matter what reasons he wants to use to deny the absurd situation, he will be denied by the system interface that can be summoned at any time.

After all, theoretically speaking, the real world should be just a cruel dimension, and it is impossible for normal people to perform operations such as press the E key to enter the eagle eye state or press the TAB key to open the menu bar.

It can be directly projected into his retina, or it can appear through an open book or the display page of a mobile phone. Since the former will affect the field of vision, Xia Ran has now chosen the latter method.

He was carefully browsing his personal information and checking the attribute display about himself——

Power: 4

Agility: 4

Physique: 4

Intelligence: 7

Spirit: 3

Perception: 7

Ignoring the irrelevant parameters such as age, height, weight, and blood type, Xia Ran directly looked at his most basic character attributes.

Although in addition, there are columns such as blood race, enhancement exchange, skills and expertise, etc., but if they are not empty. It seems to be the default factory setting. For example, the display of blood race is human as a matter of course.

——Anyway, for now, these basic attributes are the most useful reference for him.

After the system extracted the data and displayed it quantitatively, his physical ability values, as well as his intellectual and spiritual ability values, were all expressed in the most intuitive numerical form... However, it seemed that they were not very impressive as expected.

Because it is said that the standard value is 5 points, and this is the case for every attribute. However, under this standard, his physical ability is almost completely unqualified.

For example, the attribute of physical fitness is a combination of physical endurance, cell activity, impact resistance, immunity strength, etc. On the surface, it may only appear to be 1 point less than the standard line, but in fact it is weakened. Twenty percent range.

If we use the concept of percentage as an analogy, it should be easy to understand. A 4-point physique that is 20% weaker is a weak otaku. If a 3-point physique is 40% weaker, it is probably only a person who has just given birth. pregnant woman.

Although the guide also said that this is a normal phenomenon. Before awakening, almost every lost person has been weak for a long time, so weak that he is almost on the verge of death at the soul level... So it is really normal to have a weak foundation.

And it is actually very fast to replenish it. As long as you are not so unlucky that you die immediately, there is no time to grow at all. After all, it's certainly not easy to add a little bit to become a superman, but it's not that difficult to add a little bit to become a normal person.

However, Xia Ran was completely unsure at the moment. After all, no matter how nice the words were, it would be better to try it himself.

Yawning, he closed the book.

There are still many things he doesn't understand, but he doesn't have enough preparation time. According to the leader, he will probably face the first mission arranged by White Space tonight...

It is said that from now on, he will not have to worry about nightmares, because they will become very regular and fixed in a ten-day cycle.

But if he fails, he may pay a heavy price. Especially in his current situation, he will never be able to face the dream world with the same attitude he used to fight Contra with thirty lives.

Afternoon, 3:35.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened the door of the activity room on time just like yesterday and walked in by herself. She looked around and found that there was nothing different in the activity room from usual.

Although there is one more person, it is just one more person. Just like yesterday, the other party was sitting quietly on the chair in the middle of the activity room. In the silence, only the sound of turning pages could be heard from time to time.

The person seemed to have noticed her arrival, so he raised his head and said softly: Good afternoon, Yukinoshita-san...

His eyes became a little strange, looking a little troubled, and his expression became weak for some reason. It was completely different from yesterday...

The girl had originally thought that this person was just pretending, just like yesterday's clumsy trick of pretending not to recognize her, but now it seems that is not the case.

It was a very strange feeling, which of course made her even more unhappy. At the same time, it also made her feel slightly relaxed. She no longer had to worry about the sudden appearance of a stranger in a place where she had always been alone...

good afternoon.

The girl nodded calmly, then came to the chair by the window and took a look. She remembered that when she went back yesterday, she had returned the tables and chairs to their proper positions, so the chair now was...

She didn't just sit down like this, but looked at Xia Ran next to her, and then very calmly moved out another chair.

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