Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 156 The hug of three people

Yifei muttered to herself in the bathroom, and then heard the sound of a toilet flushing from inside.

How did you get in?

I-I'm still going to the bathroom.

Nanfeng's face turned dark when he heard the sound of the toilet flushing. Didn't this guy pile all the burned paper ashes into the toilet?

Yu Mo chuckled and said: Yifei, we have been here for a long time, and we have heard what you were doing in there.

Then, are you here to laugh at me?

Even if they couldn't see Yifei in the bathroom, the two of them could still picture her holding her head high and biting her lip, looking stubborn from the tone of her voice.

Nanfeng said with a dark face: Not now, but if you throw these leftover paper ashes into the toilet again, if the toilet explodes, I will laugh at you forever.

Tch, it's not the toilet in your suite. Yifei muttered like a child.

Yu Mo knocked on the door and persuaded softly: Okay Yifei, how long will it take for you to slowly burn the two sacks like this?

The three of us will burn faster together.

Yifei was stunned for a moment, then shouted angrily: You two are actually following me, that's too much.

Nanfeng asked curiously: Isn't stalking an old tradition in love apartments?

Nanfeng. Yu Mo poked him, and then said to Yifei earnestly, Yifei, we just care about you and are afraid that something will happen to you.

You open the door first, and we can talk about it after we come out. It's too awkward to talk across a bathroom.

Yifei was stubborn and timid: I don't want it, I don't believe it, you are just here to laugh at me.

Yu Mo wanted to persuade him again, but was stopped by Nanfeng: You can't do this, you still have to look at me.

Nanfeng said loudly: Yes, yes, we just have nothing to do to laugh at you.

And if you don't open the door, I guarantee that the whole apartment will laugh at you.

Listen clearly, it's the whole apartment.

Nanfeng, you bastard!

Yifei didn't know what she threw at the door, and there was a loud bang from the entire bathroom door.

Let me think about it, should I tell Xiao Hei downstairs first, or tell Aunt Wang, the loudest one upstairs...

Under the threat of Nanfeng, Yifei had no choice but to open the bathroom door and stared at the two of them warily like a wounded cub.

Yu Mo looked at Yifei's red eyes and hugged her distressedly.

Okay, it's all over. Yu Mo patted Yifei's back gently.

Nan Feng stretched his head and looked into the bathroom, only to see smoke filling the dark bathroom.

He turned on the light and saw that there were still scattered pieces of paper dust floating in the toilet.

Ceramics are resistant to high temperatures, but in such cold weather you don't have to worry about thermal expansion and contraction in case the toilet breaks.

He hurried to the kitchen of 3602 and got an extra large stainless steel basin. This was the time Meijia bought it specially for cooking fish after Qiao caught a big fish.

Nanfeng patted the stainless steel washbasin in his hand: Use this, since it was burned when making boiled fish before.

I can handle it by myself. Yifei looked at Nanfeng and Yumo angrily, Can't you just let me be alone for a while?


Nan Feng and Yu Mo said in unison.

Yu Mo held Yifei's hand: It's okay if we don't know, but since we know you will be sad, as friends there is no reason to turn a blind eye.

Nanfeng folded his arms and smiled lightly: We originally wanted you to be alone for a while, but if you keep burning like this, we probably won't be able to finish it until tomorrow.

He pointed to the smoky bathroom: And if you keep burning like this, you will choke yourself to death sooner or later.

“I don’t turn on the lights or the exhaust fan at night, and I burn all the paper money and throw it into the toilet.

Classmate Hu Yifei, it's obvious that you don't have the ability to put your mind in order by yourself.

Whoever is your classmate, call me Junior Auntie!

When Nanfeng said this, Yifei suddenly felt that she had lost face, and could only try to save a little bit of dignity through her identity as a junior sister-in-law.

Yu Mo persuaded softly: Okay, okay, little aunt.

No matter what, it's too awkward for you to burn this in the bathroom. Let's clear the coffee table and let's burn it in the living room together, okay?

Yifei's eyes narrowed slightly: I asked him to call me Little Senior Aunt, but I didn't ask you to.

As she spoke, Yifei's eyes kept wandering towards the two of them: You two should call me junior aunt, call me classmate, and the one who should call me classmate, call me junior aunt, it's really confusing.

Tell me honestly, are you going behind my back...

Nanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, with a look of helplessness on his face.

[What else can the two of us do behind your back? You almost forced us to kiss each other. 】

Yu Mo patted Yifei's head in shame: You were still here feeling sad just now. Why are you thinking about these things again now?

As she said this, she looked at Nanfeng with some resentment: Nanfeng and I are very, very good [friends].

Yu Mo deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word friend, which made Nan Feng cough unconsciously.


Yifei's eyes were red and she said seriously: I don't care whether you are friends or just friends, you can't hide it from me.

I'm so loyal to help you keep secrets. If you even want to hide this kind of thing from me, be careful I will expose all your dirty things!

Nan Feng and Yu Mo nodded with a wry smile.

As Yifei said, she has been quite loyal enough to keep the secret until now.

Okay, you guys go sit on the sofa first. Nanfeng squeezed into the bathroom to carry the sacks and shopping bags that Yifei carried into the bathroom.

Under Yu Mo's soft comfort, Yifei reluctantly sat on the sofa.

The three of them simply cleared the flammable materials on the coffee table and closed the balcony door. Nanfeng also ran to the kitchen and started the range hood.

The coffee table is filled with birdseed, carrots, nuts and other things that pets like to eat that Yifei sells in the supermarket.

They sat around the sofa and looked at the fire in the basin in silence.

Yu Mo tried to ease the overly dull atmosphere: Yifei, you continue to mourn, we are just here to help.

You two are sitting next to me like door gods. How dare I continue to talk about my dark history. Yifei rubbed the corners of her clothes nervously.

Nanfeng patted Yifei on the shoulder: Two of the three people who know your dark history best in the world are sitting here. You and we don't need to keep up appearances anymore, right?

You don't understand, this is a girl's reserve. Yifei snorted.

Nanfeng suppressed a smile and said, Although I don't understand what a girl's reserve is, but isn't it inappropriate to call yourself a girl after you are over twenty-five years old?

The two women, who both had their 25th birthdays, stared at Nanfeng fiercely when they heard this.

Yu Mo lightly stepped on Nan Feng and said to Yifei: Yifei, don't pay attention to him, he is the most annoying.

Yes, he was even worse when he was a child. He could choke people to death with just one sentence. Yifei severely criticized Nanfeng's venomous behavior when he was a child.

Really? Yu Mo looked curious, she hugged Yifei's arm and said, Then you have to tell me carefully.

Yifei began to reveal Nanfeng's background crazily: I'm telling you...

So Yifei and Yumo started chatting enthusiastically, and the originally dull atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Faced with Yifei's revelation, Nanfeng just smiled and kept adding paper money into the stainless steel basin.

It wasn't until she accused Nan Feng of the ten deadly sins that she realized something was wrong until her mouth went dry.

With Nanfeng's character, how could he just listen to himself talk about his dark history without even a decent counterattack?

You did it on purpose!

Yifei quickly figured it out: You are just trying to make me happy!

Nan Feng did not deny it, but stood up and poured a cup of hot water for Yifei who was thirsty.

Yu Mo, on the other hand, had been patting Yifei's hand gently from beginning to end, with gentle eyes.

Yifei looked at her two best friends on the left and right, and couldn't help but retract her feet and huddle up on the sofa.

She lowered her head and muttered: You, you two are so hateful.

This is just a very small thing, and it will all be over after I finish burning the paper and go to sleep.

It's obviously not a big deal, why do you want to do this? Try your best to make me happy.

Nan Feng and Yu Mo just smiled.

Nothing is trivial between friends. When I was sick, didn't you also work all day for a bowl of noodles with clear soup?

Nanfeng's words made Yifei lower her head in shame: I was just busy working in vain, and the noodles I cooked in the end were still so unpalatable.

But that bowl of noodles has been the most touching bowl of noodles for me in the past ten years, and I still remember it.

Nanfeng stretched out his hand to feel the dancing firelight: Besides, isn't the role of friends just the flower on the brocade, the charcoal in the snow?

Yifei paused and asked openly for the first time: Do you think I'm not suitable for keeping pets?


Nanfeng nodded without hesitation.

Yu Mo glared at Nan Feng and quickly comforted Yifei: Yifei, it is impossible for a person to be good at everything.

But I am Hu Yifei. Yifei groaned unconvinced.

Yu Mo's eyes flashed with motherly light: What's wrong with Hu Yifei? Hu Yifei can have things that he's not good at.

Yifei remained silent.

Nanfeng patted Yifei's shoulder gently: You have been excellent since you were a child, but your strength must exceed your excellence.

No one would think that Hu Yifei should be an omnipotent female warrior who will not be defeated by any difficulties.

She can also secretly hide in the bathroom alone and miss her little pets, or she can bury her head in her knees and cry silently like she does now.

You can also open your arms to welcome the hugs of your friends. I believe this will bring you more warmth than this fire pot.

Nan Feng smiled and opened his arms: What do you think, little aunt? Do you want to test whether our two pieces of snowy coal are warm enough?

Yifei wiped the corners of her eyes and quickly raised her head to look at Nanfeng and Yumo who were smiling.


She opened her arms.

The two smiled at each other and hugged her together.

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