Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 655 Battle against Angers

Blood spurted out from Uesugoshi's broken arm. He was already a dragon and had strong self-healing power. In just a few blinks, the blood flow subsided and the wound gradually healed.


Uesugoshi said.

"It's really dangerous."

Chu Zihang cast a look.


Uesugi said with a grin.

"No matter how much the Dragon Clan is restrained, the Dragon Clan's body is still very strong."

Uesugoshi's body was losing weight visibly to the naked eye, and at the same time, granulation sprouted from his wounds, which was an attempt to grow a new arm.

It can be seen from Uesugoshi's current appearance that he is in pain.

The more pain Uesugi felt, the more he wanted to kill the guy in front of him pretending to be Ange.

Angers looked at Uesugoshi's broken arm. He smiled calmly and dropped the broken arm from a thousand meters in the air.

"Yeah, almost."

Angers said.

"it's a pity."

Uesugi's veins bulged as he listened.

He could tell that what this guy said was almost completely different from what he just meant.

If Chu Zihang hadn't pulled him out at the critical moment before, what he lost this time wasn't his arm, but Uesugoshi's heart.

"who are you!"

Uesugi roared angrily.

"Show your true colors!"

"Don't talk in Angers' face!"

"You do not deserve!"

Uesugoshi's voice echoed high in the sky.

Angers stood there politely, Uesugoshi's anger had no effect on him at all, but Angers' golden eyes became brighter and brighter.

Angers spread his hands.

"What a shame, A Viet."

"Look, what are you talking about?"

"You guy, why don't you even recognize me?"

Angers said.

"What does it mean to show your true colors?"

"This is who I am."

Angers said.

"I am Angers, what else do you want me to become?"

Angers' attitude, his tone, his appearance, everything about him now seems so normal and sincere, that people can't find any problems.

It seemed that he was not the person who attacked Uesugoshi while chatting and laughing before.

The more Ange behaves like this, the angrier Uesugi becomes.

He felt he had been fooled.

Uesugoshi felt like he was being played by the impostor in front of him.

"I see."

Uesugoshi said suddenly.

"You guy!"

Uesugoshi pointed at Angers.

"You are actually the King of Sky and Wind."

Angre's smile froze.

Chu Zihang turned around and looked at Uesugoshi seriously.

Uesugi Yue didn't care about Chu Zihang, all his thoughts were on Angers.

Naturally, he caught the subtle changes in Ange's expression.

There is no doubt that this is evidence.

Uesugi was encouraged.

"We all know that there are twins on the dragon throne. We saw Li Wuyue, but where is the other one from the King of Sky and Wind?"

Uesugoshi said.

"Obviously, it's you!"

"You are another King of Sky and Wind."

"You and Li Wuyue, one is outside the sky garden and the other is inside the sky garden, and you turned into Angers. This is to gain our trust better, and then..."

Uesugoshi was stuck.

He opened his mouth several times and was unable to speak.

At this point, even Uesugoshi himself realized that this didn't make sense.

Why does the majestic King of the Sky spend so much effort?

Angers put on an expression that was really defeated by you.

"I said, Ah Yue."

Angers said, shaking his head.

"You're so naive."

Uesugoshi subconsciously wanted to refute.

Before retorting, long-standing memories suddenly came to mind.

That was when he first met Ange, about half a century ago. Originally, Uesugoshi thought he had forgotten it after such a long time, but this is the bad thing about the Dragon Clan. It is too strong, everything is too strong. , no matter how long the memory is, I can recall it as clearly as what happened yesterday.

At that time, Uesugi Koshi was still the shadow king of the Sheki Hachi family. He heard that an evil invader would persecute the just Sheki Hachi family, so the angry Uesugi Koshi decided to kill Anger.

He is the patriarch of the eight Sheqi families, the Shadow Emperor of this country, and the strongest hybrid. Uesugi Yue thinks he can do it.

Afterwards, I wonder how a pet that grew up in a cage could be a rival to the prairie lion king.

Uesugoshi was defeated and he was beaten badly by Angers.

Uesugoshi was beaten all over the floor by Anger, and this was nothing more than a father beating his son. The gap between them is too big.

This is also the reason why Uesugoshi didn't want to think about it anyway.

At that time, Angers said while beating him.

"You are such a genius."

Angers had already learned about the existence of Uesugi Yue from the secret party's intelligence system. He knew that this so-called Shadow Emperor was just a puppet of the real ruler of this country.

Uesugoshi lives in the dream spun for him by the elders of the eight families in Sheqi and the cabinet of warmongers.

Uesugoshi has always believed that their invasion of the Far East and the peninsula was just, civilized, and established mutual prosperity.

Later, Angers showed Uesugi many real battle reports, the number of deaths in the Far East, the photos that reporters desperately took, and the horrific tragedies.

Only then did Uesugi Koshi understand what their country had done to the Far East.

This is also the reason why Uesugoshi later decided to set a fire and leave the Sheqi Hachi family.

During that time, Uesugi Koshi and Ange almost became good friends who talked about everything. They studied Japanese kendo and lost techniques together. They fooled around together. Ange stabbed the most sinister Hundred Ghosts, and stabbed him with tens of thousands of needles. On this man’s upper body, he and Uesugi drank sake. They sat in the courtyard with light snow falling. The snow fell on Ange’s upper body and melted. After the tattoo was finished, the master insisted on kneeling down and kowtow to Ange. He said that he had never seen this before. A person like Angers cannot be shaken by great pain. Angers is a god.

Those days were the happiest days in Uesugoshi's life.

It was only then that Uesugoshi felt that he was truly alive.

At that time, the most common thing Ange said to Uesugi was.

"You are too naive, Ayue."

Memories from the past came flooding back.

Uesugoshi couldn't tell for a moment whether the person in front of him was Anger or the King of Sky and Wind.

Angers was still talking.

"It's been half a century, and you're still the same. You haven't improved at all, Ah Yue."

"I told you so."

"Have you forgotten all about it?"

Angers said.

"Ah Yue, you are too naive. You always trust people easily and always think that other people are good."

"A guy like you is a good person."

"But good people cannot touch politics or rights."

"You will be eaten, and no scraps will be left."

"So, you should never have come to this Nibelung in the first place."

Angers said.

"Listen to what you just said."

"Am I the King of Sky and Wind?"

Angers smiled.

"I am Angers, how could I be the King of Sky and Wind?"

There was a stubborn look on Uesugoshi's face that refused to admit defeat.

This was his last bit of stubbornness.

In fact, Angers words had already convinced Uesugoshi.

There is no way, Uesugoshi is such a character who is easily persuaded.

Angers is right, Uesugi is a good person, and he trusts others easily. It seems that in Uesugi's eyes, everyone in the world is good, and so-called bad guys can only exist in superhero comics and movies.

Uesugoshi knew that what Angers said was probably true. Otherwise, how could he explain so many things that only he and Angers knew? The other party knew it, and the other party's tone and look were exactly the same as Angers in Uesugoshi's memory.

But Uesugoshi still didn't want to admit it.

Maybe it's more that he doesn't want to admit it.

In Uesugoshi's subconscious mind, Angers was his best friend, perhaps his only best friend, and he didn't want to lose him.

If Angers was pretended by the King of Sky and Wind, then the previous attack on him would be explained.

Uesugoshi can rest assured and hate the King of Sky and Wind to his heart's content.

These are the four great monarchs, pure-blooded dragons, and Uesugi Koshi could have hated them.

This is good.

In this way Angers was still his best friend.

all is well.

But Angers would be Angers if not the King of the Sky and the Winds.

Then it was the end for Uesugoshi.

He could not explain why Angers turned against him.

That means killing him.

If it weren't for Chu Zihang's help at the critical moment, Uesugoshi's heart would be gone now.

Maybe Uesugoshi can still live and grow another heart just like Tebei.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing, it is the heart, Uesugi Koshi has just become a dragon, who knows what will happen in the end.

And, most importantly, what happened to Angers.

Angers is going to kill him?

Uesugoshi trembled all over once he thought about this possibility.

He couldn't accept it.

Uesugi Yue looked at Chu Zihang for help.

Chu Zihang was his last straw.

Uesugi Yue heard that Chu Zihang said to Ange.

"You are not the King of Sky and Wind."

Uesugoshi's heart suddenly sank.

But he heard Chu Zihang continue to speak.

"You're not the principal either."

Something seemed to be flickering in Ange's golden eyes.

He looked puzzled.

"It's strange, Zihang."

"You said I'm not the Dragon King."

"I'm not Angers."

"So what am I?"

Chu Zihang said.

"No, you are Angers, but not the principal."

Angers smiled even happier.

Uesugi was so confused that he died.

"what are you talking about."

"Isn't your principal Angers?"

Chu Zihang carefully examined Anger's golden eyes.

He was looking for something inside.

He found what he was looking for.

"Can you still hear me, principal?"

Chu Zihang said.

Angers replied with a smile.


Chu Zihang said.

"I'm not talking to you."

Uesugi looked at this and that, he almost fainted.

Chu Zihang pulled out Murasame.

Uesugoshi immediately put aside his unnecessary emotions.

"Are you going to have sex?"


Chu Zihang said.

There must be an explanation before the fight begins, otherwise Uesugi will be more worried and will not be able to go all out.

"Hybrid species all have human personalities and dragon personalities coexisting, uncle."

These words immediately triggered Uesugoshi.

He got it.

If this is the case, then what Chu Zihang said can be explained.

Angers is indeed Angers, not the Lord of the Sky and Winds.

But Angers was not the principal of Kassel either.

That Mr. Principal belongs to the human personality of Angers.

What is dominant now is Angers' dragon personality.

Uesugoshi's eyes became firm.

If this is the case, then it was not Ange who attacked him before, no, it should be said, it was not the Ange whom Uesugoshi knew.

It was Angers' dragon personality who took action.

"Get rid of this guy of yours."

Uesugoshi said.

"Ange will be back soon."

They took action against Angers.

Angers played with his folding knife and smiled reservedly.

Angers appears and disappears like a ghost.

Uesugoshi could only rely on the dragon's intuition to capture Ange.

The same goes for Chu Zihang, who relies on the whims of warriors.

Time zero!

Uesugi made a sound.

This time the battle reminded him of bad things.

It was so hard to fight Angers.

You don't know when you're being killed.

That folding knife appears and disappears, and it might be inserted into your chest in the next second.

This was Uesugoshi's impression of Angers in the past.

Now, after Uesugi has transformed, he thinks that if he faces Angers again, he will definitely perform better than before.

but not.

Although the situation of the battle was different, in the past, Angers appeared and disappeared, and he had no way of guarding against him. Now, Angers still appeared and disappeared, and he could not find him.

But the feeling the two bring to Uesugoshi is actually similar.

It's all painful.

"Where is your speech spirit?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"It's no use."

Uesugoshi said.

After the transformation, Uesugoshi did master some word spirits, but none of them could be used at this time.

Maybe the King of Word Spirits can have some effect. If you are a child of the Word Spirit, a domain type, no matter how fast Time Zero is, it has to be close to you. At this time, the King of Power that affects gravity can take effect.

But it is a pity that Uesugoshi failed to obtain the spirit of kingship.

Uesugi Koshiya also tried to expand the black sun.

But facing the time zero of Angers, the role of the black sun is really limited.

"Damn it!"

Uesugi gritted his teeth.

After all, the spirit of Time Zero is too foul.

The spirit of words that affects time.

In other fantasy works, the power that affects time is already at the level of forbidden spells in the later stages.

Angers Go can be used easily.


Chu Zihang said.

Anger appeared in response, and he stabbed Chu Zihang's folding knife, hitting Murasame.

Angers looked strange.

Angers disappeared again before Uesugoshi quickly pounced on him.

Uesugoshi still failed to catch Angers.

But he was not depressed. On the contrary, Uesugi was very excited.

He asked Chu Zihang.

"how did you do it!"

This is the first time they have encountered Angers since the start of the war.

Before, the two of them, both Uesugi Yue and Chu Zihang, could only rely on intuition to dodge. They wanted to touch Ange, but they couldn't.

But now Chu Zihang could actually meet Ange.

Uesugoshi was very excited.

"I see."

He said.

"This is what you often call martial arts!"

Naturally, Chu Zihang remained expressionless.

He said.

"My guess."

Uesugoshi blinked, guess? What's the meaning?

Chu Zihang said.

"18 seconds, this is how long his speech spirit lasts."

Uesugoshi seemed to understand somewhat.

"Did you calculate it based on this?"

Uesugoshi seemed to slowly realize how exaggerated this was.

He was almost speechless. .

"You figured out where Angers would appear!"

"No, it's a guess."

Chu Zihang has such a good personality. If this was not a battlefield, he would be willing to explain to Uesugi how he did it. Although this kind of thing is meaningless at first glance, he probably wouldn't be able to explain it in an afternoon.

But now this is a battlefield.


Chu Zihang swung his knife into the air.

As soon as Murasame arrived, Anger showed up.

He seemed to have hit him directly.

This time Angers looked surprised.

He took a deep look at Chu Zihang.

"Two seconds."

Chu Zihang said.

"Is this the interval between two time zeros?"

Uesugoshi finally became smarter for once.

PS: I have something to do today, so I’ll start with 4,000 words. I’ve seen everyone’s comments and I’ll try to add more updates. At this point, I’m not far away from finishing the book.

That being said, I still have to write it in a month or two.

I thought the concept of gods was unpalatable, but it seems to work well.

The book "Martial Saint" has laid out the concept of gods from the very beginning, as well as the concepts that dragons are weapons and dragons are created.

The update is just too awkward, and many of the foreshadowings should have been forgotten long ago.

I hope this book has a better ending.

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