Uesugi Yue took the first step and plunged into the deep sea. Chu Zihang was still waiting at the edge of the platform.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Uesugoshi is a dragon. Dragons are creatures that can adapt to the deep sea. Uesugoshi can even walk on magma.

Chu Zihang was unable to adapt to the terrifying pressure of the deep sea and underwater breathing.

Until Zero's voice sounded in my ears.


Zero said.

"To protect you."

The gold-plated alchemical characters were branded all over Chu Zihang.

The world is different.

Chu Zihang jumped into the deep sea.

Being unable to breathe underwater is a biological instinct. Chu Zihang subconsciously controlled it. No need to remind him, Chu Zihang restrained his instinct. He breathed. The seawater entered the lungs along the respiratory tract, and Chu Zihang absorbed oxygen from it.

The originally deadly sea water became gentle with the blessing of the Lotus Flower Dharma.

They gently wrapped Chu Zihang, which was a different feeling from air. Chu Zihang used the sea water to accelerate.

Water is the source of life, Chu Zihang thought.

Ling and Chu Zihang maintained real-time communication.

She marked the location of Takamagahara.

Chu Zihang dived all the way down.

Slowly, he became confused. Chu Zihang couldn't figure out whether he was in the deep sea or the abyss.

The two are so similar.

Ordinarily, there should be some creatures in the ocean.

No matter how scary the deep sea is, no matter how harsh the environment is, there should still be living things.

But during Chu Zihang's dive, nothing but darkness was darkness, sea water was sea water, and Chu Zihang was the only living thing.

They are all dead.

Some of them were contaminated by dragon blood, turned into dragon-born creatures, and were killed by hybrids on the sea.

Part of it turned into pure life essence and was absorbed by Gao Tianyuan's White King's egg, becoming the nourishment for White King's resurrection.

Pure darkness can be very stressful on a person's mind.

Many people who frequently dive for underwater work develop claustrophobia.

They cannot be in a dark and closed space, and they cannot take an elevator. Even if the lights are on, they will feel that the four walls of the elevator are tilting and collapsing.

Asimov wrote a short science fiction novel specifically for this purpose. It tells the story of people on an alien planet. Due to some astronomical reason, their sun will no longer rise after setting, and endless night covers the planet. So, Everyone on this planet is crazy.

"It's so quiet."

Zero said.

Her voice sounded in Chu Zihang's ears through the connection established through the Lotus Flower Technique.


Chu Zihang said.

"I thought I was going to encounter an octopus."

Chu Zihang clumsily used mental energy and zero conversation. This is different from when you usually speak. You have to think hard to convey the meaning you want to convey to the other party.

But thinking is not the biceps, it is not something you can use as hard as you want.

Fortunately, Chu Zihang is no stranger to thinking about this kind of thing.

"Or jellyfish."

Chu Zihang said.

“I’ve seen picture books and documentaries about jellyfish.”

"They live a long time."

"Theoretically, jellyfish can live the length of a human civilization."

Chu Zihang found that he had become talkative.

It's the deep sea, he thought.

"Jellyfish are delicious."

Zero said.

"You have eaten?"

"Well, at the banquet."

Chu Zihang remembered that Ling was the princess. Are the mentioned Ekaterina and Ling also related by blood? Prominent families in the West all have clear genealogies, which are carried on exquisite parchments or tapestries. Perhaps Zero's name and Catherine's name are up and down the same genealogy, looking at each other.

"What does jellyfish smell like?"

Chu Zihang asked.

Zero was silent for a long time.

Chu Zihang suspected that there was something wrong with the Lotus Flower Technique.

"I'm thinking."

Zero said.

"It's hard to describe."

Chu Zihang seemed to be relieved.

Speaking of which, this kind of weak mood should not have appeared in Chu Zihang.

Or because of the deep sea.

"It doesn't matter."

Chu Zihang said.

“The food is always hard to describe.”


Zero said.

"I'll treat you later."

Chu Zihang thought about Ling's cold face when he said this.


Chu Zihang asked.

"After the war."

Zero said.

If Lu Mingfei heard this, he would probably say something like bah bah bah, which is unlucky.

"What if the war is lost."

Chu Zihang said.

"There must be jellyfish in Hades."

Zero said, she used a tone that was not very sure. At this time, she seemed a bit like a real little girl.

Chu Zihang suddenly thought that it was because of the Lotus Flower Technique. This kind of connection directly established on the spiritual level made the two parties' hearts very close. Even if they wanted to hide their feelings, they would still show their flaws.

So Zero will behave very differently from her usual behavior.

He did the same, and Chu Zihang's behavior was different from usual.

Speaking of Hades, Chu Zihang naturally thought of Hela, the god in charge of death in mythology and the master of Hades.

The principal said that Jormungandr and Fenrir devoured each other, and Hela was born.

Therefore, there is Hades in this world.

That is where all the dead rest.

Are all the humans and dragons here?

Are there jellyfish too?

“There are jellyfish in Hades.”

Chu Zihang said.


Zero accepted.

"There are jellyfish in Hades. I can cook them for you in Hades."

"Can you cook?"


Zero said.

"Kill animals and use their carcasses to make food that sustains our life activities."

"It's amazing."

"So this is what cooking is like in your eyes."

Chu Zihang said.

"Do you think about death often?"


Zero said.

"Death is natural, I understand it, I don't think about it."

This was the first time that Chu Zihang heard a person claim that he understood death.

Or Zero, a girl who looks like a primary school student.

No matter how you look at it, death is still too far away for Zero.

Thinking about death is too far away for Zero, and so is understanding death.

Some people may think that Zero is joking and lying, like a girl who puts on high heels and pretends to be an adult.

But there are zero people who say this.

It's hard to imagine Zero lying or joking.

This girl seems to have been telling the truth since she was born. When there is no truth to tell, she remains silent until the day she dies.

"Understanding Death."

Chu Zihang said.


Zero said.

Chu Zihang rarely thinks about these metaphysical things.

Come to think of it, it seems like he never thought about it.

Chu Zihang believes that a person's brain capacity is limited. When you remember enough, then every time you want to remember a new thing, you have to forget an old thing in exchange.

fair enough.

Therefore, thinking about death is too extravagant for Chu Zihang.

There are many things that he cannot forget, and he cannot forget even one frame of the scene, which takes up a lot of brain capacity.

As the two chatted, the fear of the deep sea faded away. Chu Zihang thought of Uesugi Yue. His uncle was one step ahead of him. Gao Tianyuan was on the deep seabed. Is it really okay if Uesugi Yue was the only one?

that is……

Facts have proved that Chu Zihang's worries were correct.

Chu Zihang found Uesugoshi.

Uesugoshi floated in the sea in a daze. He wrapped himself with his wings, closed his eyes, and sank.

Chu Zihang circled Uesugi.

Uesugoshi probably also felt the fear and loneliness of the deep sea. Dragons are a race that cannot bear loneliness. They have been cursed by loneliness from the beginning, so Uesugoshi came up with such a way. He cut off his own perception. If you don't think about it, you will You will not be lonely, and then let your body follow Gao Tianyuan's call and keep sinking.

This kind of thing is easy for Uesugoshi.

The opportunity for his transformation was to usurp Yamata no Orochi, and Gao Tianyuan had a call to Uesugoshi from the depths of his blood.

"Want to wake him up?"

Zero said.

Uesugoshi woke up by himself.

When he saw Zi Hang clearly, the light in his golden eyes was almost several degrees brighter than usual.

In Uesugoshi's body, the emotion called surprise was burning.

"You finally came!"

Uesugi opened his mouth, probably wanting to say something like this, but they were in the deep sea, and obviously nothing could be said here.

Uesugi Yue was panicked for a moment. He gestured with his hands and feet, trying to convey his meaning to Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang nodded.

Uesugoshi calmed down.

It's nice to have someone together, next to you, even if they don't say anything and can't hear each other's voices.

So Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue dived together.

Uesugi Yue was like a stray wild goose in a flock of migrating wild geese. He rushed ahead to separate the water for Chu Zihang.

The physical quality of dragons is particularly useful at times like this.

Not so with martial arts.

However, if it is Waigang, going to heaven or entering the sea, warriors should be able to do it.

Or the supernatural beings related to the awakening of non-human beings. Chu Zihang once saw the supernatural beings in this area, such as separating the sea water and controlling the breeze. Such myths and legends can also be done by non-human warriors, as long as they awaken the related supernatural powers.

Gao Tianyuan arrived.

Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue saw the sky-high bronze pillars, which were structures passed down from the Dragon Dynasty to this day.

Chu Zihang and Uesugi now know the secrets of the gods. When they look at the bronze pillars, they can't help but wonder, do these buildings have something to do with the gods?

They looked from a distance. Outside, they could only see bronze pillars. They could not see other buildings in Gao Tianyuan, Lu Mingfei, Caesar, or the enemies.

It is the Nibelungen barrier.

Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue were already used to it.

"hurry up."

A strange girl's voice inserted into the communication between Chu Zihang and Zero.

No, it can't be said to be unfamiliar. Chu Zihang heard that this was Nono, Caesar's girlfriend and the main practitioner of the Lotus Flower Technique.

"That Gundam is so annoying."

"You better hurry up."

"Caesar alone."

Chu Zihang could hear the deep tiredness in Nuonuo's voice.

He was a little worried about Nono's mental state at this time.

But, Gundam, what is this?

Uesugoshi was still meditating on Takamagahara, and the call stopped abruptly. The dragon instinct told Uesugoshi that the place he was looking for had arrived.

Uesugoshi also knew that he had arrived. How could he not know that there was such a big Gaotian pendulum in front of it, but how to get in?

Uesugoshi originally thought that as long as he arrived at Takamagahara, he would be able to enter naturally. He was the successor of Yamata no Orochi and a strong contender for the position of White King. Who would be allowed in if he was not allowed in?

But after arriving, Uesugoshi found that the situation was not what he thought at all.

Gao Tianyuan had no intention of opening up to him.

Uesugoshi tried to enter directly, but instead of entering Takamagahara, he passed through it, as if passing through an illusory bubble.

Okay, maybe I need to do something else.

Uesugoshi said to himself.

Maybe a secret word is needed.

Like Open Sesame or something.

But it’s definitely not Open Sesame.

The mythology system is different. Open Sesame is Arabic.

Uesugoshi's mind was spinning with many random thoughts.

At this time, Chu Zihang pulled him and the two of them swam to one side.

Uesugi became more excited.

This scene was so familiar to him.

Whenever Chu Zihang had any new ideas before, it would be like this.

Later it was proved that Chu Zihang was always correct.

Sure enough, it was the same this time.

Chu Zihang found a corner. It was a very ordinary place. Uesugi Yue could guarantee that if it were him, he would probably go around Takamagahara no matter how many times he would find a similar place.

Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue passed through one after another.

The familiar feeling of passing through a thin film, brand new air blowing into your face, unusually clean.

There is no water here.

Chu Zihang silently spit out the water in his lungs.

They were first shocked by the environment of Takamagahara.

There is absolutely no magnificence or majesty as imagined in the residence of the gods.

Except for a palace, there is nothing else in Gaotianyuan.

Even the land is full of pits.

It seemed that they had arrived not at Takamagahara but on the surface of the moon.

That palace...

A word appeared in the minds of Chu Zihang and Uesugoshi at the same time.

Tomb of the Emperor.

The building that Lu Mingfei obtained from Huangquan Nibo Longen has the inheritance of the three noble lives. At this time, Yuan Zhisheng and the three of them should still be receiving the inheritance at the Emperor's Tomb.

Chu Zihang quickly looked away, but Uesugi kept staring at the emperor's tomb for a long time.

Chu Zihang looked around the emperor's tomb.

Strange, where is Caesar?

"he came."

Zero said.

Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue took action one after another. After they got out of the way, a huge bronze hand appeared on the spot.

It was a bronze hand poking out from the ground.

He gives people a very special feeling. It is obviously rough, cold and hard bronze, but it has a rhythm like flesh and blood and life.


Flying in the air, Uesugoshi opened his mouth in shock.

One bronze palm is followed by a second.

Two arms were bent to support the ground, and his head came out.

This is a true giant.

"Eat you!"

The bronze giant looked at Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue greedily.

""Where's Caesar?

Chu Zihang asked Ling.

"In that guy's belly."

This time it was Nono who answered him.

It sounds like Nono's mental state is better than before.

"It's strange why I'm free now."

Nono said.

"I told Caesar about your coming."

"As soon as that guy Caesar heard it was you."

"He just rested."

"Caesar said that he cut off nine tubes of this big guy's health bar, and the last tube was left to Chu Zihang."

"You have to give Chu Zihang some fighting opportunities."

Nuonuo imitated Caesar's tone and said this.

It should be said that they are worthy of being a couple. Nono's imitation is so lifelike. Chu Zihang can completely imagine what Caesar looked like when he said these words. He grinned to reveal his white teeth that would be a pity not to be in an advertisement, and his smile was brighter than the sun. .

However, there are nine blood bars.

The bronze giant was covered in bruises and bruises, and his movements were sometimes sluggish. It could be seen that Caesar's statement of nine blood bars was not an exaggeration at all, and the bronze giant was indeed about to be eliminated.

However, the BOSS in the game will often transform after the health bar drops to a certain level.

Apparently, so does the Bronze Giant.

He was beaten badly by Caesar.

Although Caesar ate it, it was strange that he didn't get much nutrition.

Still very hungry.

The bronze giant is crazy and needs to eat.

Therefore, he focused on Chu Zihang and Uesugi Yue.

"Eat you!" (End of chapter)

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