Lu Mingfei, the Martial Saint of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 664 Profile of the Emperor’s Tomb

The interior of the Emperor's Tomb that Chu Zihang saw was not a dream world, but the fifth element, that is, the turbulent flow of spiritual particles.

This was created by the first three noble lives to complement their own place.

Performs a function similar to that of the uterus.

You won't find any physical traces inside the emperor's tomb.

There is only the fifth element in it, filled with spiritual particles.

Chu Zihang and Caesar seemed to be separated by a veil, standing in other dimensions. They only saw the chaotic colors in the emperor's tomb.

"Close your eyes."

Zero said.

“Look with your senses.”

This is Zero and Nono’s experience.

It is also a coincidence that Zero and Nono, who have established a connection through the Padmasambhava method, see Takamagahara not through their eyes, but through their hearts, their spirits.

So, naturally, they discovered the secret.

Chu Zihang and Caesar closed their eyes as instructed.

There is a slight red light in the dark field of vision, which is tiny blood vessels.

Then there were many firefly-like stars rising from below.

They sketch the interior of the Emperor's tomb.

Chu Zihang and Caesar saw overlapping walls, red bird snipers, yellow thick straw ropes, and standing stone lanterns.

These are the decorations inside the emperor's tomb.

Without exception, they are all illusory. If you look over them casually, they are indeed there, but when you pay attention and look intently, there is nothing in the distance.

There are three real places.

A magatama, a mirror, a sword.

The three of them are the center respectively, and they are also the center.

This feels very confusing and counter-intuitive. I wonder how it is possible that there are three centers in the same space.

But they really exist.

You focus on this magatama, and you understand that this is the center, this is the center.

You turn your eyes to the mirror or the sword, and suddenly you realize that this is also the center.

When enlightenment arises, it is so natural and logical that you believe it from the bottom of your heart.

Once you look away, you're surprised by what you thought before.

"Cogito ergo sum."

Chu Zihang said.


Zero said.

“The Rules of an Idealistic World View.”

It seems that Yuan Zhisheng and the other three are receiving the inheritance here.

Magatama represents Amaterasu's destiny, the mirror is probably a eight-foot mirror, which naturally represents Tsukuyomi's destiny, and finally the sword represents Susanoo's destiny.

Looking at the states of the three, Magatama is the most solid, lifelike, and ready to be called out, followed by the sword, and finally the mirror.

When Chu Zihang and others thought about it, they understood the reason.

Yuan Zhisheng was the first to receive the inheritance. It took a long time and there were no twists and turns. It should be done soon.

Next is the Kazama girl who corresponds to Kyusuo, who is slightly slower.

Finally, there is Eri.

It is also the riskiest one.

Eri has too many problems.

First of all, Eriki's mental state is already unstable. She has been a ghost since a long time ago. The balance between dragon personality and human personality has been broken long ago. The reason why she can still maintain the appearance of a girl and have a normal girl to this day Wang Jiang used countless amounts of Deadpool embryo serum to drag him down.

Secondly, Eriyi accepted the inheritance later than Minamoto Chi.

But the most important thing is the third point.

Monthly reading of fortune.

Caesar briefly told everyone about his previous battle with Xu Zuo.

Caesar's narrative ability is very strong. Even though he looks like this, Caesar is also a best-selling novel writer. His pen name is Thousands of Girls' Dreams.

Therefore, Caesar is actually different from ordinary noblemen. Even if he is separated from Gattuso, Caesar can support himself well.

The reason why Caesar said this was not to boast that he had killed Xu Zuo. This kind of thing was not taken lightly by Caesar. What he wanted to convey was that Xu Zuo was dead.

The first generation of three nobles, Amaterasu has not escaped from the underworld, and the people on the road are not judging, and Amaterasu is entangled with Minamoto.

Then came Tsukuyomi and Susano'o, the latter died at the hands of Caesar and was sealed by Caesar.

There is only one month left to read your fortune.

Although Caesar said that what he saw were three dragons, one of which turned into a virtual dragon, and two others, Caesar could feel that among these two dragons, one had an extremely weak aura, while the other was much stronger.

This was also confirmed by Nono, who used the Lotus Flower method to sense and came to the same discovery as Caesar.

Therefore, Caesar judged that the two-headed dragon was a combination of real Tsukuyomi fate and something else.

Anything else must not be Amaterasu.

As a result, Tsukuyomi fate has become the biggest hidden danger here.

Yuan Zhisheng's inheritance is not easy. He has to fight with the remnant souls of past generations of Amaterasu, but now, he is about to succeed, let's not talk about it for now.

Although the timing of Kazama Childhood is a little later than that of Minamoto Childage, the process of Kazama Childhood accepting the inheritance is simpler than that of Minamoto Childage. Unlike Minamoto Childage, he is not able to fight with all generations of Amaterasu, and Kyusuo is already dead. , the girl in the wind just needs to accept the inheritance steadily.

The most troublesome thing is Eriyi.

Tsukuyomi fate is still there.

And Tsukuyomi Ming has entered the emperor's tomb and is involved in the inheritance of Eri clothes.


The four of them focused their attention on the eight-foot mirror that represented Tsukiyomi's destiny.

The eight-foot mirror is solid for a while and illusory for a while. Two faces can be vaguely seen in it, one is Eri Yi and the other is Tsukiyomi Ming.

Very bad.

Eriki's mental state is already unstable. Even if there is no interfering inheritance, she will need a certain amount of luck to accept it, not to mention that there is still a month of fortune reading to disrupt the situation.

At this time, the difference between Chu Zihang and Caesar's previous feelings came to mind again.

When defeating the bronze giant, Chu Zihang felt a presence fleeing into the Emperor's Tomb.

But at Caesars, there are two.

They discussed it and realized that it was a misunderstanding.

Caesar did not sense whether one or two beings fled into the Emperor's tomb.

At that time, he had just escaped from the Bronze Giant.

Caesar had gone to great lengths to prevent himself from being digested by the bronze giant.

After the bronze giant disintegrated, Chu Zihang's magical Qingyang was too mysterious, and Caesar's senses were also confused. He was actually not sure how many people escaped from the bronze giant to the emperor's tomb.

The reason why Caesar said there were two was because there were two dragons that entered Gaotian Plain before.

Thinking about it this way, there should be two people controlling the bronze giant.

But combined with Chu Zihang's news, the truth seems to be different.

There are two issues here.

First of all, the first question is, who is controlling the bronze giant.

If Chu Zihang felt it, only one being escaped from the bronze giant into the emperor's tomb in the end, which means that there was only one person controlling the bronze giant.

The two-headed dragon that Caesar saw was a combination of the real Tsukuyomi destiny and a certain location. So, could the person who stayed behind to control the bronze giant and assume this almost abandoned role be the real Tsukuyomi destiny?

Nuonuo said with a smile: "The dragon I know is not such a selfless creature."

The four of them had the same idea. The one who was left behind to control the bronze giant was definitely not Tsukuyomi Ming.

The other of the two dragons, I don’t know who he is, he is the abandoned son.

And most likely it is not voluntary.

This can be seen from many signs, such as the bronze giant's subsequent performance of almost losing his mind.

In this way, it can explain why Caesar said there were two, but Chu Zihang said it was one.

It can also explain why the noble real Tsukuyomi took an unknown guy into Takamagahara.

That was the abandoned son that Tsukuyomi Ming prepared for himself.

In this way, the second question was naturally raised.

When did Tsukiyomi enter the emperor's tomb?

When did he start competing with Eri for inheritance?

This question had an answer the moment it was asked.

But the answer is not good.

Perhaps Tsukuyomi no Mikoto had already entered the emperor's tomb, and the fight between him and Eri for the inheritance had already begun.

Where are you now?

Chu Zihang and the other four could only see the symbols of the three noble lives, and could only judge the progress of the inheritance from the brightness of the three symbols. There was no way to know more detailed information.

"Maybe I can do something."

Nono said.

Everyone was puzzled.

Caesar was the first to react.

"You mean profiling."


Yes, profiling.

Chu Zihang and Ling were deep in thought.

Nono's profiling is not a secret. By obtaining a certain amount of information and reconstructing it based on this information, this is not a word spirit. This is a skill that ordinary people can master. But in Nono, profiling is almost as magical as The words and spirit are almost the same.

Nono was able to accurately reconstruct the scene of the crime, thousands of miles away, based only on the description on the other side of the phone, down to what the murderer did and even said when he stayed next to the body for several minutes.

Obviously, Nono's profile was completely beyond the scope of ordinary people's cognition. She almost reconstructed the scene in her mind based on this information, and then Nono herself, as a ghost, watched the whole process at the scene.

But, can profiling also be used here?

"Junior sister, I'll leave the matrix to you first."

Nono said.

When Nono started profiling, he had to devote himself wholeheartedly and minimize his awareness of the outside world. Naturally, he would not be able to continue to conduct the Padmasambhava.

Zero responded.

Nono started profiling.

This was an experience that was different from all previous profilings.

In fact, for a long time, Nono thought that her voice was just a profile.

Nono always remembered her first profile.

It was the day her mother died. Nono sat by the bed, watching the body become colder little by little. Nono sat there for a long time, it seemed like three days, and it seemed like longer.

Nono saw a black-robed God of Death coming in from the door. He was standing next to Nono. Nono was motionless. She was scared. Nono didn't know if the God of Death had noticed her. Regardless of whether he had or not, Nono thought, Anyway, if she doesn't move for now, she can probably get away with it.

This is the innocent thought of a little girl.

But then again.

At that time, Nono was just a little girl.

After that time, Nono grew up.

She later learned that it was spiritual vision, and she awakened to the dragon's blood.

Nono has never forgotten the sight of Death she saw at that time. She thought that was the source of her profile.

Afterwards, Nono can use profiling.

But this time, it was a completely different experience from the past.

Nono's spirit came here through the bridge of Padmasambhava. She perceived the interior of the Emperor's Tomb from a spiritual perspective. The interior of the Emperor's Tomb was also a spiritual world, and the two were in essential communication.

So, Nono saw it.

Chu Zihang and the other three heard the screams.

That's... Nono?

I couldn't be sure for a while.

It was difficult for them to connect the person who was now wailing like a little girl with the lawless Nono.


Caesar said.


"Can you hear me?"

"I'm here."

Caesar's voice is reassuring. He is very calm. No matter how big a problem you encounter, you can always come to him. Caesar will not hold your head with you and scream, he will touch your head and say it's okay. Give it to me and let you do whatever you want while he single-handedly solves the problem.

Padmasambhava communications are quiet.

The three of them waited for Nono's answer.

"Junior sister."

Caesar said.

"She's still here."

Zero said.

Caesar secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Zihang observed Caesar's profile. Caesar pursed his lips, had a strong and sharp chin, and his eyes were like the deep sea.

What did Nono see?

Chu Zihang and Caesar set their sights on the emperor's tomb.

Before, Nono was profiling. Did she see the truth about some of the emperor's tombs?

Many questions lie in their minds.

To get answers, the only thing they could do was wait.

Wait for Nono's condition to stabilize.

Fortunately, Nono is still there, at least she has not completely withdrawn from the Padmasambhava method, which proves that her mental state has not completely collapsed.

"I want to try."

Zero said suddenly.


Caesar asked.

They still rarely hear Her Royal Highness speak in such an ambiguous tone.

Although Zero spoke very few words in the past, his orders were as clean and powerful as ever.

"I want to try it" would even come out of Zero's mouth.

"It's the Padmasambhava method."

Zero said.

"Chen Motong uses profiling."

"Now, I find that I can use profiling, too."

"Remember the Padmasambhava."

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other.

"How sure are you?"

Caesar said calmly.

Now the Lotus Flower Technique is all presided over by Ling. If Ling, like Nono, has an accident, they will lose support, and the power of Chu Zihang's Qingyang and Caesar's Ding Zhi will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, they will also lose their only connection with Takamagahara.

"I'm different."

"Zero said.

"I am special."

To another person, this would sound pretentious, but to Ling, it was full of conviction.

she says.

"I have a blessing."

Zero proved her determination in three sentences.


Caesar only regarded it as a blessing received by His Royal Highness as the Princess. This is very common, and many royal families in European countries receive blessings.

He didn't know that the blessing Zero mentioned was a blessing in the true sense.

Is there any greater miracle in the world than resurrection from the dead?

You know, the person mentioned in the myth who rose from the dead created a religion.

Being resurrected from the dead is a privilege that can only be enjoyed by believers who are truly chosen by the gods and truly loved by the gods.

And zero is exactly that.

So she said she was special.

"I'm starting."

Zero said.

Caesar was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect Zero to be so powerful.

This time Padmasambhava fell into absolute silence.

Neither Zero nor Nono would respond.

Caesar and Chu Zihang tried to expand the door of the Emperor's Tomb, but the gap was not enough for them to get in.

Moreover, Nono and Zero can't take any chances and just sit back and enjoy the gains.

But the door to the emperor's tomb was made of unknown material, and they couldn't open it no matter what.

Chu Zihang guessed that perhaps material means would not work. Unless you are a descendant of the White King and a very high-ranking descendant of the White King, otherwise if you want to open the door, you must use means other than material, such as spirit.

The god of warriors might do the same.

It's a pity that they can't do it yet.

When he was helpless, Zero's voice sounded again.

"I saw it." (End of chapter)

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