Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 554: 554, sleeping

   Chapter 554 554, sleeping in the rough

   After everyone had eaten and drank enough, it was about eleven o'clock in the evening, and Qi Han lit a fire in the middle of the two 'beds'.

   Although it is summer now, but in the middle of the night surrounded by water, the temperature is still a little cold. The adults are fine, and the body can still bear it, but the three children's body bones are weaker.

Before    there was no ignition pile, that was because there were no matches to ignite, but now that Qin Tianrulai came, these things naturally came.

On the other side of the fire, the couple placed their two children in the middle, and they slept on either side.

On the    side, Qi Han really wanted to sleep with his daughter-in-law directly in his arms, but he had no choice but to have a small light bulb, so he wasn't good at arguing with a little kid in this situation, right?

   So, the couple, like the family next door, let the calf sleep in the middle, and they slept on his left and right sides.

   This can also be safe and easy to take care of.

   Qin Tianru was lying on the bed sheet, she was really not used to the sleeping environment, she was now sleeping on the ground, the ground was hard, and she felt uncomfortable all over her body, and there was no comfort at all.

   She misses the Simmons mattress in the storage space so much now, but there are outsiders around them, so all she can take out is the thin sheets.

   The lifeboat is only that big, and her canvas bag can only hold so much. The things she can carry are very limited. No matter how many things are taken out, it is a bit unreasonable.

  So, she can only stay for one night.

  Although there are flowing water all around, and there are no beasts on this small hill, Qin Tianru still cannot be 100% assured.

   In order to sleep peacefully, she injected her supernatural powers on the ground, and then spread her perception around until it covered the entire area of ​​the small hill.

   It is said to be an isolated island with small hills, but in fact it has an area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

  With the trees and flowers on this small hill as guards, they can sleep well, especially her brother Han.

   She was so blind that she couldn't see his dark eye sockets. She didn't know how long he had been surviving these days, but one thing was clear, he definitely didn't rest well these days, and was seriously lacking sleep.

   Now that she has come to his side, she must let him rest well and not let him worry about these trivial things.

  Suddenly, Qin Tianru opened his eyes, and a starlight flashed from his eyes.

   Soon she closed her eyes again, as if she had never opened her eyes, but the right wrist on her side was turning slightly, as if trying to grab something.

  In the darkness of the night, Qin Tianru's mouth lifted slightly invisibly, feeling the familiar aura beside her, and soon she followed into a sweet dreamland.


   A good night's sleep, except for Qin Tianru, who slept with back pain due to the problem of the 'bed', the rest of the people slept extremely satisfied.

   After waking up early in the morning, not only was my mental state much better, but the complexion on my face was also much rosier.

  Qi Han went to the vicinity to find a bundle of firewood again, and let the fire continue to burn. Qin Tianru took the chopped small tree stick and inserted the steamed buns to bake it.

The steamed buns were specially taken out of the storage space by her last night to hang. The warm food taken out last night can still be regarded as the timely arrival of the food in her bag. Passionate.

   But one night has passed, if the steamed buns she took out are still warm, then it is estimated that the liar will not believe it.

Qin Tianru gave the family six steamed buns, no matter how much they had, it would be inappropriate. Besides, the two children were still young and could not eat too much. Although six steamed buns could not fill them up, they could Guarantee that they have a seven or eight full.

   However, she just gave them steamed buns, but she didn't bring the hot roasting service at the back. They all have hands and feet, and they can make them themselves if they want to eat them.

   Qin Tianru had three big steamed buns stuck on the small tree stick in his hand, and the calf knew that he couldn't eat for nothing, so he picked up some twigs behind Qi Han as firewood.

  The young couple also used the knife provided by Qin Tianru to cut two bare tree sticks, about the size of a finger. The two also stuck three steamed buns on the branches of the tree, like Qin Tianru baked steamed buns.

   "Give it to me." Qi Han came over and took over the job of baking steamed buns.

  Qin Tianru handed the tree branch to Qi Han, while he sat on the sheet, pretending to rummage through the canvas bag, and then took out a jar of meat fungus sauce from the bag.

   How can you eat white flour steamed buns without meat fungus sauce?

   Soon, everyone's steamed buns were baked. As for chopsticks, we just used twigs instead of chopsticks.

  After breakfast, the group got on the lifeboat. The family of four was full of curiosity about this uniquely shaped boat. The two children watched it very seriously, and even couldn't help extending the boat to touch it.

  When their fingers touched the lifeboat, the two children retracted their hands in shock by a rebounding touch.

   "Mother, this is soft."

  “It will still move~”

   The young couple had a rare smile on their faces, and they were surprised because they felt it clearly when they sat down.

   But neither of them are the kind of people who talk a lot and gossip, and they don't take the initiative to inquire about other people's affairs.

   But the identity of this couple is definitely not simple.

   Qi Han asked the young man directly, "Do you know how to get there? When your village was fleeing, you should have said where to gather?"

   "Well, I know, I should go to the commune." The man responded.

   Sitting on the lifeboat, Qi Han chatted with the man and learned that the surrounding production teams belonged to the Hongqi Commune, while Xiao Niu belonged to a family of four next door.

   Both of their brigades belonged to the Hongqi Commune. The terrain there was higher and the area was wider, so the group took a lifeboat and headed for the Hongqi Commune.

   Half an hour later, the family arrived at the commune address, but at this time there was no one in the commune, apparently the crowd had been moved.

   "They should go to town," the man guessed.

   Qi Han asked, "Is the distance far?"

   "If it's a parade, it's probably more than 20 minutes." The man estimated.

  Qi Han nodded, "That's okay, please show the way."

Half an hour later, the lifeboat leaned on the shore, because the road leading to the township in front was blocked, and the water flowed away along the ditch on the other side, and the lifeboat could not be rowed directly into the town, so only Can choose to dock on the shore outside the township.

  The terrain of this small town is higher, so the flood did not enter the town. In addition, the people here may have taken flood control measures in advance, digging canals to discharge the flood water, avoiding the flooding crisis of the town.

   (end of this chapter)

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