Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 592: 592, tricky

   Chapter 592 592, tricky

   Ever since he was caught in an affair in the afternoon, he was imprisoned in the village's warehouse for collecting grain after being careless.

   Before the Qi family gave a final result, the captain had to lock up the sloppy tiger, which was also to prevent him from escaping, so he could not explain it to the Qi family.

   Today's Qi family can't be easily offended. It's a loss, both for their entire brigade and for him personally.

  Secondly, Sloppy Hu made a mistake after all. If he, the brigade captain, didn't show any sign, wouldn't it make everyone think that their entire brigade had a wrong style and was a nest of snakes and rats?

   Therefore, he had to come up with an attitude, not only to express his attitude to the Qi family, but also to alert the whole village.

   This sloppy lock up is also a temporary move. After the Qi family negotiates a result, he will let Sloppy clean the cowshed for three months.

   At this time, the hungry and exhausted sloppy was lying on the ground, his eyes were in a daze!

   His hands and feet were tied with ropes, and he could not move freely at all, and lying on the ground was the only position that made him feel comfortable.

   Up to now, Sloppy Hu is still in a state of confusion.

   He had no idea that his concubine relationship with Liu Caihua would be exposed in front of the whole village, and he couldn't understand why his house suddenly collapsed?

   This change came unexpectedly, and was not what he expected at all.

   So looking at the pitch-black warehouse, he was a little sloppy at a loss, his plans were completely disrupted, and his thoughts were also confused.

   In order to rush back to the village at noon, he just hurriedly ate some pancakes to padded his stomach. After returning to the village, he and Liu Caihua spent a lot of energy.

   The vegetable pancakes he had eaten at lunch have long been used up. Now he is not only hungry and dizzy, but his body is also sore. The two feelings are sandwiched together, so that he can only open his eyes in a daze.

   Looking back now, he only remembered that he was about to leave Liu Caihua when he suddenly felt a little heavy in his head, and he was so sleepy that he wanted to sleep.

   Then, there is no then.

After   , how the house collapsed, he had no idea at all, and he had no impression at all.

   Later, he was directly woken up by someone. When he opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, he was so frightened that he really wanted to fall asleep again.

  Especially when he saw the Qi family again, he was in a daze and realized that he was finished.

   Hearing Liu Caihua say that her husband's cousin is very capable and has something to do with the county leaders. If it wasn't for the help of a noble person who gave him a lot of confidence, he would not dare to provoke the Qi family easily.

   After all, his life is not enough to play with others.

   But with the support of nobles, Sloppy Hu is not so afraid, so he unscrupulously performed a series of underhand tricks.

   But now his relationship with Liu Caihua has been revealed to the world, and he was caught by the Qi family. Even with the help of noble people, far water can't save near fire.

   Now, he is trapped in the village, and the noble went to the provincial capital, but he left his contacts for himself, but the question is, in this situation, how can he find someone to help?

   Therefore, this will be sloppy and very flustered, worried about what will happen to the Qi family when they are angry. After all, the emperor is far away, and if he has something in the country, he will not be able to make a big wave.

   Suddenly, sloppy eyes stared straight, his eyes were full of horror, and his mouth was wide open because of the shock, but it was difficult to make a sound for a long time.

   The whole figure seemed to be suddenly frozen, dumbfounded.

  Qin Tianru was dressed in black night clothes, with a hat and a mask, and he was wrapped tightly. From the corner of the dark warehouse, he walked slowly to the front of the sloppy.


  Sloppy, scared and afraid to move, can only stare at the man in black who appeared out of thin air in front of him.

  Although the warehouse is very dark, there is still a ray of light in the warehouse due to the cracks in the beams and the moonlight shining through the windows.

   His eyes were already staring in the direction of the corner in a daze, so he just saw a shadow swaying, and then he watched the dark shadow walk towards him step by step.

  Is this a ghost?

   His whole body seemed to be strangled by the neck, and he couldn't make a sound at all, and he was almost scared to death.

When    Qin Tianru approached, before she had time to speak, she suddenly smelled the smell of urine in the air, and her expression suddenly cracked.

   She looked at the sloppy lying on the ground like a dead dog with disgust. With this little courage, she still wanted to plot against their Qi family?

   Qin Tianru was impatient, she took out a sharp watermelon knife, squatted in front of him sloppily, and put the blade directly on his face.

   "If you don't want to die, answer my question. Who is the person behind the scenes?"

   Hearing this voice, the sloppy and frightened consciousness finally returned to the cage, is this a human?

  Although the voice sounded cold, and even a little indistinguishable from male and female, at least it was certain that it was the sound of a living person.

   Sloppy just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the next second, he was stimulated by the cold big knife on his face.

   "Hero, spare your life~"

  Sloppy, really afraid that the opponent's hand would shake, and he would kill himself with a knife.

   "Say, who is the person behind your scenes?"

   Qin Tianru's hand not only increased a bit of strength, but the blade of the knife gently swiped on his cheek, and in an instant, shallow bloodshots dipped out.

   Sloppy felt the tingling sensation on his face, and wanted to retreat immediately, but his hands and feet were tied, so he couldn't avoid it at all.

   Just as he was in a daze for a few seconds, the pain of being scratched again came from his face, followed by the blade that was attached to his face, and he couldn't help but slowly move towards his neck.

   This time, Sloppy didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately replied, "I said I said it! Don't use the knife."

   Seeing that the blade sticking to his skin stopped, he couldn't help swallowing sloppily. Hearing this man's words, what else could he not understand?

  What he did was already known by the other party, and he didn't know who this person was, but he must have something to do with Yang Gang and the others.

   As for why not the Qi family? Because his doubanjiang has not started to be produced and sold, so it does not hinder the interests of the doubanjiang workshop.

   Secondly, if it was because of Liu Caihua's incident, then the Qi family could have brought it up in an open and honest way, because they were in control, so there was no need to make a sneak attack.

   The most important thing is the question of the man in black, which has already made his position clear.

   The noble man is indeed kind to him, but now compared with his own life, the kindness is not worth mentioning, what's more, the noble man can't save him now, he can only rely on himself.

   "I can tell you anything you want to know, just please don't kill me."

   "Who is it?" Qin Tianru was too lazy to talk nonsense, his tone was full of impatience.

   replied sloppily, "I only know the noble person's surname Xia, he is about thirty years old, he is from the provincial capital, and he looks very ordinary. He came to our Xiangyang Town to do business, and we met by chance.

   Then, I complained to him about my unhappiness, and he said he could help me. It happened that he had some spare money and wanted to find someone to invest and do something to make a living.

He also said that the meat fungus sauce sold on the black market in Xiangyang Town is a good thing to make money, so he encouraged me to learn other people's business experience and so on. In short, he gave me a lot of advice, so with his support, I thought If you want to start a workshop yourself, sell the hottest food at the moment.

After I got the recipe, he went back to the provincial capital. He said that if there was something wrong, he asked me to send a letter to a person in the county town, and that person would forward the news to him. Have someone call me.

   So, I don't know what his name is, where he lives, and what kind of background he has, but from what he said, I can tell that he has a strong personal connection in the provincial capital. "

After    finished speaking, he swallowed carelessly, "That's all I know, really, I didn't tell a lie!"

  From the beginning to the end, that Mr. Xia acted a little mysterious, and it was not easy to see, but so what?

   As long as the other party can support him and let him create a great career, he doesn't care who the other party is.

   Qin Tianru's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't expect the other party to hide so deeply, even sloppy can't get his information here.

   This is a little trickier.

   Then, she asked for the information of the intermediate contact person, and then waved her hand, making the sloppy faint.

  The next step is to find a way to start with this intermediate contact.

   The medicine I took these two days makes me feel sleepy and can't help dozing off~o(╥﹏╥)o

   Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival. If you haven't joined the group yet, please come in quickly. I will send everyone a red envelope for the Qixi Festival in the group tomorrow~




   (end of this chapter)

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