Mad Doctor

Chapter 1606: I was serious

Whether it was Ma Feng, Madam Ma, or Ma Shan, they all thought they had heard it wrong, and all of them showed surprised expressions.

how can that be?

Ye Wutian actually said that he wanted to kill in public?

The one you want to talk about is still from the Ma family?


This word is no longer applicable to Ye Wutian, what is more than arrogance?

"Little genius doctor, did you say it wrong or did I hear it wrong?" the old lady Ma asked.

At the same time, Ma Feng and Ma Shan also stared at Ye Wutian, wanting to see how he would answer.

The difference is that Ma Shan is still a bit angry, no matter if Ye Wutian's words just now are intentional or unintentional, it is enough to make him Ma Shan angry.

If eyes can kill, I am afraid that Ye Wutian at this time has already died countless times.

"You heard it right, and I didn't say it wrong." Ye Wutian said lightly.

This time, even the old lady Ma frowned, Ye Wutian said this in public, which was contempt for Ma Shan and disregard for the Ma family.

"Old lady, is this okay?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, completely ignoring the anger of the other party.

The old lady Ma didn't speak right away, she just looked at Ye Wutian quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

The old lady Ma didn't speak first, but Ma Shan couldn't help it. She trembled and pointed at Ye Wutian, jumping like thunder: "Ye Wutian, who do you think you are?"

In the face of Ma Shan's angry roar, Ye Wutian didn't care, and continued to look at the old lady Ma: "Old lady, it seems that you haven't answered my question yet."

"Little genius doctor, are you serious?" Madam Ma asked.

"Hehe, until now you think I'm joking?"

After getting the exact answer, the old lady Ma was silent for a while.

"Grandma, don't listen to his nonsense. He's playing with us and playing with the Ma family. I've already said that this method won't work, so hurry up and kick him out." Ma Shan said.

The old lady Ma didn't move or answer. She was like this, which made Ma Shan feel uneasy and inexplicably afraid.

"Grandma, grandma." Ma Shan controlled his breathing and whispered.

The old lady Ma, who came back to her senses, responded, "Well, what's the matter?"

Ma Shan's heart sank again, something was wrong, Ye Wutian had already said such a thing, grandma should be angry and angry, but she didn't. On the contrary, she fell into contemplation.

This is a bad sign.

Ma Feng said: "Ye Wutian, you are very courageous."

"Haha, many people say this about me, in fact I don't deny it, I'm very daring, so what?" Ye Wutian exaggeratedly said: "Young Master Ma, pay attention to your situation, I don't know who you are looking for. Help you, but what I can tell you is that poison can't solve the problem, the more you do, the more troublesome your problem will be."

Ma Feng's expression is calm, but his heart is uneasy. Ye Wutian's medical skills, he understands, if Ye Wutian is willing to help him, he will naturally not ask that person for help.

"Is there a needle stabbing feeling at the knee?" Ye Wutian asked Ma Feng, pointing at Ma Feng's knee.

Ma Feng was shocked and did not answer, but his expression had undoubtedly told others that Ye Wutian guessed it right.

"Master Ma, if this situation doesn't change, I'm afraid you will be like an old lady, and you can only spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

Ma Feng's face was even worse!

No one cares about their own health. Ma Feng is still young and cannot accept that he will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair in the future.

"Little genius doctor, do you have a solution?" the old lady Ma asked.

Don't look at the old woman is very calm, but in fact, she is also secretly hated, Ye Wutian is talking about the east and the west, and his thinking is jumping very fast. He must have his purpose in doing this. After all, this kid is intentional. .

How could the old lady Ma not know? Ye Wutian mentioned Ma Feng's illness from time to time, indicating that this kid must have a solution.

"There is no way, for me, his problem is not a big problem." Ye Wutian said.

When Ma Feng heard the words, he immediately showed some anticipation, and he knew that Ye Wutian would definitely have a solution.

The old lady Ma was also secretly nervous, but it was because she forbearance was extraordinary that she did not show it easily.

"Old lady, you haven't answered my question yet. What would you do if I killed Ma Shan in front of you?" Ye Wutian asked, once again changing the subject.

Ma Shan must die. On the phone that day, Ye Wutian could hear Ma Shan's voice clearly, so even if there was no evidence, Ye Wutian would kill Ma Shan.

Killing Horse Mountain, Ye Wutian was not joking.

Surprisingly, the old lady Ma still didn't answer, which made it unclear what she meant, whether she agreed or disagreed, or made a statement, but she didn't say anything.

Seeing that the other party did not answer or speak, Ye Wutian smiled slightly, showing an intriguing smile, and walked towards Ma Shan.

Seeing this, Ma Shan suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure. He stepped back a few steps and stared at Ye Wutian cautiously. Because of his nervousness, he even stopped talking: "You...what do you want to do? "

The smile on Ye Wutian's face was thicker, and in Ma Shan's view, it was more evil and scary.

"You... don't mess around, I tell you, this is the Ma family, and it's illegal to kill people." Ma Shan said, trembling.

Hearing this, Ye Wutian wanted to laugh, and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. If it doesn't work out, this is the best joke in the world.

"Crazy? Ma Shan, you said, what will happen if I do something to you now?" Seeing Ma Shan's fear, Ye Wutian spoke again to scare the other party.

Ma Shan quickly took a few steps back, "Don't scare me, tell you, I'm scared."

Ye Wutian suddenly clenched his hand into a fist and moved towards Ma Shan's abdomen very quickly.


With a muffled sound, Ma Shan bent over and covered his stomach with his hands, looking in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Ye Wutian asked maliciously.

Ma Shan is about to go crazy. He hates, hates Ye Wutian, hates the Ma family, and hates the old woman Ma. Her silence often explains a lot of things.

Silence is often the default!

"Little genius doctor, what can you do about the little doctor's illness?" the old lady Ma asked again.

Ye Wutian turned his head and smiled: "Of course there is a way, his problem is not serious."

The old lady Ma who got the answer stopped asking, but closed her eyes and said nothing.

At this moment, the person Ma Shan hates most is not Ye Wutian, but the old woman Ma. No matter how stupid or stupid Ma Shan is, you can see that this dead old woman acquiesced.

After all, his life was not as valuable as Ma Feng's.

"Grandma." Ma Shan shouted, hoping that the old woman could help him, and now he is almost desperate.

The old woman was unmoved, and continued to choose to close her eyes and rest, as if she couldn't hear anything.

"Have you seen it? Your life is worthless." Ye Wutian smiled proudly.

Ma Shan's face is ashen, how can he not see it? What do you get in the end by being a cow and a horse for the horse family? In the eyes of others, oneself is just a dispensable tool.

"Grandma, you can't do this to me." Ma Shan begged.

The old lady Ma was unmoved, but Ma Feng answered: "Ma Shan, since you want to be a dog, you must have the consciousness of being a dog."

Ma Shan glared at him. After a while, he raised his head and laughed, laughing at his ignorance. Ma Feng was right. His Ma Shan was just a dog of the Ma family. When I see you and want to use you, you have the value of use, otherwise, you are nothing.

After laughing wildly, Ma Shan's heart was ashes, and he said to Ye Wutian, "Yes, I made people kidnap Wang Roosi. You must have heard it on the phone that day."

Ye Wutian said: There is one thing I don't quite understand. Since Wang Roosi was caught with such good intentions, why did you want to let her go?

"It's very simple, because my target is not her." Ma Shan confessed.

"Not her? Who is it? Me?" Ye Wutian pointed at himself and asked.

Ma Shan did not answer, and his silence was undoubtedly equal to an answer.

"Yes, my target is you." Ma Shan did not deny it.

Ye Wutian thought for a while, and then asked: "I don't understand this. Since it's not me, why do you have to deal with Wang Roose? Isn't this unnecessary?"

Ma Shan sneered: "I don't want her to die, it doesn't mean that no one wants her to die."

Ye Wutian was startled: "Who?"

"Why tell you? I'm going to die today anyway. Telling you this won't do me any good."

"Well, yes, it doesn't matter, I will investigate it myself, you don't have to say it."

Ma Shan looked at the old lady Ma: "Grandma, you will regret it sooner or later when you treat me like this."

After he finished speaking, Ma Shan clenched his teeth sharply, but his action shocked Ye Wutian next to him, not good.

Sure enough, after clenching his teeth, black blood overflowed from the corner of Ma Shan's mouth.

There was poison hidden in Ma Shan's teeth, which everyone did not expect.

"Think... think about Wang... Roosi died... it was Ouyang..."

Ma Shan didn't say the following words. He was exhausted and unable to say the following words, and the whole person fell backwards.

Ye Wutian analyzed what Ma Shan said before he died, Ouyang? Who is Ouyang? The Ouyang family wanted Wang Roose to die?

Ye Wutian couldn't figure out the truth of this sentence, at least it's not clear now, people are dead, this is already dead without proof.

Should I believe it or not? What puzzled him was, what did Ma Shan mean before he died? It is said that he is unlikely to make up such a lie to deceive people when he is dying. Ye Wutian can't figure it Looking at Ma Shan, who is on the ground, Ye Wutian realizes that he Couldn't find the thrill of revenge.

"Little genius doctor, are you satisfied now?" asked the old lady Ma next to her.

Ye Wutian put away his complicated thoughts and turned to look at the old woman Ma: "If I say that I have no pleasure at all, will you believe it?"

"Pretend." When Ma Feng heard it, he couldn't help but scolded in a low voice, he wouldn't believe Ye Wutian's words even if he was beaten to death, who would believe it? Saying this on the lips, I am afraid that my heart has already turned over, right?

What the hell?

"Xiao Feng." The old lady Ma ordered to stop Ma Feng from talking.

"Little genius doctor, don't take it to heart." After stopping Ma Feng, the old lady Ma said to Ye Wutian again, with a bit of flattery.

Ye Wutian can naturally understand the intention of the other party, "Old lady, to be honest, I always feel that something is wrong, which makes me very dissatisfied."

This article first appeared in Kanrim

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