Mad Doctor

Chapter 1624: count up

"Father, forget it this time, but in the future, you can't do anything to the people around me, or I'm not sure what you will do. You should know that you can deal with other people, and others can deal with Xiaowei and Xingyue. They, this is my bottom line, whoever crosses it will have no good fruit to eat."

Seeing Old Situ pretending to be pitiful, Ye Wutian couldn't get angry. He knew very well that Situ Wei and Ouyang Xingyue cared about the two old men the most. Don't overdo it.

Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face!

The old man Situ breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, I won't in the future, but Xiaotian, do you really want to help that girl from the Wang family? Are there not enough women around you?"

Ye Wutian blushed, this old man didn't open the pot and raised it, no, Situ Wei looked over with a grudge, as if asking Ye Wutian, "Master, can't we satisfy you?"

Ye Wutian can't wait to slap this goblin's ass, the resentful eyes drive him crazy.

"Master, do you have a way to rescue Zhang Jing?" Ye Wutian wisely changed the subject.

Zhang Jing's matter can't be delayed. Who knows what crazy things those **** in country M will do. Originally, he planned to go to country M by himself.

"I heard about that girl, Xiaotian, our family has a relationship over there, you should be able to think that our surname is Situ." The old man Situ smiled, a little unpredictable.


Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment, then thought of a person who was too awesome, and immediately stared, "Master, don't say you are a family?"

"Otherwise, why do you think the old ghost Ouyang and I had to hide in the M country? The current person in charge there is my cousin. Only me in the family knows about this relationship. After Zhang Jing's accident, I asked him about it. However, there was news yesterday that someone had been found, but the place was heavily guarded, I ask you, are you sure you want to save the person?" Master Situ said proudly.

"Save, save at all costs, old man, tell the other side that any loss will be borne by me, Ye Wutian, and double compensation." Ye Wutian was surprised and looked at Situ Wei, but found that Situ Wei was also very shocked, and suddenly knew that Situ Wei really didn't know.

"Grandpa, are you hiding too deeply?" Situ Wei said dissatisfiedly.

If I had known this relationship earlier, many things would have been much simpler, but the old man Situ was hiding it, which was really annoying.

"Girl, this is the last trump card of our Situ family. Grandpa is telling you now, just to let you understand that we are always with you, but sometimes it's just a last resort, Xiaotian, there are some things in the past. But it's what we did wrong, you should forgive me." Master Situ said helplessly.

Situ Wei's eyes were a little red, "Grandpa, don't worry, with me, the Situ family will not go that far."

"I believe this, Xiaotian, in the future, this world will be the world of your young people, and we will always be old." Mr. Situ seemed to let go of the burden in his heart, and his whole person became much more energetic.

"Master, with me here, you can live for at least a few more decades. How can you say that you are old? If you give me the contact information over there, why should the family keep in touch?" Ye Wutian licked his face and said. .

The former sentence was very useful to Mr. Situ, but the latter sentence changed his taste. This boy knew that he couldn't let him know too much.

"You're a shrewd boy, let Xiao Wei contact him, it's not necessary, don't disturb them." Old Master Situ scolded with a smile.

Ye Wutian smiled, the relationship of the Situ family is his relationship, what's the embarrassment about it, since the old man has exposed it, what's more polite.

"Old man, are you sure you are sure there?" Ye Wutian asked, but he had an idea in his heart.

"You can rest assured. If I'm not sure, I won't take the initiative to take this matter. Why, do you have an idea?" What a shrewd man Situ is, he can see at a glance that Ye Wutian seems to be thinking something. .

"Some people are always looking for trouble. This time, I want to make them regret living in this world." Ye Wutian's words were so murderous that even Situ Wei around him was startled. She knew that this time in country M The behavior completely angered Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian can accept anyone to deal with him, but he can't move the people around him. This is the bottom line.

Although Zhang Jing is not a woman beside Ye Wutian, and even once was an enemy, but he helped Ye Wutian a lot, not to mention Hongyan Island is always threatened.

"Master, what are you going to do, I will fully support you." Facing such Ye Wutian, Situ Wei not only was not worried, but was very excited.

A domineering man was exactly what Situ Wei liked.

Old Master Situ smiled wryly, getting old, old, and really not as passionate as young people.

"Little Tian, ​​let go and do it."

After coming out of Situ's house, Ye Wutian immediately contacted Zhuang Susu and asked her to get ready to respond.

"Father, what are you going to do?"

Back at the company, Situ Wei looked excited, this goblin is also a master who is eager for chaos in the world.

"Baby, is your senior Weite still in the country?" Ye Wutian asked after hugging Situ Wei and kissing her.

"Are you looking for him?" Situ Wei was a little surprised and couldn't guess what Ye Wutian was thinking.

Isn't this going to deal with the M countryman, how is it related to Werther?

"Don't you think Werther's body is very similar to Jack's? No matter whether the Yankees know that Jack is dead, they insist that I use OJ to replace Zhang Jing. If I can't do it, there will definitely be other more outrageous ideas. , you ask him to help make a cameo? I want to make those guys regret it." Ye Wutian asked with a smile, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Don't they want to take back Jack, then give him a Jack, if it is not that he and Jack are very different in skin color and stature, Ye Wutian even wants to play by himself.

Werther also practiced Xuanyuan magic art. He was not as good as him in terms of skills, but he was definitely not weak. Ye Wutian wanted to recruit him for a long time, and now is an opportunity.

"I'll ask." Situ Wei immediately got up from Ye Wutian's arms and picked up the phone.

In the evening, Ye Wutian saw Werther. This guy was still the same, but he was a little wary of Ye Wutian. Speaking of which, they were rivals in love, apart from the relationship between brothers and sisters.

"Witter, do you want to better practice Xuanyuan magic." Ye Wutian directly threw the bait.

Werther's Xuanyuan Magical Art was learned from an old man, but it can be practiced nondescriptly. Ye Wutian is now considered to be a success in magic art, and it is not a big deal to point out Werther. It is also very cost-effective to have an extra helper with infuriating qi.

"Ye, what are your requirements? There is no free lunch in this world. I won't be fooled easily." Werther asked cautiously.

"Then why are you here, don't say it's because of Xiaowei's face, you know she has followed me." Ye Wutian smiled.

"I'm going to beat you." Werther was very honest, with a serious face.

"That's okay, as long as you have the ability, you are welcome to challenge at any time, but it's not me who hit you, it's just your half-assed level, it's difficult." Ye Wutian smiled, this guy Werther is quite interesting.

"You Chinese have an old saying, that things are done by people, and I believe that day will come."

"Then I'll wait and see. As long as you help me with one thing, I will point you to the method of cultivation. Of course, what suits me may not suit you. You have to be mentally prepared." Ye Wutian reminded.

Werther hesitated and asked, "Aren't you the same as your masters in China, you teach your apprentices with a hand?"

Ye Wutian was very strange, "Is there something wrong? They all said that the apprentice was taught to starve the master to death. Besides, you are not my apprentice."

Such shameless words came out of Ye Wutian's mouth, and it turned out to be a righteous and arrogant Werther, "Ye, you are not fair."

"You want fairness? Why don't we duel now, and I'll give you fairness."

Witte was defeated by Ye Wutian's shamelessness, "What do you want me to do?"

Ye Wutian smiled, this kid is still very good, "I want you to become another person and do something for me, this thing will have certain dangers, of course, the rewards are also very rich, except for me In addition to guiding you to practice, you can also learn from real martial arts masters, what do you think?"

Ye Wutian threw out the trump card, with Werther's situation, Lion Head should be interested.

"You want me to have plastic surgery? No, I'm already handsome enough." Werther glared and shook his head.

Ye Wutian was speechless and looked at Situ Wei, "Baby, why is your senior more narcissistic than me?"

Situ Wei rolled his eyes at him, it was a charming person, and Werther was stunned.

"Hey, where are you looking, Xiaowei is mine, but you said you would quit." Ye Wutian stepped forward unhappily, blocking Werther's sight.

"Stingy Ye, don't you know that admiring beautiful women is a man's instinct?" Werther muttered in dissatisfaction.

"The premise is that you don't look at my woman with that kind of eyes, Werther, I don't need you to go for plastic surgery, the plastic surgery methods in H country are too rubbish, as long as I want, I will take a minute. It can turn you into another person." Ye Wutian said confidently.

Werther didn't believe it, but he soon believed it. Ye Wutian just took out an ointment and rubbed it on his face, and after playing with it a few times, Werther's face changed and became another person.

"Oh, cake seller, Ye, how did you do it? If I go back like this, I guarantee that my mother won't recognize you. You are amazing." Werther exclaimed.

In the mirror, he has completely changed his appearance, becoming Jack's appearance.

"Do you want to learn, take me as a teacher, and I will teach you." Ye Wutian smiled proudly, with a sinister smile.

Werther couldn't help shivering, and his intuition told him that Ye Wutian had bad intentions.

"What conditions?" asked Werther, who was extremely vigilant. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"I can tell you that no matter what the conditions are, your life will not be in danger." Ye Wutian didn't dare to tell the other party too much, at least he couldn't reveal too much before the other party agreed to help him.

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