Mad Doctor

Chapter 1630: virus outbreak

Zhang Jing thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "No, I can't go back now, I want to check something."

Xiaohui was surprised: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Jingjing said firmly: "Very sure."

"Miss Zhang, I don't recommend you stay." If you stay at this time, you may be caught at any time.

"I must stay."

Seeing this, Xiaohui knew that it would be useless to say more, and her mission had been completed.

Ye Wutian received a call and learned that Zhang Jing still wanted to stay in country M. This guy couldn't understand why he still stayed there?

I wanted to chat with Zhang Jing in person, but the woman didn't want to talk to him on the phone.

"Ye Wutian, the transaction is complete." Locke got up and prepared to leave when he learned that the task was completed.

Ye Wutian sneered, "Wait."

Locke's face changed slightly, "What do you mean, do you want to go back on it?"

"Repent? Don't you know what your accomplices have done? I have already returned Jack to you, but you guys actually want to keep Zhang Jing, you really think I'm easy to bully." Ye Wutian slammed down the table.

Locke suddenly looked shocked, "Impossible, I don't know about this?"

"You don't know, it doesn't mean you didn't do it, Locke, if you want to blame it, you are ignorant. I think, even if I kill you, your master will not turn against me because of you, right?" Ye Wutian grinned. Step by step towards Locke.

Locke didn't know well, so he hurried to the door of the office, but he froze as soon as he opened the door. Outside, Zheng Zhongren and a few men were already waiting there.

"Director Zheng, this is the biochemical man I told you. I suspect that he is a full biochemical man. You want to slice or something, feel free." Ye Wutian's voice came coldly from behind Locke.

"No, you can't treat me like this, I'm a natural person, not a biochemical person." Locke yelled in horror.

"That's up to you, Mr. Locke, we suspect that you have something to do with a murder case, please come with us." Zheng Zhongren sneered, eyes like swords, locking Locke tightly.

Wherever Locke was willing, he suddenly turned around and started, wanting to rush out, but just as he stepped, all of his strength was suddenly drained, and he fell to the ground with a slap.

"Loke, do you think my office is so comfortable to sit in? You should blame yourself for not having eyes." Ye Wutian smiled sinisterly.

Zheng Zhongren waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately mentioned Locke and left first.

"Director Zheng, my gift is enough, right, when will you give me an answer?" Ye Wutian greeted Zheng Zhongren into the office and asked with a smile.

"Brother, don't forget, you are also a member of Guoan. As for what you said, we are actually investigating it early in the morning, but the other party is very strict and has no clues. Don't worry, we will pay close attention to it. Once there are any clues, I will inform you immediately." Zheng Zhongren patted his chest and assured.

"Okay, tell Zhuo Ju, it's not just for me, besides, ask him if he has any interest in the Yabia?" Ye Wutian's mouth was slightly raised, revealing a wicked smile.

Zheng Zhongren was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of shock, pointing at Ye Wutian, "You, you're not playing Abia's idea, are you? This is crazy!"

Although the aircraft carrier Yabia is said to be a small aircraft carrier, it is one of the newest aircraft carriers in the service of country M. It has many high-tech secrets that people dream of. Zheng Zhongren knew that Ye Wutian was always crazy, but he did not expect that he would fight. Abia's idea.

"Why, I'm scared, what's more fun?" Ye Wutian smiled proudly: "Dare to use an aircraft carrier to scare me, do you really think I'm a persimmon?"

Zheng Zhongren was already stunned, and was stunned inside and out by Lei Deli. Only Ye Wutian dared to think of such an idea.

"Forget it, don't tell Zhuo Ju, Hongyan Island also lacks such an aircraft carrier." Ye Wutian changed his mind.

Zheng Zhongren: "..."

The temptation of Yabia is absolutely huge. As long as Yabia's technical information is obtained, domestic research in this area can be shortened by decades.

"Brother, you are part of Guoan." Seeing Ye Wutian change his mind, Zheng Zhongren couldn't help feeling anxious.

Ye Wutian smirked: "You are right, but don't forget, I am also the chairman of Hongyan Group."

The words made Zheng Zhongren speechless. He wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to speak. Ye Wutian's words were reasonable.

Ye Wutian walked to the window and looked at the sun that had already started to set in the west. He couldn't help but smile, "The show is about to begin."

On the high seas, the aircraft carrier Yabia is returning at normal speed. The mission of the aircraft carrier Yabia is to retrieve Jack. Of course, this is just an excuse, but the real purpose is to deter Hongyan Island.

Rescue Jack was an unexpected gain. The whole world thought that Jack was dead, but they didn't want Jack to be alive.

In the cabin, after being diagnosed by the military doctor, Jack took some medicine and fell asleep. When he woke up again, he saw that the major who picked him up was already sitting by the bed.

There was a hint of vigilance in Jack's eyes, and then he relaxed again. There was only the major here, and the major was not holding a gun, but a notebook, indicating that he had not been seen through.

Jack was very surprised by this. He knew that the people on the aircraft carrier would definitely check him, but he didn't expect that the ointment that Ye Wutian got could easily deceive these people.

"Jack, you're awake, your family wants to talk to you." The major let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Jack woke up. He has been waiting here for more than half an hour.

If it wasn't for seeing that Jack was too tired, he would have pushed him to wake him up.

Jack nodded, shook his head again, and pointed to his throat.

The major frowned and asked questioningly, "You can't speak?"

Remembering that since Jack was brought back, he did not speak from beginning to end, and the major suddenly had a bad premonition, could it be that Ye Wutian did something to Jack?

Jack nodded. In fact, when he was here, Ye Wutian gave him a pill, which made him have the ability to speak in a short time, just in case someone found a flaw.

"Damn guy, I can't spare him." The major was a little frantic.

At this moment, the notebook in his hand vibrated. The major quickly opened the notebook and clicked on the online video. In the video, a woman in her fifties appeared on the screen, who was the current first lady of the M country.

"Jack, my poor child, is it really you?" The First Lady was a little excited and covered her mouth with her hands.

Jack nodded, his eyes slightly red.

"Jack, do you know how worried your mother is about you? You want to kill your mother. Come back to your mother, okay?"

Jack was a little moved, but did not speak.

"What's the matter, child, aren't you talking to mom?" The first lady found something wrong, and Jack didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

"Madam, Jack can't speak now. What the **** Ye Wutian did to him, I suggest a comprehensive inspection after returning to China." The major pointed the video camera at himself and made a suggestion.

"What? Damn, why doesn't God punish that demon." The first lady was stunned, and then said angrily.

The major had more to say, but suddenly, the notebook was closed by one hand. The major looked at Jack in surprise, but saw a playful smile flashing in Jack's eyes.

The major was a little confused, "Jack, don't you want to chat with your mother a little longer?"

Jack shook his head and pointed to the major's face.

The major was a little puzzled at first, but then, a piercing pain suddenly appeared without symptoms, and the notebook in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

The major endured the stinging pain on his body, looked up at Jack in shock, wanted to ask why, but was speechless. If there was a mirror, he could see that his face had turned red, as if he was drunk. After drinking alcohol, spots like measles appeared on his face.

Werther, disguised as Jack knocked out the major and let out a sigh of relief, then quickly took the pistol from the major's body, feeling a little nervous.

"Damn Ye, if you dare to lie to me, I won't let you go."

Werther cursed and quickly came to the door of the cabin, waiting carefully.

When he saw that the major's face started to blush, he knew that the powder he brought on the aircraft carrier had an effect, but he didn't know how many people on the aircraft carrier would be contaminated by the powder, so he had to be careful.

Night has come, and a thin layer of fog has risen from the sea, shrouding the aircraft carrier. Most of the people on the aircraft carrier have begun to rest. Only the people in the cockpit are still in their respective positions. The driving group for driving, the information section in charge of information and communication, and the early warning group in charge of early warning, etc., are well organized.

Everyone is a little lazy. As the strongest military and economic country in the world today, it has always been only when they are looking for trouble for other countries. Who dares to come to their troubles, especially when they are an aircraft carrier here, there is never anything that does not look good. People dare to find trouble with the aircraft carrier.

"Hey, Ross, why is your face as red as a monkey's ass, did you drink alcohol just now?" A bearded man in the driving group pointed at his colleague and laughed.

"You just drank, do you want me to be sent to a military court? Damn it, don't talk nonsense." The second lieutenant named Ross glared, saying this can't be said.

As the pilot of an aircraft carrier, if he drinks while on duty, he will be shot according to the regulations.

But soon, Lieutenant Ross's eyes widened, and he looked at his colleague who was teasing him like hell, his fingers trembling, "Wesley, why your face is red, you are a black man, shit, you won't drink it yourself Stout bar, **** you."

Wesley was stunned for a moment, reached out and wiped his face, but found that his hand had also turned a little red, and suddenly realized something, "No, there is a situation."

The vigilant Wesley just stood up, and suddenly felt his heart slammed out, and then his whole body stinged, and all his strength was evacuated in an instant.

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