Mad Doctor

Chapter 192: The storm is coming more violently

Knowing Ye Wutian for a long time, Ning Peng found out for the first time that he didn't know Ye Wutian at all, this young man was far from being as simple as he seemed.

Ning Peng did not deny Ye Wutian's words. With this young man's ability, it would be a matter of time before he would rise to the top, but he said he would surpass how many aristocratic families? Does this sound a little crazy? Those families have existed for more than a few hundred years, even if Ye Wutian has Qingcheng Pills, even if he has outstanding medical skills, it is not an easy task to surpass those centuries-old families.

If a family can survive for so long, they will definitely have their own strengths and core projects. If you want to surpass them, it is easier said than done.

Ning Peng was tempted by Ye Wutian's proposal, but what made him unacceptable was that once he agreed, the Ning family would become Ye Wutian's thugs, which made Ning Peng unacceptable.

According to his idea, Ye Wutian should be the right-hand man of the Ning family, not as Ye Wutian said, let the Ning family become his Ye Wutian thug.

"Master, think about it slowly, but it's best to answer me within two days. My patience is limited and I don't like to wait." Ye Wutian said and stood up.

"Have you talked to others about this?" Ning Peng asked.

"Haha, what's wrong with leaving one more way out for yourself?" Ye Wutian didn't reply directly.


Ning Peng frowned, "Okay, give me a day."

As the head of the Ning family, Ning Peng has his own difficulties. The Ning family is very strong, but there are families that are even stronger than the Ning family. If the Ning family is allowed to climb into that kind of super family, the Ning family is willing. The problem is that Ye Wutian is now He was just a nobody and wanted to make the Ning family his subordinates? Some bullshit.

Walking out of Ning's house, he was riding a bicycle and received a call from Chang Xiaomei.

Ye Wutian didn't want to answer the other party's call, but the phone kept ringing, which meant that he didn't answer the call.

In the end, Ye Wutian still didn't answer until the phone was disconnected. Just as Chang Xiaomei's call stopped, Cheng Kexin called again.

"Did something happen?" Ye Wutian asked directly after getting on Cheng Kexin's phone.

Cheng Kexin on the other side of the phone said, "Chang Xiaomei called just now, saying that the gunman had surrendered himself.

Ye Wutian heard the corners of his mouth twitching a few times, and even his heart twitched a few times. The gunman turned himself in? Why did he suddenly turn himself in?

"He testified against you to the police, saying that you paid him to do it." Cheng Kexin continued, and she looked worried on the other side of the phone.

Ye Wutian held the phone tightly in his right hand, and with a little more strength, it is estimated that the phone that he just bought will be broken.

"I really look down on me." Ye Wutian sneered, after the anger, this fellow actually laughed

Now, he is becoming more and more curious about the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes. To find out the shooter in such a short period of time, and to make the other party surrender himself, what kind of power is needed to do that?

"I know, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Be careful." Cheng Kexin hung up the phone with a worried expression. Now all the evidence is against Ye Wutian, what should I do if it goes on like this?

After finishing the call with Cheng Kexin, Ye Wutian took the initiative to dial Xiao Mei's number, and after connecting the phone, before waiting for Chang Xiaomei to speak, he said, "I'll go over now."

Before Chang Xiaomei could speak, a busy tone came from the phone, so angry that she almost smashed the phone.

"Ye Wutian's phone number?" When answering the phone, Chang Xiaomei was in Xu Yuanhua's office, so Xu Yuanhua only asked.

Chang Xiaomei nodded, "Juju Xu, the situation is not good."

Xu Yuanhua smiled bitterly: "Yes, the other party obviously wants to put Ye Wutian to death." One after another, people have no power to fight back.

"I don't know who is so capable to make the shooter take the initiative to surrender." Chang Xiaomei was a little frustrated and worried for Ye Wutian. How will he pass this next? Can you pass safely?

"Stop guessing, we pay attention to evidence in handling cases, and don't talk nonsense about things without evidence."

The fact that the gunman surrendered himself once again alarmed many media reporters, and it was unknown who released the news that the gunman had confessed, saying that Ye Wutian asked him to kill Luo Shenyu.

As we all know, Ye Wutian had a festival with Luo Shenyu, so it makes sense that he secretly asked someone to kill Luo Shenyu.

The gunman's surrender was a good explanation for this matter. The matter was just like all speculations from the outside world. The gunman was really Ye Wutian, please come back and kill Luo Shenyu.

For a time, Ye Wutian was notorious and scolded, and there were very few people who supported him, almost no.

Ouyang Xingyue hadn't rested very well in the past two days. She had been worrying about someone's affairs. She didn't even know why she cared so much about that person. She couldn't tell.

"What news is there from Zhinao?" Ouyang Xingyue, who gently put down the document, said lightly.

Zhou Haiman quickly replied, "Not yet."

Ouyang Xingyue said again: "What is Ouyang Hao doing during this time?"

"I borrow wine every day to relieve my worries."

Ouyang Xingyue fell into contemplation, the gunman turned himself in, and Ye Wutian was in a desperate situation. She asked the lawyer. Judging from the current situation, Ye Wutian was in a very unfavorable situation.

The evidence is overwhelming, the two male PRs plus the gunman, all the evidence points to Ye Wutian as the mastermind behind the scenes, and now the most troublesome is the gunman, his confession is very important.

Several times, I wanted to pick up the phone and call Ye Wutian, but in the end I didn't have the courage to make this call.


That guy is so calm, is it possible that he has a plan to deal with it?

Is Ye Wutian calm? Very restless, this fellow is in a rage at this time, and has been framed one after another, how can we settle down?

"Where are the people? I want to see them." After going to the police station, Ye Wutian wanted to see people first.

"Sorry, you can't see them now." Chang Xiaomei refused: "Also, from now on, we will detain you."

"Yes, before detaining me, you must let me meet people. Even if I die, you must let me die." Ye Wutian insisted on his position.

Chang Xiaomei was a little undecided and turned her attention to Xu Yuanhua.

Xu Yuanhua hesitated for a while, then nodded, agreeing to Ye Wutian's request.

With Xu Yuanhua's consent, Chang Xiaomei was inconvenienced to say anything else, but she felt that something was wrong, and doing so was not in line with the rules.

Under the leadership of Chang Xiaomei, Ye Wutian met the gunman, a gloomy-looking young man, this kind of bastard, at a glance, knew that he was not a good bird.

"Why do you want to hurt me?" Ye Wutian asked after sizing up the other party.

"I'm just telling the truth." The other party sneered.

Ye Wutian turned his head and said to Chang Xiaomei: "Let me in"


Ye Wutian didn't insist any longer, "Okay, who made me a good citizen? Let's go."

"Go? Are you finished asking?" Chang Xiaomei couldn't believe it.

"After asking, what else do you want me to ask? I just want to see him. I said that even if I die, I have to understand whose hands I died. There is no other meaning.''

Chang Xiaomei didn't ask any more questions, it was better, so she took Ye Wutian to another detention room, where Ye Wutian saw the two male publicists.

Compared to the shooter, the two male PRs were not so bold. When they saw Ye Wutian coming in, the two immediately backed away in fright, for fear that Ye Wutian would attack them.

Ye Wutian glanced at the two with contempt, and said to Chang Xiaomei, "Let's go, I have nothing to say to them."

Chang Xiaomei wanted to go crazy, but she always felt that something was wrong, so she made a special trip to take a look and then turned to leave? What is this called?

Abnormal, Ye Wutian is very abnormal.

"Rogue, what are you trying to do?"

Ye Wutian smiled lightly: "I want to die more clearly, didn't I say it just now?"

Chang Xiaomei didn't believe this nonsense: "I warn you, it's best not to mess around."

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes: "Why am I messing around? With you guys watching, even if I want to mess around, it won't work.

Chang Xiaomei has nothing to say. She knows there is something wrong, but she can't say it, which makes her very caught.


What made her even more mad was that after seeing the gunman and the two male PRs, Ye Wutian took the initiative to ask the police to detain him, looking at him, as if he was waiting to die.

The moment Ye Wutian stepped into the detention room, he also turned around and smiled at Chang Xiaomei. The smile was as weird as it was, and it was very abnormal.

When Chang Xiaomei told Xu Yuanhua what had happened, he was also puzzled. With what he knew about Ye Wutian, he could not be a good-tempered person. It made sense, but he didn't do that, and he was unusually calm.

A few hours after Ye Wutian was detained, Ouyang Xingyue came and was puzzled by Ye Wutian's behavior

"Why do you do this?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Ye Wutian shrugged and stretched out comfortably, "Our country is a country with the rule of law, I believe the law will give me justice and give me a clean slate. If that's the case, why should I worry?"

Ouyang Xingyue smiled slightly: "You have a good attitude."

"Hehe, there's no way, if you don't adjust your mentality, you won't be mad? Some people are hiding in the corner waiting to see my jokes, how can I make them happy?"

"Do you need any help?" Ye Wutian's self-confidence reassured Ouyang Xingyue, this guy is a master who never suffers, and his calmness shows that he already has a countermeasure.

"No need for now, thank Ye Wutian said: "After this, I will give you a big gift.

Ye Wutian's words made Ouyang Xingyue inexplicably look forward to it, what kind of gift would he give?

"Let's watch the show." After Ye Wutian said this, he turned around and left, while Ouyang Xingyue smiled. At this moment, she was very happy.

The news of Ye Wutian's arrest has spread widely, attracting the attention of many media reporters, and at the same time, the popularity of the already popular Tianxin Hongyan Group is even more flourishing.

As one of the company's shareholders, Cheng Kexin doesn't seem to be worried at all about the arrest of Ye Wutian, the major shareholder. Facing countless reporters' questioning, Cheng Kexin was calm, and just said that there is no comment on the matter.

So calm, because she firmly believes that Ye Wutian will create a miracle, even if the day after tomorrow is the day of court.

Ye Wutian was arrested, and many people were happy. Ouyang Hao was one of them. No, Ouyang Hao deliberately dressed himself up today, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and appeared in front of Cheng Kexin elegantly.

"Girl, I have something important to show you." As soon as he entered the door, Ouyang Hao went straight to the subject.

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