Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3437: Sister Nian: let them go

  Chapter 3437 Sister Nian: Let them go

  Since the two sides have been torn apart.

  Ji Lingfeng closed his eyes, and was just about to wave his hand to let He Lin carry out his final decision - even if both sides were hurt and the Ji family fell, he would return Qiao Nian to a clean Ji family!

at this time.

  Someone came in from outside.

   "Well, it seems that I came at the wrong time. It's so lively~" The girl leaned against the door, against the light, and everyone couldn't see her face clearly at first glance.

  But judging from the way she dresses and the surly look on her body, you don't need to look at her face to know who it is.

   Ji Nan followed behind her.

  Xie Yun saw Ji Nan first, and was very surprised: "Aren't you outside...?"

  She was still very calm when she heard the gunshots outside, and quickly looked Ji Nan up and down with her eyes, and she was relieved when she saw that there was no blood on him.

   Only then did he look at the girl at the door again, his face softened, and he knew very well that the reason why Ji Nan was not injured was probably related to Qiao Nian.

  She greeted the girl: "Nian Nian."

  Qiao Nian stood by the door with a strong aura, but facing Xie Yun, she restrained herself, nodded slightly, and called politely, "Aunt Xie."

  Xie Yun's complexion softened, and she nodded.

  Knowing in my heart that this is not the time to reminisce with the girl, I suppressed the urge to pull over and ask her when she came, and quietly stopped talking.

   Several elders naturally also showed surprised expressions when they saw the girl coming in against the light, but they were not too surprised.

  It's not the first time Qiao Nian has meddled in the affairs of Ji's family, and this time Ji Lingfeng insisted on handing over Ji's family to her, so it's hard to guarantee that she knew about it in advance.

   "Is this a... meeting?"

   After Qiao Nian came in, she put her hands on the table and turned to look at everyone.

  She didn't bring anything on her body, except for one hand propped on the table, her eyes were half-closed, she was cold and dry, and her unquestionable aura was no weaker than that of Ji Lingfeng.

   "What are you talking about? Can you let me listen?"

  The tails of her eyes are raised, with a half-smile expression, and the smile is not wide-eyed.

  Several elders and the hall master were whispering and buzzing, and for a while, they couldn't figure out what was going on in front of them.

  ...Didn't the patriarch tell her? Or should the two join forces, one singing the red face and the other singing the bad face for them to see?

  No one knows what the situation is right now.

  No one dares to stand out rashly at this time.

   It was Qiao Nian who saw that they had discussed for a long time but failed to reach a result, so Wei Wei stood up straight, with an oppressive force on her body.

"When I came, there were a lot of people gathered outside. Those who didn't know thought that you were planning to rebel. I have already called people to come. If anyone stays outside within half an hour, I will pretend that anyone wants to change the patriarch. Help Aunt Xie clean up these people."

  She didn't mention Ji Lingfeng's name.

  But He Lin, who was standing behind Ji Lingfeng, had hot eye circles, and indescribable emotions surged in his heart.

  Miss helping the patriarch to get ahead!

  He tried his best to restrain his excitement, but still couldn't help clenching his fists, unable to hide his frenzied joy.

   Qiao Nian turned around at this moment, and said to the man who had been sitting silently at the top, "Let them go first."

   This is not a tone of discussion.

   But a strong request.

  Ji Lingfeng was rarely asked face to face, so he paused and did not immediately agree.

  Joe couldn't read the situation clearly, he knew it very well.

  Once these people are let go, these people will definitely be on guard, and it will be difficult to have such a good opportunity next time.

  Ji Lingfeng is still hesitating.

  (end of this chapter)

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