Made in Hollywood

Chapter 179: First day box office (subscription required)

"This is ignorance of all black people!"

In the spacious living room, Luther stood in the middle and said loudly, "This is Hollywood ignoring the contributions our ancestors made to this country. They have always ignored us. We must speak our own voice!"

"Luther is right!"

Another black man who had appeared at the premiere of "Saving Private Ryan" also stood up, "The scene of the Omaha landing is actually white! Hollywood once again one-sidedly denied the contribution of blacks to World War II!"

"Then what should we do?"

No one knows the status of black people in this country better than them, "Speak up, what should we do!"

"Assemble as many people as possible..." Luther thought for a while and said, "From tomorrow, we will be divided into two parts, one going to the Los Angeles City Hall Cinema and the other going to the Fox Tower in Century City."

"It's not good to do this." Someone said worriedly, "Will it trigger a sensitive response from the California state government? The events of 1992 have just passed."

Thinking of the black riot that was brutally suppressed, some people showed hesitation.

"We are just sitting and protesting." Luther's head is not stupid. "It's just a protest against "︾, Save Private Ryan", calling on all blacks to boycott this movie and not do other excessive things."

These blacks left one after another to use their influence to call on more people to participate in this protest about the dignity of blacks and their ancestors tomorrow. Only a few of Luthers hid at home and happily counted the checks. On the numbers.

In the Latin community not far away, Rodriguez is doing the same job.

Under the night, nearly ten young people walked into a theater in the suburbs of Chicago. When I came to the lobby, I found that there was a long queue for the first time this year at the ticket booth where you could easily buy tickets in the past.

"Jin, is "Saving Private Ryan" really as good-looking as you said?"

When queuing, the leader opened his hands and said helplessly when he heard the skepticism of his companion. "This is the second time I have seen it in one day. If the film is not good, will I come again?"

"Mitt, it's the second time too!" Another companion also said, "If Kim himself is a fool and was deceived by the movie, then would we both become fools at the same time?"

"I just ran to the front to take a look."

A person who came along came back from the front, "Most of the people who bought the tickets chose "Saving Private Ryan", which is more than half."

"So. When you walk into the theater and don't know which film to choose, follow in the footsteps of most people."

Standing behind the ticket window, Chriswell saw that nearly ten people had bought tickets for "Saving Private Ryan" with a rare smile on his mouth. Of course he was not happy for this film, but for the ticket sales in the theater. the amount.

Since the afternoon, the theater's passenger traffic has increased sharply, and nearly two-thirds of them have come from Duke Rosenberg's new work "Saving Private Ryan". This reminds Chriswell of the "Independence Day" released last year. The young director is definitely the best friend and partner of the theater.

even. If every, a Duke-like film can be released every month, so there is no need to worry about the performance of the theater.

Hollywood directors like Duke Rosenberg are still too few!

With such emotions, Chriswell returned to his office with sales records from today to the present.

Today, his theater sold a total of US$25,075 movie tickets. Among them, $16,756 comes from "Saving Private Ryan", and "Brave Heart", which was previously thought to be able to compete with Private Soldier, can only be described as a defeat, with only $3,231 in sales.

Not to mention this figure compared with "Saving Private Ryan", even the $4,214 of "Die Hard 3" that has been released for a week easily crushed it!

"Brave Heart" is really a movie with high expectations and low trends!

With emotion. Chriswell suddenly remembered the reaction of many audiences he heard, and thought it was normal.

After all, the story of the Scots, as well as the male protagonist who was so frantically hyped as a traitor before the screening, does not have any advantage in front of movies that tell the story of heroes and Americans themselves, and the release time period chosen by Fox in the 20th century is also very Targeted.

Memorial Day is approaching. In the past few days, there have been constant commemorative activities across the United States, many of which are closely linked to the largest war in history.

Putting down the report, Chriswell's eyes flashed firm, it's time to make up his mind!

He dialed the number of the sales department manager and said in an unquestionable tone, "Starting from tomorrow, the filming rate of "Saving Private Ryan" will increase to 75%! Only one theater will be dedicated to show "Brave "Heart"! Except for the vacated cinema room reserved for Die Hard 3, the rest is used to screen "Saving Private Ryan"!"

The audience likes watching this movie, and it can bring a large amount of operating income to the theater. Chriswell just made the choice he thought was very correct!



Demi Moore walked into the room and kissed Bruce Willis on the cheek, "John is here, it seems there is something important."

After getting dressed, the Willis couple appeared in the living room hand in hand, greeted enthusiastically with the middle-aged man who came over, who was the public relations person in charge of Die Hard 3.

"Is there any good news, John?"

The other party came back so late, there must be something important, Willis asked, "Is it about the movie?"

"There is indeed good news." John didn't mean to sell it, and said directly, "I just got news that "Die Hard 3" won the box office of "Brave Heart" today!"

"Oh, that's great news." Demi Moore asked tentatively, "What about "Saving Private Ryan"?"

"You are too greedy, Demi!" John shook his head. "There is no comparison."

"We can't fight Duke Rosenberg's." Bruce Willis seemed very self-aware. "It's pretty good to be able to beat the "Brave Heart" that was released the first week on the second weekend."

"The good news is more than this." John continued, "I got the exact news from the North American Theater Alliance. The theater chains led by AMG, Emperor Entertainment and the National Theater Alliance decided to lower the rating of "Brave Heart" from tomorrow. The filming rate, if the box office of the other party's single library does not improve. Starting from next Monday, their screening scale will be greatly reduced!"

"Bruce, what do you think?"

The other party is one of the major investors in the film, and John takes his opinion very seriously.

"Comparing with Duke Rosenberg's film in the summer is a very stupid mistake!"

Within two seconds of thinking, Bruce Willis made a decision. "Contact Duke's agent, contact D-Day Studio and 20th Century Fox, and we will work with them to suppress the partition of "Brave Heart"!"

"I will do it now!"

After speaking, John turned and left the living room.

The invisible competition is like gunpowder that envelopes this battlefield called Hollywood. The silence at night will not let the gunpowder smoke go away, and the rising sun during the day will make the gunpowder smoke even hotter.

Wearing short sportswear, Duke ran all the way through the garden, went directly into the side door of the villa, and went back upstairs to take a shower. Putting on her formal clothes and going down the main stairs, Tina Fei was already waiting here when she entered the restaurant.

"Morning, Duke." The female assistant greeted him.

"Morning, Tina."

Nodded, Duke sat at the dining table and made a casual gesture to Tina Fei, ready to enjoy his breakfast.

Tina Fei took the coffee from the servant. After saying thank you, I opened the folder I held. "Yesterday's statistics are out."

"Let's talk." Duke said while cutting the fried egg. "Try to relax here. I don't have so many rules."

"Hmm..." Tina Fei nodded, looked at the report in her hand, and sighed secretly that it was absolutely correct that some media said Duke was the king of summer files. "On the first day in North America, 2543 theater chains, "Saving Private Ryan" got 20.54 million US dollars!"

"This is really happy news."

Picking up the cup of oatmeal, Duke raised it to Tina Fei, "It's very necessary for us to have a drink together to celebrate."

"very necessary."

Tina Fei smiled and took a sip of coffee. Returning to work, she knew what Duke still cared about, and said, "Brave Heart... After only $1.22 million in the midnight show, which was far lower than expected, only $2.75 million was received on the first day. "

"Paramount Pictures is going to be sad. I wonder if Shirley Lansing will step down because of this."

With a low voice, Duke swallowed the fried egg in his mouth and asked, "No. 2 in a single day?"

"No." Tina Fei shook her head slightly, "Bruce Willis's "Die Hard 3" was released for the second week and received $6.21 million yesterday!"

"It looks like "Brave Heart" is going to make a big splash?"

Although I don't know its box office, Duke believes that Mel Gibson's life will never be easier under the attack of Private and Willis.

It is not only the quality and publicity that affect the box office performance of a movie, it is as important as the performance of the competitors in the schedule.

"There is also word of mouth. The audience praise of "Saving Private Ryan" has dropped to 93%, maintaining a normal and healthy decline... Well, the audience reputation of "Brave Heart" has quickly dropped to 69%. "

In this situation, "Brave Heart" simply cannot withstand the combined impact of "Die Hard 3" and "Saving Private Ryan". Just last night, Duke received notice from Nancy and Pani Kelly. , Bruce Willis wants to jointly suppress "Brave Heart" with this side!

Of course, Duke and Fox will not refuse to divide up the movie "Brave Heart" as soon as possible.

After breakfast, Duke took Tina Fei to the Fox Building in Century City, where there was also a press conference about responding to the film's blood and cruelty. (To be continued...)

ps: A new month has begun, and it is a new week at the same time. Let me congratulate the big friends and children a happy holiday! The new book month has passed. Thank you for your support. As a holiday gift, I will send it to the fourth watch today. At the same time, I beg for your support!

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