Made in Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 408: The way to become a goddess

There are two bad habits in the public opinion circles in the United Kingdom and the United States. The first one is that people who like to hype and package nameless people make them famous overnight, and the other is that they like to splash dirty water on famous stars until they are ruined. Once Michael Jackson and Britney Spears were the direct victims of the second bad habit. Who is the next hapless one?

Perhaps other media are still looking for suitable candidates, but the media under Time Warner did not hesitate to choose Angelina Jolie.

There is no need for Duke to participate in any opinions. When "The Fellowship of the Ring" collided with "Tomb Raider", Warner's propaganda department did not hesitate to expose Angelina Jolie's basket of vices.

Of course, Warner has no objection to Julie herself, just like Viacom's media's aggressive hype of Ian McLean and Billy Boyd's "Grandfather and Grandson Love", it is the film.

Scandals caused by actors are used to cause disgust in the audience, and to combat the box office of competing films. This is a popular publicity method used by Hollywood.

The only difference between the two sides is that Angelina Jolie has too many scandals.

Warner’s gossip website tmz took full advantage of the rapid response of online media. It first stood up and exposed a series of photos of Julie participating in the 2000 Oscar ▼↗, where Julie and her brother James Haven were staged. It was the famous wet kiss between brothers and sisters, so Julie confessed that her brother was the love of her life and was dragged out again.

Immediately afterwards, Warner's Gossip Magazine threw out photos of Julie's drug use when she was young, and published the source of the photos and the dictation of the person who sold the photos-once Julie asked me to send the drugs. At home, when the door was opened, her face was pale and her arms were full of pinholes. I asked to take pictures, but she didn't care too much.

Not only that. According to the other party, Angelina Jolie also told him about Billy Bob's "size", indicating that the man claimed that his lower body was as small as a mosquito, but after the two really had a relationship, they found out that the other "Work" is as big as a horse! And she married Billy Bob in 2000...

In addition, the website also exposed photos of Julie wearing only thongs and cowboy hats posing s.m. There are also photos of her wearing a dog collar around her neck and being beaten with a whip.

If all these are trivial, the news that a tabloid broke out is really amazing.

"Angelina Jolie, a teenager, had a leg with her mother Margielin's boyfriend. Margielin had a big fight with her boyfriend at the time, and Julie actually saw this as a great opportunity to seduce her mother and her boyfriend. Afterwards, Julie cried and begged her mother to forgive her. In the end, Margiely chose to forgive her daughter..."

As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar and affected many people's choices for the film.

Although Julie and Paramount Pictures are in crisis PR. At the same time, it was revealed that the so-called "League of the Rings Expeditions" cast shady casts and animal cruelty actors and other news diverted attention, but I have to say that most Hollywood stars are really **** when they are young, but there is really no way to find someone like Julie. several.

Angelina Jolie’s own scandals are too many. Warner’s side just opened a fuse. Other media saw profitability and followed up. The fuse eventually turned into an earth-shattering explosion. .

No one can deny it. This country actually tends to be conservative, and most of the public are asking themselves and others with double standards. Julie's affairs will inevitably arouse some people's disgust, which will affect their choice when entering the theater.

And "Tomb Raider" is more like a fan movie, and the audience's reputation is not good.

""Tomb Raider" is as tiresome as most video games."

"This movie is as boring as watching someone else play a computer game!"

The Internet is full of negative reviews about this film. Since its inception, game movies have never been well received by the public.

These have all affected the box office trend of "Tomb Raider", after a stunning start of $18.06 million on Friday. The box office on Saturday and Sunday was a true interpretation of the high and low. The box office of 17.13 million US dollars and 12.53 million US dollars witnessed its rapid decline after the scandal.

The difference is that "The Fellowship of the Ring Expedition" is trending smoothly, following Friday's $20.97 million. On Saturday and Sunday, they gained 21.08 million U.S. dollars and 17.89 million U.S. dollars respectively, continuing to make steady and healthy breakthroughs in the North American market.

After the first weekend of June, "The Fellowship of the Ring" won the box office list as expected, with a total of 59.94 million U.S. dollars at the box office for the next three days!

After "Tomb Raider" was affected, although it still received more than 47.2 million US dollars, it can only rank second in the box office list at an absolute disadvantage.

"Shrek" ranked third with 28.17 million US dollars, "Pearl Harbor" and "The Mummy Return" ranked fourth and fifth with 5.46 million US dollars and 3.88 million US dollars respectively.

The top five films this weekend have a combined gross of more than $144 million at the box office. Together with other films released during the same period, the market has broken the $150 million mark for the first time in North American film history!

"This is a memorable moment. The North American film market has since opened a new chapter, but we should not ignore it. Since Duke Rosenberg's name resounded in Hollywood, the North American film market has been constantly changed by him. A series of records were set by him. "The Fellowship of the Ring" only took ten days and the North American box office reached 201.93 million U.S. dollars! This is also the fastest rate of over 200 million in the North American film market!"

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Ivanka Trump looked at Duke, "Your North American propaganda journey is over?"

"To be precise, my journey is over." Duke took a sip from the coffee cup and looked at the dim sunlight outside the glass window. "The crew will be divided into two. Ian McLean and some actors will go to Europe. After all, the film It will be released in Europe next weekend; Vigo Mortensen and others will continue their promotional journey in North America, and then head to Australia and Asia, where the release time will be later."

"What about you?" Ivanka asked with concern, holding Shimizu, "How many days will you stay in New York?"

"It won't be long."

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, Duke's eyes returned to Ivanka. "The post-production of "The Two Towers" has already begun. Now it is Anna staring. I cannot leave for too long. Also, Zach is independent. , I’m looking for a suitable assistant director. Someone has a good choice. I’m going back to meet him."

"You always keep yourself so busy." Ivanka's voice complained, "Like Aunt Leah, I work hard for my career all day."

"Film is my job and my biggest hobby."

Duke lifted his chin with one hand. In front of Ivanka, he did not need to deliberately maintain etiquette. It was almost the same as when facing Sophia Coppola and Irene Lauder. He could relax in front of her, "My In the first two decades, I have been studying and preparing for the career of directors, and in the following ten years, I have worked hard for success.

"do not move!"

Ivanka reminded him. Leaning forward slowly, one hand reached over, stretched out two long slender fingers, picked up a strand of hair on Duke’s forehead, found that one, and then suddenly Pull down.

There was a slight pain in the scalp. Duke couldn't help but blinked his eyes. When his gaze regrouped, Ivanka's **** were already in front of him, with a piece of half-brown and half-silver hair between them.

A trace of distress flashed in her eyes, and Ivanka threw her hair into Duke's hands, adding a bit of tone, "If you continue to maintain such a busy state, you will decline before you get old!"

"Do you decline before you get old?"

After repeating a sentence, Duke threw away his gray hair again and pointed to his chest, "Actually, this place is very old."

As the mental age is older, some things can be seen more thoroughly, and the eyes can see thoroughly, except for a few people, there are fewer things that really care about.

Duke was a little distracted, and now he suddenly remembered that he was over thirty years old again!

"You are indeed old." Ivanka murmured quickly, "It's just that people are old, and their hearts are not old yet!"

Of course Duke could understand what this sentence meant. He shook his head, but did not answer Ivanka's words.

"What I said is true, you are really old."

Lifting a long finger, Ivanka pointed to Duke's forehead and the corners of his eyes. "Your eye lines and forehead wrinkles are beginning to appear."

"My dear, isn't this normal?" Duke didn't care much. "I'm thirty-one years old."

Although he usually pays attention to diet, exercise and fitness, he is just an ordinary person with a slightly stronger body. How can he get rid of the normal laws of nature? There are no men who will never age and women who will never grow old. As you can see, there are only two possibilities.

One is a make-up madman, and the other is an injection madman.

Ivanka didn't let him go, and said, "If you don't pay attention, you will soon become like my father."

"It's not bad to be more mature." Duke's eyes turned to the window again, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on his face, leaving a golden color. "Don't you say that mature men are more attractive?"

"Wrong!" Ivanka retorted, "Mature and successful men have enough charm."

"Like Donald?" Duke joked casually.

Ivanka shrugged, without denying it.

The two of them sat quietly, turning their heads to look out the window. The sun was getting lower and lower, slowly disappearing below the horizon, and the golden sunlight turned into an orange sunset.

If the cafe was not on the heights of Trump Tower, they would certainly not be able to enjoy the sunset in the steel jungle of New York.

After being silent for nearly ten minutes, Ivanka suddenly said, "Is there time? Go out with me." (To be continued...)

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