Made in Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 544: Huge difference in box office

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The night was getting deeper and the lights in the study were on. Saturday morning was about to end. The gray-haired Ridley Scott pinched out his cigarette butts. In the smoke, he looked east through the left window, and the sky was already full. When the fish belly is white, the sun will soon climb to the horizon, and a new day will come.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ridley Scott sighed heavily, his brows were tightly together, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. After asking a few words, he put it down again.

Although the results have not yet come out, the old British man knows very well that he might have a big somersault this time. This somersault may be even worse than "Black Hawk Down".

In fact, seeing the audience exit from the premiere...No, it was 20th Century Fox who rejected his edited version and re-edited a new version, Ridley Scott had a premonition of failure.

The midnight box office released yesterday also proved this point. The midnight box office of $1.98 million was not a success.

A wrong version, at the wrong schedule, and a wrong opponent, how could "Kings of Heaven" have a good result.

In the past few years, Ridley Scott has been a fire, all of North America, Hollywood, and even the entire world. The world’s film industry has attributed the resurgence of epic films to Duke Rosenberg. As with his Lord of the Rings trilogy, the role of him and his "Gladiator" is completely ignored. Even "Gladiator" is constantly being compared with the Lord of the Rings trilogy by some media, acting as the opponent's success. Stepping stones.

So he really wanted to compete head-to-head with Duke Rosenberg. When 20th Century Fox did not change the schedule of "Kings of Heaven" and collided head-on with "Batman: Hour of War", he didn't want to However, with this carefully prepared work. Compete against the opponent's restart of a failed series.

Yes, Ridley Scott admitted that it was unfair. He directed a well-prepared big production. Duke Rosenberg made a movie that was once defeated by Joe Schumacher's character and reputation. .

But he knows very well how powerful the young director is. I am afraid that only this kind of opportunity can he defeat the opponent.

It's just that all of this fell to nothing before Fox in the 20th century. Fox did not pay enough attention to this film that was funded through pre-sales, and the resources invested in publicity were relatively limited. Most importantly, he rejected his edited version...

This makes Ridley Scott very unwilling, but there is no way. After all, even James Cameron and Duke Rosenberg together cannot compete with the entire Hollywood system.

The sun gradually rose, and when the first ray of sunlight entered the study, the phone rang suddenly. Ridley Scott picked up the microphone, listened to a few words, and then slowly put the microphone back on the landline. The old face with heavy eye bags flashed through unwillingness first, and then showed some relief.

The box office was released on the first day, and all the ambitions were lost, so there was no need to think about that much. With his reputation and qualifications, it is not difficult to find another chance.

"After all, I am not a director at the same level as Duke Rosenberg."

Ridley Scott stood up slowly. Even if Twentieth Century Fox adopts his edited version, how can it beat Duke Rosenberg and "Batman: Hour of War"?

It's impossible!

On the first day of the North American release of "The Kingdom of Heaven", it received US$5.32 million in 3216 theaters.

"Batman: Hour of War" on the first day of North America, with 3925 theaters. Gained 22.21 million US dollars.

The two films are not at the same level of performance.

With the opening of the box office on the first day, Twentieth Century Fox gradually slowed down the promotion of "The Kingdom of Heaven". Most of the cost of this film was pre-sale. Even if it loses money, Twentieth Century Fox itself will not suffer much production costs. The loss in terms of aspects, and the cost of investment in publicity comes from Fox itself. Knowing that the film will inevitably fail, they can no longer maintain a large investment in publicity.

Because "Kings of Heaven" is not like the films that came from behind, it failed not only the first day box office, but also the extremely poor audience reputation.

After the first day's box office was released, it was not only the film companies that made changes, but also the major commercial chain theaters. The theater companies headed by Emperor Entertainment and AMG have quietly adjusted the filming rate of "The King of Heaven" from Saturday. It was reduced by five percentage points, and these reduced screen counts were naturally added to "Batman: Hour of War".

On Saturday night, in major commercial theaters in North America, there will be a new "Batman: Hour of War" screening every fifteen to twenty minutes. There will be enough theaters and high-ranking movies. The rate guarantees that the audience can enjoy the film at any time, which is also the basic guarantee for the film’s high box office.

"Batman: Hour of War" has a good audience reputation as a guarantee. Competitors at the same time do not have much competitiveness at all. The single-day box office on Saturday naturally jumped upwards and received 24.26 million US dollars.

On the same day, the box office of "Kings of Heaven" showed a downward trend, earning only 4.67 million US dollars.

As the competition between the two films is completely divided, and there is a huge gap between the winners and losers, the many offensive remarks surrounding "Batman: Hour of War" have instantly reduced a lot, especially the fraud of Anne Hathaway. scandal.

Before and after the film was released, the media of 20th Century Fox and Walt Disney have been holding on to the incident between Anne Hathaway and her Italian ex-boyfriend. Now that it is unprofitable, 20th Century Fox has naturally withdrawn from the attack. This also made Anne Hathaway, who was under pressure from public opinion, instantly relieved.

She played Rachel Dawes, although she didn’t have a lot of roles, but her performance was pretty good. Many viewers who watched "Batman: Hour of War" left a deep influence. This former Disney idol , Has also won praises from many media, and the road of transformation has started smoothly.

"Duke, I really don't know how to thank you."

In the office of the Duke's studio, Anne Hathaway looked at Duke sitting behind the desk with a grateful face, "I would not have passed this test without you."

She looked straight at Duke with a pair of eyes, and she meant that as long as he spoke, she could do anything.

But Duke has gone through so much, he is no longer who he was at the beginning, he just shook his head slowly, and said lightly, "Don't do stupid things until the second film is finished."

Anne Hathaway couldn't help but startled, she didn't expect Duke, who was carrying the name of a playboy, to say such things. Didn't she never think that she would completely get rid of the Italian and find a more prominent man. The director on the opposite side is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate, who has enough wealth to support her gorgeous and luxurious life, and at the same time can bring great help in her career...

Duke didn’t bother to care about what Anne Hathaway was thinking, and gave Tina Fei a wink. The female assistant walked over without hesitation and said something in a low voice. Anne Hathaway was quite good. Unwilling to leave his office.

The meaning of Anne Hathaway’s words, how could Duke fail to understand it, but the reason why he and Warner Bros. helped her by fishing her out of the FBI was only for the purpose of "Batman: Hour of War" The market outlook has nothing to do with personal likes and dislikes.

The relationship between the other party and him is only commercial cooperation, and the starting point of everything is commercial income.

However, this actress does work very hard, and her performance in the film is many times better than that of the former Tommy Don’t know. Duke has decided to continue to use Anne Heather in the second "Dark Knight". Wei, of course, the premise is that she should not make any messy things like a scam, otherwise she will definitely be replaced.

In Duke's eyes, even if it is a sequel to a superhero movie, no actor is indispensable.

Although "Batman: Hour of War" has been strong for two consecutive days, Duke and Warner Bros. will not relax because of this. All kinds of publicity work are proceeding according to plan.

On Sunday night, the NBC TV program invited George Lucas. In addition to promoting his own "Star Wars Episode: Revenge of the Sith", the super director also highly praised "Batman: Hour of War". ".

Of course, this has been negotiated in advance, and Duke has also had many stations for the propaganda of the Star Wars Prequel series.

"George, as everyone knows, Duke is the Hollywood you led into. What do you think of his new work "Batman: Hour of War"?"

Faced with the host’s question, George Lucas answered this way.

"There were four Batman works before this Batman. At the beginning, Tim Burton created a fantasy city of Gotham. Then Batman punishes and eliminates evil in this city, but the more you shoot later, The more Batman fell into stereotypes, he began to rely too much on big stars and big special effects, and ignored the story itself. As a result, the Batman movie entered a dead end and never came out again. The box office and word-of-mouth failure were natural. , The whole series gives people the feeling that more and more characters are played, and the quality is getting worse and worse."

"After many years of silence, Duke decided to take over Batman. To be honest, this is a huge challenge, because it is a mess, like an unfinished building that has been built very high but not in line with the trend of the times. There are nothing more than two ways to deal with unfinished buildings. The first way is to repair on the original basis, so that it does not damage the original foundation and can save a lot of money, but the consequence of this treatment is You don’t know the quality of the original foundation and whether it can continue to support the building. The second method is also very simple, which is to demolish and rebuild, so that the entire building can be executed in its own context from foundation to style. If the cost is too high, it will be under pressure from all quarters."

"The Batman that Duke took over obviously adopted the second approach. He wanted to completely subvert the original image of Batman, so the pressure on him can be imagined, but he succeeded and Batman is resurrected..." (To be continued...)

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