Made in Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Hacking

"North Korea is the enemy" is still a kind of "political correctness" in American society, even in the traditionally large left-wing film industry, and the protests of the North Korean authorities will make certain American producers willing to give this setting away. The motivation for going to theaters—not to mention, for a commercial entertainment film, such a storm is the cheapest means of promotion. △¢Appointment Novel,

"Everything in the hostile country is bad" This ideology and propaganda method is not unique to the United States. On the other side of the Pacific, the prerequisite for a certain drama hit is the national hatred between the two countries, and there is no shortage of North Korean movies. American characters", these characters are necessarily villains.

According to the plan of Duke and Warner Bros., the next step should be a self-directed and self-acted "hacker farce" to further expand the influence of "Interview".

However, there will always be unexpected developments.

The sun sank to the bottom of the sea, and the wafting sea breeze was less humid and more refreshing, which relieved the boredom of the Malibu seaside. The seagulls that flew over the yacht occasionally made a few cheerful calls, but When the lights on the deck were turned on to illuminate all directions, the birds hurriedly flew away.

The nearly 400-foot Duke sailed slowly away from the pier, slightly away from the coastline. A few speedboats carried by paparazzi passed by, but did not dare to approach too much. They could only point at the yacht with a camera with a telephoto lens in their hands. Over there kept pressing the shutter, and then left disappointed.

"Damn laser anti-camera device!"

This is the resentment of the paparazzi, but there is nothing to do. The owner of that yacht is rich enough to install any state-of-the-art equipment; the owner of the yacht still has power, they dare not get too close...

The kind image of the director seems to have stayed at yesterday, but the things that have happened in the past years are constantly reminding the paparazzi. If you anger the owner of the yacht, the consequences will be severe and terrible.

Yes, North America is a free land. They have the right to interview and film freely, but these paparazzi know it. Freedom always has a double standard. If they insist on this freedom, they are likely to pay an unbearable price.

The lights on the yacht are brilliant, and many people can be seen faintly moving through the telescope. It was the celebration party of "The Dark Knight Rises". There were countless celebrities and celebrities. The paparazzi were reluctant to leave. Wandering around the distance.

On the spacious top deck, more than a dozen waiters shuttled among the crowd with various drinks. From time to time, a few fresh and delicate dishes are added to the middle table. The deck is near the left and right fences. There are two rows of white tables and chairs. There are many people sitting around them. Polite laughter.

No matter what these people look like in private, on this ship, at this party, they all showed their best.


The top deck of the yacht. Anne Hathaway took the initiative to find Duke and raised her glass to him. "It's a pity that my character died in the second part. It's a pity. Working with you is the most pleasant thing."

"I believe we still have a chance to cooperate." Duke said politely.

This sentence is just polite. Even if there is a suitable role for Anne Hathaway, Duke does not intend to use the actress from New York again in a short time.

the reason is simple. Today Anne Hathaway has successfully surpassed Gwyneth Paltrow to become the most disgusted actress in the United States, not even one of them.

The former Anne Hathaway was very popular. In the eyes of North American audiences, she sang a good song. The movies she made are also very cute. She is more open than other actors and reacts quickly on the show. It is a vitality bomb.

But in recent years, it has gradually evolved into a cruel fact-Anne Hathaway has become an actress that most Americans hate very much, and there may not be one.

The emotion that most viewers in the United States do not look down upon or even hate Anne Hathaway resonates, first of all, "Batman: Hour of War" and the Italian fraud scandal, and last year the "New York Times" article: "We Do you really hate Anne? Hathaway? ", aroused the resonance of many people, like all star-making and star-destroying movements, many media have joined the ranks of criticizing Anne Hathaway.

Many media also comprehensively analyzed the main reasons why the American public hated Anne Hathaway, thinking she was fake. But the important thing is that media like the "New York Times" come forward to analyze why everyone hates a Hollywood actress, and this becomes a little troublesome.

Not only the New York Times, but also influential media such as The New Republic, The New Yorker, and The Hollywood Reporter, some people take the issue of people hating Anne Hathaway as a serious topic.

As the "New York Times" said, many mainstream media have named Anne Hathaway the most hated celebrity in 2012, and there is a hashtag topic on instant sharing called #hathahaters.

Especially in 2013, her black fan activity reached its peak. Every minute on instant sharing, nearly 20,000 comments were scolding her, and even every sentence in her acceptance speech was criticized in the past.

"She called Xiao Jinren a weapon of self-doubt. This is disgusting." "I hate her and want to throw pizza on the TV."

The allegation against her by the American public is that "even eating and drinking are like acting. Before the last entertainment show, I have to practice in the mirror dozens of times, and all the jokes I casually tell are drafted."

The public disliked her as "she forgot to thank someone at the Golden Globes. When the film she participated in won the Best Picture Award, she rushed forward to make up for her acceptance speech before the producer."

In stark contrast to Anne Hathaway is another actress, Jennifer Lawrence. In the eyes of the public, she is more natural, cute, and true, and she doesn't care when she says something wrong.

Although Jennifer Lawrence is also acting, one person falling down on important occasions one after another, if it is a coincidence, there must be a problem with multiple appearances, but the media needs new stars to attract audiences, and Hollywood has to create new idols to show this circle. On the bright side, the public also needs a distinctive star to satisfy their fantasies, so Jennifer Lawrence appeared at the right time and at the right place. Together with the brains of herself and the team behind it, it has become the most rising trend. Quick newcomer.

Even sharing the survey above "Why so many people hate Anne? Hathaway?" "In the options, the first sentence of the second-ranked answer is: Because she is not Jennifer Lawrence.

After socializing Anne Hathaway a few words, Duke greeted the people who came over, thinking about a lot of problems intermittently, until Tina Fei hurriedly walked over with the mobile phone, he concentrated.

"Mr. Jamie Johnson's call, he will call again in three minutes."

Duke nodded, Tina Fei took the initiative to stop a few people who came by, and when the phone vibrated, Duke walked to the secluded part of the bow.

"What? Hacking? Didn't we do it?"

After confessing a few words to Tina Fei, Duke walked to the flight deck at the end of the yacht, took a helicopter back to Los Angeles, and made several consecutive phone calls. The Warner Bros. board of directors basically received notifications, Doug ? Walter also called high-level officials to prepare for an emergency meeting.

The matter is not complicated. According to the plan made by Warner Bros., after having enough talk with North Korea, it will launch a new promotion and marketing strategy, play a trick of monitoring self-pirates, and then plant the blame on North Koreans to increase the hype The heat.

It’s just that the plan hasn’t been launched yet, and a hacker organization has hacked Warner Bros’ servers, but Warner Bros has already prepared for itself. The hacked server doesn’t have anything too valuable. The only thing really related to the movie. Instead, they are the latest posters and trailers of "Interview". If the hacker organization publishes them, it will only be more beneficial to the promotion of the film.

The hackers who invaded did not achieve their goals, so naturally they would not give up, leaving a comment on the Warner Bros. server.

This self-proclaimed "Guardians of Peace" hacker organization issued a formal warning to Warner Bros. If Warner Bros. does not stop promoting and showing the film "Interview", they will take further action.

"My advice……"

In the Warner Bros. conference room, Duke said without hesitation, “Report the incident to the Los Angeles police, the FBI and the CIA, and hold a press conference on this to make the hacking incident public.”

Jamie Johnson nodded in agreement, "I agree."

It is impossible to give up the film, and the most advantageous option is to use the hacker incident.

Although some senior Warner Bros. executives are a little bit skeptical, they still support this approach.

Subsequently, another hacker anonymously sent a warning email to the public mailboxes of Duke and Doug Walter, stating that Warner Bros. would suffer "great harm" and that if Warner Bros. did not comply with the requirements, the "Interview" was cancelled. According to the plan, Warner Bros. will be "overall bombardment."

After being rejected by Warner Bros., the hackers did launch an attack on Warner Bros. However, they did not cause any substantial damage in the presence of Warner Bros., the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency, which had been prepared. With the announcement, the hacking incident has become the focus of attention in the United States.

Especially at the second press conference held by Warner Bros., the representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency who attended directly declared that North Korea was the number one suspected target, and the whole world was in an uproar. This incident received even more attention than " The shooting of The Dark Knight Rises spread all over the world at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the film "Interview" also resounded all over the world, and many people were eagerly waiting to see what kind of film it was. (To be continued.)

ps: Ask for monthly and recommended tickets!

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