Magic card gods

Chapter 446 Go Deep into the Enemy Camp

At this time, Wei Yuan was dressed like a local, and followed the crowd furtively.

He is now in the team of refugees recruited by the district government...

As I said before, in the whole area, only the district government seems to be doing well. Living conditions elsewhere were dire.

The black forest squeezes the living space, and it has reached the point where there is no place for farming.

All kinds of monsters appear day and night, killing the poor survivors everywhere.

These people can't survive in the local area. They lack food and clothing and feel insecure.

Therefore, when the professionals and scholars of the district government found them, narrated the various benefits and good wishes of the district government, and mentioned the great sage and the Confucianism Council, those desperate survivors seemed to have found the hope of survival , There is brilliance in the eyes again.

They followed these powerful professional scholars and rushed to the district government through mountains and rivers, hoping to live the good life these scholars said there.

Strange to say, under the leadership of those professional scholars, those migratory teams did not encounter any monster harassment!

You must know that according to past experience, not to mention such a big migration of more than a hundred miles, it was possible to be attacked by some monsters even in the gathering place in the past!

Especially those ghosts and incorporeal monsters without entities.

After leaving the gathering place, it is very dangerous to grow vegetables even within a few miles.

I often go out to clean up the fields in the morning, and the family members start crying in the afternoon.

However, following the scholar to the district government, there were no monsters attacking him for tens of hundreds of miles!

This is nothing short of a miracle!

Those scholars said with a little pride and reserve that this is all the credit of the sage and the Confucianism Council!

The glory of the saint is here, how dare the ghosts and ghosts make trouble?

The hope in the hearts of those survivors is even greater! Belief in the glory of the saint begins to be firm!

Teams of dozens or hundreds of people gathered from all directions, and then went to the district government.

The closer to the destination, the more those scholars warned: the district government is where the saints are, the last civilization, the high ground of morality and rules, where the most moral rules are, and anyone who does not abide by the moral rules will be severely punished!

Then there is the explanation of various rules, the closer you are to the district government, the more you talk, and the stricter the rules and morals you talk about!

Wei Yuan has been in the team for half a day, and he has already listened to more than a dozen rules, ranging from swearing to slandering saints, and various punishments are endless.

The most important one is to respect the teacher and respect the way. If you dare to disobey the respected teacher and the Confucianism, it is a serious crime!


In the evening, the middle-aged scholar who led the team with a high crown and a beard on his chin pointed to the city wall in the distance and said, "Did you see it? That's the district government, where the saints are, and the last place of civilization!" "

His words and expressions are very fanatical, even a little distorted.

The other younger scholars in the team became even more fanatical, even breathing harder.

These scholars, who are usually very reserved and proud, and maintain a sense of alienation and superiority towards the survivors, are now like the most fanatical religious elements.

Among the survivors, an old man in his sixties, who was regarded as an elder among the survivors, asked in a low voice, "The saint's place is indeed very bright. Master Liu, what is the colorful light outside the city?"

This old man was called Zhao Qian, and he was the oldest among the four or five hundred survivors. And he is very prestigious among their group of survivors, similar to the existence of an old village chief.

And the scholar said that the district government is a place to respect the elderly, so when he asked the middle-aged scholar Mr. Liu, he would not feel that he was overstepping.

Master Liu calmed down, and explained in a pleasant manner: "It is the lifeline of the district government, and it is the glory of a saint! It protects us from evil spirits, and at the same time suppresses the demon gods who are sealed in the Demon Suppressing Tower."

The Town Demon Tower is the place where it was said that the demon god was suppressed. Wei Yuan sneaked in this time in disguise, just to investigate what happened.

According to Sun Laodao's investigation, the land of Qilu on the Dongshan Peninsula indeed suppressed a demon god of hell in the early stages of the catastrophe.

This is why there are so many survivors in this land.

Because this place is not like the Northeast side, where it deteriorates all of a sudden, and the people don't survive.

This side was fine at first, but in the past twenty years, it has gradually deteriorated, and the population has gradually decreased to the current level.

There is a cliff-like fall on the northeast side, and a landslide here. It's just that more than 20 years have passed, and with the support of Katu, the Northeast side finally started to see each other. But things are getting worse and worse here.

Those scholars have mentioned many times before that after entering the district government, one cannot leave casually. Wanting to leave requires strict approval.

For the survivors, if the district government is really what the scholars said, they will never go out for the rest of their lives, and they will never leave.

Even if there is only half of them, they are willing to live here for the rest of their lives. Still alive after all.

But Wei Yuan cared very much. A place that recruits survivors aggressively, but "can only enter but not exit", is very suspicious.

Especially the so-called "sage's glory" energy shield, Wei Yuan seriously suspected that it was a magic circle barrier. Maybe it will have the effect of isolating the inside and outside. At that time, ordinary city return scrolls will not be able to be opened.

Outside the protective cover of the saint's glory, there is a group of people waiting, which looks like a checkpoint stronghold.

The leader, Mr. Liu, had a good relationship with the person in charge of the checkpoint, and they looked very familiar. After a few simple chatters, they said goodbye to each other with smiles on their faces.

The person in charge took out a brush and drew a circle on the glory of the saint, and a circular passage appeared in the barrier.

Master Liu beckoned the survivors to follow quickly, and then said goodbye to the person in charge.

Didn't you even check it out?

You must know that there are several inspections when entering Luoge's camp at the very beginning!

The most important thing is to prevent the fallen from sneaking in, and the second is to worry about monsters or bad things sneaking in.

But the district government doesn't seem to care. Could this be confidence in the glory of the saint?

Wei Yuan deliberately felt it when he entered, and found it a bit strange, but the short time did not allow him to analyze any problems.

Besides, he didn't know anything about this kind of magic circle and magic barrier, and he couldn't analyze anything unless he was a master.

Entering the interior, the scenery is really different. There are rows of thatched houses, earthen houses, large tile-roofed houses, and buildings. The closer to the center, the more modern it is. But even if the periphery is a bit dilapidated, overall it is still peaceful!

The first thing that catches the eye is a large rice field. It is the end of autumn and it is time to harvest. Many people are busy in the field. Although they are busy, they are full of vitality.

This scene immediately brought tears to the eyes of many survivors. How many years have they not seen such a scene? Finally, finally able to live well!

It's just that Wei Yuan felt something was wrong, and he didn't know if it was due to preconceived reasons, and he always felt a little awkward. What's wrong!

These scholars in the district government must be inseparable from the degenerate. Are they really trying to do good deeds by trying so hard to gather the population?

It is said that this kind of action has been going on for several years! I'm afraid this will have to gather tens of thousands of people, right?

Without giving Wei Yuan any time to wonder, he walked along the long avenue and came to the edge of the city.

Everyone was entertained, had a full meal, distributed clothes, and arranged accommodation. Said to arrange work tomorrow...

The survivors were grateful to Dade, thanked them repeatedly, and cried bitterly.

On a tall building far away, a figure looked at this side and shook his head.

Everyone was sleeping at night, and Wei Yuan, who had been assigned bunk beds, came outside with the excuse of urinating.

First, all the three-eyed crows were summoned, and the eyeliner had to be arranged.

"You have to change suddenly, how can there be a crow with three eyes? Besides, it's too big! It's one size bigger than an eagle! Smaller..."

Wei Yuan gestured, and the Three-Eyed Crow kept adjusting. They all have the ability to shrink and change easily, and it is still very easy to become an ordinary crow.

Wei Yuan looked at the group of "ordinary crows" in front of him and nodded, that's right!

Wait, he suddenly discovered a problem.

After entering, it seems that there are no birds or birds? Haven't even seen a sparrow!

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