Magic card gods

Chapter 477: There is Only One Evil One!

In the super hall theater, which was as dark and dark as a movie theater, the villains sat down in rows upstairs and downstairs.

Some of them are ferocious, some have sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, some are full of malice, and some are kind-hearted...

They stared at each other, bared their teeth, and smiled maliciously. Some shaved their beards with sharp knives, and some bulged like guns in their arms... All of a sudden, a group of demons danced wildly.

And in the first row of seats in the theater of the guild hall, Wei Yuan and the girls sat in the front row, and there were no other villains except them.

These guys are naturally not so easy to talk to, but Wei Yuan is good at convincing others with virtue.

A mace smashed the heads of a few villains, Busujima Saeko and the others casually killed a few villains, and these people are all honest and convinced!

After all, even with a gun, he was easily killed by the opponent. To put it lightly, at first glance, it looks like the kind of murderer who is easy to kill. He kills a few every day, and kills as soon as he passes by.

The villains are also divided into levels. This kind of ultimate villain is really unaffected!

People should sit in the first row, and no one else dares to stand side by side with them.

Even some villains began to worship Wei Yuan, who was wearing a big black trench coat, combed back his shiny hair, wore toad mirrors in a pitch-black environment, and a thick cigar was smoking like a chimney.

This kind of style is the true nature of a villain!

This is the spokesperson of the villains and villains!

This is called Stockholm Syndrome, the more you are in this kind of strange group, the more these guys worship tough, powerful, evil guys!

They're sort of humanoid Minions!

Because Wei Yuan and the others are really eye-catching, the eyes of hundreds of villains and villains in the audience are all focused on them, so the trio of minions are sitting on their seats looking around, and no one has the heart to pay attention to it. They avoided being troubled!

At this time, the three little yellow men, Kevin, Bob and Stuart, also stared at Wei Yuan and the others in the first row in the distance with piercing eyes and jaw-dropping eyes!

What kind of villain is this? ! This is our true destiny, the ultimate boss!

At this time Wei Yuan suddenly twisted his body, feeling a little cold!

"Could someone curse me again? If I find him, I'll have to take out his intestines, wrap them around his neck and hang them on the beam!"

At this moment, the other lights suddenly went out, but the stage was full of light!

A silhouette of a woman appeared on the curtain!

The huge shadow made her look very majestic!

For a moment, all the villains and villains became quiet!

Everyone knows that this is the female killer Scarlett who has risen like a comet in recent years!

Just when the entire venue was extremely quiet, the curtain was about to be drawn, and Scarlett was about to take the stage, Wei Yuan suddenly said, "Hey, this one with a sharp nose punctured a tire!"

That's right, Scarlett has a big, long, and very sharp nose!

After all, it is an anime fantasy world, so there are so many strange shapes!

Originally, those villains and villains were all overwhelmed by the atmosphere and aura deliberately created by Scarlett, but because of Wei Yuan's words, the whole room burst into laughter!

Originally, there were many villains who were not very convinced by the new villain Scarlett in their hearts, but suddenly another villain tycoon made a taunt, and naturally followed everyone's laughter!

Behind the stage curtain, Scarlett gritted her silver teeth and creaked! The image that was created with great difficulty was crushed like this?

No! I still have a chance to save it!

She gestured to the villainous husband in the background, and her husband instantly switched the lights. Then Scarlett suddenly opened the dress and the rocket exploded, and saw the flames under the skirt, Scarlett flew high into the sky, and slowly fell like a parachute~

Those villains who were booing and booing just now suddenly fell silent again!

This thing is too advanced! This is a high-tech crime!

But Wei Yuan dismissed it: "Ha, this female murderer is still wearing Winnie the Pooh underwear, she is quite childlike~"

The big cigar puffed out a puff of smoke, and the smoke dissipated amid the laughter of everyone lifting the roof, just like Scarlett's image of a villain who dissipated her evil plans and painstaking efforts!

In fact, Wei Yuan didn't see anything at all. After all, the fire under the skirt was so hot, like a scallop on fire, how could he clearly see the color of his underwear? Maybe they didn't wear them at all!

But many villains don't need to see clearly, they only need an attitude!

Scarlett forcibly restrained the urge to take out the lava gun from under her skirt and burn this hateful man in cigar sunglasses to ashes. In order to maintain this gathering of villains, she must not mess around!

Come on schedule!

When the meeting is over, burn this man to ashes, then make balls of piss and mud and feed the turtles! ! !

Scarlett is worthy of being a new villain who has risen in recent years, and she can hold back her anger in this situation, which shows that success is by no means accidental!

Scarlett originally had a long speech to say, but now this situation can only hurry up.

She took out a bright ruby ​​several centimeters in size, and the gem refracted brilliant light under the light, dazzling and dazzling!

"Whoever of you can snatch this ruby ​​from me, I will give it to him! And I will also absorb him into my Scarlett criminal group! That is the most powerful criminal group..."

She wanted to continue bragging, but those villains couldn't bear it anymore!

Such a big ruby ​​is priceless!

Let's grab his mother first!

Hulala pounce on twenty or thirty bad guys, big and small!

As you know, the gap between people in the animation world is greater than that between humans and dogs.

Some villains are more than three meters tall and look like Hulk, but with two short legs like hemp poles, people worry that they will break directly.

And at the same time, there is that little thing in his early years, who is similar to a Gobiter, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks!

These people rushed forward in an instant, and even piled up a high mountain of people on the stage!

But these people couldn't touch the corner of Scarlett's clothes, she nimbly dodged it, and then solved it with one punch and one kick, dancing like a little butterfly in a flower bush~

That rocket jet fiery shell dress gives Scarlett great mobility!

Seeing that several minutes passed, there were already forty or fifty bad guys rushing up, but almost all of them were wiped out. Even the minions were dragged in by the flow of people.

Just when Scarlett was full of ambition and felt that she had shown some fighting power and saved some face, the ruby ​​in her hand suddenly disappeared, replaced by a smelly leather shoe of unknown origin!

"Bastard! Who is it?" Scarlett was furious!

She didn't care about the ruby ​​being robbed, after all, the purpose of this gathering was to screen out her subordinates. But this way lost gems, I was really slapped in the face in public, and my face was gone!

I don't know who shouted: "There!"

Everyone hurriedly looked over, and saw that in the first row of seats, all the girls were busy with their own business, and they didn't take a look at this side, as if this was a farce with no merits!

Saeko Bujima was whispering to Mengmeng, Mengmeng was nodding while eating chicken legs (Drumstick: My chicken legs! My!), Ashe was manicuring her nails with a small file, and Zhu Huamei was pointing at a This document is frowning, Jinse is knitting a sweater, Gui Yanye is fiddling with small mechanical parts, Ju Chuan Shizuka is applauding the villains on the stage, very sincerely...

And that big ruby ​​is in the hands of the villainous boss Wei Yuan!

Some villains and villains are moved by their hearts and want to step forward to snatch it. But when he saw the seven or eight dead bodies with their heads and necks retracted into their chests lying at Wei Yuan's feet, he calmed down.

Wei Yuan pushed the toad mirror to his forehead, took a puff of smoke with a cigar in his mouth, "What rubbish!"

As Wei Yuan spoke, he clenched his fists violently and rubbed them vigorously, hearing a crackling sound, and spreading his hands again, it was ruby ​​shards!

Wei Yuan kicked over the small box next to his feet: "Take it, I will reward you!"

The small box flew several meters and smashed into pieces. A large number of diamonds, gems, pearls, jade, and all kinds of precious jewelry were scattered all over the place!

The scene suddenly became chaotic! A group of villains looting!

All villains: Thank you brother villains~

At this time, Wei Yuan looked at Scarlett's expression and seemed to say: There is only one Haonan in Causeway Bay, and there is only one wicked person here! It is my capital who leads the wicked! I feed capital bags of salt!

At this time, Scarlett was about to explode, and there was no room for two tigers in one mountain, and now she was immortal!

Scarlett's hair exploded with anger, she pointed at Wei Yuan and screamed, "Ah~~~ I want you to die!!!"

Wei Yuan moved the cigar in his mouth, puffed out the smoke with a disdainful smile, "Oh shit, you~" (Emoji, you know!)

Scarlett pulled out a gun like a glass casing from under her skirt, with red hot magma flowing inside.

But before she could shoot, Ashe threw the small manicure file out.

Although it doesn't have the effect of Xiao Li's flying knife, it has a lot more lethality.

The small file shot directly at the lava gun, and a large amount of red hot lava burst out, falling like a goddess!

The lava explosion almost burned Scarlett into a turkey! She was unkempt and her clothes and hair were burnt when she narrowly escaped. But she still didn't give up, and took out her pistol to shoot again! But it was blocked by the Xianli shield stretched by Jinse shaking the knitting needle.

At this time, her husband also jumped out from the backstage, carrying a lava bazooka on his shoulder, and launched it directly...

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