Magic card gods

Chapter 520: Late Arrogance!

There are only seven pieces of land left in the entire Outland, about half the size of the Celestial Dynasty. roughly in the shape of a crescent moon.

To the right of the middle is the Hellfire Peninsula, and across a piece of void below is Shadowmoon Valley, which is the tip of the moon below.

At the upper left of Shadowmoon Valley is Terokkar Forest, which has now been regarded as a peaceful surrender.

Under Wei Yuan's signal, he began to lay down the formation formation, and deal with the messy ghosts and monsters in Auchindoun.

Auchindoun was originally the cemetery of the Draenei and a holy place for religion and education.

The soul of the Draenei can be preserved for a long time after death, and the strength of the soul is very high, so it was transformed into a demon by Sargeras. Because the soul retains its basic consciousness for hundreds of years after death, the cemetery is an important place.

But because of excessive weakness, this place has fallen, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes have come to make troubles, and it has become an extremely dangerous place.

There are even arakkoa here using Auchindoun's power to summon the crow god Anzu!

As a result, Wei Yuan's two arakkoa disciples stepped out and began to preach!

"Ansu, the god of crows, is a false god at all. What kind of god of crows is the god of crows who can't fly? Only the eternal savior, Mr. Wei Yuan, and Miss Zhu Huamei, the incarnation of the three-legged golden crow, are our true gods! Long live harmony~ ~~"

Wei Yuan bought a drop of the three-legged Golden Crow's blood from a seventh-rank boss who had participated in adventures in the prehistoric world.

In addition to the legacy of the Goddess of Dawn, Zhu Huamei has now started to transfer to the Sun God~

On the upper left of Terokkar is the Nagrand Prairie, the home of the orcs.

This place is equivalent to the significance of the Yellow River Basin to the Chinese nation, it is the birthplace.

Their holy mountains and ancestor spirits are also here.

Interesting to say, their holy mountain was actually smashed out by the crashed spaceship of the Draenei. The souls of their ancestors are also immortal and continue to exist after death because there is a naaru on the boat.

As a result, many years later, the orcs slaughtered the Draenei!

It's a bit of a reverse North American meaning! (The designer has a lot of meaning~)

Compared with the draenei who know the current affairs, the yellow-skinned orcs are a bit ignorant.

Wei Yuan wasn't used to it either, he pulled out their holy mountain when he went up!

This is the spaceship that my family lost here, and now it is returned to its original owner.

What? You say those souls are your ancestors? Your ancestors have absorbed energy here for so many years, do you have to give money?

The current Nagrand orcs are really nothing. Among them, some of the most stubborn orc warriors, led by the son of Hellscream, Little Hellscream, tried to resist the heavenly army without knowing the number of days, and were directly crushed by Wei Yuan! Brainless roar must die!

Then began to preach among the orcs, preaching day and night!

The entire Nagrand Prairie has a radius of several hundred miles, and Wei Yuan's masterpiece "I Have a Dream of Harmony" resounds day and night!

In less than seven days, basically all the orcs were taken. Those who didn't take it either committed suicide, or they all went crazy.

Because they are not well-behaved, Wei Yuan treats them poorly. It is even necessary to recruit most of the young and strong as pioneers to fight for atonement.

It's definitely not because orc women aren't good looking...

After conquering Nagrand, go up to the Zangar Marsh, and the right side of the swamp is the Hellfire Peninsula.

It is easier to solve here. The landform here is special, and there are many special animals and plants growing here.

Because Naga hasn't followed Illidan here yet, the main intelligent creatures here are spore people.

How easy it is to solve the spore people. Wei Yuan spread the spiritual network obtained from Pandora Star here, and started to flicker on the Internet directly. In just half a day, all the lives in the entire swamp were connected into a network and subdued!

He is a druid, he is good at dealing with animals and plants~

Further up is Blade's Edge Mountain, which is more troublesome.

The first is the terrain, which basically eliminates large-scale legion operations, as well as large and super large ground combat machines.

There are mountains and hills everywhere here, and because of the explosion of Draenor, the two regions collided together, the entire surface was destroyed, and countless rocks that were squeezed and swelled upright became sharp cones under the action of weathering, like Several sharp knives protrude from the mountain, hence the name of Blade's Edge Mountain.

There are a large number of ogre tribes living here, and it is very easy to subdue them. Just rush in, catch the tallest one and beat it to death, and then start fooling are the ogre king!

The problem is they are so edible! Food bucket per capita!

Besides the ogres, there are gronn here, a race of the dragonslayer Gruul. It is a half organic creature half rock giant. Twenty or thirty meters high, with infinite strength, and a body of rock skin. But the number is rare.

Back then, Duke Iron Jaw, Deathwing, brought the black dragon and dragon eggs to Outland to develop, thinking that no one would dare to mess with him and he could become the king of Outland, but he was defeated by Gruul.

Of course, the main reason is that Khadgar secretly removed the elementium armor on Deathwing. And Gruul is known as the Dragon Slayer because he killed a large number of black dragons.

Many black dragons were left behind by Deathwing and stayed here. As a result, many black dragon eggs were eroded by the void and turned into void dragons!

In addition, there are several arakkoa tribes here. That's not much to say.

These bird people don't need so many, Wei Yuan only intends to keep some of them.

There are many dinosaurs in the small world, but there are no giant dragons yet! Wei Yuan intends to "persuade" Heilong to immigrate.

The same is true for ogres, enrich the species in the small world.

The last area of ​​Outland is the crescent cusp above - Netherstorm.

It can be seen from the name that it is no longer a good place.

The shattering here is particularly severe, the entire area has been shattered, and it is barely dispersed due to gravity, but it is not certain when it happened.

However, this is also the part that Wei Yuan attaches the most importance to.

Because there is a place here called Storm Fortress, where the spaceships of Naaru and Draenei landed.

When playing games, who doesn't want to swipe a phoenix and sit for a while? Cool and fast!

The spaceship here is much more complete than the one that crashed on the orc holy mountain! There is a very high-end magic technology here! Including energy, ecology, etc.!

This kind of good thing can't be encountered in many fantasy worlds.

Now this spaceship has not been taken away, it is still in the hands of the Draenei. With Wei Lun and Yrel present, he surrendered to Wei Yuan smoothly.

The terrain here is the most fragile, Wei Yuan personally arranged and strengthened the array, so as not to break it that day.

So far, the entire outer domain has fallen into Wei Yuan's hands.

The seven pieces of the formation formed the new moon formation, which firmly solidified the outer domain and nailed it in the void. Avoided the greatest crisis - void erosion, earth shattering, space drifting.

Wei Yuan started the big transformation of the outer domain, and after the completion, he will integrate into the small world.


On Azeroth, in just one month, another earth-shaking change took place.

Then Sylvanas took advantage of Illidan's Eye of Sargeras to deceive the Lich King, and Arthas was eager to go back to merge and control power weakened, so she broke away from Alsace's control and brought a group of undead Gained free will.

But they are now undead, and there is no turning back. So occupied the abandoned city of Lordaeron, claiming to be the Forsaken.

But she didn't join the tribe, but joined forces with the Katu city Rage City who majored in black magic and undead magic! It is said to be developing black magic and plague alchemy!

There was also a rebellion in Stormwind City, which almost didn't allow the Western Liberation Front to cooperate with an unknown black dragon princess in the city.

In addition, the Katu team took refuge in Ragnaros, the king of the fire demon, and even caused the Black Rock Mountain to erupt!

The Magic Research Institute brought some dwarfs with them and began to recover Gnomeregan, making trouble with the dwarfs under the master craftsman.

And the Katu team broke into Maraudon to rescue the trapped Earth Princess.

As a result, after seeing the true face of Princess Earth, they all felt that their feelings had been deceived, and in turn made Princess Earth. Therefore offended the stone mother...

Because neither side could do anything to the other, Katu and the Bronze Dragon had a temporary truce and joined forces to attack the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. It is said to have been quite effective...

In short, because of the disturbance of Katu, there is basically no place for peace in Azeroth.

Even in those nooks and crannies, there are low-level Katus active.

And Wei Yuan had already dealt with Outland, and planned to restart the Dark Portal and return to Azeroth to cause trouble.

It turned out that someone was trying to contact Outland unexpectedly!

Curious, Wei Yuan connected the signal, but the other party turned out to be the blood elf prince Kael'thas!

Kael'thas came up with a sentence: "The blood elves are willing to surrender, please take in His Excellency Wei Yuan..."

Wei Yuan's spirit was greatly lifted, and the beauty was broken: Could it be that my king's qi finally shook again and again, and finally people accepted their heads and worshiped and shouted at the lord? !

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