After more than three months, the current Falling Rain Valley has changed dramatically since its development.

Not to mention the tall, wide factory buildings that stand at the entrance, not to mention the neatly styled houses of different styles in the far living area, just to see the few walls of the standards-crossed in the Falling Rain Valley. The road surface has been refreshing and shocking.

And in the entire Falling Rain Valley, not all of them are cold cement roads and masonry.

In all the gaps that can be seen, there are all kinds of weird plants everywhere.

锲犱 姝ゆ椂姝 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 夋 夋 夋 夋 夋纴鍒 纴鍒 閮 閮 鐗 鐗 鐗 鐗 鐗 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 V V V V V V V V V Opportunity to live Emerald Cauldron Falling Rain Valley 镄勬櫙璞’笉鍦ㄩ偅涔埚崟璋冨啺鍐枫€

杩欎簺绋 濂囧彝镐︻殑 濂囧彝镐︻殑 岖墿浠綋鐒 岖墿浠綋鐒 u Xu Yi 鎷沧墭 Night Song Tribe 绉    浜涘湪 浜涘湪 浜涘湪 浜涘湪 Falling Rain Forest 涓敓娲讳 鏁 鏁 鏁 栌涓婂崈骞 殑绮 殑绮 殑绮 殑绮 殑绮 纴杩欐鏄粬浠殑鎷挎 濂 濂 濂 濂

浠呬粎鍙︻敤浜嗕笉鍒 涓湀镄勬椂闂 涓湀镄勬椂闂 Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi 湰镞犳硶鐞呜 湰镞犳硶鐞呜 湰镞犳硶鐞呜 镄勬 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢 娉曞皢樻垚浜嗙幇鍦ㄨ Umbrella

锲犱 绮 伒浠缇庣殑 伒浠缇庣殑 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 nate nate nate nate nate 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 潃鍜岀壒娈奿 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈 涓猈锛岃€屼笉屼笉屼笉Xu Yi 涓殑宸ヤ笟鍩哄湴銆鍗涓殑宸ヤ笟鍩哄湴銆

锲犱 杩欎簺 岖墿镄勪綔鐢纴琛岃 岖墿镄勪綔鐢纴琛岃 鍦‵ 鍦‵ alling Rain Valley 涓纴涓崭粎闂讳笉鍒 偅浜涘 铡傝 铡傝 铡傝 铡傝 铡傝 闂撮鍑 闂撮鍑绉嶅纾 纴杩 纴杩 纴杩 璁╀ 璁╀ 璁╀ ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °镙煎鑸掗€伞€

President Pompeii 鍦╔u Yi 韬悗浠巆arriage 涓婅 涓嬫潵锛屽彧鏄湅浜嗕竴鐪 涓嬫潵锛屽彧鏄湅浜嗕竴鐪 涓嬫潵锛屽彧鏄湅浜嗕竴鐪 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗 溂鍓岖殑鎯呮櫙锛岀珛鍗Simple

鈥淧resident Xu 锛屾垜铡熸湰浠ヤ 浣犳墍璇 浣犳墍璇 殑杩欎 殑杩欎 殑杩欎 宸ヤ笟鍩哄湴搴旇鍒 閮 閮 閮 槸鑴忎 槸鑴忎 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 鎯Rushing rudder 槸濡傛缇庝 镄勪竴涓湴鏂癸紒鎴戠敋镊 镄勪竴涓湴鏂癸紒鎴戠敋镊 镄勪竴涓湴鏂癸紒鎴戠敋镊 镄勪竴涓湴鏂癸紒鎴戠敋镊 镄勪竴涓湴鏂癸紒鎴戠敋镊Bunta City 鑸掓湇寰楀銆傗€

Xu Yi laughed Fresh 滃鏋滀綘镒挎剰鎴愪 Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh枏锛岀湅鍒 澶勯偅涓 鎺掓帓鎴垮瓙娌 鎺掓帓鎴垮瓙娌 鎺掓帓鎴垮瓙娌 鎺掓帓鎴垮瓙娌 湁锛熼偅鏄笓闂ㄤ 湁锛熼偅鏄笓闂ㄤ 岀殑 岀殑 岀殑 岀殑 岀殑 岀殑 Chamber of Commerce 囧憳鐣欑潃镄勭敓娲诲尯銆傗€

President Pompeii 鐪嬩 涓 鐪 鐪 澶勯偅鐗 澶勯偅鐗 澶勯偅鐗 澶勯偅鐗 殣钘忓湪缁胯尩鍜岃姳娴 殣钘忓湪缁胯尩鍜岃姳娴 殣钘忓湪缁胯尩鍜岃姳娴 腑椋庢牸涓嶅悓锛屼絾鍗撮兘寰埚埆镊 腑椋庢牸涓嶅悓锛屼絾鍗撮兘寰埚埆镊 殑浣忔埧锛Collapse ighed 锛气€湡鍙儨锛屾垜娌°°C湁杩欐牱镄勮繍姘斿晩銆侾resident Xu 锛屾垜绐佺劧瑙夊缑锛屼綘浠 now resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 灏 畻涓岖敓浜 畻涓岖敓浜 agic chain 锛屽厜鏄纰杩欐牱镄勭敓娲诲尯灏卞 缁忚兘澶熻禋澶 缁忚兘澶熻禋澶 挶浜嗐 傛垜鏁缭璇 傛垜鏁缭璇侊纴浼氭湁寰埚浜哄笇 chain 涗綇鍦ㄨ 涗綇鍦ㄨ 镙 镙 镙

鈥滈棶棰樻槸鎭愭 曟 曟 澶 澶 澶 皯浜 镒忎綇鍦ㄨ窛绂籅 unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt unt Yi said with a smile

President Pompeii laughed heartily 锛气沧墍浠ヨ锛屾垜浠厛寰楄沧墍浠ヨ锛屾垜浠厛寰楄 carriage 鑳  揩鍦 揩鍦 揩鍦 揩鍦 揩鍦 揩鍦 潵銆 潵銆 潵銆 潵銆 潵銆 潵銆         存楠渚 殑涔 殑涔 潗 潗 潗 潗 潗 潗 潗 潗 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 埌杈 嚜宸 嚜宸

鈥滆寰楁病阌欍€傗€漍u Yi laughed 锛屽悜President Pompeii pot hydrogen simple 涓︼镄勫Э锷匡纴宁》潃浠栧悜璺濈璋峰湴鍏ュ彛骞朵笉澶︼ 镄勪竴涓︼ 镄勪竴涓︼ 镄勪竴涓︼ 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂

璧 湪璺笂锛岀湅镌 杩滃镞╁ 杩滃镞╁ 杩滃镞╁ Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi槸 chain 夎 umbrella 涓︻偧阍 (1) 巶镄勫瓨鍦纴浠栨亹镐曟牴 chain 笉浼氭渶缁埚喅瀹 嚭鍞甅 嚭鍞甅 agic Power 鐑 press 澹剁殑鐩 叧鎶 链€

鍏跺疄鍏 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 簬鍑哄敭 Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi

姣斿璇 inch 溂鍓岖殑杩椤镣 挗铡傦纴灏 挗铡傦纴灏 挗铡傦纴灏 挗铡傦纴灏 缑鏋佸ぇ镄勫埄娑 缑鏋佸ぇ镄勫埄娑 缑鏋佸ぇ镄勫埄娑 € €

浠婂ぉ璺濈鏂 椈鍙戝竷浼 椈鍙戝竷浼 綋澶╁ 綋澶╁ 缁忚 缁忚 缁忚 缁忚 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄 鎺ヨ繎鍗娄簩鍗佷竷瀹禖hamber of Commerce 鍜孎resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 绛 donate】浜嗗绾resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 嬩腑璐 嬩腑璐 嬩腑璐 Mag Magic Power 鐑 button叧鎶€链

杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖hamber of Commerce 三(三)劧璐 浜嗘妧 浜嗘妧 chain纴褰撶劧鏄兂瑕佺敓浜agic Power 鐑 button

浣嗘槸Magic Power 鐑 澹堕嗈鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡鍙︼兘鏄疭ilver leaf steel 锛屽鏋沧崲 歴 歴 鐢熼 鐢熼 涓崭粎涓嶅缇庤锛岃缮涓嶉槻阌堬纴鐢氲呖鍦ㄥ 涓氲璁 涓氲璁 笂涔熻揪涓嶅埌镙囧嗳锛屾墍浠ヨ 笂涔熻揪涓嶅埌镙囧嗳锛屾墍浠ヨ 笂涔熻揪涓嶅埌镙囧嗳锛屾墍浠ヨ 涔 涔 涔 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 殑杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖Commerce 鍙︼鎯崇敓浜agic Power 鐑 澹讹纴灏卞繀椤 嗈鐢⊿ilver leaf steel 銆

Key 孲 ilver leaf steel 杩欑鐗 畩镄勫悎 戦挗鏉愶纴鐩墠鍗 戦挗鏉愶纴鐩墠鍗 戦挗鏉愶纴鐩墠鍗 戦挗鏉愶纴鐩墠鍗 彧 彧 夐 瀹剁偧阍 瀹剁偧阍 瀹剁偧阍 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

闾d簩鍗佷竷瀹禖hamber of Commerce Fresh Flight Fresh Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce S S Silver leaf steel 澶栵纴镙 湰鍒棤阃夋嫨銆

濡傛灉璇 瀹剁偧阍 瀹剁偧阍 瀹剁偧阍 (1) 巶杩樻 鎴愮珛璧 潵锛岄偅涔埚崟鍗曞彧鏄緷闱犺鐜涢儴钀 潵锛岄偅涔埚崟鍗曞彧鏄緷闱犺鐜涢儴钀 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰d袱瀹跺皬鍨嬬偧阍(一)巶锛屾墍鐢熶骇镄凷ilver leaf steel 鍑犱箮杩树笉澶烣resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 镊繁浣浣u Yi 褰撶劧涓崭 冭槛鍑哄敭 冭槛鍑哄敭 Magic Power 鐑    

Key 岃 瀹剁偧阍 (1) 巶镊﹄粠涓娄 埚 埚 埚 鎴愭姇浜 悗锛屼竴涓湀镄勯挗浜 悗锛屼竴涓湀镄勯挗浜 悗锛屼竴涓湀镄勯挗浜 悗锛屼竴涓湀镄勯挗浜 噺杩滆 噺杩滆 噺杩滆 噺杩滆 噺杩滆 噺杩滆儴钀 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰 拰

杩欎簲涓囧惃钖勭阍 (2) 潗 岋纴 岋纴 Silver leaf steel 鍗犳嵁浜嗗叾涓殑瓒呰 涓 鍗婏纴镐 鍗婏纴镐 鍗婏纴镐 鍗婏纴镐 涓 笁涓囧钖ㄣ 笁涓囧钖ㄣ

Key 孎resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 鐩墠灏 鐢熶骇浜呜 鐢熶骇浜呜 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 涔埚绉峂 leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf灏 槸涓 涓囧惃宸 涓囧惃宸 涓囧惃宸 彸銆

鐜 湪杩欎 镣 挗铡傜殑浜 挗铡傜殑浜 挗铡傜殑浜 挗铡傜殑浜 ぇ婊¤ ぇ婊¤ 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶 浜咶

杩欎竴镣癸纴灏 槸 槸 Xu Yi Chain 缁堜 缁堜 涓嫔畾鍐 鍑哄敭 Magic Power 鐑 澹 澹 妧 妧 殑涓 殑涓

褰撶劧锛孲ilver leaf steel 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖 笉鍙槸鍗栫粰杩欎簩鍗佷竷瀹禖

Disappointing Silver leaf steel 杞讳 銆佺 傦纴 傦纴 傦纴 傦纴 撮 撮 撮 瑕佺殑鏄叿 夐槻阌埚姛鑳 夐槻阌埚姛鑳 旀瀬鍏跺 旀瀬鍏跺 旀瀬鍏跺 旀瀬鍏跺 娉涳纴 娉涳纴 娉涳纴 娉涳纴 娉涳纴欳hamber of Commerce 鍦ㄨ璇嗗埌镊姩Magic Power Rice Cooker 囩敤镄凷 ilver leaf steel 钖庯纴渚 悍绾 悍绾 悜 Xu Yi 杩涜鍜ㄨ锛屾兂瑕佽Wheezing umbrella (绉岖壒娈婄殑阍)

潵镄凷 鐢熶骇鍑 潵镄凷 ilver leaf steel 杩树笉澶烣resh Flight Chamber of Commerce 镊繁鐢纴鐢纴浠浠 Yi Yi Yi at at 绛斿簲鍑哄敭锛岃€岀幇鍦ㄩ殢镌€杩欎釜澶у瀷镣瀷镣挗铡傜殑鎶曞叆鐢熶骇锛孲ilver leaf steel 镄勪骇阅忓ぇ澧烇纴浠庝笂涓湀寮纴Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce 濮嫔嚭鍞竴閮ㄥ垎€濮嫔嚭鍞竴閮ㄥ垎Silver leaf steel 銆

Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce 鍗曞崟鍙槸Silver leaf steel 渚垮敭鍑 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 涓囧惃銆 涓囧惃銆

S 钖ㄥ洓锏緂 Silver leaf steel 涓 钖ㄥ洓锏緂 coin old coin 镄勫敭浠 纴鍏夋槸渚濋潬鍑哄敭 纴鍏夋槸渚濋潬鍑哄敭 Silver leaf steel 锛岃 Umbrella 瀹剁偧阍 (a) 巶涓娄 堜 堜 堜 杈 杈 杈埌浜嗘亹镐栫殑锲涚栌涓噂old coin 镄勬€敹鍏ャ敹鍏ャ

褰撶劧锛岃 umbrella 鍙笉鏄埄娑€

鍦ㄥ嚭鍞甋ilver leaf steel 镄勬椂 chain欙纴Xu Yi 旋剧粡璇曞浘瓒佺潃鍏跺畠 Chamber of Commerce 瀵 ilver leaf steel 骞 笉浜呜 笉浜呜 屽枈鍑 key 屽枈鍑 屽枈鍑 珮浠 珮浠纴浣嗘槸杩欎簺绮 槑镄勫浼欎 槑镄勫浼欎 槑镄勫浼欎 il il il il ilver leaf steel 涓崭 瑙 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 纴鍗 镡 镡 偧 偧 佺熆鐭 佺熆鐭 佺熆鐭 佺熆鐭 佺熆鐭В銆

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链缁圶u Yi 鍙︼兘镞犲鍦板皢浠锋牸灏卞畾涓哄洓锏緂old coin 銆

鍦ㄥ緢澶 ver leaf 鐪嬫潵锛孎 鐪嬫潵锛孎 鐪嬫潵锛孎 鐪嬫潵锛孎 鐪嬫潵锛孎 leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf缮 硅 硅 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛 镄凛

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姣忓嚭鍝佷竴钖⊿ilver leaf steel 锛岀偧阍(一)巶浠桦嚭镄勬垚chain彧暗瑕佷笁锏瑕佷笁锏节鍗乬old coin 宸〉彸銆

Coin界劧涔崭竴鐪嬶纴涓夌栌涔濆崄 gold coin 鍜屽洓锏緂old coin 涔嬮棿not at all 浠€涔埚お澶у尯鍒纴浣嗙畻涓嬫潵鍗翠緷鐒跺瓨鍦ㄦ槸gold coin 宸〉彸镄勫埄娑]€

涓婃湀Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce 鍞嚭浜嗕竴涓囧惃Silver leaf steel 锛岀畻涓嬫潵灏卞洜姝よ幏寰椾简瓒瓒冻hundred thousand gold coin 镄勫签澶у埄娑]€

Key 屽鏋滃皢杩椤镣 屽鏋滃皢杩椤镣 挗铡傛墍 夌殑浜 挗閮 挗閮 挗閮 挗閮 繘琛岄攒鍞纴杩欎 繘琛岄攒鍞纴杩欎 繘琛岄攒鍞纴杩欎 鍒╂ 鍒╂ 鍒╂ 鐢氲呖鍙 鐢氲呖鍙 鐢氲呖鍙 鐢氲呖鍙 鐢氲呖鍙 鐢氲呖鍙 NUMX 涓噂old coin 锛

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褰撶劧锛岀洰鍓岶resh Flight Chamber of Commerce Household Magic Machine 鍜孧agic Powered Machine Tool 镄勫竞鍦 Hong缮灞€闄愬湪Bunta City 鍜屽懆锲村嚑搴у煄宁效唴锛屽亣濡傜瓑鍒 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 钖崄 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴殑瀛桦湪銆

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鍦ㄨ Umbrella 腑锛岀洰鍓嶅 腑锛岀洰鍓嶅 u u Xu Yi 鍜孭 resident Pompeii 闱 (a) 墠镄勮 鑳庨挗鏋勮 鑳庨挗鏋勮 鑳庨挗鏋勮 闂 €

涓や汉璧板叆杞”棿锛屼 钖埌涓 阒 阒 阒 樀鍒 樀鍒 € € € € € € € € € € € €

President Pompeii 镄勭洰鍏夊湪宸ュ巶鍐呮壂杩囧幓锛屽嵈鍙戠幇镊 镙 湰鐪嬩笉 湰鐪嬩笉 湰鐪嬩笉 傝 傝 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠浠€涔堛€

浠栧彧鑳界湅鍒帮纴鍦ㄨ纴鍦ㄨ浜涘浜涘浜哄拰闾簺濂囧镐︻殑Magic Power Chain Dryer Chain粈涔堢█濂囩殑阍(一)湀鍜岄挗鏉°C渶钖庣珶鐒跺畲缇庡湴缁勫悎鍒 涓 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧ㄧ湅璧锋潵鍜宑arriage 杞” 疆chain変簺鎺ヨ繎锛屽疄闄呬笂鍗村畲鍏ㄤ笉鏄偅涔埚洖浜嬬殑绾fan鍒跺扇銆

President Pompeii 鎷庤捣涓 涓仛濂 涓仛濂 殑 佸埗杞 佸埗杞 佸埗杞 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜 锛屽彂鐜Ton 锛岄]镞禼an鈥檛help it 镄辫捣浜嗙湁澶 €€

鈥淧resident Xu 锛岃 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 槸浣犺镄勮 鑳庯纻鍙槸杩欎笢瑗挎瘮 鑳庯纻鍙槸杩欎笢瑗挎瘮 ㄨ 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶Mix the tension of the letter 佹墦阃犵殑杞 佹墦阃犵殑杞 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸 涔熸

“This has not been completely completed.” Xu Yi slightly smiled, led the President Pompeii and the finished steel wheels to the other side of the huge factory.

This place has a pile of steel wheels on one side and a round, black-painted, unidentified object on the other side.

Beside these black lacquered unknown objects, there are a lot of messy things that he can’t understand and do.

“What are these?” President Pompeii asked, pointing at the black lacquered things.

“If you tell me these things alone, I am afraid you will not understand, so I can only tell you that putting all these things together is the real tire.”

Xu Yi also led the President Pompeii to the end of the line.

Just as a tire was just finished, Xu Yi slammed it over and put it in front of him. The tire stood up steadily.

“How do you feel about this tire?” Xu Yi asked the President’s tires at the ground tires.

President Pompeii frowned, carefully looked at the tires, shook the head: “To tell the truth… I don’t know. President Xu, I am not afraid of you laughing at me, I can’t understand how you made this tire, even these I don’t know what the thing is. You ask me how I feel… I really can’t say it.”

Xu Yi laughed, pointing at the tire track: “Try hard first.”

President Pompeii still tried hard to press on the tires, but felt the tentacles soft, the surface of the tire was pressed by him, and he was slightly trapped. However, when he let go, he immediately rebounded back to the original.

President Pompeii suddenly became astonished, looked at the tires, thought about it for a moment, and immediately surprised: “It’s so flexible on the surface! This is great! If you walk on the road with this thing, you will encounter a little bumpy The place is fine! I am sure that riding a carriage will be much more comfortable than before!”

Xu Yi laughed: “President Pompeii is a professional, so I understand the wonders of this tire so quickly. Yes, with this tire, we will definitely reduce the bumps in the future by carriage. And this tire is far better than those The ancient wood wheels are much less resistant and will run much faster on the road than they do now.”

“I believe! I believe!” President Pompeii excitedly nodded, and grasped Xu Yi’s hand and shook it. “President Xu, before you told me to find a way to improve carriage, I was also joking. Now that I saw this tire, I finally believe that you said nothing at all! haha, just change the tires, just It’s great to make our carriage look great!”

Xu Yi pulled back his hand quietly and asked: “President Pompeii, these tires, are you willing to buy it?”

When it comes to buying, the excitement on the face of President Pompeii fades away, and I glance at the forum still standing on the ground. He tentatively asks: “President Xu, how do you plan to sell it?”

Xu Yi smiled and extended three fingers: “Not expensive, three gold coins.”

“Three gold coins?” President Pompeii quickly counted for it in the heart, then revealed a smile. “President Xu, the price we can discuss later, before this, can you let me do some tests on this tire first? After all, I have not really used it, I am not sure that it is not suitable, you are right?”

Xu Yi smiled nodded: “This is natural. We not only provide tires for the carriage, but also provide bearings and all after-sales guarantees. Guaranteed absolutely intimate, will never let you down.”

President Pompeii laughed: “I am very trustworthy about the credibility of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce.” He said that he extended his hand to Xu Yi. “President Xu, a pleasant cooperation.”

“Happy cooperation.”

After shaking hands with President Pompeii, Xu Yi suddenly had a naughty mind and reached out and pushed it gently on the still standing tire.

The tires rolled out slowly and steadily on the flat concrete floor in the workshop until they finally hit a wall in the distance and fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, the smile on the face of President Pompeii is even brighter. (To be continued.)

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