Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 218: Jungle Treasure Hunt

After the eggs were merged, Cao Yan stole the wind and wore a dark sea colonial costume like the Dark Spider-Man's robe. Sitting on the egg's back, he became a veritable spider knight.

Taohua took out to advise the leopard as a riding beast.

The team re-started, with a strong army, a magnificent professional and a combination of Warcraft.

"Taohua, when I entered the Heiguang Tribe just now, you left alone for a while to check on the stronghold of the Kingdom Church in Heiguang?" Cao Yandao.

The last time they came to the Black Light Department, they found that the Church of the Kingdom of God was preaching in the Black Light Department.

"Yes, in Lantis City, I learned that the leader of a kingdom church in the magic city is centering on the monster city and integrating the hidden members of the kingdom church in the surrounding area to launch a joint operation. I suspect they are constructing The intelligence network is convenient for passing messages to each other. The boss went to the Heiguang Tribe, and I checked by the way. "Taohuaying said.

"Are there gains?"

"Only at the missionary site of the Church of the Kingdom of God in the Black Light Department, a kind of communication spirit eagle was found. It can be seen that they did unite in secret to convey the message. We should be more careful when we return to the magic city this time." Taohua pursed her lips and said .

Cao Yan smiled and said, "Maybe we won't wait for them to come to us."

"Huh?" Taohua tilted her head in doubt.

The meaning of Cao Yan is that since the sap artifact has appeared, if it has been tested with the ruling fox, it proves that the 'artifact' is easy to use. In the next operation, you can use the Church of the Kingdom of God as the talent market and start digging the wall to develop your own strength.

As we moved forward, the night in the jungle came again.


Outside the city of magic, somewhere in the jungle.

Quiet after night, only the occasional bugs intermittently.

A man in black looked up in the night, waiting quietly.

Soon after, in the distant night sky, an eagle flew down from the clouds and landed on the shoulder of the man in black.

"Come here ..." The man in black caught the sealed stationery sent by the spirit eagle and lightly shook his arm. The spirit eagle immediately flew up and returned to the direction of the black light department.

This fast-flying cloud-piercing eagle is exactly the one that Cao Yan flew out of the black light part when he left the black light part before.

As Taohua judged, those who re-infiltrated the magic capital of the Kingdom of God Church are centering on the capital of the magic city, uniting the members of the Church of the Kingdom of God in the surrounding area, exchanging information with each other, so that they can grasp the movements and changes around the city of Magic.

At this time, the man in black took the eagle's message, left the jungle, and quickly returned to Modu.

An hour later, a mansion in the eastern part of Modu.

The man in black sent a secret letter from the spirit eagle to inform a thin young man, "The Lord God, the members of the Black Light Ministry came news that a mysterious man who had rescued the northern chief of the Black Light Ministry, appeared again in Black Light Department, briefly stopped and left. "

The lean youth was looking at another confidential letter and did not respond.

After he read the secret letter in his hand, he suddenly said, "You just said that there was news from the Heiguang Department?"

The man in black nodded, and the young man groaned for a moment: "As far as I know, Cao Yan left the magic pet's house yesterday and entered the jungle."

Man in Black: "How could an adult suddenly mention Cao Yan?"

The thin young man said: "I have seen Cao Yan himself, and my psychic eye ability can see the truth. When you mentioned this news, I flashed Cao Yan's face vaguely. If the induction is correct, It may indeed be him. However, telepathic abilities are affected by many factors and may not be accurate or determined. "

The man in black was quite shocked:

"If the adult is right, according to the news from the Black Light Department, the mysterious person of the tribal chief has been rescued, and many fifth-level masters of the Cat Spirit Department have been killed. Then Cao Yan's personal strength is very amazing. "

The man in black paused: "So he is likely to be not only a genius in semiotics, but also a talent in practice.

Such heresies must be removed as soon as possible. "

The thin young man laughed abruptly: "You are too nervous. Cao Yan is not the current urgency. No matter how talented he is, it will be difficult to confront us. Is there less talent in our church? Don't take him too seriously."

"I just received the news from the forest country. The ruling fox is actually coming to Landis, and has already left the forest country."


After the night fell, Cao Yan and his party camped in the jungle to prepare for the night.

At this time in the camp, Taohua and Cao Yan had a pile of fire, and the big red-flaming pheasant bird was killed before grilling the stick.

Camping in the jungle is actually a taboo.

However, Cao Yan and them made the fire deliberately because the outside of the camp was covered with invisible cobwebs.

The entire camp is a huge hunting trap.

If Warcraft is attracted, it will immediately fall into a trap and be beaten to death or captured by Cao Yan's gang.

Of course, if the sixth-level or higher Warcraft coffee is attracted, then it is Cao Yan's turn to flee.

However, this possibility is very small, and the surrounding area of ​​their camp is under the close monitoring of the ants. Any creatures wanting to approach it can not avoid being found.

So the worst thing is that the situation is wrong. Withdrawing in advance, there will be no more serious danger, so they dare to make a fire.

Zila ~ Zila!

The bird that was killed by the stick was cleaned up by the peach blossoms, and then grilled on the fire, golden and golden, full of flavour and DC oil.

The big sticks, big cats, and leopards all lay on one side, and Hara drifted to the ground.

The bird is large, about the size of an ostrich. Fortunately, Taohua is not an ordinary girl, she is not human, she can hold such a big bird barbecue.

Cao Yan started the operation again, took out all the spices left over from the picnic on the island, and sprinkled the spices on the roasted golden bird ~ ~ A fresh fragrance was spreading out, and the stick had already endured Can't help but head to Cao Yan, want to try first.

Soon after, the gang of Cao Yan shared the loot, and roasted the bird meat in large pieces.

Cao Yan also took out a bottle of Mininda, which was brought out from the space of the spacecraft before. It was apple-flavored and ate while drinking.

After eating a jungle barbecue dinner, Cao Yan took out the maze locket that he was always carrying.

The locket opened, and a steady stream of ants crawled out of it.

Taohua squatted and watched the ants coming out of the nest: "Boss, how many ants are there now?"

"The queen ant can now produce thousands of ant eggs at one time. Over this period of time, the ant colony has exceeded 35,000." Cao Yan said.

Countless ants came out of the small box and spread out in all directions. Mercury poured out everywhere, but most of them got into the ground.

"What are they doing?"

"There are actually a lot of good things in the jungle, but they are buried by the years, and it is difficult to see and discover, so I asked the ant group to build a jungle treasure hunt team and let them come out to find if there are any good things around." Cao Yanxingzhi exuberant.

Below the ground, there are countless things buried in the centuries, it is an inexhaustible treasure, waiting to be developed at any time.

Cao Yan is ready to make full use of the ants' specialities.

In the future, the ant colony will have an extra task, which is to dig the ground three feet below the ground to see how much can be harvested.

In a moment, an ant treasure hunt team emerged from the ground, the team fought, and moved out a dark object.

Cao Yanhao calmly said: "Look, this is the underground vine spirit, a medicinal material that can be used in Warcraft medicaments. Although it is not worth much, the ants' ability to find things is obviously good, and they will gain something so quickly."

Ps: Those who recommend less are flustered, begging ~

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