Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1014: Magnetic Field Against God's Domain

The so-called electromagnetism is not separated, and if it can generate electricity, it can certainly generate magnetic force.

Don't look at the fact that magnetism is not very eye-catching in life. If it is used as an attack method, it seems that it is useless except for metal, and to be more specific, it is useless except for iron. In addition, exposure to a strong magnetic field will make people prone to cancerous lesions. This kind of thing is still controversial in modern times. In other words, those with vested interests are unwilling to admit it.

But is magnetism really that inconspicuous? As one of the four fundamental forces of physics, maintaining the structural integrity of molecules or atoms, magnetism is far more important than most people imagine!

And to disturb the integrity of a position, you only need to add another influence to make it less perfect. This is also what Hefquin and the robots want to do.

The protagonist is a robot that is hidden in the robot army and is specialized for magnetic force. For these robots taking such a peculiar and specialized direction, the imaginary enemies set up from the beginning are other robots. For the metal-based robots, their powerful magnetic specialization is enough to paralyze most of their functions.

But when targeting gods, it may be able to exert miraculous effects. The robots all prayed for this.

The specific method is to send out the maximum power magnetic field to Pejunsbo by the specialized magnetic robots scattered all over the place. Simply doing this, of course, it is impossible to affect or even hurt a god. The robots just want to see the changes and use them to make subsequent plans.

The powerful magnetic force against other robots, at the moment of activation, really made Pei Junsibo stagnate. But then he acted normally as if nothing happened. But it was also the action of the robots. They just wanted to try to bring this emerging force that swept the entire plane under their command, so Pei Junsibo decided to change his approach.

Conquest has always been the main theme of elemental creatures.

A **** as tall as a mountain would fall down in pieces with a movement of his hands and feet. Even a leader-level robot is no match for him, he can fly away as soon as he sweeps away, and he is irresistible. But in fact, this is also an opportunity for the robot side.

The body of the gods is ethereal and void, and cannot be touched by mortals. In addition to showing the unattainable height of the gods, this statement is also a physical fact. A pure high-dimensional energy polymer, how can it be possible for ordinary things in the material world to touch it and inflict damage on the other party.

But the reverse is also true. Peijunsibo can't do anything other than inflict the burn damage that the robot suffers from touching the high-energy energy body. Like hitting or kicking them. But burns are nothing to the robot's steel body. At most, it can only overload some circuits that are not well protected, but it will definitely not hurt the root of the robot.

Therefore, if Petjunsbo wants to cause more damage to the robot, he has to change his form at the moment of hitting to be able to cause more serious damage to the robot. And this has also become an opportunity for the robots. During this short contact time, the robots who risk their lives can bite off a piece of meat from this 'god'!

One of the factors that stimulated the robot to fight so hard was that it was the first time that Pei Junsibo, or the creatures of the entire elemental plane, faced the newborn group of 'robot'. How to cause effective harm to them, in fact, most people still don't understand.

They just habitually followed the past method, and if they were damaged or disabled, they could gradually weaken the light of the elves that maintained the entire body of the elemental creatures, making them weak. Until the opponent can't even maintain the body, it is the proof of defeat.

However, if the robot is damaged, it doesn't need to use the power of the source to repair it by the mechanic. The energy of the nuclear fusion reactor provides almost unlimited repair ability. As long as there are sufficient materials, it is not impossible to modify even on the battlefield. Not to mention those crooked waste products can be restored into materials for repair.

Even so, the threat of the robots was still ignored by the god. The robots that can hurt Pejnsbo are just those who take the opportunity to fight back when they are beaten by him. It is far from the terrible output per unit time when all the robots bombarded the gem pit palace group before. Even though the robots came forward one after another, hoping to increase the damage output, they were still not seen by Pei Junsibo.

To make matters worse, the powerful magnetic field established by the robots specialized in magnetic force has not had any interference effect on the gods, but it first affected the actions of the companions. The robot in the strong magnetic field not only lost its flexibility, but even the structure and operation of the mechanical body had problems. Either there is a lag, or the direction of movement is different from the command issued.

Seeing that the robots are maintaining the same offensive, they are just trying to dispatch more robots with special magnetic power, pulling **** the gods who belong to the force majeure category. Lin just shook his head. I don't know if it's the head shaft of the robots, or they haven't figured out what to do next, so they have to continue to use the old method. Despite such an offensive, even the natural recovery of the gods themselves could not break through.

’ Need some advice from me? ’ Lin asked.

’ Magician, if it follows your command and no one knows why, save it. ’ A leader-level robot unceremoniously refused.

Judging from the sad meaning in the words, it seems that compared with the previous defeat of Vulkan, the Lord of the Iron, there is no substantial breakthrough in the fight against Pejnsbo, which makes the robots quite dissatisfied. Of course, it is secretly complaining that someone hides tricks and refuses to hand over the knowledge that is enough to kill a god.

Lin Chengwei didn't know the grievances of the robots, and with a wave of his hand, he changed the presentation method of the thumbnails of the real scene in the imaginary number. The real scene that was originally the same as what the naked eye sees has been transformed into a picture of the interaction of various forces under the black tone of the real scene. The color and shade are rendered by measuring and calculating the strength of different types of forces, which can be intuitively identified.

The strongest and thickest white patches, of course, belonged to the **** Pegginsbo; the magnetism of the robots was scattered light red patches. And judging from the picture, although the robots wanted to expand the range of the magnetic field, they were firmly suppressed by the divine power.

Pointing to the pictures in different presentation methods, Lin said: "According to your current practice, you just keep adding robots that can generate magnetic fields, hoping to affect the field of divine power." But this is like a tug of war between the two sides, and the fight is just which side has the strength. However, one thing is obvious, that is, you are not as good as the one opposite. '

'so. ’ A leader-level robot said: ‘What we need to do now is to gather more robots specialized in magnetic force and release a more powerful magnetic field. This kind of thing still needs you to remind? We're not doing exactly that. '

Shaking his finger, Lin said: 'If you can influence and then subdue the opponent just by gathering a force stronger than the **** on the other side, that would be so idealized that it would never happen. First of all, the guy on the opposite side will not wait for us to gather a sufficient number of specialized magnetic robots. Secondly, even if we gather enough, it doesn't mean that the enemy on the other side has the opportunity to eradicate the threatening enemies at once. So this kind of thing is not recommended, we have a smarter way. '

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