Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1223: The Dilemma of the Weak Divine Church

Most of the lost churches have the same class system.

The special titles used by individual churches will not be mentioned for the time being. Belief in a certain god, regardless of the depth of belief, can be called a believer.

Those who are willing to convert to a certain **** and abide by the teachings and precepts are monks. Such people can usually perform the first level of miracles, that is, use divine magic. You don't necessarily need magic talent, anyway, there are big bosses behind you.

When the faith is firm enough to a certain level, you can have a direct dialogue with the gods. There is no doubt that it is indeed a 'direct' dialogue. The lost gods are not as reserved as the gods of the earth. They are happy to talk and show their abilities, provided that there is something in return, that is, those who have firm beliefs, or are willing to convert their beliefs. Especially the latter, they always have preferential treatment, although the one who is betrayed will be furious.

And those who can talk to the gods are priests. They can use higher-level divine arts, depending on how deep the favor of the gods is.

Above the priest is the bishop, who is the representative of the gods in the world, and of course is also responsible for managing the church in the world. It is not limited to one person, and if there are many people, there are separate partitions. And these divisions will not be like a noble lord enclosing a territory, enclosing adjacent areas together and being managed by one person. Basically, it depends on who the principals in each region are willing to follow, and whoever governs it.

Although such a distribution method completely ignores the various administrative advantages of regional management. But the church is not an ordinary country, and people's thoughts are more important than land.

Above the bishop there is the pope, there is only one person, but there is a vacancy, and it is not something that anyone can be. Basically, the fact that a religious nation is established, that is, owning a territory, and being recognized by all bishops and priests, and being widely recognized by other churches of the same camp, can have such a title.

Speaking of which, the pope is almost the same as the king. It is worth mentioning that the land has been lost for a long time, and no church has a pope. Although there is a Papal State in Midi today, that name does not match the reality. Except for themselves, no one would call His Majesty. As for titles such as Mianxia and Yanxia, ​​some people have never heard of them when they are lost.

The above is the classification of civil service. Classification of military occupations, that is, the system of the Templars. The Templar Chief is equivalent to the Bishop, and the Templar is equivalent to the Priest. Then monks are still monks, but the subjects they study are more literary or martial arts, or both. As for monks, they are closer to ascetic monks who do not use weapons, and are not within the general church system.

The mission of the church in the world, in addition to spreading the belief of the gods, they also have two important social functions. That is caring for orphans and providing education.

There is no dedicated orphanage in Midi. And before someone started the craze for colleges and provided a continuous fund for colleges all over the place—that is, the income from the sales of browser magic stones by the magician associations in each district—there was no such organization as a school in Midi.

Nobles could hire governesses, or educated members of the family to teach their children knowledge. But the easiest way for ordinary people to learn knowledge is the church of the gods in the world.

Of course, the reason why the church does these things is not because they have a noble consciousness and think that they are shouldering social responsibilities. It's just because it's easy to spread the faith by doing so. Whether it is an orphan, or a person who comes to the church to learn knowledge, it is impossible to escape the church's process of teaching them and carry some private goods. In the words of someone before crossing, it is placement marketing.

So no matter where the church or shrine is, you can always see some young children living in it. Moreover, in addition to receiving care and education, they can also do some simple jobs, not just eating and doing nothing. In Midi, there is no restriction against child labor, and basic education is not compulsory. Everything has a price.

But when the children grow up, they can choose their own future, and the church will not interfere too much at this time. Whether they want to stay or leave. Those who stay will naturally enter the church system and develop step by step; those who leave will at most remember this incense, repay it if they have the opportunity in the future, and owe it if they don't have the opportunity, and then live and die on their own.

Some teachings are more in line with children's delusions of being heroes, or richer churches, of course, tend to attract these young children who have just entered adulthood to stay and develop. It is a pity that the teachings of the Goddess of Gold Coins and the current situation of the church are not so attractive.

Therefore, even though children were brought from other places to the Temple of the Goddess of Gold Coins in Nineveh Imperial City, most of them would choose to leave when they grew up enough to be independent. That's why the Church of the Goddess of Gold Coins has such an incomplete appearance, showing a gap in talent.

Moreover, as the old priests got older and their affairs became more and more powerless, the problems faced by the temple became more and more serious. According to Lin's chats with the old priests, this predicament is not limited to the temples in the imperial city of Nineveh. The churches of the Goddess of Gold Coins are also facing the same predicament.

In other words, this is a common phenomenon of the gods with weak divine powers in the churches on earth.

In the temple of the Nineveh imperial city, the only girl who could barely touch 'adulthood' was Lucrezia. She was at the age when she was facing a decision, and she had the same hesitant performance as before. And the final statement is more like a decision to stay in the church. Compared with her future, she cherishes the 'family' who grew up with her in the church.

In all fairness, the old priests hope that girls can leave the church and develop on their own. Perhaps when we are getting older and there is no other better place to go, we should return to the church to help. Instead of wasting the best time of my life in the church of the Goddess of Gold Coins.

After all, the daily affairs of their churches in various places do not need young people who can be active on the front line. Some elderly people with limited mobility can also easily learn, because there is no difficulty, and there is nothing important...

Incidentally, this is really a common phenomenon of weak divine power churches. The church of the Goddess of Gold Coins, in addition to allowing gamblers to have a place to pray before gambling, is also the extent that businessmen will visit once a year. Usually, it is said that there are few people, but it is too lively. The reality is that even sparrows don't bother to come to the door...

The reason why they chatted so inexplicably is that these seemingly old and useless priests implicitly hinted that even if they replaced the Goddess of Gold Coins, they would just inherit a so sad that they don’t know how to describe it. clergy. So if you have thoughts about becoming a **** or a godhead, it's best to find other gods instead of bullying Ms. Ke Yin.

…Ok. Everyone felt that they could see the cunning wisdom with black gas and red eyes shining from those old and kind faces. Sure enough, people who can live to this age will not be stupid or weak.

Someone thought that this was the reason why the other party guessed that a certain magician visited, maybe to disadvantage the gods they served. That's why I want to try to dispel my thoughts by showing weakness.

Lin felt that if he spoke directly, saying that he was here to save them from the fire, these old men probably wouldn't believe it. As for those who are young, at most they think of themselves as storytellers, or bragging.

Some helplessly looked at the 'hot tea' in her hands, which was just delivered by that girl Lucrezia. With a little temper, she stood behind the old priests. It seems that he believed the subtext of the old man who raised him and regarded himself as an enemy.

It is said that the first-class dried flowers of the elves are soaked in holy water. Drinking it can beautify the skin and maintain youthful vitality. In fact, it was just that the girl dug a well in the backyard to boil water, and then threw a few petals that she picked from no one knew where. No taste or fragrance.

Moreover, if you make tea with 'holy water', a certain traveler always wants to go on the path of the Eighteen Forbidden, so they can't drink it anymore. Even knowing where the water comes from...

Someone has nothing to do with the hostility from the whole family. Except for the local nobles of the Nineveh imperial city who were captured and led the way, who were regarded as pure human beings, what kind of 'people' were they traveling with. No wonder the opponent's hostility is so obvious.

Starina, a real big devil. Although it changed its appearance, from smell to sound, it didn't intend to cover up. As long as you are not blind, you will know that this product is not a good Maybe men will be confused by Starina's appearance for a while, but it definitely does not include those cunning old men in their seventies and fledglings. girl.

Incidentally, the great demon did not enter the temple. The relationship between the temple and the church is like the relationship between the magic tower and the magician. It is difficult for outsiders to know how much power left by the gods is hidden in this building, and it is not impossible to destroy demons with one thought. Of course, Stalina didn't want to test whether a **** with weak divine power had the strength to crush it to death with one finger.

And the fourteenth prince, Azad Kazarnia, is recognized by the Gwana Empire as a natural disaster. Wherever it goes, it brings either destruction or death. This guy followed someone into the temple to receive hospitality.

Lin had to admit that although he could use his status as a prince to show his face, he also ignored the negative impact of Azad's reputation. Maybe I would come here secretly, find some low-level people to ask for directions, and be careful not to expose my identity in front of the nobles, so I wouldn't have so many troubles.

Seeing that the group of old men looked reckless, while the young man was obviously hostile, Lin felt helpless. As for the smaller ones, they hid behind the benches, thinking that no one could see them. Maybe there is no hostility in this group of children, just a lot of curiosity, but of course it is useless in front of you. What right do they have to speak?

So, the classic old way clears the way.

Lin took out a small silk bag from his bosom, and shook it in a gesture, making the jingling sound of coins hitting each other. Said: "Let's do this. I am willing to donate a sum of money and offer an offering. Just ask a few priests to help me hold a prayer ceremony and talk to the majesty in the sky. No matter what kind of reply you get after that, or simply If there is no reply, I will accept it and leave. Is this okay?"

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