Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1324: guest house

The latest website: Neuquén Imperial City, Guest House.

This place where envoys from various countries and nobles from all over the world stopped temporarily also showed the grandeur of an empire. Instead of just throwing people in a small hotel-level room in the countryside.

High-grade log furniture, interior decoration full of artistic taste, elegant fragrance that can be smelled everywhere, exquisite ingenuity everywhere, and meticulous service. While coaxing people to the most comfortable position, they inadvertently showed the proud side of the empire.

"Your Excellency, are there any deficiencies in everything in the guest house?" Count Efron, who was in charge of the reception, asked politely.

"Everything is fine, thank you for your country's efforts." Lin responded politely. It's a pity that I don't come from a noble background, and I haven't learned any formal diplomatic etiquette. So my own performance is nothing more than what I have learned since I was a child, and it is just a courtesy of a small person.

However, Lin could tell that everything in the guest house was specially arranged. It is in line with the habits of the elves and avoids the taboos that religious people may have, not all the ones used to entertain nobles.

Don't look at the fact that Midi is culturally primitive and backward compared to Earth. Once all kinds of etiquette are paid attention to, it will make people crazy. Even if the etiquette is simple, the taboos of different races, different religious backgrounds, and different social environments will still make people feel constrained everywhere.

In the guest house of the Karlsruhe Empire, things that are inappropriate and may touch taboos are well avoided. At least they came with themselves, and the elves from the Wood Elf tribe couldn't pick anything from them.

The reason why a certain person is unwilling to accept any wood elves besides the dark elf Maier to stay by his side also has concerns in this regard. Needless to say, the dark elves have no taboos, and the other wood elves have so many disciplines that their scalps will tingle if they look at them from the sidelines. Based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less, Lin also stayed away from it.

The Earl Efron in front of him confirmed that he had coaxed the guests from afar well, and then asked, "I wonder if there is anything else I can help you, honorable guests?"

This sentence is not entirely polite. Although the guests have come, when the group of people in the palace will meet depends on the arrangement of the group of people. Lin and the elves are also well aware of this. During the waiting period, it is impossible for the Karlsruhe Empire to lock the guests in the guest house, which is no different from house arrest.

So the meaning of the earl's question is more or less a travel introduction, and the idea of ​​showing off the prestige of our country is in it. Not only this time, every time guests who can stay in the guest house will have such inquiries and treatment.

Although Lin can take this opportunity to ask the earl about the situation of the Karlsruhe Empire. But it is estimated that I will only hear the official propaganda content, which may not be what I want. So after thinking about it, let it go.

But it's not that there is nothing to ask the other party for help, after all, he is a local snake. So Lin said: "My lord, we need to send someone to the temple of the Goddess of Gold Coins to hand over related matters to the bishop. Please send a guide to take our people there."

"That's all right," Earl Efron agreed.

The Imperial City of Neuquén has a shrine to the Goddess of Gold Coins. The invitation letter and the woman's handwritten letter that came to Lin at the beginning were delivered through this temple. It is only natural for the goddess' messenger to go to the temple. Not to mention that the empire has no intention of restricting the freedom of movement of this group of people, even if it wanted to, it would be difficult to refuse such a reasonable request.

"There is another thing that needs your help." Lin said again.


Lin asked: "I don't know if the Earl knows about the Greco family?"

"The Greco family?" Earl Efron repeated in puzzlement.

Pointing to the silent white swordsman beside him, Lin said: "This is William Greco. He is a member of the Greco family in your country. It's just that I haven't been back and contacted for a long time. I don't know where the family lives now. So That's why I asked."

Count Efron did not answer. In fact, he didn't have an answer either. Seeing the confused count turn his head to glance at another person, the clever knight Ramiro stepped forward and asked, "Your Excellency, besides the family name, do you have any other clues? Like a family symbol, or Are there other, more widely known traits?"

Of course, Lin couldn't answer this question. He could only put his eyes on William and gestured to him.

William's indifference to things is from the bottom of his heart, but it doesn't mean that he is an unconscious piece of wood. Hearing the question from the helper, he tilted his head and began to think.

Speaking of which, William Greco's appearance is very ordinary, and he can forget it when he sees it. It's just that his cleanliness and enjoyment personality brought a rather special temperament. But the more powerful people look at him, the more they can see different things. According to what Lin privately said, it was a restrained and unsheathed sword.

Compared with the flamboyant temperament of the devil prince Azad, William's restraint makes him quite inconspicuous at first glance. Only by looking closely can you find the weirdness in it. This is also the trait that Earl Efron and his party noticed when they focused their attention on this 'follower'.

It can only be said that although the name of the Sword Master of Pure White is resounding, it is also regional. For this piece of land that William has not returned to for more than ten years, his reputation only stays at the level of 'supposedly', which belongs to after-dinner talk, and has no credibility at all. So it can't be blamed that Earl Efron is so strange to him.

"If I remember correctly, the flag of my family's ship is a seagull, plus a hollow round cross at the four ends. It seems that there are ships that can go to sea. But I'm not sure what their situation is now, whether they still exist or not." William said after thinking.

"Ah, that Greco family." Realizing that he had become the focus of everyone, the knight Ramiro immediately said to his master respectfully: "My lord, I know which family it may be. But I can't be sure if it is this family or not. The family of an adult." At the same time, there were many hints in his eyes.

Earl Efron immediately realized that the family might be in some sort of trouble. Coupled with the fact that the intention of the visitor is unknown, it is not likely that they are aiming to fight for power and profit.

Although the Earl is not considered a strong man, he is also skilled in martial arts. He can feel that the dozen or so elves are not ordinary people. No matter what this group of people intend to do, as long as it is an unofficial matter, it is not suitable for him to get too involved.

Earl Efron, who made up his mind, said calmly: "Rami, since you know, just send someone to lead the way and send the guests there."

"Yes, my lord."

Of course, Lin didn't know about the inner drama between the master and servant. He simply hoped that he could use William's relationship to find someone to understand the situation of the Karlsruhe Empire. Soon, he boarded the carriage to the Greco family.

The nobles of the Karlsruhe Empire who received them excused that they had other business, and because someone had a private matter to do, they were not suitable to come forward, so they left first.

Of course, Lin would not disagree with such a situation and statement. Without the monitoring of official personnel, those who broke the news should be able to speak more boldly.

Of the elves who followed, two went to contact the Temple of the Goddess of Gold Coins in the Imperial City of Neuquen, and one followed Lin and William to visit the Greco family. The rest stayed in the guest house, making preparations for temporary residence, as well as paperwork for various official contact matters.

The movement of Lin and others in the imperial city is to take the carriage used by the royal family to welcome guests. Low-key, but the interior layout of the carriage makes the passengers quite comfortable. At least William showed a satisfied expression, and took out the wine from the wine cabinet to drink.

The elf that followed was Miriam, blade maid of Uktrassil the Elder. Blind, she wore a pair of plain glasses and sat quietly in the carriage.

As for the mystery of why the blind female elf wears glasses, Lin never delved into it. That should also be a magic item, the specific function is unknown. someone thought. At the same time, he was just like William, looking eagerly at the passing scenery outside the carriage and on the street.

The Karlsruhe Empire and the Gwana Empire are very similar. The urban landscapes of the two capitals are about equal in prosperity, but Lin can still feel the difference.

If the Gwana Empire is located in the birthplace of the traditional culture of Midi, its inheritance can be traced back to the elven empire thousands of years ago, so in the Nineveh imperial city of the Gwana Empire, walking in the People on the street, no matter noble or common people, their pride comes from the profound historical heritage and the prosperity of the time.

The street scene in Karlsruhe Empire is quite different, where prosperity is a thriving, thriving scene. All the people walking on the streets are not as rich as the Gwana Empire. They are in a hurry, but not the kind of helplessness of being pushed away, but with the mood of eagerly chasing something, and marching towards a hopeful future.

If you really want to compare it, it is the holy city of Estali during the development period of the technical guild. Those craftsmen who broke free from the oppression of showed such a spirit.

All in all the Karlsruhe Empire doesn't make a bad first impression on someone.

Another major feature is the continuation of the mountains and rivers that William once said. In Neuquen, the capital of the empire, artificial rivers are densely covered, and there are even many bridges. Small boats, as the main mode of transportation for commercial purposes, bring considerable vibrancy to the city.

And from the perspective of urban planning, Neuquén is quite advanced, and it can even be said to be advanced beyond the times! The artificial river divides the entire city vertically and horizontally. In addition to providing convenient transportation, the planning of urban defense and fire prevention has a vision far beyond this era. Some people can't help but wonder if this is the masterpiece of some predecessors.

In deep thought, according to what the coachman said, the destination this time is right in front of him, and the Greco family's mansion is built on the other side of the river. And worthy of being a family that started with water transportation, there is a well-planned wharf next to the mansion. Unlike other sections of the river, just build a ladder into the water.

However, there is no way for the carriage to fly directly to the other side, and it is necessary to walk a certain distance before there is a bridge across the river. During this time, Lin observed what may have been the family mansion of William's own family.

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