Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1337: attack

In the morning, I woke up alone in bed. The Emerald Palace is built in an excellent location, and the sun will shine in in the early morning. Through the bamboo curtain, you can see the waterfall shining against the sunlight.

Lin, who just opened his eyes, looked around suspiciously. But beside the bed stood a female officer waiting to be served. As soon as she saw someone wake up, she approached with a tray covered with a long silk robe. At the same time, he said: "Your Excellency, good day. Your Majesty still has government affairs in the morning, and he has already taken the first step. If you have any needs, please do not hesitate to ask."

Lin's gaze was a little confused, as if he had just woken up and his mind was still unclear. But his gaze was not on himself, or on the environment. It was not the first time for the female officer to see such an aggressive man. Just as she was about to explain a few more words, there were uncoordinated slapstick sounds in the corridor.

This situation surprised the female officer. Only the empress can come to the Emerald Palace, other than that, the emperor's close ministers. Don't look at her serving in the palace as a servant, she has the title of baroness on her body, and all the servants in the Emerald Palace are like this. It stands to reason that people of this kind of background know the rules best, so how could they be noisy.

But before the female officer could respond, Baron Mangado, who was supposed to be guarding outside, rolled into the room in a panic. Although he didn't seem to be injured, the baron, who was struggling to get up, slipped his arm and fell flat on his face.

At the same time, someone from outside tore down the bamboo curtain and light gauze, and broke in. Those were three knights sitting on the back of a giant wolf, holding steel rods nailed with sharp teeth on their shoulders, staring viciously at the man on the bed.

"Count Mario, isn't it inappropriate for you to appear here? Besides, as the head of the wolf cavalry, you come here with elite guards, and you want to plot rebellion!" the female officer snapped.

The named 'Earl' looked like a barbarian, his hair and beard were all braided, and he looked like he hadn't untied it for several years. The steel rod he was carrying was the largest, not only as thick as a thigh, but also as long as a person's height. Without using this kind of long weapon, riding on the back of a giant wolf, you can't touch others, let alone attack the enemy.

He was scolded, but he didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he laughed and said, "I never thought of treason. The evidence is that I deliberately waited until His Majesty left before entering the palace. As for the question of suitability, I think there is someone even more inappropriate here." After sending him on his way, I will leave. This is an order from His Royal Highness." The earl vaguely revealed his backer.

Baron Mangado, struggling to get up, held his scabbard behind his back, still blocking the front. As for the sword in the sheath, it was smashed away just now. Gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, he looked up at the barbarian on the wolf's back and said, "Leave, and we won't be held accountable. Otherwise, we will die."

"Hahaha!" Earl Mario and his guard wolf cavalry laughed together. He held up the steel rod even more, pointed at Mangado who was standing on the ground, and said viciously: "Boy, don't think that if you become the commander of the Dragoons, you have the qualifications to be equal to me. No one who brought back the sword Credit, you don’t even have the qualifications to look at that position. The evidence is who is the little one I just smashed into the air. Without the flying dragon to take you to the sky, you group of skinny people are nothing.”

It's just that the barbarians sitting on the wolf's back didn't laugh much, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Because the giant wolves under them exploded one after another! With his back arched, he took a few steps back as if he was facing an enemy.

Although the Wolf Cavalry Legion is not as famous as the Dragoon Cavalry, in the Karlsruhe Empire, its combat effectiveness is also second to none. Apart from the advantage of flying dragons in the air, in terms of individual strength, these barbarians who can tame dire wolves have no problem fighting two or three soldiers of the Dragoon Legion.

Count Mario is a legendary figure among the barbarians. He once led his personal guards to fight fiercely against a giant dragon that came to hunt on the side of the mainland. In the end, he beheaded the giant dragon and won the title of Dragon Slayer.

Because it was the greedy dragon who missed the taste of human flesh that broke the rules first, so Long Island did not pursue the responsibility for killing the dragon this time. But in private, a reward related to this dragon slayer was also released.

And such a strong man, riding a dire wolf is of course not an ordinary thing. It was silver hair like a steel brush, the wolf king of the dire wolf clan. This cannot be cultivated artificially, but a real wild king-level monster!

But such a wolf king actually retreated! What an incredible thing. Count Mario tried to find the reason, but he only saw a coiled white snake in front of the untrue captain of the dragoons.

The White Snake is not a White Snake, but a subdivision of the Robot Fleet Imaginary, originally the elemental lord Snake King Odessa. The strength of the elemental lord is placed in the lost ground, which is close to the strength of the gods, the only difference is that the divine fire is not ignited. King-level monsters have not reached such heights. Although the white snake form is just a split body, the wolf king is still keenly aware of its essence and feels afraid.

However, the logic of thinking is not the same as that of normal people. She turned her head, looked at someone who was still sitting on the bed, and let out a harsh beeping sound.

Lin, who was still a little lost in the lake, was awakened by the sound and looked at the little white snake helplessly. The beep just now is a binary language that can be directly coded and programmed, and it is a new language of imaginary numbers.

It should be said that she now masters a lot of 'languages', but she just can't learn the way of normal people's conversation. It seems that the underlying logic is different from ordinary creatures, let alone the way of thinking.

The result is that every time Lin wants to talk to imaginary numbers, he always thinks more about it. This time too, he finally came to his senses, and said intuitively: "Don't do anything, let me communicate with the other party. Speaking of the Earl, I think we can sit down and have a good talk without being so tense."

As soon as the words were finished, the white snake whizzed onto the bed with a puff of smoke, and wrapped itself around someone's shoulders. It looks very well-behaved.

Count Mario paid more attention to the white snake, and at the same time sneered at the blind man hiding on the bed. "Want to talk to me, what qualifications do you have?"

Does this mean there is nothing to talk about? Someone who was still angry after getting up shook his face and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to talk about it, let's all die."

The white snake beeped again. Lin shook his head and said, "Go."

In the next moment, even though Earl Mario and his personal guards had brought up 100% concentration, they still couldn't see the white snake's movements clearly. But the Barbarian Earl relied entirely on his intuition, holding the steel rod with both hands, and shielding his eyes. "Dang!" With a loud noise, the steel rod in his hand almost hit his face.

Lin flashed and came to the place where the white snake was thrown away. He, who had already put on the basalt robe, picked up the white snake that was still dizzy, threw it behind him, and said, "This split body of yours is not for fighting, knock yourself out. Stay by the side."

"Oh, don't you intend to die obediently, magician. The two sword masters, Chibai and Bai, are not around, do you think you have a chance of surviving?" Count Mario said harshly. At the same time, as if to cover up his trembling hands, he grabbed the man in front of him and planned to answer, the moment he lost his attention, he let out a whistling sound!

The whistle sounded like a signal for war, and the wolf cavalrymen started to sprint with their feet clamped together! Unlike horse cavalry, wolf cavalry can accelerate to the extreme without a long acceleration distance. In addition to adapting to the imperial mountain forest environment, the explosive power of carnivorous animals is far better than that of herbivores.

And the result of this is that before ordinary people can react, Earl Mario, supported by the wolf king, has already rushed in front of someone. The huge steel rod swings at a speed sufficient to cut the wind, ready to hit the magician in front of him.

There was a slight sense of resistance in the hand, but it didn't stop the steel rod from swinging. As always, the hit head turned into a mess, with all kinds of red and white splashing around. However, the head is not the head of the magician, but the head of his own bodyguard! With such an abnormal change, even Count Mario, who is used to fighting in the battlefield, lost his mind for a moment.

This is Lin using the flash technique to capture one of the enemies to replace him. And he flashed behind the barbarian earl, he didn't summon the box cut, he just planned to use the flashing technique to get the heart.

But to his surprise, the positioning failed! The attacking Blink was not activated correctly. The reason for the failure was also obvious. Count Mario jumped off the wolf's back and rolled aside.

The wolf king charged to the extreme completely ignoring the rules of physics. He kicked his front foot to the floor, and when his back foot hit the ground and kicked out again, the whole wolf had already turned around. The wolf mouth full of fangs bit towards Lin's position. At the same time, the other wolf cavalry, who was still alive but not as fast as the wolf king's rider, turned a corner and charged towards the back of the magician from behind, flanking the enemy with the wolf king.

This time, Lin changed his attack method. He no longer used the flash technique to seize the internal organs, but controlled the space distance, and used the movement ability similar to that of the demon prince Azad to increase the speed of his left fist. But this time, he didn't dare to increase it to the limit, and just smashed the punch on the dire wolf king's jaw at the speed of breaking through the sound barrier.

The huge impact did not lead to the charge of the wolf Even the **** mouth did not bend. Only the lower jaw seemed to be a redundant part, and it flew out directly.

Such a result does not help the current situation. But at least it is better than the last time when he hit the earth element lord Vulkan with the same move, directly causing a fusion reaction, and a nuclear explosion at close range. At that time, although the scope of the disaster was immediately limited, it also knocked out my own hand.

However, the situation of being pinched was still there, and even the roaring figure of the man rushing from the side and rear was close in front of him, and Lin seemed to be able to smell the stench from the opponent's mouth.

Attacking again, Lin directly opened the big move, and the surrounding environment was full of space cutting lines of the flash technique. In an instant, the wolf king and the wolf cavalry who had flanked him were dismembered! But Earl Mario, who was rushing forward, retreated early again, avoiding the range of his own space cutting.

At this moment, Lin looked squarely at the barbarian who escaped twice from his flash attack. Before today, only Demon Prince Azad and White Swordsman William Greco could do such a thing.

This means that the person in front of him may be a strong man on par with those two. Or, they all also mastered some kind of technique to warn of the activation of their own flash technique, and escaped by using the time difference of nanoseconds before the activation.

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