Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1395: troublesome silver dragon princess

Well, there is no need for someone to voluntarily refuse. Naturally, there are dragons admonishing their princess. There are hundreds of reasons, but the most common one is why he chose a weak human being in front of him.

Princess Yinlong puffed up her cheeks, opened her mouth, and said in dragon language dissatisfied: 'You guys have been asking me to find a spouse. And it is always said that the next generation can only be stronger if the spouse is strong enough. A mage who can slay dragons beat Barlow and the others like this, isn't he strong enough? '

Honoria's eyes drifted to the blue dragon and its little friends sitting on the side of the boat. Realizing that they had become the focus, a group of Zhong Erlong lowered their heads in shame, and no one dared to look at them.

The tall red dragon maid hurriedly said: 'Your Highness, even so, you can't choose a human being. You and him cannot give birth to pure dragon offspring. '

’ Wei Ya, don’t think that I am quite ignorant, I have also accepted the inheritance of the Dragon Clan. What kind of offspring we can produce depends on the wishes of the mother. If pure dragons could not be born among different species, Long Island would have been full of mixed blood by now, and everyone would have become colorful. Those strange subspecies are all the responsibility of the group of male dragons who are hungry and hungry. It doesn't matter to me whether he's a human or a demon. ’ said Princess Honoria.

It seemed as if someone's secretive nature had been brought to light. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if it was really seen through. But Lin didn't have time to think about this right now, the most urgent thing was to dispel the idea of ​​this silver dragon loli. What kind of international joke are you making, a good life, but you are going to be left behind by a dragon to be the husband of the village?

If he didn't care about using the dragon language himself, would it surprise the dragons? Anyway, it has been exposed before, so Lin hurriedly said: 'His Royal Highness, I think the people around you will ask you to find a strong man to marry, I believe it is based on the consideration of genetics and eugenics. Under these two prerequisites, what you should be looking for is a partner who is physically strong and extremely intelligent. And I'm not a suitable person. Because everything I have now is all acquired knowledge, and I can't be a genetically superior parent at all. '

’ Genetics? eugenics? what is that? ’ Of course, Princess Yinlong, who has no idea about the strange term in the mouth of a certain time traveler, is completely puzzled. But it is most concerned with another matter. It can still hear the rejection in someone's words.

However, where did the princess of the dragon clan who was pampered and spoiled have any experience of being rejected? Not to mention that it has many suitors and has always been responsive. In its eyes, the rejection of a mere human being is just an expression of refusal and welcome. I want to make myself the one who stands out from the crowd, so that I can attract attention. This kind of old-fashioned, Princess Yinlong has seen a lot.

It just raised its pink hand, waved it domineeringly, and said: 'Don't care about the opinions of others. What I think is the most important thing. Besides, what about the acquired knowledge, that will be preserved in the inheritance of our children and passed down from generation to generation. '

Oh, a race born to know.

Regardless of the magic in my own mind, from the combination of magic before and after time travel, whether the researched knowledge can be retained in the dragon egg, so that the next generation can accept it painlessly. This kind of inheritance ability seems to be very beautiful, but in fact it greatly discourages the enthusiasm of the inheritors.

Just look at the current situation of the Dragon Clan. Basically, every generation of Dragon Clan is born and inherits most of the knowledge from their ancestors. Whether there are omissions, someone can't guarantee. But what is certain is that most dragons are satisfied with this.

Most dragons are not interested in exploring further knowledge. Even for the amazingly talented few among them, the progress they can pull is limited.

Just like the hometown of a certain traveler, the importance of top scientists is irreplaceable. However, without a large number of scientists picking up the gaps, making up the huge knowledge system and making it into the application level, the civilization and technology of the earth may still remain at the doings of a few mad scientists, becoming pillow stories or taverns rumor stage.

For example, if Jobs did not have Steve Wozniak at the foundation, and then did not have the help of Apple engineers, he would have been fighting alone. That guy is just an egomaniac who runs the train with his mouth full, how can he have the status of becoming a **** in the future.

Speaking of the situation of the Dragon Clan, in short, this is a race that lives on its laurels and does not think about making progress. After discovering this essence, it is no wonder that when human technology continues to advance, this race, which only has individuals strong enough to be commended, will eventually disappear. Just like the lions, tigers, and wild wolves on the earth, if human beings do not legislate to protect them, they may all become extinct directly.

Will the world on the magical side have the same progression? It is estimated that at that time, people will raise dragons because of the demand for materials. Just like the animal husbandry in my hometown.

For the Dragon Clan, fortunately, the inheritance of knowledge is not like wealth, and they will not sit back and eat. This kind of instilled knowledge will not decrease, unless it is deliberately forgotten and covered up, so the dragon race has not completely degenerated into creatures with only beast instincts left.

However, what Honoria said gave a possibility. In other words, the increase in the knowledge inherited by the Dragon Clan is actually added to the inheritance by mating with creatures with new knowledge.

Is this possible? Or is it that the little princess didn't understand what she wanted to express at all, and it also gave different answers.

No matter what the real situation is, Lin does not want to make sacrifices. Even if the opponent is strictly speaking, it's useless to be a beautiful and delicious loli.

Although when you come to the magical world, you should do as the Romans do. But it doesn't matter if the elves are with a specific lich, they are still humanoid, or have a similar appearance to humans, except for some specific details. But humans and beasts are too much, even if this 'beast' can change into a human form by magic, someone can't pass his own level.

The reason why she was so afraid was that Fen's previous playing style was too wild, and there were quite a few people who were tricked by her into doubting their lives. Not to mention causing psychological shadows to others, even myself, who just listens, feels bad.

You must know that in the joyful process of doing things, if the delicate beauty in front of you suddenly looks different, the body starts to rot, and the pieces of meat are so rotten that they fall down. Even the eyeballs fell out, and they might fall into the mouth that was frightened and opened.

Seeing such a picture, if people are not frightened and go crazy, they are considered to be mentally strong. Impotence is certain, and those who can still be impotent must be abnormal in the first place.

There was a time when the aristocrats who coveted Fernmeier were all played by that lich, and they became vegetarians one by one. As someone in CP, his reputation as a necrophilia was even more raucous because of this, and he didn't know how to explain it.

If she slept in someone else's bed and was played with by those monsters who turned into humans, how would she look at beauties in the future? This is not a trick of making an appointment with a fire, just grit your teeth, and spend the night like turning off the lights. The body size of the original Dragon Clan is different from his own, if he is not frightened crazy, he will be crushed to death!

So facing Princess Yinlong's generosity and generosity, Lin shook his head resolutely and said: 'Please take it back, Your Highness. '

It seemed to understand the resolute attitude of a certain magician, which really meant refusal. So that little silver dragon loli put her chubby hands on her waist, looked at someone dissatisfied, and said: 'No one can refuse me, no one! '

Lin made a formal smile, and said in a kind voice as much as possible: 'Your Highness, you are still young, and there will be a first time for everything. '

The successive refusals annoyed Princess Yinlong more than beating up other dragons. It stopped talking, and it didn't hide its anger at all. A strange aura began to pervade. Although Lin didn't feel any discomfort, he still saw the surrounding situation in his eyes.

Ordinary people who were nearby and not strong enough grabbed their chests and knelt down. Even this momentum is still spreading. The livestock disembarking not far away, even if they only touch the corners, are so frightened that they tremble all over, become incontinent, and can't even walk. If this momentum continues to increase, it is possible to scare to death directly.

This is not a simple dragon's power, but has the effect of magic fear, directly attacking the target's spirit. But during the process, I didn't see this silver dragon loli chanting a spell, or making a move to cast a spell. Does it mean that it has reached the level of silent magic, or does Silver Dragon's Longwei have its own fear effect?

Although the effect of this magic on him is not so good, but after all, other people are suffering because of their involvement. So, do you want to take action to stop this silver dragon doll who is neither light nor heavy?

While Lin was still calculating the pros and cons of his attack, the humanoid dragon in charge of the pier descended from the sky and stood between the two sides. With its back turned to a certain magician, it bowed to Princess Yinlong and said: 'Your Highness, how about finding another place to discuss the follow-up of this matter? The guests come from They haven't disembarked yet to accept our hospitality. And if His Highness continues to be angry, the little animals next to him will not be able to bear it anymore. If there is a problem with the food that everyone eats, I am afraid that even His Highness's mother will not be able to explain it. '

I don't know if Princess Yinlong listened to Jin's persuasion, or Lailong's status is unusual. According to William's father Henry, the guardian of the pier has changed from the original rotation to a fixed one in recent years. I thought it was the dragon who was assigned to this position, but now it seems that the inside story is not as I imagined.

When the first dragon spoke, the short and fat maidservant of the red dragon also said: 'Yes, Your Highness. Even if you want to choose this human being as your husband, it doesn't mean that you just like it. He has to pass the test before he can be recognized by everyone. These tasks require planning and preparation. There is no rush at this time. '

The intimidating aura disappeared, and Honoria showed displeasure. But after taking a look at the embarrassment of the livestock not far away, it didn't insist anymore, but said: 'That's right. What a hassle. OK, I get it. For banquets, let's do it in a human way. Barlow, you know better, come and help me prepare. And Marku, these people are my guests. You're not going to let a single boat go until I agree, you know? '

The humanoid dragon who served as the guardian of the pier, imitating the attitude of human nobles, bowed and said: 'Yes, Your Highness, I would like to obey the order. '

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