Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 146: trouble

A tall beauty wearing a noble and elegant dress walked on the road, of course it would attract the attention of many people. In particular, she doesn't have any signs of a magician on her body. Such a woman may come from some nobles who have never seen the world, or the children of wealthy merchants.

No matter what kind of status it is, you won't suffer if you sleep. As for the black dwarf ground turtle beside him who was blind in one eye, he was naturally ignored.

Generally speaking, Lin would not refuse Fern's request, but it also depends on the situation. Originally, he declined the carriage and wanted to go for a walk, but Lin didn't think there was anything wrong with it. But walking on the road, although I covered one eye, I could still see the naked desire and jealousy in the eyes of the people around me.

Some people can enjoy the attention, as a way to highlight their superiority, but Lin is not such a person. Especially at the moment when some people are already ready to move, he can only think of a way to stop what is about to happen. It wasn't that he was worried that Fen would be insulted or bullied, but that the former demon king couldn't bear it and would kill someone.

And to solve the current predicament, the best way is to wrap Fen in a peasant woman's outfit, and then smear a few handfuls of mud on her face? If he really did that, the former demon king would kill himself first. The kind without hesitation.

Considering that he was walking in the most prosperous core area of ​​Wulian City, Lin immediately probed around and quickly found his target location. Pulling Fern's hand, the woman who was wandering aimlessly felt annoyed. It's not that she didn't notice the eyes around her, but she didn't expect this man to be so bold that he regarded herself as his property.

Just as I was about to get angry, I heard someone say, "Let's go, I'll take you to buy clothes. Buy whatever you want." All the displeasure was thrown away in an instant, and trivial things like grabbing hands were ignored.

Although she has seen many weird costume designs from Lin's hometown, Fern has not seriously looked at the costumes of this era. Beauty is certainly a little subjective, but appreciating more different things does not hinder my persistence in beauty. So Fen followed a ostentatious man into a rather expensive-looking clothing store.

The waiter at the reception came forward with a smile on his face. Perhaps the men who entered the door together looked a bit shabby, but the beauty and temperament of that lady were not at an ordinary level. According to experience, there are many rich men around such women. Not to mention the one next to her, just the few people who followed behind were all well-known wealthy customers in Wulian City. As for the expressions on their faces, how could it be possible for waiters who see more of the world not to be aware of that point of thought.

Fern went to appreciate the several dresses on display, while Lin went directly to the shop assistant and said, "We want to buy a shawl for a magician. My girlfriend wants to wear it, so please bring out all the high-end products in the store." Bar."

The waiter was not surprised when he heard this. In fact, the magician's shawl is a short shawl, which is a kind of clothing. It's not only the magnate who can wear it, but the kind that other people will be hunted to the ends of the earth if they wear it.

Some sons and daughters of nobles and merchants also wear short shawls as their daily attire in order to pursue the feeling of being close to a magician. And the meaning of their store's existence is to serve these people. After all, all the high-quality materials are used here, and they are not ordinary magicians who travel outside, and they can easily buy them. For the same price, it is enough to buy a short shawl with enchantments.

Of course, there will also be some rich and unemployed magicians who will take care of the business here. Therefore, they will also customize the shape according to the requirements of customers.

According to the standard form of a magician's shawl, the background is the decoration of the power. Generally speaking, the division to which it belongs will add magic towers, certain legion organizations, or the apprenticeship of the apprentices; if there is none, the division can also be placed separately Coat of arms. The shoulders are personal decorations, which are dispensable. And an unwritten rule, there is an 'I' on the apprentice's shoulder strap, which represents the chief apprentice of his teacher.

None of the above formats are mandatory. Just doing so can help others understand someone's origin more quickly, and it serves the same purpose as a noble's coat of arms. But what should not be confused is the tether of the short shawl. One silver tassel line represents the apprentice who passed the first ring, and two silver tassel lines represent the apprentice who passed the second ring. After passing the three-ring assessment, you can change to the golden spike line, because you have become an official magician.

The two golden spike lines can only be used by great magicians. Exceeding the limit, although there is no express regulation, will be regarded as a major provocation by those who really have the qualifications to stay in that level. If he is killed because of this, the association will not come forward to pursue it, and it can be regarded as acquiescing to such behavior.

In other words, the beauty in front of him is most likely a rich woman who looks up to the magician. So as long as you are a magician, you should have a chance. Then the men who chased into the store, who would think that they were inferior to that blind turtle. As long as you stand up and make a comparison, you will definitely make the woman's heart move to yourself.

Just when some courageous people took the first step, Lin said again: "Oh, by the way, two gold fringe threads are needed for the short shawl, please prepare them together."

The sudden words stopped everyone who wanted to take action. Even the waiter who ordered the others to prepare the clothes froze, put on a forced smile, and said with twitching corners of his mouth: "My lord, not everyone can wear the gold tassel thread. It is Shouldn’t it be replaced with other accessories? We have high-quality ribbons here, or gold buckles made of high-grade Warcraft leather.”

For the waiter's polite refusal, Lin was neither angry nor loudly reprimanded. Instead, he turned his head and said, "Fen, it seems that some people don't believe that you are a great magician. The document signed by the president and Master Beita just now, Take it out and let him see it."

While comparing the designs and colors of two pieces of fabric, Fern was a little impatient with the mess behind her. Throwing the lady's small leather bag to someone, said: "It's in there, take it yourself. Don't bother me."

Feeling helpless, Lin took down the small leather bag that hit his face. By the way, this thing is also made by myself, in order to match the simple and elegant dress. It's just that I never thought that I would be smashed in the face. Take out the folded Aisha papyrus from the leather bag, the unique toughness and fiber characteristics, after it is flattened, the creases disappear, as if it has never been folded in half and then in half again.

It records the name of the document holder and a brief description of experience. In the latter stage, under the witness of so-and-so, he was recognized as having the strength of a great magician, so he was granted the qualification of a great magician. The last ones are the signatories, the chairman Chengguo Eaton and the North Tata owner Kyle Winkler.

The paper used for recording is the finest Aisha papyrus, and the final signatures of the document are the chairman and the owner of the North Tower. All these make the waiter not even have the courage to question. He didn't even dare to take the document, checked the contents, bowed directly to Fern, and said, "It's an honor to serve Your Excellency the Great Mage. I'll prepare everything you need right away." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly leave.

Some of the men in the back retreated quietly and left the store, while the rest were hesitating. In all fairness, they doubt the correctness of the document, or that the document may be correct, but it may not belong to this woman.

Although there were many doubts in their hearts, no one stepped forward to ask such doubts. It is very important to expose a liar, yes, if the eyesight is not good enough to offend a real great magician, then he will suffer.

Does Faye have a good temper? Yes, and many.

Was Faye ever questioned rudely, and could he still give an explanation with a smile? Think beautifully. It is the standard operating procedure to beat him down first, and then explain it well.

Anyway, according to the appearance of the other party, it should be easy to find out the truth. Then it is safer to make plans after finding out. Mages are not like aristocrats. Some dudes who don't care about worldly affairs tend to get their brains dirty and commit some stupid things. If magicians have no social experience, they will not be able to reach their current status.

So before a crisis happened, Lin used the way of inadvertently showing his muscles and disappeared into nothingness. Some people with malicious intentions retreated one after another. Of course, they didn't give up at this point, and the temporary retreat was just for a more confident next step.

"Hmph, great magician, it's just your taste."

The sudden provocation, the sudden enemy, could not help but make all the men present look sideways.

The one who spoke was a group of orthodox aristocratic ladies gathered on the other side of the The luxurious dress in line with this era, whether it is pink as the base, white lace as the embellishment, and then matched with the layered thick skirt; It seems simple, but in fact it is cumbersome and restrained western clothes. All kinds of attires show that they are the top existence among the women in the Lost World.

Being so provoked, of course Fern couldn't put on a good face, and looked at the group of people who were talking coldly. In fact, there are only one or two inside, raising their heads like proud peacocks. Others wanted to persuade them to make peace, maybe because their status was not qualified, or maybe because of their own weakness of personality, they could only do it on the sidelines in a hurry.

"Oh, what does this expression mean? Are you dissatisfied?" The distance between the two sides, who were at war, quickly shortened as the group of women looking for trouble moved forward. The person who took the lead was of course beautiful to a certain level, but when he spoke harshly, his expression couldn't be called very temperamental. She was like this, and continued: "As a woman, modesty is the most basic requirement. Instead of wearing clothes that are no different from wearing nothing, tempting men, just like a prostitute."

Seeing a certain girl with blue veins on her head, Lin Ke broke into a cold sweat. If the enemy is a male, he can think of several ways to deal with it, and there will always be one trick that will succeed. But when the enemy is a woman, a certain person can only wither.

It was a world he couldn't understand, a struggle he couldn't understand. In the past, when I was bullied because of my body size, I never hid and secretly wiped my tears. The name is that he doesn't hit women, so he doesn't care about women; in fact, he really can't understand why creatures with sexual desires are so vicious when they become vicious. Encountered this time, I can only ask the Lich to ask for blessings.

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