Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1466: Nether Dragon

The latest website: The first round of changes in the subplane tower is like rebuilding the entire tower.

Finben thought that when the transformation was no longer carried out, the matter should come to an end, and the people and dragons who fell on the ground should also wake up. However, the moment of silence was just to prepare for a bigger explosion.

Just when Fen wanted to get close to the sleeping man, on the one hand to confirm the signs of life, and on the other hand to really reward him with a few big mouths, the Second Plane Tower shook suddenly! Yifen's sense of balance and physique are almost untenable.

When she took a closer look, the body of the tower of the second plane seemed to be transparent, with only lines and outlines and the dense magic pattern engraved on it.

Fern could even more clearly see the surprised expressions on the faces of the World Tree sprites on the negative floor, as well as the Xakiri sword pills left here, who were rapidly shuttling inside the tower, sprinting towards the eighteenth floor. come.

In the next moment, the 18-story pagoda was no longer 18 floors. The space inside the tower began to expand continuously, and the number of floors increased layer by layer.

Fern had seen such a situation before. Every time this man acquires new root knowledge, he always makes a big change to this tower. In addition to strengthening oneself, it is also necessary to engrave those magical patterns that are regarded as unique skills on it.

From the initial intricate lines, it evolved into a real 'pattern' later. Because the lines are too dense and too thin, it is difficult to clearly identify them with the naked eye. So much so that when you look at it, it's like seeing a picture.

But for this change, what appeared on the added floor was really a picture! And it is obvious that it is the source of the patterns of three different systems.

Fern may have learned something about someone's hometown, but the knowledge is not comprehensive after all. If someone wakes up and explains it, he can clearly explain that one of the three systems is the Buddhist mandala. The complete system of Buddha, Bodhisattva, heaven, Vajra, and Arhat is presented in it.

One of the systems starts with He Tu and Luo Shu, Tai Chi, Eight Diagrams, and Sixty-Four Hexagrams, supplemented by Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu. Then there are four spirits, twelve zodiac signs, a hundred birds and beasts, and a hundred scales. All the mysteries are unspoken.

One of the systems starts with oracle bone inscriptions, seal script, official script, and regular script. He wrote the classics of various schools of thought and Confucianism, and finally Yangming's theory.

And in the strokes carved with a chisel and axe, there are sword intentions, sword intentions, hooks and spears, and eighteen kinds of martial arts. Many skills do not ask the gentleman, but only benevolence.

These layers complement each other and complement each other. Every floor is a story and a sutra. The three systems not only check and balance each other, but also complement each other.

In this way, growing to the end, the subplane tower has a total of one hundred and eight floors. However, from the outside, the height of the tower has been reduced; but the internal space has increased to an incredible level.

Of course, Fern couldn't see the external situation from the inside. All she could see was how desperately they were flying, but couldn't reach the finish line no matter what.

This kind of picture didn't last long, and the change of the subplane tower finally came to an end. When it was expanded to the 108th floor, there were only outlines, and the buildings on the tower body were all transparent and returned to their original shape.

The subplanar towers began to function again.

The energy generation method of absorbing the chaotic energy from the gap in the dimension and transforming it into the tower is still retained, but it has changed from the original one group to the current three groups. Also changed from the main energy supply mode to the secondary energy supply mode. In the layout of an equilateral triangle, it surrounds the huge and exquisite ball in the center.

And the huge exquisite ball in the center is more like a seal than an energy generating device. Although the black and white dots chasing each other form a dynamic balance, they cannot withstand external force at all, so layers of protection are needed.

Forming a dynamic balanced black and white dot system, in fact, there is no energy to be collected that spills out. Even the micro-substances sprayed out by the white spots will be absorbed by the black spots immediately.

However, such a dynamic balance system will still generate an induction force to induce the balance ring frame and the exquisite ball wrapped around the periphery. The entire device relies on the ring frame and the exquisite ball to generate a huge and terrifying energy that is several times larger than before.

However, this newly upgraded energy generating device will only maintain the operation of the subplane tower. Fern couldn't see the nearly a hundred layers of newborn patterns, most of them were dimmed, and only the minimum energy for maintenance was retained.

Fen had no idea what level the man's strength had been raised by such a change. Just when he wanted to shake someone's mouth for the third time and make him wake up and explain everything in front of him, Lin's body lying on the ground straightened up.

Taking a deep breath through his nose, his chest swelled high. The revived man bent forward, then lifted his hands up, straightened up and leaned back slightly, stretching his waist a lot. At the same time, he gave a big yawn, and chanted in the language of his hometown: "The Dao leads to the world and transforms all things, the Buddha's kindness illuminates the world to save all living beings, the Confucianism spreads the fire through the ages, and the three religions share the same lessons." (Note: Perak puppet show. , the title of the poem of Qingyangzi’s late joint practice association was changed)

After a big yawn, Lin sighed again in a lingua franca: "If you go down the path of science, you will always end up on the path of philosophy. The predecessors have never deceived me."

However, after finishing speaking, someone noticed that Fern was squinting at him with disgusting dead fish eyes.

The bright red Siling Han suit has the function of self-cleaning, and even has the function of self-ironing and starching, so the clothing is flawless. But that black hair is not the same as before, it is a wig mimicked by power.

If the real hair is neglected, there will always be some strands of uncombed hair falling aside. It's just that there is no sense of embarrassment in this kind of slovenliness, but it has a bit of indescribable feminine charm.

Looking at such a face, even if it was a look of disgust, Lin actually felt a sense of obsession and dependence.

The memory of being trapped in that world before is not missing half a point, but in a place where the physical rules are completely different, Lin has no idea how long it has passed in reality. If you use your own thinking speed and amount of thinking as a reference, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years. So being able to see the face of an acquaintance is really nostalgic.

Fern certainly doesn't feel the same way, because with the way this whole thing has unfolded, it looks like this stuff will just happen naturally without her. In other words, I wasted a few days in vain, worrying about one thing that I don't need to worry about. So now she wants to slap someone's big mouth for the fourth time.

Just before pumping someone... seems to have forgotten something.

Fern looked down, and the dragon that was paralyzed on the ground was gone!

I just wanted to turn my head to look for it. It was as if my body had been swam by a snake several times, which was very weird. But this weird behavior did not trigger his own magic protection. Fern just looked in the direction of feeling.

Lin also followed the original Lich's gaze and saw the 'Dragon of the Nether'. It looks like a totem of the old dragon, but its body is a glazed crystal body that refracts different colors with the light, making the whole dragon look like a dreamy sculpture.

But what this dragon is doing makes someone puzzled. It just took the dry pipe and pipe from Fen's body, and coiled them on Linglong Ball. Not only is he skillfully twisting shredded tobacco and squeezing it into the smoke pot, but he is now beating the fire with a flint from nowhere.

All movements are so skillful, without any jerky. The lit tobacco sent smoke along the long pipe, and was sucked into the mouth of this old void dragon. It showed a satisfied expression, and exhaled a big mouthful of white smoke beautifully.

Seeing this dragon, Lin was half excited and half uneasy, and asked, "Is the dragon of the void in front?"

The old dragon took another puff of smoke, and deliberately blew on the person who was asking the question. It said: "I am not a dragon of the void, I am also a dragon of the void."

This kind of answer, which is no different from playing charades, made Lin feel lost. Although there was a faint guess in his heart, he still asked, "What does this mean?"

"I was infinitely possible. But from the moment you captured me, you gave me definition and transformed me into your shape."

"Bi, you did it on purpose. This is ambiguous, can I call you a hooligan?" Someone said awkwardly.

The old dragon cracked a smile, didn't respond to someone, just talked about his own affairs. "So instead of asking what I am, ask yourself what you want me to be. But what I want to emphasize is that I have already been defined, so it is too late for you to change anything now. Of course, I can’t go back to the original It looks like it."

One person and one dragon just looked at each other in blank dismay. Lin tried hard to think about what he had thought before, which defined what was in front of him. And for doing so, it seems a bit sorry for it.

Perhaps aware of the trace of guilt, the Nether Dragon smiled freely and said: "Don't feel sorry for me, I quite like the identity you defined for me. The only pity is that I don't live long."

Lin frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"The following will be my last journey. When it is finished, I will die and return to the cycle of life. And after a thousand years, my new life will be born from my corpse to start a new cycle. I can send you back to your hometown, exactly. But there is only one chance, and only one person can be sent back. If you miss this time, the next time will be in a thousand years. So, have you decided?"

Are you ready?

With this question, UU Reading made Lin silent. It was supposed to be a wish in my heart, but now the opportunity to realize it is in front of me, why did I hesitate?

The Nether Dragon seemed to have read someone's mind, and said with a cracked smile: "The next train leaves in three days, so make a decision before then. You know where to find me." With a flick of his body, he got into the changes of the infinite space and left.

Lin looked at the people beside him with some guilty conscience. The former demon king regained her cold expression, which was so glamorous. As if no matter what someone decides, it has nothing to do with her.

But after getting along for so long, how could Lin not see that this was an expression of anger. I'm not afraid of her beating, I'm not afraid of her making trouble, I'm afraid of her not saying anything. It's like a martial arts competition in martial arts, only if you have a trick can you break it. If you don't move, how can you break it?

While thinking about a way to break the ice, the Xiacuti Jianwan who were left in the Landlord plane and followed Fen into the tower of the second plane finally appeared even though they were belatedly.


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