Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1474: Silk Country

Twelve years have passed since Leonardo returned. In the end, a certain magician did not leave, and the news was treated as a farce. But he also took advantage of the trend to fade out of everyone's eyes and hide behind the stage of history.

However, the 'inheritance' left by the great magician Gabrash Tripwood—repeatedly, people are not dead—is still fermenting on the Lost Continent. Although many things have developed to the point where people have long forgotten who the original initiator was, everyone only pays attention to the matter itself.

But there are exceptions to this situation. For example, this summer, in the Haider Empire, which crosses the equator line on the Midi Continent, as one of the vassal states, the most important institution in the Silk Country—Mulberry Garden.

For a long time, silk products were the exclusive industry of the country of silk. Even though mulberry trees raised silkworms, it was known a long time ago. But the most important silkworm eggs have not flowed out, and with the Haider Empire as the backing, other places have to weigh if they want to steal this technology, whether it is worth offending an empire for this.

If it was placed in an ancient time that traveled through many hometowns, other big and small countries would steal it if they stole it. The country of origin may not necessarily know about this kind of thing in the first place, and when the matter can't be covered up, it will be too big to deal with.

But in Midi, even before the forum, the circulation of information was also not so convenient. But there are mainland-level multinational organizations such as the Adventurer's Guild, the Mercenary Guild, and the Magician's Association. The blockage of information is not as serious as when someone's hometown was in ancient times.

More importantly, Midi is a world full of personal power.

In the ancient times of someone's hometown, if one wanted to travel long distances to a distant country to cause trouble, either a large army would be dispatched, and none of the ten returnees would return home, or a big country would be dragged to death by military expenses.

But in Midi, it only needs to send out a few strong men to easily destroy the fixed facilities like the silkworm farm. In contrast, it is more difficult to assassinate a specific target.

This kind of craftsmanship has no commercial value if it is not scaled; once it becomes a scale, it is a very eye-catching target. In the face of the special operations of the strong assault, there is almost no resistance.

Over time, other countries and nobles no longer considered the issue of self-produced silk. After all, no one can accept spending a large amount of investment, and it will be wiped out before it is recovered.

Even if it can be rebuilt, it is necessary to consider whether the cost of continuous reconstruction is worth investing. Compared with rebuilding, the cost of destruction is too low.

And this is different from the poison that traveled through many hometowns. Although no one is in the business of losing money, and some people are in the business of beheading, the most important thing about drugs is that they are addictive. Once you get involved, you will consume them until you die. This can be regarded as a profitable long-term business.

Although silk can be regarded as a huge profit industry, it is just a luxury. It is neither addictive nor has many alternatives. So when it comes to reality, no one really wants to keep rebuilding the silk industry that is doomed to be destroyed.

The arrogance and violence of the Haider Empire is the biggest reliance on the kingdom of silk that can seem detached from things. Of course, behind the scenes, the protection fee that should be paid will not be small. Otherwise, with the dignity of an empire, why should it protect the vassal states below? Why not just annex it directly.

However, the monopoly situation that has been maintained for a long time has been broken. in an unexpected way.

In the territory of the Gwana Empire, a magic silk appeared in the holy city of Estali. This is the direction that the country of silk has been trying, but has been unable to make a breakthrough.

Although the production of magic silk is not much, the clothes produced are also quite special, similar to the traditional costumes of a certain ethnic group in the country of silk. But these sets of clothes are extremely powerful magic equipment, and can even be used directly as armor to protect the body from swords.

Even if the production of clothes made of magic silk is not large, the effect is too powerful. Those who are lucky enough to use it all show it off to the outside world, and then people chase after it, and things are so hot.

If the producer is an ordinary person, or a skilled craftsman, then all kinds of overt and covert methods are used. If you don't enlist people, at least you have to get a few works from the other party. No matter how small the output is, there are ways to think about it.

But the reality is, there is a former demon king in charge, and most people dare not make mistakes.

Another key magician, strong enough to fight against the three Lords of Light alone, shovel out the territory of a grand duke of an empire. People who want to engage in some conspiracies and tricks really have to weigh whether their weight is enough for people to touch their little fingers.

Of course, it is impossible for a silk monopoly such as the Kingdom of Silk and the Haider Empire to remain silent about someone's actions. In the game of surprise attack by the strong, they actually came several times, and then they all went and never returned, and the other party ended with no loss...

This is why people from the country of silk came to visit later, hoping to use the pressure on the national level to force the magician to succumb.

The members of the Holy Sword Society in their ranks, and afterward, were a series of accidents. The strong men who were secretly dispatched in the front all died to make people feel distressed. Who would want to turn against that magician?

In the end, the result was still a failure, although it was infuriating at the time. But after events in the south of the Karlsruhe empire, those angers turned into flukes.

Fortunately, the magician didn't get mad, otherwise the country of silk would definitely be gone, and the Hyder Empire wouldn't feel much better. Even if you don't care about the country behind you, you must bear the brunt of it.

This is the idea of ​​those who have stood up and tried to put pressure on them. They were on the front line.

However, this does not mean that the Kingdom of Silk and the Hyder Empire will settle down in peace, and it is even more impossible to just give up the benefits that magic silk can bring. Apart from continuing the clueless research, the easiest way is to find someone next to the magician.

Threats and lures are the two eternal weapons. But you still have to be careful and insinuating, so as not to wake up the two fierce beasts and bring yourself a catastrophe. This delicate operation, the intelligence personnel of the Haider Empire can be regarded as handy.

After uninterrupted efforts, the people of the Haider Empire finally found a breakthrough, and obtained the design of a complete set of silk reeling machines and jacquard machines, as well as the ratio of the use of silk threads of various magic moths.

It's a pity that with the magic combination attached to the silk, they only got two or three sets of templates for outsiders to use.

Not to mention the design of the basalt robe and the four-spirit suit, which are comparable to artifacts, even the clothing design used by the people around the magician, the Hyder Empire failed to succeed.

And even if it is a basic foreign trade design, at this stage, they still do not have the ability to change the design.

Someone never thought about popularization at the beginning, so he never thought about making the operating system foolish. Many design changes require directly changing the underlying code instead of simply using the menu to select everything.

Therefore, in order to understand the production process of the whole set of magic silk, the P language that a certain magician once made public is an insurmountable hurdle.

The programming language on the magic side has actually received much attention in the past twelve years, and even cultivated a group of talents. Forum plug-ins and other gadgets are the results of these people.

But how can something that someone uses for himself be the same thing as something that is published. I don't know how many versions of the p language have been changed internally, but the most original version has always been made public.

Therefore, the secret factory established in the mulberry garden of the country of silk can only produce two or three types of magic silk at this stage. The Weaving Girls of the Silk Kingdom can at most make a difference in height, shortness, fatness and thinness in tailoring, but they cannot change the type of magic added.

Compared with making the silk reeling machine and jacquard machine that no one can understand the principle of, another equally troublesome thing is the cultivation of silkworm eggs.

The silkworm eggs that can be used to make silk threads are specific, and this silkworm egg is not a native species of Midi, but was brought over by the predecessors of the silk country. I thought that as long as the silkworm eggs are well controlled, it is impossible for the silk making technology to leak out.

However, someone used the most unfavorable method of scientific experiments—the exhaustive method, trying to find moth species suitable for making silk from the original moth species in Midi. And not only looking for it from ordinary moth species, but also focusing on the magic moth.

In addition, Lin incorporated the idea of ​​material science into the production of silk thread. A record of the characteristics of the silk thread produced under different moth species ratios was left. This is an idea that the Weaver Girls in the Land of Silk have never thought about before.

For a long time, the silk of the country of silk has not remained unchanged. But they focused on the post-processing techniques such as weaving and embroidery, as well as the improvement of silk reeling and looms. As for the silkworm eggs, they are respected like gods, and they are carefully cared for.

That's why a certain person was rebellious and used the cocoons of other moth species to extract silk thread, but it made many old people in the silk country want to kill people. It's a pity that I can't beat it. So everyone is only at the stage of talking.

Now I have someone's silk reeling and jacquard machine design, as well as the formula for moth silk thread. Looking at these things, would anyone be content to find any other moth species, or would they think they could get the same effect with just silk moths?

In the stage of imitation, of course, every aspect must be exactly the same to be regarded as imitation. The main purpose is to confirm whether the relevant craftsmanship is in place from the degree of completion between the imitation product and the original product. UU reading

Unless there is a gap in technology, and it is difficult to improve and catch up. Otherwise, the kind of people who confidently say that they want to improve, and claim that the blue is better than the blue, are either brain-dead or liars.

Although the people of Silk Country are a bit rigid, they at least know how to do things in a down-to-earth manner. Therefore, the craftsmen in the country, while building the outrageously fine jacquard machine, they also tried their best to collect specific moth species from various places and cultivate them.

Those ordinary moths are okay, and it’s not a big problem to raise them as silkworm moths.

But those magic moths are not so simple. Demonic insects with power are a big trouble for adventurers.

Whenever encountered in the wild, the best way is to solve it with a fire. But to capture him alive, there should not be too much damage, and the difficulty is not only increased several times.

After capturing these moth species, how to raise them is another big problem. In the materials at hand, there is no such part of parenting experience. Because the person who did it didn't think about this problem.

Fortunately, most of the creatures prefixed with the word 'devil' are meat-eating, and people in the country of silk still have this common sense.

After solving the two major problems, another trial weaving was carried out and succeeded, and then there was a celebratory dinner.

However, the murder of the three heroic brothers, as well as the pamphlets that were left behind, all kinds of contradictions, made the joyful mood of the Kingdom of Silk weakened a lot. This website:

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