Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1520: city ​​in the abyss

Teleporting a city in one breath sounds unbelievable, and Lin Zai Midi's various records have never seen precedents. But, it's magic!

Because technically, this thing is feasible. It's just that the price to be paid is so huge that it doesn't make sense for general urban relocation.

As long as you spend a little time, even if you rebuild a city from scratch, the manpower and material resources required are probably lower than directly teleporting a city. The scale and cost of teleportation magic is not exponential growth, but exponential growth.

But considering that this is a cross-plane war, the abyss side has a rare chance to preemptively strike. And the start was even more incredible, laying down a large area of ​​territory in one go. He also sacrificed many human beings, allowing the three abyssal lords to descend.

This is an unprecedented advantage for the abyss side.

In order to expand the advantage in one breath, it is better to move the complete thing directly from the abyss than slowly rebuilding a war system on the Midi side.

Don't look at the demons who seem to advocate the carnal school. They don't use weapons or equipment, and they pay attention to the brutal pleasure of **** to the flesh. In fact, the devil does not use junk equipment. After all, if the external tools are not as good as the quality of your own body, then it is really better not to use them.

But the bonus that tools can bring cannot be underestimated. As long as there are enough powerful props, and can match the innate characteristics of the devil itself, then it can exert the effect of one plus one greater than two.

With such benefits, why insist on bare hands.

Therefore, there are also special craftsmen inside the devil. Some are part-time jobs for interest, and more are oppressed by superior demons. But don't think that the abyss implements slavery, but this is a very common phenomenon in the abyss where 'strength=order'.

However, for ordinary demons or demon leaders, let alone supporting a few craftsmen, most of the resources they can get are worthless waste after painstaking polishing. So just hold the rough stone and use it as a weapon, or simply discard the rubbish.

These demons are also the easiest to be summoned to the Lost Land because of some small sacrifices. That's why most people's impression of demons comes from these poor trash demons.

But it is known that there are three abyss lords and one abyss evil **** who have entered the game. How come these few don't have the kind of prop resources that can be made into a large bonus. Since there are resources, it would be a waste not to make them.

Especially the demon army of the lawful evil camp in the latter, besides relying on the teamwork that doesn't look like chaotic demons for most of its strength, it also relies on the addition of equipment to bring them doubled destructive power.

At least in Midi, those weapons and props that flow into Midi from the abyss and prefixed with 'magic', although they are evaluated as evil by the world. But to be honest, there are many people who love to use it.

These people are not necessarily bad people in the real sense. At best, they are a little abnormal because of the breath of the abyss, so their behavior is a bit perverse. If they offend a noble lord somewhere, they must end up being wanted.

This is also the reason why people who use magical weapons and props do not have a good reputation.

In short, although I don't know much background. But in Lin's evaluation, the devil directly moved a city. Although the cost was huge, the benefits were quite obvious.

Moreover, the land of Midi is infected by the breath of the abyss, and it will take a considerable amount of time to transform into the abyss. How easy it would be if we could just move a piece of land to replace it.

In the land of the abyss, the birth of demons is something that happens all the time. The born low-level demons will compete and devour each other to gain more power; slightly stronger demon types will also hunt a large number of little devils of this birth level, and also prepare for their own promotion.

It can be said that every piece of abyssal land represents a complete ecosystem of the abyss type. If you want to completely abyssize the land of confusion, this is a wonderful move to allow the abyss to move steadily forward in the land of confusion.

Even if the layout is not enlarged so much, the benefits of moving to a city are too numerous to carry. So don't worry that the demons don't support such a big move. Anyway, for the resources spent, just grab them back from Midi!

Of course, the above is just someone's guess about the possible mentality of the demon. The actual situation can only be confirmed by going to the other side of the teleportation array.

Although the teleportation magic used here is somewhat different from the mainstream teleportation magic circle in Lost Land, some basic conditions are still the same.

That is to say, in addition to a magic circle on the receiving end, there must also be a magic circle on the sending end. Even though this teleportation magic circle will not be reusable like other places, it will only work once, but there are still many things that should be there.

And on the side of Midi, it must be the magic circle on the receiving end. Then it is not a big problem for Lin to find the position of the sending end from the pattern.

The principle of the flash technique is much more complicated than the traditional teleportation magic, and it is more direct to the source. So for someone who is proficient in the flashing technique, the traditional teleportation magic of the land and the abyss is like a primary school essay. Even if it is not easy to understand at a glance, it is not difficult.

So to get back to the source, Lin stood next to a magic circle near the gate of the abyss, and after observing for a while, he calculated the answer. Another flash, his people have come to the abyss world.

I thought that there were enough accidents today, but Lin didn't expect that the scene he saw now was the one that surprised him the most.

For a long time, someone's impression of the abyss is that it is dusty and foggy everywhere, lava has replaced the river, and the smell of sulfur is everywhere, the difference is only in the intensity.

Everywhere is bare, not a single tree in sight. And the residences of the demons are at the level of savages, the better ones live in caves, the worse ones just sleep on the ground.

Perhaps those who have status among demons live in better places. But it's also like haunted castles, run-down manors, post-war ruins.

However, in the scene I saw in front of me, although the background sky was still dead black, the ground was like walking into a future world of unknown civilization. The metal buildings have neat lines. If it weren't for the strange and weird shapes, someone would really think that he had entered some advanced civilization.

But in the eyes of someone, the scene in front of me, which seems to be a fusion of multiple styles, has become a certain degree of dissimilarity.

There is no hard-core, straight-forward feeling like mechanical civilization. There is no civilization with a prosperous culture that will bring art and comfort to people. Of course, it doesn't look like the wasteland style, or the decadent style of the end of civilization. Not to mention any kind of relic style that someone has ever discovered in Lost Land.

The most surprising thing is the demon walking in it, without any sense of abruptness or alienation. All of them were dressed with straight noses, and they had a gentle temperament, as if they were different species from the demonic brazens who were bare-chested and howling in other places.

Considering the era of the dwarven empire once ruled by the silver bearded dwarves, the technology route and the magic route were paralleled at that time. Although the supporters of the technological route retreated afterwards, and the silver-bearded dwarves withdrew from the main stage, fleeing to live in seclusion elsewhere, it is a fact that technology exists in the Lost Land for a short time.

Since Midi once had a technological age, the Abyss, which has an unclear relationship with Midi, could not have always been like this kind of muscle ruling everything since the beginning of the world.

And demons are not mentally handicapped. After such a long period of time, pigs can push themselves to the sky, so the devil will not be able to develop any culture and establish a creation that belongs to its own civilization style?

It seems that it is not that there is no, but that there is no chance to meet it before. Hehe~

Walking here is not like being in an abyss, nor like being in a lost city. Lin accidentally discovered that the life here is not replaced by machines for most of the functions, but so convenient as if the people living in it are handicapped.

But it's not all sub-primitive, giving people a feeling of sitting on countless treasures but not knowing how to use them. Convenience is not the most important part of life here; in fact, demons are not like humans, who have so many physical and psychological needs.

Demons live in such a city and have a completely different appearance from other chaotic places. It's like there are rules and regulations in every aspect, and if you want to live in them, you have to follow them meticulously.

This allows the demons living in such a city to have a rather wonderful pace and style.

Don't look at these devil men, they walk gracefully and have temperament. If two demons meet, it's like comparing whose voice is louder or whose breath is smellier.

There is also that imposing manner that cannot be compared, directly punching the opponent to the ground. It's more of the kind of people who can't be scolded, can't win a fight, and are killed by demons.

In short, although the environment is very advanced, it can't even compare with my hometown. But when it comes to the quality of the people, it can only be said that the devil is worthy of being a devil, and the people in his hometown are no match.

The basic operation of emptying the magazine is still up to the person to order. In this city, the feeling of being extremely depressed and about to erupt at any time would drive the people living here crazy.

...or in other words, the demons living here are inherently crazy.

’Outsiders, after watching for so long, do you see something? '

Suddenly a voice sounded in his mind, and Lin was taken aback.

Expose yourself?

At this moment Lin used the flashing technique to transform himself to the roof of the building beside him, which was a commanding height where he could see where he was originally standing on the street.

First of all, I confirmed that the white tiger robe on my body was functioning normally, and the concealment function was complete. Then I confirmed that on the periphery of my original position, no demon actually found me, let alone talk to me.

So where does the voice in your head come from?

’Outsiders, why run away? Or do you think that with the distance of a few steps, others will not be able to see you? '

Sound again! But this time Lin saw the speaker at a glance. It was...a beholder with a cigarette in its mouth, and except for the tentacles that support the body, the other tentacles are rolling a lit cigarette. It is staring at someone with wide eyes.

…It means that the appearance of a creature like a beholder has no other organs except for its big eyeballs. You don't need to stare deliberately, it's scary enough.

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