Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1586: The Secret of Power Nuclear


The energy pools and connection methods in the magic towers on the floating island are clear from Lin's observation.

But the most core part, that is, the location of Miser's energy core, because there are too many powers gathered here, under the same investigation mode, Lin can only see a bunch of dazzling light, and can't see the details at all.

If you are sneaking in and you can't get too close, in order to see the details of the Miser nuclear location, you need to adjust the observation mode a few times. Even mix them until they are recognizable.

Otherwise, you have to sneak further to the side of the energy core and observe it closely. But the risk of doing so is undoubtedly multiplied.

Since the real master is in front of him, and he is also interested in the same subject, there is no need for those sneaky behaviors.

As for the magicians in ancient times, did they have the generosity to share knowledge; and would Ada kick himself away after listening to his own ideas, and closed the door to study by himself. In this regard, Lin is not worried at all.

First of all, having an idea is completely different from having a preliminary plan or having a complete plan. Lin just said so much, in fact, it is only in the first stage.

There are indeed some things, the flash of inspiration is the most important, and everything after that is a matter of course. But not everything is easy to know and easy to do. There are also situations where knowing is easy and doing is difficult.

However, Lin really doesn't know whether the floating island of Ada, which originated from the ancient magic inheritance, and after thousands of years of development, is still the same as Midi. number stages.

Perhaps they are advanced enough to quickly sort out a set of practical methods from the ideas just mentioned. You don't have to participate at all, and of course you can kick yourself away without any burden.

Fortunately, the following performance, Ada's response is not the worst situation. After she rubbed the things that Lin drew in the air with the whiteboard pen technique in the memory bank, she said calmly: "Master Tripwood, please go directly to the Miser Energy Core. I think you already know the location Where are you."

"Uh, isn't there a guard or access control at such an important place?" Lin asked in surprise.

According to a reasonable development, shouldn't someone be sent to lead the way, with green lights all the way, to lead himself to the restricted area in the eyes of outsiders? What's the deal with letting yourself go directly?

Ada showed a meaningful smile and said, "This trivial matter is not a problem for you. A magician who can use the flashing technique. There are many rumors about you on the forum." After speaking, Ada Da disappeared.

It's not that the guardian of the floating island can also flash, she just canceled the projection avatar.

However, I also learned from her words that the 'forum', a new thing in the past twenty years, has also entered the eyes of the heavenly beings on this floating island with a long heritage. I don't know if they knew it when they were still hiding, or they only knew it after they appeared recently.

Moreover, Lin Ke did not use his privilege to delete the information about himself. Although it can be done, but I really did it, just like telling others that I can do this kind of thing. So it is not too surprising that people who are using the forum know information about themselves.

But since the other party had already left first, Lin could only follow obediently. Otherwise, when the group of people in the sky landed again without Ada's control, I'm afraid they would have a higher chance of killing them again instead of talking calmly.

In the blink of an eye, Lin had used the flash technique to shift his position to the place where the Mithr energy core was placed.

The complete version of Mither's energy core is quite different from what I saw in the iron city of the silver-bearded dwarves.

In the silver-bearded dwarves' territory, the Mither energy core that Lin saw was actually an open device. There are several obelisk-like devices, restraining two intertwined, irregularly shaped and constantly changing energy clusters so that they will not dissociate. Instead, an internal circulation is generated to collect the overflowing energy.

However, under the control of the guardian Rubita, it emits a large amount of radiation harmful to the human body. It can be said that it is a Mither energy core that is no different from being out of control.

The layout of the complete and controlled Misser energy core in front of me is quite different from the appearance in Lin's memory. At least it is a device with a regular shape, not the one used by the silver-bearded dwarves, the energy group is like an amoeba.

The Miser energy nuclear device used by the floating island also has an obelisk structure device for extracting energy. But the layout is not as casual as the Iron City, but a cross-shaped layout of front, back, left, right, up and down.

In the center is a polyhedral aqua blue crystal. Just seeing this crystal, Lin felt that the mathematical attainments on the floating island should be high enough to make such a thing.

But if you take a closer look, maybe this appearance is not deliberately made. Because of this water-blue crystal, there are six endpoints facing the front, back, left, right, up, and down, and the tip parts of the six obelisk construction devices.

That is to say, this regular polyhedron-shaped crystal is likely to be a 'balanced' state naturally formed after the energy group has been extracted for a long time. Except for the part that continues the obelisk's tip like a filament, no excess energy escapes from it, and certainly no harmful radiation is emitted.

And the devices constructed by these six obelisks are not all used for energy extraction. There are always two opposing obelisks, which are extracted as output, and the power transmitted from the energy pool of the magic tower is poured into the crystal in turn.

The six obelisks constantly switch their input and output roles according to a certain frequency, maintaining the distribution of four extractions and two infusions. Moreover, the two obelisks that instill power must be opposite.

It is not difficult to analyze the crystal composition and composition in the center, which is actually similar to the energy pool of the magic tower. But the core is an unimaginably large purple magic stone, just like the thing in Tiecheng back then.

And this is different from the strange objects used in the energy pool. The purple stone can't be used as the core of the energy pool used by the standard magic tower.

However, the security of the two is also very different. The energy pool of the magic tower is dangerous enough to explode at any time without surprise; the power output of the purple stone is very stable and will not pose any danger.

Compared with a certain magician whose vision had improved when he was in Iron City, it can be seen this time. Neither the central energy group nor the polyhedral crystal is the focus of this Miser energy core.

The real focus should be the six obelisk-like devices.

These six square pointed things are not formed in one piece, they look like they are carved. Instead, it has a complex mechanical structure, and it is a precision device that makes it impossible to see the reason at a glance.

From the natural spectrum emitted by different parts of the object itself, roughly judge its material. All kinds of precious magic materials are not a problem, and Lin even saw some materials that he had never seen before.

If these unseen parts are really regarded as lost materials that have been mined out of Midi, then this ancient magic empire will be underestimated. There are slight discrepancies and inconsistent spectral data, indicating that this is most likely an 'alloy'. I'm lost in the type of metal I've never seen before.

However, there are many magical materials in Midi, which are actually natural alloys. Therefore, Lin dare not say whether the alloy spectrum found here is natural or man-made.

But the part that opened Lin's eyes the most was its mechanical structure.

In the past, Lin's understanding of magic, except for the spell model, the rest of the cognition of enchantment, magic circle, magic props, etc., were all attached to the magic circle pattern to obtain the corresponding effect.

Simply put, it's like a printed circuit board from back home. The components such as capacitors and resistors are on the side of Midi, and there are corresponding magic patterns to replace them. But the basic gameplay is still based on planes.

I once thought of designing a volumetric pattern so that it can match the shape of a certain magic pattern in a three-dimensional space and from different angles, thereby producing an effect. That is to say, a cube's cumulative pattern can produce six kinds of magical effects—six faces.

However, this idea is still based on the flat magic pattern. But to just make up such an effect, there must be certain rules or forms. Not everything can be combined casually, and multiple magic effects can be combined into a pattern. So the actual results are not much.

However, in the Miser nuclear device on the floating island, the obelisk device is made up of many parts of varying degrees of precision. It can be said that each part, like an energy channel for power transmission, represents a magic pattern.

All channels, that is, all parts are not straight. Instead, it bends and intersects like a magic circle pattern, and finally forms a magic circle...

In this case, it is not appropriate to use the term 'magic circle' to describe it. It's like presenting a three-dimensional spell model directly in real objects.

That is to say, in reality, the composition of different magic materials does not actually exist, but only a spell model that represents a certain power exchange and circulation method.

In fact, this is a blind spot in someone's understanding of magic. The framework for truly using power—or magical power—to produce magical effects is a multi-dimensional spell model. UU Reading And the so-called magic circle is actually a product of 'translation'.

As long as it is converted, the effect before conversion and after conversion is bound to be different. Whether the gap is big or not, it depends on how good the 'translator' is. Therefore, most of the time, magic and magic array will be regarded as two systems of knowledge, and there is no way to do it all.

Because it has always been done this way, Lin never thought about directly constructing the spell model in the real world.

And there is not only one set of spell models within a certain range, but multiple sets that use the gaps between each other to overlap and overlap. This makes it difficult to understand. No wonder someone couldn't understand what these obelisk-like devices were doing at the first time.

And doing so is not all the result of one plus one equals two. If the spell models interfere with each other, it is very likely that a new magic effect will be born in this way, and the two models will form one.

Of course, such a result is not necessarily unfavorable. But if mutual interference can be avoided, avoid it as much as possible.

To do this, the properties of the spell start with and then take into account the overlapping angles of the respective vectors. In short, to calculate, the complexity is more than several times more difficult than the previous flat magic pattern. There are dozens of times, hundreds of times.

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