Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1705: Devil's Conspiracy

If Azad wants to become a prince of the abyss in the abyss, of course he has close allies among the demon group. These demons were also guided by Azad and had more goodwill toward Yi Shi next to the Twin Towers of the Gate.

At least the intention of these demons is to use a platform like Yishi to obtain their own interests, rather than choosing to throw the blame.

And they did. Although not all of them reported to the Yi Market, there were so many abyss souvenirs that it was obvious that not a few demon lords could raise them all.

Of course, there are also demons who are disgusted with the prosperity of Yishi and are dissatisfied with the twin towers of the gate being nailed in front of the gate of the abyss, and there are many of them. This type of demon is the main force trying to attack the Magic Tower, the group organized by Azad.

It seemed particularly strange for a good friend to be among a group of war elements. But Azad was actually accepted by the demons! This seemingly unbelievable thing actually happened.

Azad's argument was that although he recognized the status of the Twin Towers of the Gate, they should be in the hands of the Abyss Demon, not a lost human being. So while he gained benefits from Yi Shi, he also joined the ranks of the demon army.

Such an argument sounds reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it, but the demons know the truth very well. Even so, they still accepted Azad. Regardless of whether this half-demon pursuing the status of the Prince of the Abyss has other purposes behind it.

It's hard to say who doesn't have some Xiao Jiujiu in his heart and who will take advantage of him. There is no evidence and just speculation is not the way of these devils who think they are bosses.

With everyone having their own agenda, the actions of the demon army cannot be decided by just one or two demons. All the demons taking the lead must agree.

However, judging from the current situation of the demon army, the demons who can be regarded as leaders are all at the level of kings. Ordinary demon lords are not qualified to participate in decision-making.

The only exception is Azad, who has king-level combat power but can only be regarded as a half-demon. Although he serves as the facilitator for uniting this large army, he only has the power to suggest actions and has no command authority.

So even though Azad had a good way to deal with the magic tower and he said it, most of the demons present held objections.

Azad did not express dissatisfaction with this. He will not pursue everything as he wishes, let alone pursue the so-called best interests. As long as he can sit on the same negotiating table as these demons, he will win.

The demons will object to Azad's opinions, but not as long as he puts forward his opinions. But Azad's idea of ​​waiting for change conflicts with their core interests.

First of all, demons who choose to use violence to solve problems are inherently impatient. Is it possible for an impatient person to wait? Not to mention what happens to impatient demons.

Secondly, those demons who want to go back and fight for territory are ready to move. Some demon territories are not connected to those without owners, but they can take advantage of the demons who have intentions to attack the ownerless places and cut some flesh from their backs.

Third, and most importantly, they don't want to be within the attack range of the magic tower. Even if there are a hundred reasons why the tower master cannot take the initiative; but it is undeniable that if he stays still, the initiative lies in the hands of the tower master.

Taking the initiative is also the persistence and pursuit of this group of demons who are accustomed to using violence to solve problems. It's as if they lose to those who take the lead as long as they fall behind.

Therefore, instead of dividing demons into two categories: fighting and outsmarting, it is better to divide them into two types: those that strike first and those that remain unchanged in response to changes.

After finding out that the tower owner would not allow the demons to go further and safely enter the magic tower, giving the demons a chance to get rid of the threat of the magic tower and attack the magician directly, the demons decided to attack.

A group of demons gathered just to confirm this matter.

But there are demons who are not content with attacking as quickly as possible. It stared with big, dirty, yellow eyes, and a stench that even a demon accustomed to the smell of sulfur was unbearable emanated from the corners of its mouth. A certain Lord of the Abyss said in a hoarse voice:

"Azad, although there are many people here who have been recruited by you. But in order to prove that you have the consciousness to attack the magic tower, you will be the vanguard tomorrow and be the first to enter the magic tower. Hahahaha, I will not forget it. , you and that tower owner can be considered friends."

Things that all the demons knew well were now revealed. All the demons present looked at the only half-human, wondering what his choice would be.

Drinking the fine wine traded from the Lost World, Azad said with a coquettishly tipsy expression, "Okay, no problem. When will the fight start?"

The person in front of him readily agreed, but the Lord of the Abyss who asked was slightly at a loss. It chuckled a few more times and asked, "You won't betray us, human."

Azad simply raised a hand and said, "I swear on the soul of my father and myself that I will never betray you."

…It’s true that demons abide by the contract, but it doesn’t mean they won’t default on it. And many times, in the contract between demons and humans, the party who tries every means to default is still humans.

Just say that you rely on your strength to default on your debts, what’s wrong with that!

So Azad swore very seriously, and actually made the demons believe that if this person really went to play forward, he would definitely sell them all with his backhand the moment he walked into the magic tower, and he would never be sloppy.

Repeatedly jumping horizontally is no longer a demon's skill, it's a natural instinct that doesn't require extra points.

The mere presence of this madman in front of them proves that this man jumped up and even turned against himself. So when he has another chance to jump backwards, is there any guarantee that this guy won't jump again?

The soul of the Emperor of the Gwana Empire? And add his own? Even if he personally said that he would sacrifice the entire Gwana Empire, no demon would believe it.

Just like no demon would seriously make a deal or make a contract with him. As far as relying on his strength to default on his debts, this person is already famous in the abyss.

So the Abyss Lord, who had been squeezing Azad with his words at first, now looked even more embarrassed with his ugly face. If you really let him go, you don't even have to bet on whether this half-human being will betray you. He will 'definitely' betray you! Betting that he won't betray is like betting that you won't die if you stab him in the heart with a knife.

After noticing Azad's potential threat, several demons who were not very friendly to him moved their positions without hesitation and exposed their fangs. As long as a demon ascends and shouts, they will attack with all their strength to kill this half-human being.

Azad was unfazed by such obvious malice. He just raised his hand with an interested expression on his face, pointed at the demons who were about to take action, counted them, and said: "Oh, do you want to cause trouble? You have to make sure you can take me down." , otherwise I will fight back.”

"Give up, Salka. Cherish the life you have just resurrected. If you make a fuss now, you will just remind the magician." A big beholder that is larger than the average beholder and has more tentacles is very vivid. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth and talking at the same time.

Salka, one of the Abyss Lords who invaded Mystery more than a year ago and committed suicide.

Logically speaking, it should be hiding when it is still in its weak stage to avoid enemies coming to the door and adding insult to injury. But it still responded to the call and appeared in the group preparing to attack the magic tower, which shows how deep the hatred is.

The one who spoke to stop the conflict was the evil **** of the abyss, Melkor the Great-Eyed Demon. Demons don't have anything to say to avoid suspicion. If they say anything, it's their personality. If they don't speak, they are playing tricks on them. There are no exceptions.

Melkor would hang out with this group of demons who were preparing to attack the Magic Tower, for no other reason than because these big guys were meeting on its territory.

It is said that the building with the highest grade and the most luxurious decoration in Yi City is the one under the roof of the Big Eyed Demon. So when demons of the same level appear, they will certainly not choose more mediocre locations to gather.

Although there is no aristocratic class in the Abyss, it does not mean that these big guys do not know how to learn and enjoy.

As for why the two sides colluded together, it was because the Big Beholder was a neutral faction in the upcoming war.

It is different from the concept of "neutral faction" in human society, which means that two people do not want to help each other. The neutrals in the abyss are willing to help anyone who comes. But it is impossible to coerce them and ask these neutrals to do more.

For example, Melkor, who is responsible for entertaining a bunch of Abyss Lords and Abyss Evil Gods, does not need to inform anyone, but it will not participate in the subsequent battle. Unless the Abyss side has already won, it will shyly say that it stands with everyone.

This kind of thing is considered normal in the abyss, so no demon finds it the contrary, it is the kind of demon with a firm stand, which is a rare breed in the abyss, and it is the kind that does not live long.

Although Melkor interrupted, as if he was taunting the demon who provoked Azad, it was still a step down. So other demons also came forward to smooth things over and said, "Yes, since we have decided to start the war tomorrow, there is no need to make a fuss now and remind the magician. Azad can just act with us. There is no need to go to the end alone." The front was sacrificed.”

Azad, who was named, took it easy and shrugged with an indifferent attitude.

But other Abyss Lords seemed dissatisfied and whispered: "Hmph, stay in the safest place. Do you still want to regard this victory as your own merit and let everyone recognize your status as the Prince of the Abyss?"

Azad, who was repeatedly named, seemed to be angry. His face was both angry and smiling, looking very evil. He said: "You guys say everything, you are really difficult to serve. After all, you are all overlords who dominate one area. Why do you make me think that you are just street tyrants occupying a street, with such a small nose and small eyes? Cheer up." Just a little, okay. Don’t make me think that if you get mixed up with the Prince of the Abyss, you are the one underneath, so it’s not worth it.”

It seems that the conflict is about to break out, but in fact, no Abyss Lord or Abyss Evil God is ready to take action.

Although the superficial attitude is to let other demons take action first so that they can take advantage. But in fact, all the demons know that if a conflict breaks out now, the ones who will take advantage will probably be the tower master, and the lunatic in front of him who claims to become the prince of the abyss, but does not consider integrating the demons, but instead deceives everyone even more.

So the demons are holding back. There is always a time when they break out.

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